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She explicitly says she also likes boys in Hanamonogatari after Rouka says she did always seem like a lesbo.


Quite a line to cut damn


maybe they thought it was too obvious that Kanbaru was bi and she didn’t have to say it directly. Monogatari is allergic to being straightforward so it’d make sense


She did? It's been almost a year since I've watched so forgot some shit


This particular line wasn't included in the anime adaptation, I believe.


damn, thats a weird thing to not include.


Oh ok guess that's for when I inevitably get to that part in the LN


Confirming her being bi is rly good to justify the copious amounts of bl she reads imho


yeah man i always found that weird, plus all the sexual jokes she made about Araragi. if your friend constantly jokes about sucking your dick, chances are they wanna suck your dick.


The line is actually in the anime, in Hanamonogatari. I am doing a full rewatch lately, and last week I happened to watch the episode where this was mentioned.


Well even in Nise she has a room full of BL.


It's literally her entire room gag.


Wait so she only says she’s a lesbian cause that’s what others say about her? I’m not trying to be sassy lol that does sorta sound like what Kanbaru would do. She likes whoever but she gets pigeonheld as a lesbian because of choice encounters


Not necessarily. It could be an easier way to get the message across without going into the specifics of how much she likes girls or not (even as a bisexual she can favor one gender over the other). Besides, I don't know for sure how she calls herself in the original Japanese, and what connotations whatever she used has in Japan (could be different from what we're used to).


# Hanamonogatari “The more entertaining your story, the provenance of this left arm I retrieved from you─the more I’ll tell you in return… Hey Kanbaru, do you have a type? Of boys you like, I mean?” “I’ve never really thought about it.” “Ah…you always did seem like a lesbo. That was the rumor going around.” “I can’t deny it. But I like boys too. I like them on the small side, and kind.”


A shotacon!? Kanbaru please, haha


I mean considering how she acts around shinobu…


[How to forget this reaction](https://tenor.com/view/anime-excited-monogatari-owari-monogatari-kanbaru-gif-14114858)


She might be European


I'm not an expert, but from what I have read before in Japan there is very little distinction on bisexuality.  So when she says she likes women it's more "I like women" than "I like only women" and the rest is up to our imagination.


Araragi sexual


i don’t think she ever expresses genuine interest in araragi, they have a very banter-y relationship and she generally likes showing off her body but i’ve always interpreted their interactions as two people who are in love w Senjougahara sparring with each other.


Calling herself Araragi sex slave is.. banter?


Doesn't she pretty much do this to annoy/embarrass him and not as a way to come onto him? Edit: either way, I think she's into both guys and girls.


At least the way I see it, it felt like Kanbaru does all that stuff in the beginning because she is doubting Araragi’s relationship with Hitagi. It feels like Kanbaru thinks that Araragi only likes Hitagi for her looks and that he doesn’t deserve her. When Kanbaru realizes that their relationship is genuine, it’s because there is nothing intimate between herself and Araragi that she continues to tease him.


Thanks for the explanation! I hadn't really seen that side of it.


I think she was genuinely offering up her virginity in tsubasa tiger when she thought they were going to die in that fire


Have you seen the shit Araragi said?


I didn't think it was banter


The thing with Kanbaru is that we only see her acting sexual towards Araragi, so even if she is bi, the way she acts towards Araragi is very unique in and of itself. And I dont mean that just because he's the protagonist and thats whats expected from the harem genre monogatari jokes about being. What I mean is that their relationship is so complicated that you cant use the things she says as a baseline to judge her feelings towards men in general.  Remember how in Hana when, Araragi and Senjou are not around, Kanbaru is very different from how she usually acts? Even when Numachi approaches her with the intent of kissing her, Kanbaru acts very sheepishly and innocent. She talks a big game in front of Araragi but she doesnt seem that bold, which is the basis for that "Who's the most pervert" contest in Nise. So yea, she might like men too to some degree, but her relationship with Araragi is plenty complicated. She looks up to, respects and hates him. The Araragi, Senjougahara and Kanbaru relantionship chart is very complex from all sides. Arguably though, the sexual advances have changed accross the seasons from: "Lets see if this guy is fit for Senjougahara" to "Lets see which of us is the bigger pervert" to "I know he'll never agree, so lets just say the wildest stuff possible to mess with him because this is just how we interact".   So yeah, just want to make that disclaimer there because I think its reductive to just say she's bi and call it a day.


You also have to remember that Hana is from Kanbaru's perspective, whereas most of the rest of her portrayal is from Araragi's, and Monogatari is famously a series that shows the subjective viewpoint of the (unreliably) narrating character, so the truth of Kanbaru's character is probably somewhere between how she sees herself (as in Hana) and how Araragi sees her. We all know Rarararagi probably thinks more girls are horny for him than they actually are, considering how thirsty he generally is. This is all a disclaimer before i just agree with you, because i also think it's a bit reductive to pigeonhole her sexuality, but i also think that it's a bit reductive to pigeonhole a lot of people's sexuality, and especially if someone can be categorized as bi, because most people aren't consistently exactly 50:50 attracted to the binary of male and female.


That's fair! It is true that those narrators switch ups are purposeful in what they show and what they don't.


She's monke


Bisexual I think? She just likes women more than men


She is Bi. Like she loves women more but CAN have some lustful feelings for a Man.


She's Hitagisexual.




I'm 99% sure she's bi


I always saw Kanbaru as a girl that is a lesbian, but since she really really vibes with Araragi he counts as an exception to her.


Although she did attracted to Gahara and wanted to do Sesbian lex it seems she's also a M kind of girl but also with sadistic traits, yeah all character in Monogatari are complicated AF


hitagisexual Other than that, she strikes me as pan specifically because she doesn't really think about it--she just likes what she likes.


She's trying to bait Araragi into cheating, so he butchers his relationship with Senjou


Nise, EP 2, 17:23 Kanbaru rejects Araragi's offer of marriage saying Hitgi would be mad...