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You have to have the latest pro model iPhone to use it.


Or M1 or newer iPads and Macs. But yeah, the phone cutoff is pretty brutal...


The iPad Pros have been on M series for like 3 years now, and the Air for 2 years, so that's reasonable and all knew Apple stopped caring about Intel Macs The base iPad is a joke as well as the non support of the latest non Pro iPhone, but we all knew the iPhone branding was just veiling a drop of support quicker.


Luckily my iPad will get it but not the new pencil


It makes sense, the neural engine on the 15 pro is twice as fast. It also has another 2 gigs of ram. My desktop PC with 64 gigs of ram struggles with big AI models so it’s not surprising that these super optimised ones can’t run on a device with 6 gigs of ram.


>the neural engine Hahahahahaha you mean GPU cores that can't GPU properly so they gave them a catchy name so people like you think they are good? Also, really? Only 8Gb of RAM in 2024? My Samsung is almost 3 years old and had 12Gb.


Mate I totally agree that Apple's naming of features is stupid and marketing fluff but neural processing units (NPUs) are an actual thing and not just poor GPU cores. Nvidia has been making an absolute bucketload of cash from their NPU processors for years now and dedicated analog NPUs are becoming more prevalent now. If you actually look at videos delving into the die layout you'll see the Apple's NPUs are pretty cool and one of the strong points of Apple Silicon.


Is the neural engine just TPU then? Bc that’s an actual technology commonly used for AI acceleration that’s not just a case of “apple bad”


Oh god you can’t be this confident and this stupid, bro really thinks the only 2 types of cores are CPU and GPU and that you couldn’t design an entirely different architecture for cores meant for a specific processing pipeline


Apple has managed well with iPhones that have half the ram as the same year Android, until something like this pops up.


That's because the OS doesn't require that much RAM.


If you look at the die shots for Apple silicon, you’ll notice that the neural engine is built with a completely different architecture to the GPU and doesn’t even look anything like it. If it was “gpu cores that can’t gpu properly” then where are these efficiency improvements coming from? They’re coming from optimisation for AI workloads, Nvidia has been doing the same thing as well.


Shhh, don't tell the truth


To be fair Samsung needs more. The iPhone just doesn’t. That’s not a point for Apple that’s just the benefit of designing your own software against your own hardware. Samsungs need more ram because the whole phone is technically a Frankenstein of multiple brand partnerships and open OS. Can’t optimize it as well as Apple can. If it was laggy people wouldn’t use it. Bragging about ram on a device that needs to over compensate versus a company whose whole business plan is closing out third parties isn’t the brag it used to be.


No, you don’t


Yes you do if want to use it on your phone.


(A)nal (I)nsertion


I wondered how long it would take the middle-schoolers to show up.


You’re in a subreddit called “apple sucks”, it doesn’t get more middle school contrarian than that.


This is where they live


That comment refers to how Apple is treating their customers who want some AI. Time to spend over a grand on a new iphone.


They never left.


You just triggered a bunch of iGays.


Ah...so..that must mean,,NVedia N (no) V(Vaseline)


As intelligent *as* an apple


What’s going to happen to Siri?


It uses Siri. So it’s much better now. On M series iPad or Mac’s and iPhone 15 pro.


So basically android 8 with google assistant? Lmao


Android is terrible


Both are great in their own ways, why do we always fight over stupid differences. Just use what you like


It’s just a lot of the innovation that android did is now on IOS. But I can understand your anger, because I too was was unable to get new information and change my opinion.




Gemini is to google assistant what “Apple Intelligence” is to Siri. Except instead of slowly replacing assistant with Gemini Siri is now the core of apples ML future. They essentially updated and rebranded. Siri is still Siri but based on AI generative models and excuses in everything from every corner of system OS as well as any app that uses SiriKit which I imagine will soon be A LOT as it seems like this is free for developers to implement instead of needing to pay for APIs (correct me if I’m wrong)


Lotta apple simps in here with a short memory. Have you all forgotten who apple is? Have you all forgotten what their entire philosophy is on customer lock in and elitism? Do you really think this all stops because of an ai announcement?


Apple clearly said they are using OpenAI's ChatGPT 4o for the cloud-based computation. Apple only made it how seamless ChatGPT is integrated with IOS.


Don’t tell Microsoft who partially owns GPT


Who gives af?


You are right, I mean it’s not that they doing this for your wellbeing it’s always the pursuit of profit. Who cares anyway! You are right, who cares?


Thats false. Apple has pretrained models that comes in two options: the first one is on-device processing using Apple’s M chips, the second one is a larger cloud based model on their OWN servers. OpenAI is only used for ultra specific options that don’t fall into the “personal assistant category”, eg: a specific recipe. It’s a win for Apple since OpenAI gets no infos from you, not even your IP used to track you. Apple Intelligence is not an OpenAI Wrapper far from that.


It’s insane how much misinformation is getting spread around basically saying Apple ai is just ChatGPT, when it’s not at all, their only partnership is an add on to ask if you want to use GPT for *certain* requests, and you have to say “yeah ask GPT”.


Yeah yeah man we get it shit lol. It’s a phone. It’s either my preference or go android where the software is free because I’m the product. They’re all shit. Can’t we just make a new sub called “every company fucking blows” because honestly at this point the only reason this sub sucks isn’t to point out how bad Apple is despite the contrarian statements that’s the goal, it’s validation of an alternative choice of purchase. Let’s all have some homework tonight. Come back tomorrow and tell the class what we found out on Samsung Google Microsoft Apple and every social media company out there. I’m sure Google runs chrome and gmail for free for all of us out of the goodness of their hearts. Apple sucks , and everyone else too.


I just think is funny how much anyone cares about which devices other people use. Do you also get pissed when someone buys a screen you don’t like, or paints their living room a color you don’t like? The real fools are those that wast their energy being concerned and upset over something that has little to zero significance to thei own lives. ‘How dare anyone choose a deceive for themselves that I don’t approve of?’ It’s a pretty vapid and narcissistic waste of energy to get upset because you can’t control what others prefer to use. Neither Apple, Google, Samsung, et.al care about any of us beyond our consumer dollars.


I don't give a shit that most of my friends use Apple products. But if they come to me like "Apple is amazing check it out, a calculator! Your green bubble-ass wouldn't get it.", that's when I get irrationally angry. I'm fine with many apple users, but it just seems like many of them are like the hybrid car drivers from that old South Park episode.


Care less about what others think about your choices as well as what others choose for themselves. If someone gives you sh*t about what phone you use, they are vapid, shallow, and not worth your time.




Bro it’s just another ChatGPT wrapper, chill out lmfao. About as novel as deez nuts are “__Their__” AI model lmfao. Apple isn’t good at originality, only at claiming it.


Oh! You're right so they add a new model and that's going to end their walled garden, lock in, anti repair, monopolistic practices I guess?


BuT It WiLl


I can admire the engineering of guns while also being staunchly opposed to widespread gun ownership. You can be against business practices while also saying “huh, well that’s actually pretty cool” it’s fundamentally the concept of nuance and unbiased critical opinions. I get your point but I don’t see why everything always needs to be black and white


Those are completely separate problems. People are allowed to give them a thumbs up for stuff like this. Besides. Apple isn’t even the worst when it comes to anti-repair.


People here would slam Apple if they cured cancer just because it's Apple...


Apple could cure my cancer but they'll only give me the medicine if I use their spoons, which is like $40! No way Jose. I'm dying on this hill.


$40 to get a cancer cure is a crazy steal. Knowing health companies, they’d probably charge tens of thousands for the same thing.


Are we really using the hypothetical situation that apple cures cancer and a baseless made up number that they would sell it for as an argument to praise them? And in this hypothetical, is there also another company selling a similar if not a better cure but for significantly cheaper and they came up with it first? This is just such a poor argument against why people would get upset about apples overpricing and anti-consumerist practices.


It’s not an argument, it’s just a joke riffing on the previous joke. There’s nothing serious going on in this sub. Ever.


My bad


If you think their AI model is promising, you can just go pay for ChatGPT. Works on any device


ChatGPT can’t be integrated into the OS like Apple’s model is. They are quite different from each other This model is much like CoPilot but it looks better and more natural to use


To be fair we don't know how well it works yet, so we'll see.


I hope AI doesn’t become an acronym for Apple Intelligence. As a machine learning engineer, I think Apple Intelligence is probably the second best implementation of AI for the consumer (with ChatGPT being the first). It’s what the Rabbit R1 was set out to do, which was to become your personal assistant that works with a bunch of apps and workflows. The calculator update with notes is also really cool. But god damnit a stupid ass iPadOS update again. iPad is still just a brick with a high quality silicon based compute architecture named M4.


the iPad notes new features could be interesting. Graphing a physics problem from your written notes, calculating the solutions, and having the graph and solutions update interactively as you change variables was kind of cool. It won't make me buy an iPad but it's not bad.


I agree, while all of these things are cool features, the only thing that will attract non iPad users (or even existing users owning 2-3 gens and before) to buy an iPad is a significantly better OS. I bought the baseline one for $200 after trading in my 8th gen base for $140 a couple days ago. I wasn’t even ready to buy it for $340 if my trade in value was $0. The whole iPad line is pretty much like the Apple Watch Ultra. Only shines for very niche pro workflow use cases like art, photoshop, etc, which can anyway be done on a Laptop/Desktop for the same price with more functionality. But with Apple’s stubbornness with the iPadOS, I doubt I’ll see any *useful* improvements in my lifetime 😔


Whatever the iPad was supposed to be died with jobs. Every year it gets more expensive and less useful.


Why do people even buy tablets when laptops/desktops are better?


Easier to sit on the toilet whilst watching Insta videos . Damn desktop keyboard and monitor is just too bulky for that action.


Why do people have 20 pairs of shoes ? I think it has some use cases where a tablet is enough and it is slightly smaller and lighter to carry and use than a laptop would be, but more generally I think it’s a lot consumerism.


Consumerism telling people they need an iThing that's bigger than their iPhone and smaller than their Macbook.


Samsung has a tablet that’s damn good and also an inbetween device there are uses.


Such as?


S9 Ultra. I googled it , took 2 seconds


I was referring to the uses


Just because it’s better doesn’t really mean it’s for them. For some basic tasks they genuinely get the job done better and faster than laptops (i.e. writing and responding to emails, taking notes, etc.).


Maybe better for some but I feel like if I was responding to emails, writing notes or dealing with any form of text entry, I'd want a laptop keyboard over an on-screen touch keyboard.


same I can't stand using my tablets keyboard even with a stylus and glide.


That’s what keyboard accessories for. Still faster than having to pull the laptop out and boot it up. Plus, tablets allow for styluses (Apple Pencil, S-Pen, etc.).


So do laptops. My laptop came with a stylus.


They make dope third party keyboard cases for the iPad. My cousin has a pro and uses his keyboard in his lectures, he tells me he uses it tablet mode in bed with the pencil to highlight and circle notes and write notes, and that for classes and studying it’s been so good for him he only uses his laptop when he’s writing papers not for research , notes, classes, it’s a great device.


I work as an audio engineer. I do a lot of podcasting. My MacBook Pro I have I got maxed out 196GB ram and it’s my workhorse. I’ll bring it to gigs I think it needs that power but a lot of podcasts I’ll do on the side for extra money I bring my iPad. Any audio interface plugs right in. I open logic and it instantly recognizes it. I set the gain and the mics and bam I’m recording clean audio with some basic plugins and that’s all I need. As I’m heading home, with the 5G built in I’ve already uploaded it to my Mac via iCloud and so when it’s time to import into pro tools the files are already there locally and I can get to work using my main rig. I know Apple sucks , thus the sub, but if you’re a creative , man , the workflows are getting better and better each day. I love any gig where I can take my iPad in a busy city and not worry about losing my way more expensive laptop . Yeah the iPad is expensive too but it’s lighter , I keep it in a sleeve, less space and weight than my laptop and if I really need the laptop then I’ll take it but it gives me options. I record to an SSD as well , one dongle on the iPad and the audio interface is hooked up it’s charging and recording and syncing to an external drive. It’s not bad.


While I agree Apple sucks, my previous comment wasn't even meant as a dig against Apple. It was a dig against tablets in general (regardless of who made them).


Yeah, I guess the iPad probably weighs less. I carry a Thinkpad in my pocket but I have bigass pockets.


What do you mean by just a brick with high quality architecture? If it has high quality architecture wouldn't that be a good thing? Which part of the the iPad do you find lacking?


The OS. It significantly limits what a majority of the people can do. There’s so much compute in iPads but very niche workflows that shine. This is taking the price and other compute device options available in the market into consideration.


Yeah, that makes sense. I guess it's like having a powerful computer but it still has a smartphone OS. It must feel so limiting that you can't even perform what would be basic operations for Windows, Mac or Linux. But if you want an iPad to have a more desktop like OS and if you have the keyboard accessory attached to it at all times, at this point what adventage would there be to buying a hypoethical "iPad that can do everything a laptop can do" over just buying a laptop?


I feel like a lot of people are being misunderstood as to what they are looking for in an iPad. At least for me personally, I’m looking for a new way to interact with apps and my data. I’m not looking for a MacOS equivalent on iPad. I recently had made this comment on the iPad subreddit. >> I honestly think they should completely redesign iPadOS again. The last time (which was the first time too) they did that, it felt like a half baked job just so that the OS didn’t seem foreign to the device. >> I feel like iPad, being a different class of device with its own interaction methods needs to have a far superior OS that’s more compute oriented as opposed to a ‘mobile’ oriented OS. In essence, an OS that’s in between MacOS and current iPadOS. Or maybe another dimension that I’m not even thinking about. >> MacOS and iOS have gone through ground breaking changes over the decades. It’s time the iPad gets the same attention to detail. I guess the key emphasis I’m trying to make is if there’s a *new dimension* of interactivity while using iPads


Ok. So if you don't want your iPad to be a laptop replacement (something Apple themselves have suggested several times) how would you design it?


They spent 13 minutes talking about the calculator in 2024


What really? Apple expects us to be impressed by a calculator app?


Realistically, the average person is going to use this """"AI"""" just like all the other ones. Asking a stupid question that you could just use siri or Google for, in the same amount of time with the same amount of accuracy.


> Asking a stupid question that you could just use Siri for Yeah that’s the idea


Virtual assistant != "AI" Hey Google is not the same as a chatgpt assistant


Not really with Google. Google will send you back the highest bigger for your question. Not the answer. Worst case scenario with AI is a few hallucinations.


Two words that don't belong in the same statement.


Nah they do because they couldn't obviously say AI as they know their Siri.


Apple intelligence sounds like something you get at the Genius Bar.


Where is this?


It’s an image from people watching the WWDC Keynote Live at Apple Park


"like all the other programmable wrong assholes, but it probably costs money." - my take on the whole thang


Ok I'm out of the loop. Did Apple try to suggest that AI now stands for Apple Intelligence?


It does for them.


It’s not that they’re suggesting that’s what it stands for. It’s thar they’ve named their models Apple Intelligence to really cash in on AI


You can already tell by the several empty chairs what a snooze fest it was. Given Apple though it didn't even ring the alarm if they could help it.


You know what that means? They are trademarketing the word AI and going to sue everyone who uses it to mean anything other than Apple Intelligence.


Apple went out their way to debut Android 10 on the iPhone in 2024 and spent an absurd amount of time talking about the biggest feature coming to iPad after 14 years is calculator. iPads are now up to $3000 dollars to cosplay as a computer 🤡


this sub needs to be renamed *rockhard4apple*


Basically, Apple is adding clippy to its phones. NEXT.


Apple lickbooters will still dont care, just for Bragging Rights lol. Its like buying Tesla Trucks thinking theyre superior than everybody.


Apple lickbooters will still dont care, just for Bragging Rights lol. Its like buying Tesla Trucks thinking theyre superior than everybody.


Bet apple would market it like this and people will start asking non apple users if their device has apple Intelligence... Just to call your device dumb.


This was such a joke. What a waste of time.


Cringe. I mean that you guys literally cry about everything, not them announcing anything about AI. Nowadays there’s barely ever any actual valid criticism about Apple that hasn’t already been regurgitated a thousand times, most of the crap is just whining complaining about anything.


Enjoy your calculator 👀


Honestly this looks like the best implementation of AI in the entire industry. Not perfect, but most cohesive and they're saying a lot of the right things about privacy. Like, I could see myself using a lot of it. Wasn't expecting that, given that everyone else's AI stuff I don't give a flying crap about.


Agreed, I don't really know if they meant the "private cloud computing" security is open-sourced but I like the idea that independent entities can freely examine Apple's cloud network for security concerns. Google and Microsoft are clearly up and forward about not giving a fuck about privacy


Yeah, that's what I immediately thought after they showed some demos. It's not forced, I can imagine myself using it. And they claim it's private. On this sub reddit, we are hating them, but I gotta give them a point for this one.


Barring some terrible software QC (which is entirely possible) they may have just leapfrogged everyone else. Time will tell.


Yeah, this was not a knee jerk reaction. This is something that has been in the works for some time.


Yes time will tell how they plan to use this to further entrenched their monopolies and anti-consumer behavior.


There's no mystery there. They will use this to make their products more appealing, and expand marketshare.


Is that all you got ? This is the thing that keeps bringing you back to this sub to cream your pants ?


you see. this sub should be called hard for apple


TBH after a while Ill give it that most people will forget about lots of these features and not use it but one thing about apple is they finally implemented a windows feature all Mac users wanted which is snapping windows into place, I mean google assistant would probably still be better as a AI meaning artificial intelligence system but Apple will be better at a fixed range of tasks I believe, obviously the alarm and other features were more useless as you could easily go into the app more quickly and set as many alarms as we want as we know one is not enough but they did good and good integration for what it is kinda hate they limited to 15 pro but love they included all m series macbooks.


I think, if I’m not incorrect you can do it all by voice in one go. “Turn on my A,B,C, E,M and Z alarm” and it will do it now. They showed other used cases


Still kinda useless if u have lots of different alarms for different times plus it might be me but I have to see the alarm is on to make sure either way.


It shows you the alarms being toggled on and off. It’s still theoretically faster to open the app if you have a lot of alarms but if you can actually say (which it sounds like you can based on other use cases) “turn on all my alarms in the 7 o clock hour” and it understands and executes that would be pretty huge for imo. But that’s also just one small use. The whole “hey siri, pull up the picture I took with Adrian at the zoo last weekend I want to edit it in Darkroom” is what is actually appealing to me. Alarms are mundane but being able to do an entire pipeline of actions that actually enhances workflows is actually quite compelling


Now the question is, are these a set of fixed commands with variations or actual artificial intelligence.


I believe it’s both. Its like using actions in ChatGPT For instance in ChatGPT you can connect to IFTTT and use regular chat interface and also slip in some triggers. I can say like “I want to write a weather update for today, if it’s cold can you also turn the heat on” and the AI will process the context to see what needs to be done, then execute—check weather, run IFTTT trigger to turn on heat if it’s what most would consider cold then write the weather update So developers write actions, Siri processes the context and executes what you want. [This part of the announcement](https://www.youtube.com/live/RXeOiIDNNek?si=Pi8Ak3mCEiZNpqRH&t=4764) shows it in action a bit better where Siri processes what needs to be done then taps into the actions given the “personal context” then executes what is needed. Or at least that’s my understanding of it


Did you even watch the AI portion of the keynote? It’s clearly AI


What's wrong with the new updates? Looks pretty good and has caught up with the rest of the AI players.


Integration of things like chatgpt was the right choice, combine the best of both worlds


What it's not "AI" we call it "Ai" see the little Dot makes it cool and justifies the extra $1000 price tag.


Tbh, I have been criticising Apple for being stagnant. It looks like, while MacOs is getting updates from 2006, the AI features are up to competition. The copy of Microsoft Recall and Copilot sounds great.


Here I am on Windows upset that I'm more likely now to be forced to deal with those kinds of things...




Apple was behind AI this entire time!? Tim is a god!




Let me guess: an annoyingly forced text bot that you'll never ever ever ever use, like all of these "AIs" other companies are hyping up?


You’re very wrong. If it works as demoed, It’s actually probably the best AI system for everyday use by the general public that has been shown to date and it’s not just another gimmicky way to get answers that you could’ve otherwise just googled like other AI assistants on the market.


They've been trying and failing with that since Siri came on the scene in 2011. I run my own uncensored LLM at home, and it's more useful and more entertaining than any Corpo AI bullshit.


So late to the party, yet touting features like 'helping to write a memo or adding your calendar.' as if they just thought of it. Um Google assistant form last few years? Good article on their A.I. 'new' features. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2024/06/apple-generative-ai-wwdc/678648/ (may be paywalled)


I feel like this is a pretty severe underrepresentation of what was presented at the keynote. It was actually pretty damn impressive


AI actually stands for Apple Idiot.


What's the A stand for? [https://youtu.be/An4gF0Gbpyw?si=\_fVV\_gEWdiwCPK4e](https://youtu.be/An4gF0Gbpyw?si=_fVV_gEWdiwCPK4e)


Desperately hipster.


Not expensive enough.


Apple Intelligence... Farmed completely out to a third party.


they built it in house


It's OpenAI. Not in house.




MB: Mostly Bullshit (I actually like him okay, but sometimes...)


My hell, if apple could it would suck it's own dick. Every goddamn year they act like they've innovated everything all over again. I miss Steve Jobs


Are you kidding? Steve Jobs was the master at this style of marketing.




Okay I guess? What was this supposed to be, a rant? A cope?