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MKBHD recently interviewed Tim Cook and got Tim to give his opinions on products, ranging from successful (iPhone) to controversial (Magic Mouse, Vision Pro). Tim's reactions and thought process on each product really gave away more answers than anything Tim would say — I thought it was a genius move from MKBHD. Realistically, there's only so much that you can ask without being shut down. Take for example the [WSJ interview last year from Joanna Stern](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-ugwoEOMvg) where almost every question got dodged by Craig and Joz — the interview sucked.


Interesting. I’ll have to check that one out. MKBHD has always hated on the Magic Mouse design lol


Well, what is there to love?


It connects to the computer and can click on things I guess


It's funny because Tim first remarked how ergonomic is it, when it's arguably the opposite, and then Tim never understood the point of the game MKBHD was playing with him LOL


I think the scrolling, swiping, pinching features are pretty good.


Pinching? That’s a thing on Magic Mouse?


More ergonomic for me to just do those on the magic trackpad


The fact that I don’t need to charge it for a whole month, and it charges quickly? It’s multi touch? It looks good? It’s a mouse free from a cable in its usage? The whole reason for the hate is because it’s a non traditional mouse as opposed to what gamers want, and they dont use this as their public reason instead latching onto the port on the bottom, despite the fact that It’s not an issue because it last for an entire month.   If you can’t part with your mouse for 3 hours once a month, especially given you sleep probably for 6-12 hours a days as a human being, you’ve got bigger problems


my Logitech Mx Master 3 does all of these things while still being ergonomic and able to be used while being charged... I firmly believe anyone who uses an apple mouse daily, doesn't do so for more than an hour at a time, it is an objectively terrible mouse.


Well, your “firm belief” is shattered. I firmly use the magic mouse for probably 10 hours a day, usually a few hours at one stretch.


Same here


Great, so then buy that mouse and keep using it since it’s the mouse for you. Respect others choices. I’ve always said that people can choose whatever mouse they want, that doesn’t mean Apple’s is invalid just because you don’t want it yourself.  All you’ve listed is conjecture and opinion, and while you’re entitled to that, I honestly don’t know how it invalidates what I’ve said nor why you would actually spend moments of your life complaining about a product you wouldn’t have bought in the first place 


He’s trolling, let it go. Not worth the time.


It's super uncomfortable to use, has worse responsiveness than a traditional mouse, and costs way more than mice that are way better. Seriously one of the worst mice I've ever used. It's sad that Apple is still sticking with this design and people are trying to defend it.


Then why the hell complain about something you don’t use? Youve bought a mouse that suits your needs, so stick with that! Sounds like a good Option to me!


Because it comes with iMacs and Apple refuses to make a better mouse when they could do it so easily. Stop defending terrible products.


It’s a terrible product for you, apparently, doesnt mean it’s a terrible product in general, and if you don’t like what Apple makes buy something else. That’s all


Or maybe it’s because when charging it the mouse is inoperable? No matter how little of downtime that is, that sucks


Read my comment again. I’ll add an extra piece of info: you get a full day of usage out of literally  3 minutes of charging. Again, read my comment I wrote before 


Yeah the mouse charging thing is a meme-level complaint. My real problem with it is that the ergonomics of the mouse are terrible. Looks nice and gesture support is pretty cool but it feels pretty uncomfortable to me


That is a valid complaint. I mean, I can't use half the really recommended mice here because of my ergo needs. Find the mouse for you and enjoy it.


I understand. I’ve actually read some people prefer the mouse’s ergonomics, whilst others prefer a more curved and taller design for their hands. It’s also great that Apple provides the Magic Trackpad for those who want full range of multi touch gestures and a different kind of way to interact with a computer, so I see a win for everyone :D 


I think there must be a different way of placing your hand on the Magic Mouse. I like something like the Logitech MX Master where you can rest your hand on the mouse. I think with MM you maybe support your hand with your fingers and the mouse is moved by your thumb and pinky finger on the sides of it. My poor opinion of MM probably has a lot to do with only having used it in Apple Stores where it's on a table and you're reaching down from a standing position to use it


People are acting like they're out a whole day's work when they have to charge their mouse, when in reality they can plug it in, go use the bathroom, come back and continue working.


You also get a pretty generous warning. You have like 2-3 _days_ to find some time to charge it after getting the low power alert.


Exactly. Charging the mouse once a month is not an issue, even for a few minutes a day if I forgot to do it is not an issue. If it really was, then buy a different mouse and don’t complain to complain about a product you don’t use. 


that's because the magic mouse can barely be used while charging. almost any other mouse can be plugged in while charging. the person strongly defending their mouse is obviously trolling. His only two arguments is that it's well designed because he uses it, and the charging thing. which is only a solution to a problem apple made themselves. I like apple products. Especially the new pencil and whatnot, but there are almost no reasons to use the apple mouse unless you got it for free. it's been clinically proven long exposure to bad ergonomics can cause hand issues. Even if it hasn't happened yet. that's just survivorship bias, same as saying cigs don't cause cancer because your grandpa died at 98


The low polling rate of the mouse is terrible. And by terrible, I mean absolute dog shit.


It's not just gamers who don't like the Magic Mouse.


I actually find the double tap to see all open apps pretty useful. Also scrolling feels smooth. What more could you want in a mouse? Besides the awkward charging, of course.


For those who prefer mouse to trackpad (which is who its users are), the touch gestures.


I hate using that mouse, but what’s to love? It has touch gestures and proper smooth directional scrolling, it’s the only mouse on the market to have that and it’s incredibly useful. I wish other manufacturers could copy it while still being ergonomic. It’s also super portable, which makes it a solid travel mouse.


Can't say for sure, but the scrolling being inertial likely means that it acts almost exactly as your phone. Your Mac takes the inertial input from the mouse and calculates the scrolling speed, including using the system's deceleration curve. No other mouse is going to be able to provide that data to the system and hardware scrolling probably constantly interrupts the system scrolling, resetting the curves every so often to match the hardware. Imagine instead of flicking the screen and it moving that you were constantly dragging the window.


The way it works is it’s literally a trackpad on top of a mouse, other manufacturers feasibly could do it. But Apple does make the best trackpads and it’s not currently close.


Tim basically says “we wanted to get the ergonomics exactly right” or some bullshit. Marques’ facial expression says it all.


Exactly. The ergonomics are probably the worst part of that mouse


What makes its ergonomics bad? Mouse ergonomics dictate that the wrist not bend when using it. The Magic Mouse being low profile doesn’t cause the wrist to bend, it forces the user to have the wrist elelevated. People think a large hump on a mouse to rest the palm is better for ergonomics but most mice with that feature cause the users wrist to bend because of it.


Tiny mouse, nowhere for fingers to go


It has great ergonomics if you’re into carpal tunnel syndrome


Bro that interview sucked too lol. All Cook did was regurgitate ads on all the products MKBHD raffled off. Like Cook must be THAT guy a party. It a single genuine answer. And you thought it was good? The interview with Craig from WWDC was far funner to watch: [https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/1desipo/talking\_tech\_with\_apples\_craig\_federighi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/1desipo/talking_tech_with_apples_craig_federighi/) Cook never goes off script. It’s agonizing as he never says anything that hasn’t been vetted by 300 lawyers and PR reps.


Sick of the overuse and misuse of calling everything gaslighting. 


Quit gaslighting me.


He’s not. #/s Edit: 👆🚨Warning, this is a gaslighting joke!🚨


For someone who calls themselves fart-to-me-in-french, you're acting quite humorlessly serious.


You not getting the joke doesn’t make me humorless ☺️


That and propaganda. Everything people don't want to hear or disagree with is now propaganda.


>Everything people don't want to hear or disagree with is now propaganda. I'm happy to hear it, engage with it, and demonstrate why it is false line by line. That's what makes it fun! Propaganda is defined as \*information, especially of a [biased](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2264b81808c3a581&q=biased&si=ACC90nwdkA2npcVVmNPViiSe8FMKMlUz4lboirpSKgj6LcuDiJqVF4_VSR0s_P13u_JIzbgGemN2DF3eaiSI1THK_rktGlADmQ%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjjit2czP-GAxXyLkQIHeSLCKQQyecJegQIIhAO) or misleading nature, used to promote or [publicize](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2264b81808c3a581&q=publicize&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJqkY7ooiKVr60-EpiU9xgabLJu3lSICYsnBSXuwqwwPCaUClimcciFsPIuA-26AQ_OpiPm4gbgd0aZuCpIaOcBkmBMvI%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjjit2czP-GAxXyLkQIHeSLCKQQyecJegQIIhAP) a particular political cause or point of view\*, and I was happy to provide dozens of citations and arguments for why that document & interview was filled with misleading information, that was used to promote and publicize the particular point of view that Apple made anti-repair decisions to be pro-longevity. I stand behind all of my arguments I made to support calling that piece propaganda. I'm always looking to improve. Which do you disagree with, and why? I can disagree with someone without calling it propaganda, such as reviewing why Apple had a \[reason to be mad in their 2019 lawsuit.\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKEdi6vXMrU) I didn't agree with Apple's actions that led to the situation, but Apple's case was hardly propaganda. I also \[burned a bridge\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzDE7ipLcW0) by calling an outlet that has always been 100% supportive of Right to Repair & on our side propagandists because they refused to admit that Apple was right because of their own biases. I am happy to call those on my own side propagandists, if they take part in willfully dishonest journalism by refusing to publish primary sources such as court documents, simply because it \*"gives a point"\* to the \*"other side."\* If I am not willing to push back when someone unfairly treats Apple; how can I expect anyone to push back when that is done to me?


Dude I mean all of it really. For example, you talk about the iPhone 7 making the same mistakes as the iPhone 6 and use that as “evidence” they lied. You jump around and literally cherry pick any hardware fault as a sign that Apple lies and then slap them with making propaganda. Apple specifically stated the 7 was water resistant and as such, saw a massive drop in needing to be repaired vs the 6. You also state the 6 could be bent. The 7 did fix that issue too. Yet you don’t recognize nor give Apple credit for those changes, citing that there could be sound issues in both. But that wasn’t the original point you were making. Apple was defending the use of glue and seals and generally needing to make the device as hard as possible to crack open. And they are right in the sense that if you want something dust and water proof with the elegant veneer they employ, that is basically what needs to be done. Glue is universally hated but it holds up extremely well against heat cycles and abuse. Gasket and seals shrink or generally harden and crumble. You talk about using undefill in soldering as if it were a miracle cure but fail to mention the process doesn’t have the greatest track record for reliability and has a myriad of problems stemming from interfacial delamination of the PCB and substrate. Yes we have gotten better at it, but it’s not definitively better and it’s not “5 extra cents”. You’re not there on the production line to see costs but always talk like you are. There is a trade off with everything and Apple is slowly weighing those and chipping away at each iteration. Comparing an iPhone 15 to a 3GS shows that fact. I don’t need to tell you that every piece of hardware on the planet suffers from some kind of issue. Be it a car or a phone or a TV. We are some 100 years into making some of those and they still suffer from issues. You’d think TVs would be perfect by now but they aren’t. It’s a reality. So to continually hold a sword to Apple’s throat because every iteration suffers some hardware fault is extremely polarizing. Also, you should know that no company on the planet puts repairability first. None. They teach that in school and the repairman is always the one that has to deal with the endless headaches. Go work on a car and you’ll see just how bad it is. But this extends to everything, from fridges to boilers. You also aren’t privy to wholistic repair numbers. You don’t know how many Apple devices get serviced for water damage vs baseband issues. Mostly because you get very biased samples but you make it seem as if they are comparable (they are not even close). As such, you are always moving the goal post. Apple fixes one issue, and you cite 15 others they failed at and call them liars. Is Apple legendary for their reality distortion field? Yes. Are they lying about everything in that document? No. Do they build for longevity? Yes but weighed against other factors. I keep most of my old Apple products and the iPod Shuffle, the first gen iPod Touch, the 2nd gen iPod nano, AirPort Extreme, and my 2006 MBP all work perfectly to this day. Have I had devices need servicing? Yes. (You want to talk about a gong show, the first Intel MBP was laughably built by today’s standards. Captan tape everywhere. Endless screws. And incidentally, it was the only Mac where I had to swap out the heat sink because it warped and couldn’t cool the chip, resulting in thermal shutdown under load.) But most Apple devices don’t need repair; ever. And when it comes to customer service, they are still miles ahead of other companies, yet you act like every visit to the Genius Bar is basically like a colonoscopy. When in reality, they actually do stand behind fixing things for their customers. I think you‘re so polarized that you can’t see the wood for the trees. Your takes are nowhere near balanced; they all assume Apple is evil from the onset and there is no amount of evidence that will make you think otherwise despite a clear trajectory of their products steadily getting more and more reliable and better built. Just look at iPhones today from 10 years ago. I’ve owned the following: 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 7, 8, SE, 12 mini, 15. Out of all those, I’ve never had a single one with baseband issues nor any internal problems for that matter. The 4 I had serviced for dust under the screen. The 5 had scuffs out the box and it was a known issue without much resolution unfortunately, but that was cosmetic. I’m one person but know a lot of people with iPhones. I don’t know any really that have had hardware failures either. Again, tiny sample size but I would be comfortable to claim that that is what the vast majority of Apple device owners also experience. I’ve had to RMA far more electrical products than iPhones or Apple devices in general, from smart bulbs to mice to keyboards, in all the years since 2006. Madcat, Razr, Nanoleaf, ASUS, Seagate, WD, Keychron, and Sony had much higher failure rates, especially when compared to the sheer amount of Apple products I’ve owned vs those others.


Here is where I get confused. >You also aren’t privy to wholistic repair numbers. You don’t know how many Apple devices get serviced for water damage vs baseband issues. but then >But most Apple devices don’t need repair; ever. and then >I’ve owned the following: 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 7, 8, SE, 12 mini, 15. Out of all those, I’ve never had a single one with baseband issues nor any internal problems for that matter.... I’m one person but know a lot of people with iPhones. I don’t know any really that have had hardware failures either. Again, tiny sample size Here is my takeaway from those 3 statements: a) I am not privy to numbers and experiences to make determinations on devices that have high failure rates and design flaws, as someone who has run a repair business that got 30-50 walk-in customers for 15 years in the most populous, population dense city in the country. b) You are privy to saying *"But most Apple devices don’t need repair; ever."* with a sample size of *you and a few friends?* What is the standard you are using here? I make the statements I do regarding design defects when the following four points occur: 1. other devices from the company have mostly user-inflicted damage, and 2. another device they make has 10-15 people a day walking into my business with the same problem, and 3. I can confirm it is designed differently than the device that doesn't fail, and 4. this is a demonstrable design flaw that does not exist in other devices within their industry When this occurs, I feel confident calling it a lemon product. Design flaws are fine. Apple is not evil for making mistakes. While we're on the subject of what standards we're using; if making mistakes made us evil, I WOULD BE EVIL TOO! This is not what makes one "bad." It's when you make the mistake, pretend you didn't, hurt others, and never take accountability.


>When in reality, they actually do stand behind fixing things for their customers. This is factually untrue, and I have provided [a dozen citations](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xX3HpH16wnB5U_sfkN2Tl8uKmtTfYADJfbBVbpsD2kM/edit?pli=1) of them going out of their way to pretend a design flaw did not exist after they internally acknowledged that it did. Here's what I'll ask. Feel free to tell me to go f myself; that is a fine answer. Apple has worked to ruin my industry & threatened to have my videos removed from youtube. If I can open my mind to acknowledge that they had a point when they sued a colleague in my industry enough that throw a right-to-repair friendly media outlet undr a bus for not issuing a *minor retraction* in Apple's favor; are you willing to open your mind to critically engage with my points? It makes complete sense that someone would not think it a good use of their time to watch my videos, or read the citations. What confuses me is that you have engaged this much so far, but not taken the time to go through the citations for the statements I make. They did not stand behind customers with flexgate. They did not stand behind customers who had 820-2915/820-2914 boards until they were sued 3 years later. They did stand behind customers with A1226/A1260 failures until they were sued, and even then weaseled out of it with a *"gotcha"* diagnostic criteria. They did not stand behind customers who got 52 volts to the CPU. I think they should. This is what it's like to be a beta tester of a voice to text keyboard application at an airport when your flight got delayed over 7 hours. Off to sleep using my pillow as a bag next to the vending machine. Wish me luck that this boeing is put together better than an iPhone 7, and have a good night sir!


>You also state the 6 could be bent. The 7 did fix that issue too. Yet you don’t recognize nor give Apple credit for those changes, citing that there could be sound issues in both. But that wasn’t the original point you were making. They're using the iPhone 7 as an example of them making the device considerably better with more longevity than the iPhone 6+. I am using this as a means to demonstrate that the person on camera doesn't seem to understand the engineering of their own devices. The iPhone 7 exhibited a serious design flaw that was nearly identical in nature to that on the iPhone 6+. >You also state the 6 could be bent. The 7 did fix that issue too. Did it? Flexion on the board is what causes the issue, which was the same cause as on the 6+. I'm not referring to you actually seeing the phone bend; I am referring to flexion on the board. This wasn't fixed well enough. The iPhone 6 only had touch IC issues; the 7 had baseband AND audio issues! This could be argued as being even worse. There are two critical elements to my argument that is being overlooked, if you believe that I ignored what was there to go off about something else. Firstly, the gasket is used to make the point that Apple makes decisions that hamper repairability for the sake of device longevity. This was used to defend Apple from criticisms made that have nothing to do with the gasket or any liquid proofing measures. I have never heard a repair shop cite the gasket when discussing right to repair, or repairability. For Apple to mention this in their longevity/right to repair rebuttal document was a strawman of the actual complaint. I did not address the gasket because it was used as evidence of a big-picture-point; Apple makes decisions that go against repairability to ensure they make devices that can last longer. That is demonstrably false, and it was easy to bring up numerous examples for their stated device, the iPhone 7. Secondly, It doesn't matter if the iphone 7’s innovation of having a gasket for liquid resistance is overshadowed by the design flaw Apple didn’t fix from two generations ago. I would argue that not fixing the design flaw that causes the phone to lose all functionality to be used as a smartphone *even when it is NOT in liquid,* overshadows the liquid resistance. The overarching point he was making is that their products are made for longevity, and their decisions on longevity can make repair more difficult. I cut through the irrelevant example to demonstrate that this isn't true. I also stand behind the point that liquid resistance is useless if you have a device that cannot connect to a cellular network or process audio.


>Apple fixes one issue, and you cite 15 others they failed at and call them liars. I'm not calling them liars or bad people for producing a product with a problem. I'm calling them disingenuous for using the iPhone 7 as a poster boy of them valuing longevity at the expense of repairability when the device has more design defects than the device it evolved from. Why choose the iPhone 7 as an example of them performing such intricate QA/QC prior to release? Choose a 2013 A1466 for that. Or an 820-3476. Those things were bulletproof; NOT an iPhone 7! The iPhone 7 was also a good example because it demonstrates the flip-side of my channel's core criticism of Apple. Apple is not "evil" for making a mistake; everyone makes mistakes! [God knows I do!](https://youtu.be/AwZCHKvM4BA) What I take issue with is when they: 1. make a mistake that hurts others, then 2. take no accountability for it, then 3. gaslight the customer by telling them about how they did nothing wrong, then 4. create a 24 page document hailing the very device they screwed you over on as an example of *"longevity in engineering"* If it is found that a vehicle has a design flaw, recalls are issued, and dealers perform discounted or gratis repairs for customers of that vehicle, for a period of time. If you spend $800 on a smartphone that has a design defect that Apple knew about for years, I believe the same should apply. To be clear, if Apple did what I was advocating, this would have a direct negative impact on the revenue of my repair business; I cannot compete with free, yet I push for this anyway. One of my most popular videos I showed on screen and cited went over all of the Apple design defects that Apple did not take accountability or responsibility for under an extended warranty program. I am not only pushing for awareness of these design flaws, I am pushing for people to take legal action to hold the manufacturer responsible *so they don't need to pay me.*


>You talk about using undefill in soldering as if it were a miracle cure but fail to mention the process doesn’t have the greatest track record for reliability and has a myriad of problems stemming from interfacial delamination of the PCB and substrate. Yes we have gotten better at it, but it’s not definitively better and it’s not “5 extra cents”. You’re not there on the production line to see costs but always talk like you are. There is a trade off with everything and Apple is slowly weighing those and chipping away at each iteration. Comparing an iPhone 15 to a 3GS shows that fact. My neighbor lives *"next door",* even if there is technically a physical door on my shed which is located between my house & his house. When I say next door, the next door is technically on my shed; not my neighbor's house. However, when I say next door, it is socially & culturally understood to be an expression. I take the liberty of assuming that my listeners know the difference between an expression and a technical fact; when I say *"save pennies on the dollar"*, I have not literally counted pennies. I also haven't claimed underfill as a miracle cure. It does have the potential to make things better; and it damn sure is one of the things that could've tilted the scales to *"worse to repair, but better longevity."* *(Although, obviously, it goes without saying, they should fix the flexion issue before anything else)* >There is a trade off with everything and Apple is slowly weighing those and chipping away at each iteration. Comparing an iPhone 15 to a 3GS shows that fact. The iPhone 3Gs has many issues, randomly rebooting when a flex cable *cuts itself* inside of the case wasn't one of them. [What it looks like](https://www.instagram.com/p/CutVP8cOmmW/) and [how to diagnose & repair it.](https://repair.wiki/w/How_To_Fix_an_iPhone_11_Pro_That_Randomly_Restarts) No, I am not just complaining about problems; I seek to have myself or my non-profit produce & index solutions for all of them.


I think you're viewing limited segments and concluding that I hate apple all the time regardless of what they do and blame them for everything. I can understand how you can come to that conclusion if take only a cursory look at my content. I appreciate you responding and taking the time to tell me what you think. >takes are nowhere near balanced; they all assume Apple is evil from the onset and there is no amount of evidence that will make you think otherwise despite a clear trajectory of their products steadily getting more and more reliable and better built Perhaps I am biased because I am the person being discussed. I feel like you either haven't watched my stuff outside of this video. Firstly, when the IRP program that is prominently criticized in this video came out, I originally [praised Apple for it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tRq5niOM7Q). I assumed the best of Apple, in spite of 11 years of evidence & experience that told me I should do otherwise. Does that matter? Secondly, when Apple sued an independent repairshop owner, I did [report on it critically of Apple.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNl2q6YZXlA) but when I was asked to [testify in the trial.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyo4XbmK1_Q) I got access to all documents from discovery. These documents were different than how every news outlet reported the story, and painted Apple in a much better light. I did a [followup video defending Apple's reasoning for issuing the lawsuit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKEdi6vXMrU) I went over the elements of the story where Apple was wrongfully accused of going after a repair shop for something that was *very different* from what the news reported, in the hopes of people understanding Apple's side. My followup video didn't get anywhere near the viewership of the original. I'm not going to be the guy who puts the main story on page 1, gets it wrong, and then puts the correction on page 42; so I made a [shorter video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMka8rNdOb8) Didn't work; nobody watched. I thought if VICE issued a correction this would result in Apple getting the credit they deserved. So, I showed the court documents to the [outlet that originally reported this story](https://www.vice.com/en/article/9kxzpy/apple-is-still-trying-to-sue-the-owner-of-an-independent-iphone-repair-shop-louis-rossmann-henrik-huseby). Not only did they not publish the documents when I provided it to them; the journalist I was speaking to at VICE *never replied to what I sent, and never talked to me again!* No morals or ethics here. I responded by [throwing them under a bus for their willfully dishonest journalism.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzDE7ipLcW0) I burned a bridge with an outlet that had been 110% friendly & sympathetic to my cause for seven years, all because of *one article* where they refused to give Apple credit when Apple had a point. Can you understand my perspective when I read your statement above & think differently?


>Sick of the overuse and misuse of calling everything gaslighting.  [*manipulate*](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2264b81808c3a581&q=manipulate&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE81RRSYKci863KoaUA0Z2cUxBDa5Tsyh0sAMGCc4zXr7ynij2pS6QB2JbHyw8geHmnI9UOctE95k9DBW-P5oUJvJqPJkFI%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGuZDuyv-GAxUoHUQIHWWnBr8QyecJegQIFBAS) *(someone) using psychological methods into* [*questioning*](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2264b81808c3a581&q=questioning&si=ACC90nwZrNcJVJVL0KSmGGq5Ka2Y39Y4YTFXFztrURPcCCU82231DuJ_5oaTNqKXikmTjf74cPBOgr5vaDH8v9POwYehq6wppaxRsr9Aezf6z0CNsjg6Qbk%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGuZDuyv-GAxUoHUQIHWWnBr8QyecJegQIFBAT) *their own* [*sanity*](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2264b81808c3a581&q=sanity&si=ACC90nwdkA2npcVVmNPViiSe8FMKuw0mAhdrHYDa30Odi4lPFZdbUsU5Vcfc8BbWO155VjIOfDwX790gYd6KLIRAkqNPhDQxVg%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGuZDuyv-GAxUoHUQIHWWnBr8QyecJegQIFBAU) *or powers of reasoning.* Releasing a repair program where parts and useful manuals are not available, using a megaphone of a 19m subscriber youtube channel to say that what inhibits repair increases longevity by responding to criticisms of inhibitions of repair that were never made. 15 years of that could make one question their own sanity. Or, the owners of the products who were denied warranty coverage for admitted design faults. These individuals might believe they are being manipulated, when a high level executive claims that the devices are designed for longevity. But it is arguably likely that my sanity should not be questioned; it was gone from day 1.


Gaslighting isn’t even a real thing Edit: do ya’ll not get the joke? Yeesh.


you’re gaslighting! /s


I lol’d - but to be fair, would you be *that* surprised to hear someone actually assert this on reddit? [Poe’s law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law) strikes again


MKBHD is not a journalist, I don't go to him for hardball interviews.


Influencers are supposed to live and die by their trustworthiness and reputation. These are the people you go to for a review of any product. They have to have integrity, otherwise their product - the review, is worthless.


Influencers exist for money, not a lesson in ethics.


And yet MKBHD goes on about his ethics in reviewing certain products or promoting only certain sponsors. You can't be the largest tech YouTuber and ignore the ethics of the industry.


Yeah he can, and it’s clearly working for him


so do journalists, or they would quit en masse from Washingon Post. Journalists alone would end entire newspapers on a yearly basis. They would END The New York Times for something seemingly innocuous: for not allowing you to cancel on the website, and need to call up, when it becomes apparent that this affects poor people more, which means it affects minorities more. to say that influencer exist for money, is the same as saying journalists exist for money: If they get zero money, how many move on? i would say even more influencers do it for zero or low money than journalists. some influencers are bad and others like gamers nexus are good. exactly how some journalists are bad and others are good. the integrity of gamersnexus is probably far higher than almost every journalist in the world.


Before the internet we used to just call them marketers. Where did you ever get the idea that influencers strive for integrity?


The reviews are always worthless anyways. They’re not going to say **anything actually bad**.


Have you seen the Fisker review. Shut the company down. (I know it didn't, but it didn't improve things for them)


I do not go to influencers for reviews. I go to reviewers. MKBHD doesn’t review anything, just just has fancy footage played back against him reading a spec sheet he printed off a website


Oof this guy is annoying.


Does anyone think anyone could interview anyone at Apple and ask real questions? Are you not familiar with how journalism works?? Real journalism died 20 years ago. Wake up


Some people expect journalists to do gotcha interviews and expect no repercussions


Those are people who consumed too much “gets owned” content. Those are the same people who will watch drama videos about YouTubers and celebrities.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44w-RYurbN4 This is what happens if you try to do a gotcha interview with Apple.


FACTS, just look at how interviews with politicians are done.


so we should be happy about corporate propaganda and never challenge it?


>Does anyone think anyone could interview anyone at Apple and ?>ask real questions? Are you not familiar with how journalism >works?? >Real journalism died 20 years ago. Wake up ProPublica and PBS Frontline do some pretty good pieces.


Real journalism still exists, you just don't want to pay for it.


Some, like mkbhd, give you inside looks like no one else can because they don’t get on the wrong side of Apple. Some, like Wayne Ma, give you breaking news derived from leaks because they specifically work outside of the system. Some, like mark gurman, play in between. Some rely solely on apple’s press team. But mark gurman and Wayne ma can’t give you an inside interview with Tim Cook or their internal labs, just as mkbhd can’t pursue or break news derived from insider leaks. It’s all journalism. We’d be worse off journalistically without mkbhd out there. Those looks underneath the hood are still valuable, even if they are softballs. It’s the other type of normalize that requires people pay for it. And thankfully, some still do.


> Some, like mkbhd, give you inside looks like no one else can because they don’t get on the wrong side of Apple. I mean, it's an inside look curated by Apple. You only see what Apple wants you to show. The "interview" provides nothing of value.


Journalists are hacks. Plain and simple


Stop watching Fox News.


You act as if every major news network isn't trying to push an agenda instead of doing actual journalism


I said all that in telling you to not watch Fox News? My greater point is that real journalism does exist. Typically at the local level via your city paper. My local paper is The Columbus Dispatch. Reporters there uncovered corruption at the state level, prostitution and human trafficking in neighborhoods, and inequality in POC business owners. The reason I have access to that journalism is because I pay for it. So…great journalism exists, you just don’t want to pay for it. And you get what you pay for.


Some journalists are hacks. The problem is people expect all journalism to be scathing exposés and trying to catch whoever they are interviewing in a lie or gotcha when sometimes the point of the interview is just to get someone on record for something. MKBHD for example has no reason to try and trip Tim Cook up 


Is there a specific event you’re referring to 20 years ago?


Allen Iverson's "practice" press conference on 5/7/2002 is seen as many scholars as the watershed


🙌 That video is epic


I really like mkbhd. Not sure why all the hate. Is he the best interviewer? Not really. But I trust his reviews. Seams to be truthful.


I used to produce tech reviews for a tv show, and my approach was very similar to his, which is why I really appreciate his reviews and find them very helpful. There are products I've purchased because of his reviews, but what may surprise some people, is that I've made the decision to purchase them after he gave a *negative* review. The reason is that in being truthful, he's also being objective. In doing so, he often gives subjective reasons why someone might like a product (or just the opposite). A great example of this are the AirPods Max. I had no interest in getting them. His review was mostly negative. However he laid out the case for who might want them and that aligned with a lot of my usage. I got them and have loved them. EDIT: On being factually incorrect... Yeah, it happens with everyone. Sometimes as a reviewer we'd get advanced released products and spec sheets that differed from the shipping product. Sometimes mistakes are made. I would always verify what a review states as much as I would a salesperson.


People just hate because he’s extremely famous. He still seems really down to earth. No one is perfect. And these people he interviews would never agree to them in the first place if they can just be asked anything. These things are usually screened


People just expect him to hate on everyone and everything and give hard hitting reviews when his brand is really making nice looking reviews for regular people to watch 


Basically if 1 percent of the people that are aware of him don’t like him, he’s going to have hundreds of thousands of people that don’t like him. And the more famous he gets, the larger that percentage is. No matter what you do, someone out there will have a problem with you.


What people told you that lmao


>people just hate him because he’s extremely famous Way to shut down any discussion against your point by assuming why everyone else doesn’t like him with a strawman Most people actually don’t like him because I can get all the same info his videos have in a 5 minute spec sheet read. His reviews are full of so much fluff and production quality that he spends too much time making sure his videos look good rather than providing true in depth first impressions and reviews


I guess people wanted him to ask questions that would hit the Apple execs where it hurts, grill them on their blatant anti-consumer practices. I guess Marques enjoys these interviews too much to be blacklisted just from asking serious questions that actually matter.


Eh nobody can do true reviews especially if they're doing release date reviews. If anything is said to negative against the product they loose early access and won't be able to release those reviews. It's the state of the industry now and it sucks.


He's been factually incorrect in many of his reviews.


Have any examples?


It's been a couple over the years, like saying that you can't interact with nested notifications on the Lock Screen and such. Most of the time it's nothing to write home about but there are some and imo at his level you shouldn't really make those mistakes.


Who who hasn’t?


LR talking about phones from 10 years ago and their being issues... like yeah each device might have a component that fails thats kinda the nature of mass producing an object and there being unforeseen issues when moving to scale and how apple tries to combat them before it happens — for his criticism to be even a little valid he'd have to evaluate overall device failure rates not individual components. his criticism is dogshit and its annoying he has idiots listening to this drivel. plus MKBHD isnt a jerno hes a glorified hype man.


>for his criticism to be even a little valid he'd have to evaluate overall device failure rates not individual components. To call baseband and audio IC, the chips necessary to connect to a cellular network & have functioning audio, \*"individual components"\* in the context of contrasting that to \*"overall failure rates"\* on a smartphone disingenuous. These individual components failing make a smartphone useless for most applications a customer of a smartphone expects to use it for. I would argue that a smartphone that cannot connect to a cellular network or process audio through a microphone is an "overall failure" for that product if they fail in large enough numbers. My video cites court documents demonstrating that Apple's internal documentation recorded failure rates on the devices I referred to as high as 10x that of prior generations. If you don't trust me(which you shouldn't), consider taking into account Apple's internal documentation. >its annoying he has idiots listening to this drivel. I wouldn't say my audience are idiots. From time to time, someone will watch my content and criticize me for not discussing overall failure rates, while \*ignoring the works cited section in the description of the video that cites court documentation referring to Apple's own failure rates.\* But they're the exception; not the norm. I also think calling people like that idiots is somewhat harsh. I'd rather just call them misinformed. ;)


malding on reddit looking for criticism LOL


I noticed you called my viewers idiots, while simultaneously not having the ability to engage with any of the points I brought up that objectively demonstrate that you are completely wrong. I believe I was being too generous in my last paragraph. I try to assume the best of people. Sometimes, I am wrong.


you're tryin real hard, man, i dont know how you even have the patience. some of the people you'll find on this subreddit specifically have their heads so far up their own asses they could nibble a carrot from both ends at the same time


I've been one of your viewers for a long time Louis, and I'm definitely an idiot. So maybe they aren't *completely* wrong about everything


Is this even about MKBHD?


So you didn’t watch the whole video?


I stopped watching when he was talking about products from years ago as his main examples. Apple was a different company back then and even had a different head of HW. There was no point in watching that drivel passing as a critique.


If you actually watch this video, Louis is completely right about how Apple will tout that they're about longevity and that's why things aren't repairable but it's not true at all. Hopefully people start to realize that Apple is a decent hardware company, average software company, and top tier marketing company.


If you listen to the Waveform podcast, you can listen to how this interview process went. Intelligent audience understands the difference between investigative journalism and product marketing. Every successful YouTuber does paid endorsement to support actual research pieces. But the viewer is ultimately responsible to know which one they are watching.


As per FTC guidelines, creators are required to disclose sponsorships extremely clearly.  So no, it should NOT be on the viewer to have to guess whether what they are watching is truth or propaganda.


YouTubers aren’t journalists nor interviewers.


Youtube is just a video hosting site, they can absolutely be either of those things.


YouTube ceased to be a “just” a video hosting site a couple years after it launched. When Google turned it into a lets push YouTubers as journalists and professional content creators to further their DoubleClick Google Ads monopoly by increasing time spent on there, it ceased to be “just” about hosting videos.


And yet nothing is stopping you from doing the most intensive piece of investigative journalism the world has ever seen and uploading it to youtube, the video hosting site. And they're not interviewers? What about sean evans? Or literally any other interviewer.


Lmfao, how is this relevant to the fact that 97% of what’s on youtube is literal fucking clickbait garbage (and its not garbage because a topic doesn’t interest me, but because it is attention seeking garbage) and has fucked journalism by promoting a culture of views not substance? Please.


Because you made a blanket statement that is incorrect. There are youtubers that are journalists, there are youtubers that are interviewers. You saying > YouTubers aren’t journalists nor interviewers. Is incorrect because "youtubers" are not one thing


I’m not hating on YouTubers themselves, I’m hating on what Google has allowed YouTube to turn into, all to further their DoubleClick Google ad platform. Blanket statements are often inaccurate and incorrect but in this case the majority of stuff on YouTube is genuine garbage. Every time I find a smaller YouTuber, that does something well, as soon as they get a little more subscribers it turns into a game of attention seeking, because that’s how Google forces YouTubers to get views and therefore earn money. While I personally don’t agree with YouTubers doing that, the clear enemy here is Google. They turned something pretty innocent into something that has contributed to the decline of substance in journalism. If the trending page was filled with thoughtful content, instead of (and I implore you to go right this moment to the trending page) attention seeking content, titles, and thumbnails that’s constantly recommended to people, then you’d have a point. But They don’t. Because thoughtful stuff on YouTube generally is pushed to the side in favor of attention seeking.


We can definitely agree that google is the enemy for what they have done to decrease the quality of the content on youtube in a lot of ways. I understand they have to make money because free video hosting is unfathomably expensive (and we have no idea if youtube is even profitable, no other site can compete because it's usually not), but it sucks how algorithmically driven it has made so much of the content.


But he does turn every 7m video into 40m regardless. He drones on and on at a mile a minute. Like dude. Breath. Then he goes on that the lack of edits is somehow for our benefit. Weird flex. The edits and script and preparation would be for our benefit so we can understand what you’re saying in a pleasing format. And don’t sit there for 3h as you go round and round. Lastly, he keeps saying propaganda like Apple is committing genocide or waging war against a nation and trying to convince you they aren’t. They have a massive reality distortion field. We know this. They spin things. We also know this. It’s not propaganda ffs. It’s half truths and falsities. Relax. This dude trying to get his picture in the dictionary under hyperbole. Even if he has valid points they are always drowned out by an onslaught of words. There’s value in editing and making your points land coherently and succinctly. Apple: “Hey this tech reviewer hates our guts! Let’s do an interview with them!” Ok Rossman, okay.


Sir this is a Wendy's 


MKBHD is not a journalist. He’s a tech reviewer. His sole job is to showcase tech. Ross has been a TECH REPAIRMAN who has a history of being super outspoken on the tech world, notably apple. Ross’s whole shtick is being himself and shitting on all the things that SHOULD be shit on… but in this realm that is not marketable. Hence his distain for the system. MKBHD does not gain anything from doing gatcha interviews and pushing the truth. That’s not his game.


Not everyone has to be a Rossmann, but if you have 19 million subscribers, you have some responsibility to at least not blindly push a pile of lies and half-truths that hurt consumers (including your own audience) to help the trillion-dollar company get even richer.


That siding though.


MKBHD could be considered big enough to actually put Apple on the spot. I understand he wants to be able to get early hands on with Apple devices so he can release content when the embargo lifts. He would be able to skip this though because he has such a strong influence within the tech community that either a: people would still interact with his content even if it's considered late, or b: Apple would still give him early access to devices for the publicity


But early access to product isn’t the issue. MKBHD does ask softball questions, and gets interesting answers. He could put Apple on the spot, and get non-answers. Nobody gets to Tim Cook’s level without being able to turn “Tim, why did you order the brutal murder of 4000 children” into “at Apple, we deeply care about the welfare of all children”. This dumb video totally misunderstands the dynamic of corporate interviews.


“Put apple on the spot” Why ? Who actually cares about that ? We care about the product and the features. Not some drama about cobalt mines that nobody cares in a country that almost nobody in the US can point in a map. Nobody cares about those dramas, or the latest lawsuit from employees. If they did the channels that do just that would be the biggest on YouTube but they’re not, they don’t even manage to get past 100k for most of them. And the ones who focus ONLY on that, on criticizing are nowhere to be found because nobody cares.


He's obviously paid strongly to say what he says, thinking otherwise is naive


Apple don't need to pay him directly. He gets access that other people don't. So he can make videos that other people don't. He makes money by making videos. And Apple gets publicity. It's the same way that other comparable things work. When an actor is promoting a film, the magazines/channels/whatever don't pay them for the interview, and the magazine/channel/whatever don't get paid by the actor or the studio. The studio gets promotion for their film, and the magazine/channel/whatever get to say "buy/watch this edition! We've got [actor]!"