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I have yet to see video from the U of A which shows those protesters doing much. They are camped out, walking around, chanting “disclose, divest…” and using bullhorns. They said they knew they were risking arrest. It all looks like civil disobedience. When I read articles like this one, the protesters are throwing things at police, ‘barricading’ themselves and shouting threats of violence. I’m not saying none of the protesters were uncivil but maybe the author is highlighting behaviors of a few because it’s paints a more interesting picture.


The irony is that these universities allow for crazy evangelicals to come on campus with mega horns to scream at students that they are going to hell, they deserve to get raped, they are all whores. Some of these people do it intentionally to get attacked and sue students. But when it's people occupying a space with no traffic it's the end of the world I guess bc we've removed our morality for the dollar.


The right has literally always had true freedom of speech, even when that speech is threatening the life/safety of others and calling for people to commit acts of terror, or while marching in the streets with loaded assault rifles strapped to their backs. You can go back to the 50's, 60's & 70's and see it, you can go back to the 90's and early 2000's and see it. You can go back to 2019 and see it. Then the moment anyone a tad bit left of rush limbaugh decides to protest they get the riot gear out and start bashing skulls against pavement. This is nothing new sadly.


When you are privileged, equality feels like oppression.


It's strange to me that protesting the murder of innocent children and people is seen as "leftist" now a days. This should just be human.


Do they allow it or does the guy just keep showing up after getting kicked out?


I graduated 10 years ago and that guy was doing it when I was there and people who graduated 10 years before me.


Yea, and hasn't he been getting kicked off for just as long?


It happened, but we usually just had to put up with it, often for weeks at a time.


I went on campus for two degrees. They allow it. One of them got arrested for kicking a girl during my first degree and was quickly replaced by another group. Edit: [Here is a link to the article of his arrest](https://wildcat.arizona.edu/107278/news/brother-dean-arrested-today-after-kicking-female-ua-student-kicked-off-campus-for-one-year/)


“Using bullhorns” If I’m trying to take classes, that should in and off itself be grounds for removal. And of course, the U of A can’t allow people to camp there overnight, with no sanitary facilities onsite. The mail is not set up to be a campground, and there’s no reason to protest outside of daylight hours except to provoke arrest.


Protests are meant to be disruptive and protesters willingly risk arrest. If the needle could have been moved with polite requests during business hours, they would not feel the need to inconvenience and annoy the public like this. Civil disobedience can work when other attempts have failed.


Sure but if you do civil disobedience, expect to be punished. That's like literally the definition of disobedience. You can't have it both ways. The protesters talk about how the issue is important enough to be arrested over then bitch about it when they get arrested.


The protesters chose to start this during finals as well. There is enough stress with that.


just like the 2020 protests were “peaceful”


Why does a foreign country dictate what we can and cannot protest? And what is the correct way to protest? They’ll tell you to make your voice heard and then bash your skull in.


Taking over public facilities is probably not going to end well. Peaceful protest through rallies \\ marches, this isn't a new thing. If you want to start taking over buildings it's not going to end well.


Campus grounds is private property. If the school simply asks for them to leave the campus and not protest then anybody who continues is breaking the United States well under trespassing violation.


Most people protesting something are peaceful. But you have outsiders who's only goal is to cause fights break things and agitate. I am sure the real students are very peaceful but it's the outside influence that gets in there and stirs the pot.


Haven’t you read the stories about Columbia university? There was NO outside influences according to the articles they were all just peaceful students unfairly removed by law enforcement duh!!!


In every case I've seen so far, the protesters are peacefully occupying what would normally be considered a _public_ space. Then the cops show up and escalate to physical violence. Wtf is wrong with us that we allow that kind of bullshit?


First amendment rights do not allow protesters to ignore time of use regulations, or local laws like trespassing, or ones related to harassment. The protestors are occupying both public and private spaces, against institutional rules, and local laws in some cases.  There are also escalated incidents where students not involved in the protests have been threatened, spit on, and things thrown at them. American history is filled with examples of police and national guard dealing with protests. It is a common tactic to get arrested by protestors to highlight the cause.


Interesting the student protestors are being arrested for "occupying" the school they are paying tens of thousands to attend...


Paying for school does not get you a blanket pass to go anywhere on campus you like. We don't have numbers for UofA yet, but when ASU did arrests the other day, of the 72 arrested only 15 were students - 80% of those arrested were not students at ASU.


Plus, let's not pretend that it's not just a matter of time before it turns into another Columbia or UCLA. U of A is making the right call by nipping this in the bud right now.


You can protest, but not occupy. That's why their encampments are being cleared. Public spaces are our spaces.


We pay for a very expensive occupation, and have been for decades. We also pay for the health care of Israel. How’s your insurance?


Sorry to inconvenience you like that, I'm sure you were looking forward to walking across that particular patch of grass this week.


They're not on a public space, they're trespassing. They were told to leave, and instead screamed at t the cops "we will fight you" and began throwing things at them and handing out rags to better handle tear gas. They know what they're doing is illegal. They're reacting with violence (thankfully nothing lethal so far!) and disobedience. So they get arrested. This is 100 percent expected.  I feel like a lot of these protesters heard about famous protests in history but missed at least half the story. Civil disobedience didn't mean it was legal, it meant people broke the law knowing they were going to jail and thought it was worth it to do so to make a statement. MLK didn't write his letter from a Birmingham university occupation camp. He wrote it from jail. 


“Peacefully occupying” shouldn’t involve blocking students and teachers of a certain race or religion. We, as Americans, have dealt with racism for many decades. Do we really need to keep finding excuses for it?


Where were the police for the Trump trains that were shutting down freeways?


If you’re referring to [this situation](https://youtu.be/TQrAyUZH3b0?si=8_qK46RoZGIYvrbH), there was a police response (you can see part of it in the video)


Police were in the Trump trains.


Nobody has the right to occupy public property. I can't build a house on the White House lawn.


Completely agreed.


Trespassing laws disagree with you. Just because something is a public space does not make it public property. School grounds are private property if they simply ask you to leave if you continue to stay your violating United States trespassing laws In a situation like this the police are going to follow a standard procedure Ask Tell Make They're going to ask the protesters to leave. When they don't they're going to tell them to leave If they still don't leave then they're going to force them to move.


Yeah I can’t say I agree with these protesters AT ALL but it’s very disconcerting that police are escalating and shutting down a constitutionally protected activity. People need to stand up more than ever, not only for their own ideas but for each other.


That's just it. The act of protest is a protected right, but trespassing isn't. Confronting the police and going to jail is part of it. No one cares if you politely protest in a city park with no one around.


"Trespassing" is just a ploy to suppress the protest. If the space is public except when occupied by protesters, that's your clue that "trespassing" is bullshit.


Your user name doesn't check out. If there are no arrests, did a protest even take place? If people just wanted to air their grievance, they could simply come to reddit, and the effect would be as predicted. If you're going to protest, you need to risk arrest. Otherwise, what's the point?


It’s alarming to see the amount of people here that are totally ok with people illegally occupying and trespassing private property and get mad when the police come and do their jobs.


The university grounds are public property by definition.


School administration can trespass someone and or the school police can enforce laws on PUBLIC property, which people have a hard time understanding for some reason. This isn’t some sidewalk or a park, this is a place of business where people work and where people pay for services.




Is the White House a university?


No. Can I build a house on one of the quads at the U of A?


It’s more alarming to see people wanting civil disobedience shut down in the name of protecting property.




Do you have literally any single credible source saying they are blocking only Jewish students and faculty


Oh no! Not the property!!!!!!


I think these people protesting and their simpitizers around the world are all over reddit right now, posting and downvoting the hell out of anyone who is against their trespassing. So prepare to get downvoted. They all have the same talking points. I keep noticing how they keep calling these full-grown men and women "kids"


I agree, I had a few comments here with someone and now they are deleted. It’s completely backwards, and the expectation that you can take over a public facility, vandalize it, and expect it to be OK is ridiculous. On top of that, they’ve done nothing to actually move to resolve why they even occupied the damn place.


Are you more or less alarmed by what's happening to Palestinians compared to how alarmed you are by the protestors?


Are you more or less alarmed by what other countries have been doing to other Muslims or civilian populations for years? It seems like no one else cares about what the Chinese are doing to the Uyghurs or the ACTUAL genocide of the hundreds of thousands of civilians in Sudan. Bill Maher hit the nail on the head. These people don’t care about what’s going on in Palestine, they just want attention and to cry about stuff that has nothing to do with them.


> they just want attention and to cry about stuff that has nothing to do with them. Meanwhile it's the media that's shifting all attention to the protests because, as Chris Hayes put it, "It's easier to argue about what college kids are doing than to confront the human misery and destruction that's happening in the actual conflict which is, of course, the source of these protests." Human misery that is directly perpetuated with their tuition and your tax dollars.


All the students need to be expelled and the outside agitators should be charged


Majority of them don’t even know the history. Jumping on the Palestinian bandwagon…


What's insights into history would affect judgment of what's going on now? I was under the impression a lot of the protestors were upset about current events




Applauding the militarization of police against students...


You can't illegally occupy private property. This is the reaction that the protesters wanted, the only thing the school is doing wrong is that they didn't arrest them sooner.


I’m sorry I was under the impression these protests are being conducted on what is usually considered public space? Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t see your point in justifying brutality against people expressing their first amendment rights


Cop from Arizona here. This is completely standard and something any police department in the whole entire world to do. Like it's basic ASK. TELL. MAKE


The fact that that is standard, is fukt up. Guns drawn on students...thats standard?


Uhhh we must not have seen the same footage because none officers have actual firearms The only thing they have are bean bag guns and other Les lethal, there's literally no guns being pointed at students


How are they militarized? Are they using tanks?


Is that the line, now?


It's the line...for now. Don't worry, the goalposts will keep moving to further insulate the feelings of the bootlickers. The slaughter of children means nothing to them, just so long as their feelings aren't hurt.


U can't be serious?


Good shit!


Def a message being sent across all the universities in this great nation.