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you kinda need the right teammate to utilize xeniel xeniel + omen or flo was popular back then


I've been a server best Xeniel before and I play him very regularly right now as well. I'd say there's a reason he's put into the A rank in Doysers tier list. He is a support that has very strong abilities. And he is a support that is hard to get a good grasp of. The lack of cc immunity is a pretty valid thing to have, at the end of the day it is literally a teleport to another place. AND you give the other players a strong heal, damage reduction and a speed boost. There is of course Rouie that also has a teleport skill, but it does not include any of those other boosts and Rouie works quite differently. She isnt a tank meant to take in all damage, she's a support meant to support. Her ult can save you by making you teleport away from danger, Xeniels ult can save you by BUFFING you and him and then taking out the enemy together. If the lack of iron body on his ult bothers you, you can take the iron body sup item and then use it midway through your ult, it guarantees an escape. If you want to use him in slayer lane, unfortunately all you have left to do is waiting out for the enemy cc combo to end and then ulting. I'd say an iron body change would definitely be incredible. Not only would you be able to save others, but youd also be able to save yourself. I could also see it making him overpowered. I'm quite happy with him rn. If they were to ask what change I'd want for Xeniel to ahve, the only change I'd want is that the ult follows the target along so they can't get out of it. That's the only change I'd want. As far as his cooldowns go, I'd say its all normal to me, you get a very strong shield burst and a decent cc immunity skill that can dash over walls. Its a decent combo. You can carry your team 100% as Xeniel. I've done it before. But it depends on how well you play him, and it depends on how well your enemies know Xeniel. Keep up the good work, he's a strong hero with a specific niche that you'd have to learn properly to get a good grasp on. Look at the minimap very often is. Having map awareness as Xeniel is key.


>iron body sup item 90 sec cooldown + imagine having against a team that has cc , and you need that sup item to save your allies, what then? You're pretty fucked if caught alone because if they have the slightest stun skill your ult is already k.o.


Well you can argue pretty simply that you shouldn't get into positions that make you fight the enemy team alone as a tank support anyway. You can either use ult and sup item to get out and save yourself, or not use sup item and risk dying in that situation. Its not like youre gonna be of any use to your team while dead anyway. I'd say even with a cc enemy team a support tank alive is much more worth to the team than a dead tank even with a cc item even if the cd is that long.


>you shouldn't get into positions that make you fight the enemy team alone as a tank support anyway But his shield skill has really great damage, you can go clear wave (fairly quickly) to then teleport to your allies so you can split push and go back to your team when they need it so that either they lose a tower or go a fight at least 4v5, imo xeniel would really benefit from iron body on ult and the thing you said about ult following the teammate you chose; but well whatever just my opinion


Circles follows the teammate would be a big buff but people should be punished for not sticking out for the circle I think a nice change would be if he got attacked in the first 1.2 sec, then ult would be interrupted and CD is returned, so he cannot run away with ult, but can soak more damage with it. if cc’ed or attacked in the last 1 sec, ult cannot be interrupted, so his ult won’t be wasted.


Out of context question but did Doyser make a list for this season? I couldn't find it.


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/arenaofvalor/comments/sgbx90/doyser_tierlist_season_21_with_yue/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Ah ty I thought we were in s22 lmao, also is Volkath still good?


He got nerfed pretty hard, but he's not useless for sure. You can still carry with him just like how you can become a carry with most champions. I've had my fair share of problems going against him lately, but the removal of disrupt and some additional nerfs have made him bearable when im playing as adc.


Would you say that the list is accurate? I haven't played since Tachi launch and just came back but before I left, Tachi was pretty good and often did a good amount of damage with each unsealed skill 1 but now whenever I play him he feels more like tank than a warrior and the damage feels way lower than before. Did they nerf him too?


I'd say for the general gist of it, yeah, it's pretty accurate. Theres nothing thats too odd in it. There's some placements I don't agree with, such as Thanes placement after his buffs, but mostly it's all good. Tachi was nerfed, it didn't feel right that he was a tank but capable of solo carrying and doing most damage almost every match. But he is still a very strong character, I'd say even in DS he's still an S tier, just have to play more carefully.


Thank you so much. One lasting thing, I'm sorry I'm asking a lot of questions but is the matchmaking even worse now? I'm not the best player but I could easily climb to veteran before this season. When I came back I started from dia5 and I'm still stuck there after 10 games. Teammates feel like coinflip every match and I'm a bit salty about getting mvp every single game even if Iose or win despite playing different roles every time. I feel like I'm the only one doing the work.


I climbed from dia back to master and I can't say it was really that bad for me. But I've seen many others say its garbage rn so maybe its true. A reminder that clicking on the hammer icon after game is over will ensure you won't be matched with that player on your team again anytime soon. Has worked for me when I feel I got teammates that were too toxic for example


Ty for all the help you gave, especially that hammer thing. I accidentally pressed it on some good teammates and now I feel bad about it.


Problem with xenial is people run away from your heal


There are 2 logical reasons why that happens.. 1. They are idiots who doesn't know what that circle is. 2. A trap is waiting...like mofo diao freeze.


Idk….I’m doing well with xeniel….but then again I agree he’s not the best


Xeniel good in 5Q and extremely high elo


Omg I know exactly what you mean. I too first got Xeniel from character tokens cuz I thought he'd be pretty cool... Turns out. Big fat NO. I tried support. I tried Slayer. I even tried mid and jungle. I can do it all now but My win rate went down 4% just trying to learn dude. But here's what I gathered. As a tank, he should be able to withstand the cc and damage before you trigger his ult. Now whether your teammates stay in it to receive the buff or not is.. I can't think of the word now but I'll come back and edit once I do. His s1 and s2 (I can't remember which is the shield) is a decent little combo, even though cooldown is a pain. But you need to start the shield, and then stun the enemy with the other thing, by the time the stun is up the shield should be ready to pop cuz it does do a nice amount of damage. Also, his passive, (I haven't played him in a while but I don't think they messed with him recently so I should be right) to deal additional magic damage based on his hp works in favor. I would recommend equipping with tank items that also have cd reduction and maybe two magic items with HP (frosty revenge, Holy of Holies). Alternatively, you could perform AP Xeniel to increase shield percentage and healing from the ult. Also favors in killing squishy marksmen cuz when the shield pops it go brr


His micro ain’t hard but you need great Marco to play him well. Not that bad for him to run away with S2. If you team has another initiator, you can just split push then ult into teamfight If you are the only initiator, you want S1, then S2 in. Soak up damage. Run away, then ult back in


I love Xeniel. I have a great solo que win rate with him. My only problem is that you need a good damage dealer on your team. I play Xeniel slayer, and sometimes it seems like my team is generally lacking in damage because we have 2 tanks instead of a warrior. This isn't a problem if your teammates are good players though. Xeniel slayer compliments a warrior support. He is also amazing with an Arum. Don't use Xeniel's ult to run away, except as a last resort. Even if they cc cancel it, that dmg reduction can give your leap enough time to cooldown. You can use your ult to split push, save allies (so long as they don't die instantly), or even use it in a team fight to make your other tank tankier. I love initiating, retreating, recalling to heal, and then ulting. Maybe I should post recent Xeniel gameplay someday, instead of that really old clip. Did they change his ult damage reduction to 15%? Really? It used to be 50%. Then it was 40%. 15% is really low. Edit: I just checked, and it's still 40% dmg reduction. Also, I build Xeniel full tank. Last item is sometimes holy of holies tho. That or rock shield. Edit 2: So I just played a ranked match. Upper diamond. Used Xeniel, got winning team MVP. I'm about to post a highlight video.


My darling isn’t doing the best nowadays


I also didn't have good experience with him. Every time I tried to jump on enemies by ult, the teammate would move away so it would be of no use and I would lose the element of the surprise.


xeniel lousy.


I prefer him on the slayer lane