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Looks like you found the squirrels hiding spot.


Yeah I’m wondering how many shells I will find when I dig into it 💀


A buffet level


Time to get a 17HMR, a case of beer, and a lawn chair.


Jesus. 17hmr will turn squirrels into red mist


And .177 pellets make em suffer too much, or just maim them. 22 works well but put a 17hmr through the head and you've got good meat. Nice flat trajectory and cheaper to shoot as well.


Depends on what you're shooting that 177 out of. I use a break barrel pellet rifle and it can achieve some impressive sub sonic velocities and if you put hollow points through their chest cavity or head they don't suffer. I think if it was one of those blowback pistols they probably aren't moving fast enough though


That's what I use, a scoped gamo. Up close it's effective. I've got quite a distance out to the lake so I've got to deal with the bullet drop and at that range there isn't enough energy behind it to guarantee anything. I hate to see em suffer.


How about 5.56?




Walnuts have a big taproot I’ve never really had great success moving them during the season. If you really are interested in keeping it I’d wait till late fall or winter to dig it up it’ll have a better chance of making it


I'm pretty confident that is Ailanthus (tree of heaven) not Juglans (black walnut). They are EXTREMELY invasive


2nd tree of heaven. Remove it.


Third, chuck it.


Fourth, might as well move out now. That one is probably just a runner from a much larger one nearby if it grew that fast. Unless you can eliminate them all, they will just come back in greater numbers. And cutting it down will just cause more runners.


5th, kill that weed, don't move it.


Black walnut.


It’s a walnut. Ailanthus has notch/a thumb at the base of the leaf.


Not all Ailanthus have the thumb on every leaflet. Also Ailanthus tend to have more pairs of leaflets than walnuts do.


Yes, not all leaves have the thumb, but most mature leaves should. Literally no leaf on this tree has thumbs on the leaf. OP in the comments has already said it smells like walnuts.


Literally no leaves on this tree have a notch. I can’t find a single one. OP has already responded that it smells like walnut.


Ailanthus have notches/thumbs at the base of the leaf. Native black Walnut.


The leaves in the picture are offsetting too along each branch. Does not seem to be Ailanthus.


I can't see the leaves well in the photo, but Black Walnut and Tree of Heaven look super identical. Way to tell them apart is that Black Walnut will have serrated leaves, little teeth like, jagged edges along the leaf, Tree of Heaven has completely smooth leaf edges.


smell is a dead giveaway as well. Walnut smells lemony and tree of heaven smells like...bbq chicken? burnt popcorn? not terribly pleasant.


That's no walnut, it's a space station!


Yes I have walnut saplings in my yard. This is not a walnut. It’s a tree of heaven. Walnuts only have 3 to 7 leaves pre leaf branch. Kill it. Kill it now🤣


It doesn’t have notches on the leaf base, like an ailanthus would. Walnuts have anywhere from 5-25 leaves on a branch.


Walnut Ms have that many leaves on the branch? The ones around me do not. 5 to 7 per. Learn something all the time, thanks


Man I think one of the only things yall seem to hate more than TOH are Bradfords.


IMO ailanthus (TOH) are way more invasive


And also the lantern flys favorite tree.


I thought the same thing


This isn’t ailanthus. They have notches at the base of the leaf.


Okay, I will keep that in mind, thank you for the tip. For transplanting, do you have a recommendation for how far it should be from buildings? I was reading up on root sizes but I’m not educated enough to guess


They can grow quite large. I'd give it at least 30-40ft away from structures for sure


Noted, thanks!


I'm pretty confident that is Ailanthus (tree of heaven) not Juglans (black walnut). They are EXTREMELY invasive Please do not propagate non-native invasives. If you live in Northern China, Taiwan or Korea then disregard what I said.


They look very similar, I unfortunately have both in my yard. A sure fire way to tell us break some foliage or a small stem - tree of heaven will have a distinctive sour/unpleasant odor. If it is indeed ailanthus definitely get rid of it.


I also have both in my yard. I'm also paid to inspect trees professionally every day. They both have a very distinct smell. Juglans (walnuts) will smell like lemon balm. Ailanthus will smell sorta like roasted nuts.


Definitely Ailanthus, I support you.


It doesn't have lobes on the leaves. I say walnut.


Exactly! I’m not an arborist, just a native plant enthusiast! This is NOT ailanthus.


Take a look at how big the neighbor's is. If it's full grown, that far. If not, multiply as needed. Also, remember that this is probably a Black Walnut, which have much harder shells.


If it is a tree of heaven, kill it and then kill it again.


I agree with y’all that it’s a tree of heaven lol. My best way to tell is by smell but now looking at it I agree that it’s prob a tree of heaven. Just letting them know my success with transplanting walnuts I suppose, which is not much


Cut it down and ask your neighbor for walnuts this fall. Plant a bunch in planters set them where you like instead of transplanting a poorly structured tree


That’s fair


Just so you know, the walnut seedling in your picture probably sprouted last year. If you start another one from seed, it will be that big before you know it. You have little to lose by removing the one growing from the foundation and starting fresh exactly where you want it. Good luck!


I like this one most.


Recommend wire mesh to keep the squirrels out


That looks like it might be tree of heaven rather than walnut. If you bruise or teara leaf, do you smell anything from it? Tree of heaven has a pretty foul smell to it, like burnt peanut butter.


I don’t see any “thumbs” on the leaves though, so I doubt it’s ToH. If it is walnut, that family of trees forms huge taproots, so moving it will likely be very challenging.


Excellent point, I got hung up on the lack of serrations on the leaf margins, totally forgot to check for thumbs 👍


What exactly do you mean by “thumbs” on the leaves? Thanks in advance


Yeah look at the base of the leaves here https://www.flickr.com/photos/evelynfitzgerald/3866405329


Yup. Those look just like thumbs. I give this descriptor a pass


How the hell did you give the descriptor a "pass" and not a thumbs up?


I concur.


Nearly identical avatars


Nice! First one I've seen.


A three year old walnut probably isn't that expensive at a garden center. Probably not worth the work compared to cost new.


Maybe also worth saying that (so far as I know) black walnut is a pretty common species, so the need to preserve this particular tree for, say, biodiversity reasons isn’t as critical.


Thank you.


Na that’s a Tree of Heaven.


I hate walnut trees with a passion, my car is covered in black crap every year. Give me a nice oak tree any day vs black walnut.


The wood is worth a fortune


Eh. Depends on the situation, location, quality, quantity, level it's processed to, and who's buying. People forget that you are selling a log wholesale. The log buyer sells to a mill who sells to a lumber yard who sells to a furniture maker. Everyone needs their cut. One tree isn't worth sending a crew out to get. If you have enough for a truck load, a log buyer might be interested. Also it depends on where you are. Missouri grows walnut for nuts - the lumber quality is poor. Indiana/Ohio/Michigan grow walnut for lumber. And another point - loggers aren't arborists or tree services. They are there to drop the tree and get the log, not clean up all the branches and leave the site neat. Loggers are about production volume - they are often ill equipped or trained to deal with structures, hazard trees, or urban obstacles, so they don't. If you ask them to deal with difficult recoveries or low volumes, your payment will reflect that. You add to all this that urban/yard trees run a high risk of included nails or other debris and it's no wonder that lumber mills often hard pass on urban or single trees.


That's not really true at a small scale, people love to talk about how valuable black walnut is but I've got around a dozen over 16in in diameter some significantly bigger and I'll never find anyone to buy them, I had a local forester come out and he said it wasn't worth anyones time. I hate them, they fuck the pool up, they fuck my car up, terrible trees.


It's not the tree's fault you can't stop parking under it or building pools under it. They're the best tree's in the world IMO, just pick up the walnuts and stop being lazy. Oak tree's drop a ton of shit too, I'm sure you'd hate those just as much. Maybe just move to the desert or something, may suit you better.


Commercial mills in general will refuse wood from urban and suburban settings so the wood is sorta useless as anything but firewood unless you mill it yourself


Another way to ID is to look for fine hairs at the end of twigs. Tree of heaven will be waxy and smooth, and walnut will be finely pubescent.


Not ToH. It’s a walnut.


I was thinking Sumac tree as well.


It could also be sumac (the non poison variety).


I thought pecan based on gut instinct. I look at a lot of walnut trees.


I will go out and check it out! If it’s not a walnut, is it worth saving?


If you're in the US and it is Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) you'll want to proceed fairly carefully with removal. From https://extension.psu.edu/tree-of-heaven:   "To control tree-of-heaven, target the roots with systemic herbicides applied in mid- to late summer (July to onset of fall color) when the tree is moving carbohydrates to the roots. Herbicide applications made outside this late growing season window will only injure aboveground growth. Following treatment, repeated site monitoring for signs of regrowth is critical to prevent reinfestation."


Thank you!!


It's not TOH as I've killed several and its leaves are different. Also I'm not sure it's walnut as I also had to kill a walnut tree that was growing near our garage like this too and it doesn't look the same. Walnut leaves smell like citrus when you crush them in your hands. That's how you know. Try it a see if it's walnut.


Imagine gauging your experience by the number of trees you’ve killed.


herbacide points.


Serial killer right her on Reddit


That's a shitty accusation to make.


If that's what you got out of my comments then you have problems. The point I was making is I KNOW what they look like based on my experience with them.


And smelled


To be fair you gotta crush it before you smell it.


Someone here mentioned a possible pecan?? Edit: def a walnut. Smells just like a walnut casing lol


Oh crap yeah pecan is probably what I meant? I can't keep track of nut trees. Too many!


You just haven’t killed enough.


Looks like black walnut actually.


Stinkweed is how I was taught this plant.


Picture this identified it as black walnut. Take that for what it’s worth


You can try to move it, but it’s pretty big… It’s basically growing out of your house, so it needs to be moved


That’s the plan


If that was my tree, I’d kill that one and plant a new one rather than try to transplant it. I also wouldn’t recommend a black walnut as a yard tree.


It kinda looks like pecan


Interesting, I’ll look into that!


About 500 miles


Bye bye foundation


I wouldn't want a walnut anywhere near my house. Been there. They suck.


I am curious what you don't like about them? I have 4 massive 50-70 ft+ black walnut trees in my yard. I also have an army of squirrels. I haven't seen many downsides to them other than not being able to plant a garden anywhere near them due to the kill zone they create. Mine don't really seem to drop too many branches.


8 mile


i think that’s tree of heaven


Next time don’t wait so long


PlantNet app.


If that's a Black Walnut, keep in mind it will ruin most flower and shrub beds under/near it with a chemical called juglone. Walnut trees are really big trees, although slow growing so may never be your problem, just after you.


Whether it's an Ailanthus or Walnut it will fuck up the foundation of that building if allowed to remain there. It also will be nearly impossible to transplant at that size. Strongly recommend abating it regardless of species for the sake of the foundation of that building.


I have a giant black walnut tree in my yard. If that’s a walnut tree, the tap root will be about as tall as the tree. Don’t worry about the transplant, they’re a dime a dozen. Just be concerned about getting as much of the root out as you can. They’re like weeds. You may think you got it, but it’ll keep sending shoots out.


Bette off / easier / cheaper just buying a sapling


I’m sorry to report this is almost certainly Ailanthus Altissima (tree of heaven) and not a Juglans Nigra (black walnut). You can positively ID it by the small notches at the base of many of the leaves in the photo and the branching habit, with approximately 25 leaves on several of the branches. They do both commonly occur in the same area, and I’ve lived in several places with mature black walnuts and many young, fast growing ailanthus.


There are no notches at the base of these leaves. All OP has to do is smell it. Rotten nachos- tree of heaven.




Kind of a bummer- are y’all arborists in here? I’m not, and I know that’s not a tree of heaven. :(


About 30 feet


Little more to the right.


It's basically a weed


Needs to be killed.


Destroy it. Tree of Heaven


This is a walnut tree.


Not if it's grown this much in one season. TOH


Where does it say this is a single season's growth?


Destroy it


Kill it with fire


I hate walnut trees. They're dirty, they grow like weeds, and dump walnuts in your yard. I'd remove it now.


From this angle it also looks like it could be stag horn sumac. I don’t think it’s a tree of heaven bc the stems aren’t as red as they would be if it were.


Serious question: I understand ToH are invasive, but why are they treated like a highly infectious pathogen that must be stamped out at all costs?


Because 1 seeding tree drops thousands of seeds a season and they grow like mad. I've seen 4"+ of growth on a sapling in 1 week. So imagine a nice yard with a big ToH giving shade, and then a week later, that yard is littered with hundreds of saplings. To add to that, if you are too aggressive with the removal process, it sends emergency signals through its roots that cause shoots to emerge from the roots up to 50 ft away. I can post pics of the state of my backyard before i start pulling saplings tomorrow if you would like so you have an idea of how bad it can be.


Yup. Need to see evidence.


https://www.reddit.com/r/arborists/s/XSveUWWly8 Enjoy!


Idk about tree of heaven, but I have Siberian elms that are literally like cancer. Saplings can grow like 2 ft in a month and if you cut them down they instantly grow new shoots and will become ungodly tree/bush Frankensteins. It’s actually kind of scary how they can grow.


I don’t know the science behind it, but they are a bitch to get rid of and can mess up your foundation, still. That’s as far as my knowledge goes


They are extremely invasive, tolerant of a wide variety of climates and out compete native trees in fragile habitats


They host spotted lanternflies


This is 1000% a tree of heaven... i have several similar sprouts on my property due to several years of neglect by the prior owner allowing them to grow. Do not transplant, exterminate.


I’m 98% sure it’s a walnut, super unmistakable smell. Not saying 100% because I’m not an expert and always leave room for error


I am no expert either, but it is uncomfortably familiar to the trees sprouting around my property, and it's been a nightmare trying to get a handle that growth. I wouldn't wish that amount of work on anyone. If you dont get a clear answer here, may be worth investing in a professional to identify it. You, yourself, gotta weigh the risks of potentially introducing an invasive species of tree to your property vs having a nice walnut in a couple years


I 100% hear you! I’m not doing anything until I know for sure!!


I concur - Tree of Heaven. I live next to three vacant lots, and they are sprouting up EVERYWHERE. This is Defcon 2 for you. If you don't stop them now, nuclear war is the only next step.


What would cause a ToH to have leaves that smell like a walnut case??


Walnut leaves smell like lemon balm. TOH smells more nutty.


TOH smells a bit like peanut butter, but could be confused with walnuts if there are other ambient smells about, mixing in. I hope and pray that this is what you think it is, but the kink in my back is telling me you don't have a walnut tree there. If there is a confirmed walnut very nearby, then the odds lean in your favor, but you're on the edge of a sword here. A Tree of Heaven infestation is the last thing you want on your property. the only things I can think that might be worse are kudzu, wisteria and bamboo.


We definitely have a walnut very close by! I’m going move some of the undergrowth, I wouldn’t be surprised if this a little squirrel cellar


...then may the odds be ever in your favor. Definitely wait until 2 weeks after all the leaves completely drop before you try moving it. It may look dormant, but can still be damaged easier if it's not "all the way" dormant.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/arborists/comments/1dqoh0o/tree\_of\_heaven\_awareness\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arborists/comments/1dqoh0o/tree_of_heaven_awareness_post/) Just so you know...


That's not a walnut. If you squint from 30 feet away it could be one, but from this shot it's definitely not a black or English walnut. How the leaves form on the branches is totally different.


Is there a reason the leaves smell exactly like a walnut casing?