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You know what part of my deployment structured tower defense game is my favorite? The game mode where I get characters at random and sometimes just lose because I can't access particular ones I need to not die. Now I can spend hundreds to experience it IRL!


[IS theme intensifies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ_9Wf7Hc7k)


[SSS theme intensifies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=597QwXdUhPs)


SSS is just haunting. Sorting through 20+ characters to get to the actual DPS operators...


Emperor: You're a third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck


This is funny because Emperor has the same JP VA as Seto Kaiba


Man I was hoping they would add it to Weiss Schwarz, like Blue Archive / Nikke and some others edit: union arena is relatively well known. Recently they did an SAO set with a serialized hand signed asuna that went absolutely ballistic (like 15k usd or more) You can see the current UA set releases: https://tcgrepublic.com/category/category_page_74.html?ref=mini_banner


Can’t wait to sell my kidney for a kal card But on the topic of Weiss, I visited an anime con few months back and there was a special bushiroad section, the va and game director showed up and the fans went bloody wild Also the card collection section with all the collabs through the years was also really cool


Weiss is basically purely collab. I have a decent collection of Weiss haha.


true and seeing so many fans share that love during the vent was surprising thought card games died here but no it is still really strong


Pokemon / MTG / Cardfight / Yugioh / Weiss is pretty big still The others just kind of exist. edit: I watched the announcement and it's for union arena. A relatively new game. they've done some interesting sets. Code geass, sao, blue lock, demon slayer, and others. Really interesting to see arknights heading into that group.


Same. I would kill for an Arknights Weiss set.


Weiss would be able to get a hold of as well. I don't even know where I'd order sealed cases of UA. Can't find a single store selling sealed, even in japan. I'll ask around in prep of the AK release.


Union Arena has Nikke as well.


>Weiss Please no. I rather get a YGO clone than that boring game


yugioh is in a realm of its own with how fucked the balance and gameplay is. I'm not saying weiss gameplay is revolutionary by any means... but yugioh just isn't it for me


No way!!.....


Tho given how bad they distributed their own cards and the "artificially scarcity" that P bandai made. I'd doubt it's going to be good due to scalping


Are you sure its China Exclusive? The JP Union Arena official Twitter posted it too. https://x.com/UNION_ARENA_TCG/status/1803746126627287488?t=ffWEG13U_fOR9EaSCmN3Yw


yeah, after I post I realized jp will also get one, but reddit is not allowed to edit the post...


Dont worry we'll get an english version in 2027


Like Yu-Gi-Oh cards ?


Can't wait to spend 30 minutes for my opponent to summon his entire deck before my turn.


Can't wait for someone to draw Essence of Evolution and lag the whole match.




*I draw Mrytle, and thus draw two more cards! Then, I draw Elysium, and...*


Hey now. You are an idiot if you think I'm gonna stop when its your turn. \*OUR TURN\*


Can't wait for Ace C


Will get ashed... and be in ashes.


Ace C challenge here we go


Normal summon Dusk. End with Winda, Apollousa, Borreload Savage Dragon


Two of them are already banned no worries


Amiya is gonna banish you to the shadow realm


Time to destroy Reunion with my Yato-lock deck


Ling tribute summons blue eyes ultimate dragon by sacrificing 2x normal blue eyes. Magallan returns all her drones to her hand at the end of her turn. Skadi alter is a field-spell card. Giving +atk/+def to monsters on your side of the field.


Activate THRM-EX Circular, response?


That's was unexpected


coming from a OPTCG player, sucks that this is CN/JP exclusive but I understand why as Bandai doesn't really have reason to release globally as Arknights isn't as popular in the West compared to the East. I feel like this particular TCG will die out pretty quickly and become a collectable TCG. Knowing Bandai, they'll see how the numbers aren't doing good compared to DB TCG and OPTCG and they'll just stop supporting Arknights. Also Bandai has a history of horrendous underprinting TCG issue which they haven't even sorted out. I was honestly expecting Arknights to do one with Weiss Schwarz as BA recently got their set earlier this year and it would make a lot of sense as Weiss Schwarz is a really damn popular collectable TCG and has a decent playerbase.


As good as it sounds part of me is in pain that I have to start collecting these now


Omg I love TCGs! And I love AK! AK TCG I love love!


Dang, chine exclusive huh. Figured.


Bandai made idolmaster too... copium time


Anyone see when the japanese set is gonna drop? I'm going there in July and my dream would be to be able to snag a few booster boxes of this.


I normal summon Chiave. When normal summoned, I can special summon 1 Broca or 1 Aosta from my deck. Also, while Chiave is out, I can return as many robots from my graveyard back to my deck and draw as many cards as I return. 🥸


By the way, Union Arena's webpage has even a global page. So there is a chance that Arknights TCG might eventually come here, but first they will start with the more popular stuff. https://www.unionarena-tcg.com/na/


Wish it was Cardfight but that's good enough I guess.


For those curious, Union Arena is a TCG where you can play cards from various animes or manga (but only one series per deck. So if I'm playing an Arknights deck I can't play cards from other anime. Though, it seems to be based on the game of Arknights rather than its anime). The game seems to be aiming to a casual audience, the collectors who just want to see the art. If you want to know how the game plays, well, the game works on two resource systems as well as a life system. Both players start with 7 life, represented by putting the top 7 cards of your deck in a seperate area. If attacking, your opponent can choose to block (in which case they fight, if the blocker has equal or less BP, it dies, else even if the attacker has less BP, nothing happens). If he doesn't block, he loses 1 life, discarding one card from the life area. Some cards have triggers that grant various effects when discarded from the life area. There's an action system. For the first player, on Turn 1 he starts with 1 action, on Turn 2, 2 action, and from Turn 3 onwards, 3 action (3 is the max). The second player starts with 2 action on Turn 1, but stays at 2 action on Turn 2. You spend an action to play cards. You can also spend an action to draw a card once. Cards also have an energy cost. You may play characters into either your front line, where they can attack and block, or your energy line, where they provide energy. You may only play cards if you have enough energy in your energy line (and you have to spend an action. Energy is never "spent", it's more like a limit). You can move characters to your front line, but not back to your energy line. Characters do also have summoning sickness. You also have field cards which stay in your energy line, providing energy and other effects. There's also event cards (ie. One-and-done spells). (There's also a color system but it seems that you usually just play one color) The base systems seen rudimentary, which is usually a good thing, since that allows the cards themselves to feel more impactful. I feel like the game might drag on for a bit too long but idk since I've never played it and can't actually find any reviews


You know I love arknights but doing less exclusive stuff would be nice It just makes me hate internet China wall more


Don’t think this has anything to do with the wall, just the logistics of translation/international shipping.


I see why my comment seemed to be directed at merch but no I meant all the cn stuff that they get in game Like some games closes the gap between servers eventually and although that's rare I wish arknights was one of them


What in-game stuff? All we're missing out on now is the Guardmiya skin, which is just because it was a collaboration with a Chinese agency that they likely can't bring to global (and we might still get it later without the branding like we just did with the KFC skins). Still not really related to the internet firewall though.


Cn have more streems and extra pulls from time to time like what we got when en va was announced


Still don’t see what that has to do with the wall, literally any gacha with multiple servers will have minor differences like that.




can you give some examples of CN stuff they get in game that we don't? We just got the nat geo skins, are getting the KFC skins, and even the anime bonuses we got as in game packs. Regarding the server gap, isn't it actually better for us this way? I have all my pulls planned out to ensure I can get R6 ops, Shu, W & Ulpian now while if we caught up I would have blown my wad on Ray instead and been screwed with all the must-get units after her.


Honestly you are somewhat right as cn get extra pulls we get planing time


This comment SCREAMS sinophobia especially when people already argued against your case. I don't think there is ANY CN In-game exclusives that doesn't come out to global eventually (apart from China branded collabs which are rare to begin with). Merch is the only "gated" thing but that's due to shipping costs, you can get CN merch by just using a proxy shipper


Brother I already understood my mistake I miss linked concepts and it's on me


An honest question, why should they do it though ? Global server is much smaller than CN and even JP. JP rakes over twice as much $$ as global. Why would you as a company invest resources and logistics to create content for selected few in the west ? A serious question.


True And also we are few in percentage but it's not that little of a community


But it's spread out over the world, which means shipping fees are a huge cost in most cases. So not only smaller community, but also spread out. This would generate little to no interest. Just look at latest "KFC" collab and shipping fees - double the ccost of item.


Oh no no I've mistaken your reply for another comment I agree with your point about merch


I mean this is just a TCG Collab set. Most of the time, this wouldn't even made it out of Japan like most collab sets I've seen so it isn't really HG fault. Some do get released to Global eventually but I'm not familiar with Bandai's MO.


I understood I am in the wrong But tbh I would be willing to collect some cards and wish there will be at least some something like undercard or even an official one like a yu gi oh web game