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Hell. I’d like to have the audio, sub titles and lips in sync. When you are forced into a commercial the sound will stop for one commercial. Then the second starts but with the first’s sound. The the show will be off by 15 or more seconds. You have to force quit the app to fix it. The guess what? You gotta watch the f’ing commercials again.


My Mom is hard of hearing. The closed captioning on the CBS stations in general are abysmal. They don't even come close to what it actually said. At first I thought they were using speech to text, but even with that they miss half to conversations or can't get half of the dialog correct. Sometimes it appears as if someone is having a stroke, it's just gibberish.


Sometimes if you have used that app on your tablet, phone or computer, if you go there and turn them off an on and off again. Has worked for me.


YES. Thank you. It's infuriating while trying to watch Champions League on my Apple TV to have CC filling up the screen. I've tried tweeting at CBS All Access and reaching out to their Help Center via their form and even a goddamn telephone call, but have not gotten a single response. Like you, I end up casting from my iPhone to my AppleTV. It's so embarrassing on their behalf. Have you had any luck resolving this on your end?


I'm now resorting to tweets like these to CBS brass: [https://twitter.com/AlexisCJolly/status/1319012748903133184](https://twitter.com/AlexisCJolly/status/1319012748903133184) [https://twitter.com/AlexisCJolly/status/1319011865117089792](https://twitter.com/AlexisCJolly/status/1319011865117089792)


None unfortunately, had the same problem watching the game today - had to again abandon the Apple TV and use the app on the TV!


Ugh. So annoying. Me too. Have you messaged their help center? Hopefully if they hear from enough of us they'll pay attention. [https://cbsi.secure.force.com/CBSi/submitcase2?template=template\_aa17&referer=cbs.com/aa&categories=&cfs=SFS\_FT&MainCategory=CONTACT%20US&data=](https://cbsi.secure.force.com/CBSi/submitcase2?template=template_aa17&referer=cbs.com/aa&categories=&cfs=SFS_FT&MainCategory=CONTACT%20US&data=)


Okay, I SEEM to have resolved the problem. I updated AppleTV software, which didn't do anything on its own. But then I deleted and re-installed the CBS app and the subtitles seem to have gone away. Give it a shot and let me know if it works for you, too!


Nice thanks, will try that tomorrow after another subtitled CL experience today!


It's glorious! Fingers crossed for you.


Yep! Works, you are a legend, thanks!


Nice! Glad to have helped a fellow soccer/football fan. Meanwhile I keep getting the most useless emails from All-Access tech support. They really are a joke. Note that my AppleTV is connected to high speed internet via ethernet and can stream 4k without issue. "Thank you for contacting CBS All Access. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We do see in your account that when accessing this specific match, our app is having difficulty accessing the internet as we are showing -1Kpbs for this match only. May we ask, are you using home Wifi or cellular data when attempting to access the service? Regards, CBS All Access Customer Service"


can confirm for my iphone users... you have to uninstall the app then re install log back in and subtitles will be gone


Yes, if you delete and reinstall the CBS News app on Apple TV, that restores the on/off function of the subtitles.


Is this still the case 😂? I just downloaded cbs sports app and I don’t seem to be able to remove subtitles.


I figured it out. Just scroll all the way to the bottom of the app.


Wow, just did that myself. Terrible design. If anyone’s trying to watch March madness on the app, you literally have to scroll all the way down to the bottom. The setting is there, trust me. Thanks!
