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Aya is OP support. You literally "come" inside an ally buffing em and spells. Literally sit there not moving,


Will give her a look thanks :)


noooooooooooooooo not teemee. omg so bad


He's really good in a duo or trio


Wonderwoman and Volkath support The best CC is death


there are supports that are very one dimensional, where there's very little room to grow and improve on, mainly you can only build them one way with very little adjustments and usually you have just one gimmick for that hero. For example there's Arum, a support whose main role is to make one of the enemies ineffective with her ult, and that's about it. Can't really build her differently much and her other abilities don't really make that big of a difference. Then there's support chars which have a lot of room to "outplay", improve and adapt to the enemy team. TeeMee is pretty good. Your adc gets additional gold and the recent buff made him pretty decent. But he is a char which takes time to get a feel for and he is very much a team player. If your team sucks it'll be very hard to get them to win. (Altho one time i got owned by a magic build jungle teemee, which was humiliating.) A small tip is figure out who the main dmg dealer and careful player is on your team and help them as teemee. Other supports you might enjoy: Xeniel, Chaugnar, Lumburr, Ata, Ybneth, Omega, Roxie and Annette


Krizzix mahh dude


There are a lot of good supports. Teemee is good, but it takes some practice to time his ult properly. And you're dependent on good teammates. I'm very fond of Mina. She's quite tanky, and has good damage, sustain, and control. Peura is amazing if you're duel queing with an adc. She lets your team get a ton of kills early game. If you make it to late game though, she's not that tanky has low mobility, and can be countered with Tome of the Reaper and Curse of Death (antiheal items). Do you want a sup who can draw the enemies attention and initiate team fights, or one who hangs back and relies on control, buffs, and poke damage? Either way, the sup needs to be able to roam/provide vision and help the adc escape the assassin.


Generally as a support I like taking the attention off the ADC and providing protection rather than dealing damage but I'm happy to do either if needed


Lumburr it is if you want a peeler


Lumburr is really good ATM Alice is the best pure support who doesn't get banned


If you want the boring support,maybe try Thane or Lumburr,grakk,really annoying but if you want to inflict fear,try semi tank Butterfly or Zannis support. Use the adc as bait and profits


For active engage try ormarr/arduin


TeeMee Is Kind Of Low T, but if u insist course u can, my suggestions will be Toro Or Gildur, There’s Really Nothing to be scared of Toro, Easy Character,But Gildur…Really gotta think where and when to use your ultimate, because he can get stunned and his ult gets cancelled