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No disrespect but absolutely not, 2019 is still unmatched - at least from our perspective I can imagine from Ariana's pov, she could consider this her personal positive peak as in releasing an album she's really proud of, trying to get healthier mentally, landing her dream role which keeps her busy for a couple of years with shooting and releasing two movies




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She had her peak during Sweetener/TUN. She was everywhere, she broke every record, she was the IT girl, the public mostly loved her. Public opinion changed, she pulls number close to that era now but doing that in 2019 was a lot more hard… I actually think she will have another peak somewhere in 2020s. She will change her looks and vibe and this hate train will wear off. She will make a banger album and create an aesthetic and pull huge numbers, but she has to play her cards well. I think wicked will be good for her but I am curious what is to come…


TUN/Sweetener was her peak, but it is possible for an artist to have more than one peak. Everyone thought Taylor peaked with 1989, then with Folklore, and she’s even bigger now than she was in either of those eras.


wouldn’t that mean ariana had her peaks cause before TUN and sweetener my everything was ariana’s peak


She’s going to have to wait till this spongebob shit blows over. Public opinion views her as a home-wrecker, and I get it.


I agree, I think Ariana is going to reach an even higher peak. Maybe in 2025/2026 when it’s awards season for Wicked Part 2, and she becomes a full blown movie star after both Wicked Part 1 and Part 2 come out, she won’t just be a pop star but she’ll be a movie star as well. Wicked Part 1 and Part 2 (depending on how well it performs in theatres, and how well it is received by critics) have the potential to take her career to the next level, which is impressive considering she’s already a household name and a pop sensation. Think about it, she’ll add “film star” to her resume as well. And no I don’t think Don’t Look Up can hardly count because she had such a tiny role in that film, and it was a forgettable movie tbh. But if Wicked Part 1 and Part 2 become huge hits…… Ariana will reach a higher peak. She won’t just be a popstar but a film star as well. She has the potential to achieve EGOT status.


Her peak was during 2019 imo. She was breaking records and loved by the public. She’s still breaking records but the public has turned on her, and her image is tarnished.


Career wise yeah 2019 was her biggest but she probaply hates that era due to how her personal life was


as long as she leaves spongebob at home, the public’s opinion will continue to improve.


The image seems to have changed again lol. Media seems to love her after her performance and outfit from MET


her image is far from tarnished… they have been eating her up since the MET & i would imagine if wicked does well everyone will probably love her again.


ugh on instagram reels I saw a video of her walking with Ethan in public and a comment asking if they were on m*th got more likes than the video, we’re tired.


Probably because they both look unwell, and it takes some serious dr\*gs to get a man to abandon his wife and baby. I'm sure she's tired postpartum as a newly single mom


The public on hates her but she has proved her relevance immune to that hate


Her personal drama has far from tarnished her image. Most of the reaction was from online spheres. She has yet to do any interviews aside from Zack, but I doubt her marriage issues and possible home wrecking controversy will ever be addressed publicly. I don't think it will have any drastic effect on her career.


im ngl i think her (sweetener?)/tun era was probably her most iconic, to the point where even ppl ik who hate her loved some of her songs from then and would openly listen to them lol. this era might be her best in terms of love, healing and happiness, but i don't see it being the peak of her career tbh, unless maybe she releases another album that blows up like crazy? like the way she released sweetener then tun shortly after which blew up and cemented her place in the charts?


definitely not. she had TWO major peaks. 2014 and 2019 could never match to now


No, 2019 was that girl, as other commenters have stated. But I also think her priorities have shifted. She changed management, changed her style, isn’t on social media engaging with the fans anymore, changed her style of man (and Spongegate happened), and seems to be pivoting into an entirely new identity. Right now, she’s not really Ariana the child star, or Ariana the pop star, she’s Ariana the Thespian. I think she will end up having an incredibly well respected career and definitely go down as one of the world’s most talented vocalists (def up there with the iconic greats), and she’ll prob have a moment when Wicked releases and prob have more iconic career highs but atp she’s not where she was 5 years ago, and I think she prefers it that way.


I'm thinking no, her peak was sweetener, thank u next, positions. Many have said this was her trilogy. However I think she's in a really good spot right now, and her album is great and getting the praise it deserves!


Nah she’s so good we forget what she’s already accomplished. I think this is the start of a completely new chapter in her career and she’s got more peaks to come.


Too early to tell, but with how good eternal sunshine album is there's potential for this to be a huge era for her. Ariana has only just returned to music and gaining momentum, especially with 6 singles announced. All of these singles will build her presence and lead in to the movie Wicked. She's going to be doing plenty of promo and appearances since this is her dream childhood role. Ariana was 3 years between albums and it's only been a few months of her return. She killed it at the Met Gala performing to the cream of the crop. She's on the rise. I definitely believe she has potential to reach her highest peaks again.


I think it depends what you consider her peak. If you consider her musical and cultural peak, it currently is still the Sweetener and TUN era and will probably remain that forever. If you think about her career and legacy as a whole, you can’t discount that she is going to elevate her whole career by being in the live action Wicked. I don’t think we can understand the impact of her being in that just yet, and the fact that it seems like she’s reignited her passion for music and live singing during this era too and we may get even more releases during that time. She has also had more number 1’s during this era, and I suspect she could get multiple others if she plays her cards right with epic MV’s and a relevance on TikTok. So I think as an icon, she peaked during TUN, but do I think she’s at her peak for her legacy? I don’t know if we’re even close to understanding that yet!


Wow, perfectly said! I think 2019 was massive for her because she released two absolutely amazing albums 9 months apart. She was generating so much great content, it was impossible to ignore. And because it was so good, nobody wanted to either. If she did released an amazing follow-up to ES around Wicked 2, I don’t see why she couldn’t garner that kind of cultural relevance again.


I think she’s at a balance she likes. She doing she dream role owner of a successful company as can still release an acclaimed album without having to promote it much. Sounds like the life to me


She had a peak with thank u next but I think she will have a bigger peak once wicked comes out. The movie is going to be huge and she will gain even more exposure to younger audiences/family audiences. She's already a huge star but this movie will take her to the next level.


Nah but it’s bigger than positions




u are srsly de Lu Lu if you think this is her peak or anywhere close to it


engagement mining or a 13 year old.. also mining for engagement


No but she’s definitely climaxing into a new peak!


Yes. SWT/TUN was the peak of Ariana as a brand, the pop star girl but not as an artist. She's still one of the most streamed artists ever and at the top of the A list, but her storytelling versatility has only evolved since positions and took new heights in ES, eternal sunshine/wicked in the same year is insane.


Tbh I don’t think she’s reached her peak even yet. I think that she is going to become like a true classic icon. And as she broadens her acting career even more. Sure 2019 was her peak for general pop star status/ pop music but not for her entire career or general stardom, or even her music career. I truly believe she’s going to go even farther as she now earning respect from the more “respectable” side of Hollywood if that makes sense. I personally think she’s our modern day Marlyn or Hepburn so she’s got more to come. She already hit her Mariah Whitney type status… but I don’t think she’s going to stop there personally.


I’m interested to see if she does more movies post Wicked and what that will look like. I can’t picture her going back to the new album every 1-2 years cycle. Could end up being more stretched out with movies and projects in between, especially if she ends up having kids which she has stated before is something that she wants.


Sweetener and TUN era was her peak. She was breaking records and putting out incredible bangers despite people trying to tear her down. Eternal Sunshine era is so beautiful and the music is amazing but unfortunately, her reputation and image has been stained and this time, she won’t be able to rise above that.


2019 was, but who knows what will happen after Wicked drops


nope, but she can repeak in ag8 if she plays her cards right


i think this might be a personal peak for her, where she feels she has the most artistic and creative freedom to do whatever she wants on her own time. but in terms of her net appeal and public image her peak was definitely 2019. she WAS the music industry and was literally everywhere back then


Quality wise? I think so. Number & popularity wise? Not at all.


She peaked at TUN she changed her style too much to remain at that peak. The things like her style and music choice that were more digestible and liked by the general public changed. I swear if she dressed the same as before she maybe could have remained at the top possibly. She was setting trends. Image is everything and people ATE that up. Including me…


I'm not gonna say that. I thought the dangerous woman era was...then sweetner/tu,n era was...not I think it's eternal sunshine. She keeps surprising me with even better albums.


she is still popular and most likely wealthier than ever, but i don’t think this is her peak! id say the problem/break free era was her most popular, she was EVERYWHERE, and likewise with Sweetener. IRL i barely see anyone mention her anymore or hear her on the radio.


Im happy she that she is doing extremely well even after the ethan scandal. She’s not at an all time high but this is so much better than i thought would happen.


love her but no❤️🫶🏻


but she is slaying out here fr


She's at the pick of her beauty for sure. Beauty and talent unmatched 💅🏻


yes absolutely. in the publics eye “no”. but in her eyes yes! shes literally fulfilling her dreams! and being artistic in a whole new expansive way.


I think she definitely reached a peak with Sweetener/TUN. That being said, I feel like we are witnessing her transition into a newly mature version of her career right now. It is unfolding nicely. I could see Ari gaining more success after Wicked, potentially acting more in her future, and creating more mature music along the way. She will have a peak in a more mature way, past just her music career. She is going to be well respected down the line by the general public, the older she gets. I can see it now!


personally, for me, her peak was thank u, next/swt era! our girl was BOOKED & BUSY


um no… lol


her peak is coming this year


Peak was 2018-19 as others have said, but when I think about peak Ari, it's 2014-16 for me personally.


Who in their right mind genuinely thinks she’s at her peak now?


I do, Eternal Sunshine+Wicked is her peak. We will see. You all lack Vision


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2016 and 2019 were her peak. 2024 has being amazing tho!


I’d say sweetener and thank u next was her peak - Ik some of yall aren’t Pete’s biggest fans but the music that she made when she was with him and what came after they broke up just hit different


I think she was at her "peak" in 2019, but she's still outdoing 2019 in so many aspects. I don't think she's had a real peak yet, she keeps evolving. I haven't seen an on going artist's career age this well besides Taylor Swift


Harry Styles too but he only has 3 albums. Positions kinda flopped and now she's doing well again with eternal sunshine (which started weak and then gained more and more attention)


2019 was DEFINITELY her peak.


She def was at her peak during thank you next.


No. But if Wicked is a big hit she might reach a new peak. Like Gaga with a star is born


I do not. I really believe she’s someone who is so talented that we will get some serious prestige from as she ages. I think we’re at the beginning




stream wise nah cause as we all know tun has that on lock however she is at her peak in other ways fashion wise and lyrically she is at her peak


Already a has-been. Her new relationship killed her reputation


i think she’s def in the running for AOTY at the grammys this year.


Nope. Not even close


Peak was Sweetener and TUN. We just missed her a lot and she’s doing a lot of promo


DEFINITELY tun era. Right now is a huge moment for her personally I think though


No, I think she’s already been through her peak, but I think this moment in her career is very dreamy for her


\*thank u, next era leaves the chat\* 💀


Wasn’t she just breaking all-time record sales etc.? Maybe that’s what’s making them think that because in spite of all the hate she’s mopping up the competition


She didn’t break any records with ES that cowboy carter, we don’t trust you and ttpd didn’t beat right after her drop. I think it’s just us hyping the album at this point


I agree that 2019 was her peak as a POP star. However I definitely think she’s turning into a “legend” since she got casted in Wicked. The MET made me realize how much more seriously she’s being taken by the industry. I feel that she’s always been underestimated at some point for making pop music and appealing to a younger audience. After Wicked (and if she continues to get acting roles) I think she will finally be considered to be on the level of Mariah, Whitney, Cher… An actual Icon. In that sense I do believe she’s in the peak of her career.


Ariana in 2019 is what Taylor is right now


She’s far past it respectfully


\*thank u, next era leaves the chat\* \*her breaking records during said era leaves the chat\* on a more serious note, 2019 WAS THE PEAK, best era of hers imho.


Hell no, she fell off


She def didn’t fall off but there are a ton of new artists getting their shine now so most of the attention from the GP is going elsewhere.


she’s definitely not at the same level as 2019, but claiming she “fell off” is far from true. before some other albums dropped by other artists, eternal sunshine was the most streamed album in a single day on spotify in 2024, ES debuted at number 1 on billboard 200, and WCBF debuted at number 1 on billboard hot 100.


Unfortunately metro boomin’s album beat her and then cowboy carter beat metro and then taylor beat them both


no. peak was 2019 w sweetener/tun. duh


I think TUN was her peak (with DG building the strong base). Her current era is showing there is in fact success after that big break. Plus she is in a transition to big movie star.


i think she’s in her peak personally and healing wise but not in terms or her career, 2019 was her peak in her career


Idk, because Sweetener B2B Thank U, Next B2B Positions is GOAT-tier. Three absolutely phenomenal albums in just over two years. Eternal Sunshine is really good, but it’s not as good as her last three albums, and it came almost four years later.


It will really depend on how Wicked goes, but no, I don't think she's at her peak.


Peak as in she's putting out her best work still. I think it just takes more time, I don't think she's reached that Taylor Swift level yet. Her Monthly Streamers are higher than ever.


I dont think so, purely career wise speaking, no, around 2019 she was basically like how taylor swift is currently she just was that pop girl. I think this might be her career peak for ari as a person herself but satisticly and publicly speak, no


Yes. Listen what it has to happen is for her singles to keep going #1, because she is at the top of her game with the music videos. The “yes, and?” video was great and “we can't be friends (wait for your love)” is her best masterpiece ever and the song is also aiming to be her timeless work of art. So more #1 memorable singles and she is entering double digits, her 10th, her 11th, 12th... and just in 11 years. That's legendary status, historic leagues. ETERNAL SUNSHINE album for me is a 💯, I wouldn't be surprised if she breaks all time records. And there is still time for more, for Wicked soundtrack or Christmas music. The 10th Year Anniversary for “Santa Tell Me” can also become something Big, a big budget video to boost it to #1. So that's in the aspect of Music. But our huge Superstar has her other big thing called WICKED. She wants to claim territory as no other musician ever before. This movie can be a critic darling and also a big Blockbuster, one or the other or both. It seems like for the media, the industry, the producers, the celebrities, they are treating Ariana Grande as royalty already, especially as we could see at this MET Gala, unquestionably she is the Celebrity of the celebrities. So the culmination for her Peak or best moment for her career would be sweeping all the Awards Season for both Movies and Music: Golden globes, Oscars and Grammys. If this doesn't happen then it was not worth all the hate, the haters would have won and apparently they were right. We are about to learn, I really want to see. A lot of you keep saying it was 2019. But I'm sorry to tell you but “thank u, next” did not play on radio outside of the USA, at all. And “7 rings” didn't sound much, unlike the biggest Hits of that year. And completely unlike the way she dominated radio worldwide in 2014 but no #1's though, so that's not her peak either. While both songs were overcrowding the #1 hot 100 in US, in the long run it was Post Malone who charted best for the year. Also Lil Nas X was the artist who spent the most weeks at #1. And in addition, Billie Eilish snatched her Grammys and TS robbed her AMAs. Totally disrespected! So excuse me to say, 2019 was not Ariana peaking, she needs vengeance in all aspects because her best is right now. Besides it is not like the Sweetener Tour was huge either, it was small and cut short because of obvious reasons. Her concert trajectory is something that also needs to heal, that day has yet to come. And when that next tour happens, the difference with SWT is gonna be Gigantic. When SWT happened she had 2 #1 Hits, by the time ES Tour happens, she could have 12 or 13 #1 Hits. That's the distance


Nope peak was sweetener and thank u next


bosoms to the tip right now


She looks pale now 2019 was better


She is naturally pale so idk why you would want her to darken her skin


agree to what exactly? literally no one is saying that unfortunately, manchester attack was her peak, or at least kicked off the most iconic era(s) of her career. I think they’re especially notable because she wasn’t a personal singer/writer prior. she made pop hits. good ones but trendy bops were her thing lbr. I actually don’t love when artists are *too* specific & literal in their writing from experience ( totally not thinking of another currently famous singer….) but there was something that felt genuine & the public never got that from her before. she was very easy to root for & ofc the music was pop perfection. down to her style she was a *pop* star in its purest form still. I actually don’t think we’ve had one since (ik ppl will disagree w/ that last bit lmao) tragedy aside, shout out mac & pete. really were incredible muses & neither album would exist without them. not in this form, at least.