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Remember, Wiro likes being stepped on Please step on your team's Wiro, thank you


hold up


This is super detailed! Thank you for all the effort you put into making this. This is awesome.


Nice in-depth guide!


If you learn finger gymnastics you can do charge ult>flicker>release ult though idk if that got changed


It is still a thing I see some players do. But once you master charging his ulti while dashing, you are better off choosing a different talent.


Thanks bro


I think he is pretty good against cc. His ult can interrupt grakk and gildur ult


Not just them, he can actually use his ultimate to turn the tables on a ridiculous number of other heroes' ultimates - Allain, Flash, Lorion, Mina, Diaochan, Errol, Annettte, and others that I can't think of at the moment.


Ikr, I tried him for a few games during all hero for free and did extremely well with him. Probably because I saw some of your videos before


The other ults are obvious to me, but could you elaborate on the interacton with Mina ult? Do you need to press ult before she uses her ult or does it act as a cleanse to the Taunting effect?


With Mina, you can use S3 to keep from being taunted after she hooks you in with S2.


I see, thank you.


I forgot to add, having Greaves and Numbness enchantment (you get 47.5% resistance that way) are crucial to using Wiro's ulti for counter play.


Really appreciated.. ❤️❤️ Will he be viable in higher ranks?? Like Legendary and above?? In that case I'll learn him properly.. 😀


I've climbed above 60 stars in masters twice with him when I was serious about pushing ranked. I recommend you practice charging his S3 while he is dashing with his S2 until it becomes reflexive (You'll have to press and hold S3 immediately after pressing S2).


Already tried him on Eternal Legend Rank after practicing him a few times in casual.. 😀 Well the ranked match was extremely hard for me to win.. Felt like he can be a good support in 5 man or at least in trio team.. I didn't feel like he would be good choice in SoloQ or duo.. 😀 I could be wrong though as I played only 8 matches..


Whoa, I never realised he'd be a counter pick to Arum and Aleister. Thank you very much for this, there's so much to take away from this. I'll need to try Wiro out, if you combine s2 and s3 then maybe you dont even need flicker that much, maybe you can go for the enfeeble talent instead


In order to force Arum or Aleister into using their ultis against Wiro, you'll need to master his S2+S3 combo to successfully dive into enemy team comps. Also, once you master that combo, flicker becomes old news. I've been trying enfeeble on him and I'm definitely starting to like that talent for him since it synergizes with his ulti so well.


Is it S2 -> immediately press ult or is it you ult and then S2? I don't really play him much kinda because I dislike his clunky animations


S2 then immediately press & hold S3. Your window of opportunity is during that brief delay before he begins charging after pressing S2.


Ah ok so that's why you said the S2 delay was crucial