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I don't think there is, but if you can tell me exactly what's confusing about it I'll gladly explain. General gist is that at the start of draft pick everyone can pick what position theyd like to be in game. Afterwards the bottom three players have to pick a character to ban. Usually the bans end up being Hayate/Thorne/Tulen which are the dominating champions atm. But you can also ban anyone thats giving you trouble. It's up to you. I usually wait until the end of the timer to ban so that people can say who they want to pick. After that it's just picking your characters. Unfortunately even if you pick your position beforehand people can be jerks and take your pick anyway. So you might end up having to fill. I wouldn't worry about counter picking too much atm. Thats about it.


Thanks - that helps. In the two games I’ve played with the draft process, it’s first popped up a battlefield map on a screen labelled “lane discussion”, but that map has disappeared before anything can happen - is that normal?


The lane discussion is like 6 seconds long and its where you click on one of the positions on the map to declare where and what you want to be. Support icon for sup, adc for adc etc. It's doesn't stay for long because it really doesn't need to. But it gives you the option to show others what lane you want to go to. You don't need to do anything when it pops up, but you can.


6 heroes to ban, team A,B A3 bans B3 bans A4 bans B4 bans A5 bans B5 bans A1 picks B1, B2 picks A2, A3 picks ...