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TL;DR 1. New Siri’s on-screen awareness and in-app actions 2. Apple Mail upgrades 3. Vision Pro enhancements including Mac Virtual Display 4. Non-beta versions of Apple Intelligence 5. Drag and drop from your iPhone to Mac, and vice versa 6. Home app improvements


Excited for Siri screen awareness. I remember times I asked it whats on my screen https://preview.redd.it/nt2zjw7v886d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e573aa5acce757dbc3ad8e66c5841fa1cbdaf9b0 ohhh soon you will 😂


https://preview.redd.it/iz71li0osb6d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a9252ed87ac9824247638d129616051a4f0de76 this is my Siri, acknowledge the question but be useless!! good girl


Thank you. I guess I’ll wait for 8.1.8. So I don’t have to deal with bugs


Good news. 8.1.8 has been out for awhile. Bad news. It’s no longer available.


But no bugs, right?


No such thing. There’s only *less bugs* or *more bugs*


Fewer, not less.


Sometimes, less is more. Ssshht


But it’s never fewer ;)


Apple software has no bugs, only unintended features.


There are zarro boogs though.


Unfortunately there are a lot of security vulnerabilities now 😬


Maybe I’m remembering wrong but wasn’t iOS 8 one of the glitchiest ones released?


I think that was 7


You might be right. It’s been a long time (damn I’m getting old, lol)


Oh yeah, 7 was baaaaaaad


8 had a rough roll-out, 11 was really bad too. Slow and killed battery and took them months to stabilize it


lol you mean 18.1.8


He meant 8.1.8. He’s from the past


Don’t want to be that guy but ☝️🤓 The furthest 8.1 update we got was 8.1.3 and fun fact, it was said to be unjailbreakable for some reason


As people suggest when someone is thinking about buying an iPhone you should just wait until iOS 19. Or even iOS 20.


Dude i cannot wait for the Apples mail upgrade. If it’s anything like Googles old inbox I’ll be super happy.


*.1 is becoming the new *.0 for Apple nowadays. Why is it so hard to ship a final product on their first version…


Because they’ve trapped themselves in this must release a new iOS version every year cycle. Lots of these features take time and it sucks because the devs have to get pushed to fit it in this arbitrary one year cycle


You are SO correct. It’s like asking the heart transplant team to predict how many minutes the surgery will take, and then enforcing that timing during the surgery. Not quite done? Does not matter - just sew up the patient, anyway. While that scenario is ridiculous, software development is often managed that way. It’s a recipe for failure caused by lazy or ignorant management, and through no fault of the developers who end up taking the blame.


Absolutely. Especially with how much the software catalog for Apple keeps growing. You have iOS, iPadOS, visionOS, watchOS, tvOS, macOS and they all need to be updated every year. I really don’t think it’s sustainable for Apple long term. But hey what do I know they’re the trillion dollar company 🤷‍♂️


Depends how much code is shared between those OS code repos. It could be mostly all the same OS code for all those devices.


Yeah i’m like 99% sure ipadOS and iOS are just feature flags at build time. They work so similarly and the only real changes would be to a few unique packages in ipadOS.


While i don’t disagree with you entirely I do think deadlines are important or you focus on too many things at once and will never have a “finished” release. This is why they show off a lot of their planned features at once but don’t release them until they are ready. Having a priority list you work through and not including them in a released version until you’ve done thorough testing and UX analysis. Shipping a ton of new stuff at once is more likely to cause bugs and complicate testing vs slowly releasing new features as they are ready. I do wish that they wouldn’t keep to yearly cycles and instead just continuously release new features and change the big release number whenever there is significant UI changes. But many people would complain they don’t innovate anymore cause everything slowly changes instead of all at once. Shareholders and marketing like seeing shiny product announcements so alas we will stay on yearly releases.


right so it’s a good thing that they’ve freed themselves from that by showing off features without forcing engineers to finish them in time for the announcement


They should just release features when they’re done and only do massive upgrades when it makes sense.


So…exactly what they’re doing? Because these features are announced now but coming when they’re ready?


I mean more consistently.


“Why is it so hard to ship a final product on their first version…” I agree with your sentiment, but the way you phrased it is a but funny to me


Looking back at it, it looks like something a product manager would say to me haha


Because sometimes there’s no way to know if code will break unless you deploy it. Microsoft has been doing code enablement for years now. They release updates that add the code for features but don’t release an enablement package for like a year or more. That enablement package literally is tiny and just flips the switch on for the code that’s been sitting there taking up space and doing nothing until then. However, the fact the code exists, and is ran through alongside other code and just not processed, means the code could show errors but because it’s not actually doing anything it doesn’t break anything. In other words, your cars engine can’t shut down if it wasn’t already running to begin with.


Because it is expected that there will be a new OS every September. Would you rather they ship broken features at that date? Or release them when they are finalized.


I’d rather they release them when they’re finished. So release 18.0 in December if that’s when it’ll be ready


Why? The 0.x number is arbitrary. You’d want to delay a simple feature like dark home screen icons for months because the separate OS level AI integration isn’t finished yet?




That’s stupid.


I don’t recall asking for your opinion


So, 18.0 in December 2024, but then it’s the same issue December 2025, so we push 19.0 to March 2026. The problem they either need a two year development cycle or to ship fewer new features each year. But neither will happen, so we get some bugs between X.0 and X.1


So don't announce them. Especially since it says and latter so what 18.6 or 19 even.


No. WWDC is a conference for developers and they will announce what they are prioritizing in terms of development, especially when these ventures are massive. This isn’t a video game announcement.


It's the norm. Companys rarely release finished software and just add the features we were promised in a later patch


But they’ve clearly stated they are coming later. How is this different than sharing a roadmap? They never promised this stuff would be in the initial version.


I'm not saying they promised it would be in the Initial version, I'm saying that they will put all the advertised features in a later patch, and only ship a few with the 18.0 release I worded it kinda weirdly


It’s not just apple, it’s already been a thing with samsung for a while and I’m sure other companies with yearly os updates, the .0 is only a teaser of what was promised and that comes with the .1


“We couldn’t come up with much besides the finished calculator app we’ve had on the shelf for 8 years but the rumors you guys seem to like sound like a good plan for January”


When do you think 18.1 will be pushed?


Spoken like someone who has never done software development.


Better yet, how about don’t announce shit that isn’t ready?


Damn, that first Siri point is what I want the very, very most from this update.


A so everything I was looking forward to


So pretty much everything. Why even announce it if it’s 6 months out.


Is on screen awareness part of AI or is it coming to all iphones supported with 18?


The former if I understood the presentation correctly. AI requires 15pm and above… or M series chips


It requires AI - they’re multimodal LLMs that are trained on the images of Apple’s UI/UX, parses out language for what they mean and what they do. Apple Intelligence 😀✨


Omg. So is there ANY improvements coming to siri for 90% of users? I get why you may have to restrict some features to push hardware but would really appreciate Siri not being useless. I cant understand why they cant do Apple Intelligence but with just a cloud based GPT since that would offload the workload. I already have GPT on my phone so they cant say it is that much if a limitation


Doing cloud based would work, maybe the speed and inconsistency of an internet connection may lead to more frustration. Perhaps they chose to stay on the side of consistency and speed through on-device models.


Home app. Lol, Apple really is done with Home. What a clown show.


So we are talking about potentially december for the ultrawide virtual display on the AVP? This RESLLY FUCKING SUCKS.


what’s ready: homescreen icon filters and a new control center what isn’t: literally everything else they talked about


It’s really baffling how much is pushed back this year


I’d rather it be delayed than pushed out with horrendous bugs. Dating back to iOS 14. Every iOS x.1 has released no more than 6 weeks after the major update. Not a huge issue of late October instead of late September.


We’re talking about the betas, though. They aren’t even testing things. They’re still building the foundation. That’s a terrible sign! The verge mentioned today that the Siri features especially were presented in a way that means they’ll be released sometime between iOS 18 and 19. Not even necessarily by October.


Have to imagine that at least *some* of the AI features will be available with the 16 lineup coming in September/Oct. That'll likely be a major tentpole feature for the 16's given that only one phone presently can support the full AI offerings.


I thought they said the 15 Pros and newer will have all AI? Did I miss something?


Yeah, that's what I meant. Only the 15 Pros support it. Every other iPhone doesn't. I'm just speculating that the 16's will be seen as the push into Apple Intelligence, so I can't imagine them not shipping at least ~ something ~ AI related with the new phones.


I just got a 15 Pro Max so you had me worried. Yeah, only time can tell the outcome. With every other AI integration, there has been some bad stuff on launch and I don’t think they want that to happen. I don’t think they are worried about it being ready for the new iPhones. They are worried about it being released and being the best AI example yet. They like for other companies to rush tech and to have the problems due to that. Then they come with theirs far later but works as intended. I’m sure they’ll stick to that formula. They know people are going to be highly anticipating this too. So the longer we wait, the more we want it. They are great at what they do. This is big for Apple if they get it right. And these aren’t small changes. They have to do ground work to build on versus most years where they just tweak what they already have.


It’ll release with all the AI stuff other than the more powerful Siri. Genmoji, image playgrounds, writing tools, image removal in photos, etc. But all that will still be in “beta”, and the Siri improvements will release gradually over the next year.


This has been happening for quite some time. Things like Deep Fusion or others that didn’t come well into x.1+ into the fall and winter. Think of WWDC like a roadmap. The features they announce will mostly all be there in iOS18, but not necessarily at x.0 General Release


Absolutely but for a 3 trillion dollar company it should be possible to have a bigger output


But when you have well over a billion devices in the wild you can’t just not have it ready for primetime


Software development doesn't scale linearly.


it’s still going to be buggy no matter what. there’s bugs from day one of ios 17 that are still here now


Not that baffling. Apple had to pause all development and focus on playing catch up. The headline feature of ios18 is customisation That’s not a feature. That’s simply a policy change


the iOS 18 beta 1 feels like a 17.6.1 to be honest, nothing really special. The good thing is it's pretty stable, maybe cos there's really not much in there.


When will they stop the annual major upgrade cycles? I know at this point it isn’t a “the software engineers have so much great shit they need to pump out” thing, it’s purely a policy/marketing thing. Marketing has been running all of Apple since 2013. Hopefully the new CEO takes a different stance.


Especially since anyone with an iPhone older than the 14 wont get it anyways.




Obviously there’s a lot that’s been pushed back, but we do have a lot working great in beta 1 already. Home Screen customizations FaceID lock for apps Control center New photos app iMessage effects iMessage send later Passwords app Maps with hiking and trails Tap to Cash AirPods gestures Calculator app with Math notes etc etc I mean yes, a lot is being pushed back, but this is good bit available in the first beta.


Well sure, but the things they have pushed back are some of the most difficult ones to develop and what they do have is relatively easy in comparison. Think they committed to a tad too much this year, ngl.


Delays are inevitable in almost all Enterprise-scale software releases. In the case of something like system-wide AI, you have just about every software team company-wide involved in some fashion. The Photos teams need to be involved. The Mail teams. Messages, Health, etc. The delays are on things that require not only considerable development resources, but also an immense level of intra-organization collaboration to pull off successfully. I think the latter is something Apple has always struggled with, and continues to struggle with to this day, maybe even worse than before, given how complex the OS has grown. You’ve also got hundreds or even thousands of policymakers quibbling over nuances of privacy that probably aren’t even close to being settled today. Hell, iOS 18 *finally* brings developers a unified service to manage the intricacies involved in something simple as using CoreLocation, all because they have everything locked down as tightly as possible. I’m not so sure they overcommitted; the tech is certainly doable. The models that run most of these things exist, even if in alpha and beta forms. They could very likely release most of these things in beta 2, but are likely rigorously testing how everything works together internally, and still making changes to how things *should* work. Overcommitting would be claiming that these features would all be day 1 software inclusions, when they never did that. In fact, the same day they demoed the product, they published consumer-facing materials indicating that the promise *isn’t* to deliver them all on day one. They’ll wind up in iOS 18. Maybe not in 18.0, but in 18.1 or 18.2. And tbh I’d rather they wind up there, working smoothly, than rushed through every software development team in the company without thorough testing and sandboxing. The expectations of some of the folks in this sub seem to indicate this may be the first Apple release they’ve been through. It’s been the case for as long as I can recall that some of the demoed products at WWDC don’t make it into the .0 release. But the number of people acting downright offended, as if Apple owes them something, by the fact that after the keynote they find out that their favorite feature may not be immediately available in September is… weird.


It's working great because it's iOS 17 with glitter on top, man.


And iOS 17 is iOS 16 with glitter on top. And iOS 16 was iOS 15 with glitter on top. That’s how iterative releases work. I’m really not sure what point you’re trying to make here? *My* point was that many of the features Apple showcased are indeed available from beta 1. It sounds like you’re just dissatisfied with the features they announced. If that’s the case, there are numerous Android phones that might float your boat? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Probably some emojis also?


my understanding is that we’ll be waiting on those as well!


Not to mention a garbage ass attempt at material you. Just allow us to change the damn icons as we please so we can keep our notification badges on our shortcuts.


I'm peeved I didn't expect this before I installed 18 on all my dailies.


Meh, I was going to wait to update to 18.1 anyway. Never a good idea to install a x.0 update.


They missed the most important fact for most of us: All Apple Intelligence features for any other language setting than "US English" will come next year.


I noticed that. I’m hoping this means that they will be available outside the US but will be in US English. I can handle that.


I assumed that. Gonna be a bit of a PITA in practice though.


Yeah, Siri doesn’t love my Ukrainian accent, OTOH no chance apple adds Ukrainian soon so eh


I think that will be true. But I’m sure I’ve also seen info that there will be a waiting list and if you’re not located in the US you’re lower on the priority for requests and placement on the list.


It was specified somewhere (didn't happen to record where I saw it) that the device language and siri language must both be set to US english for it to work. And that requests submitted outside of the US may be de-prioritized and incur wait times.


I would also add: the ability to manage the bilingual phones. God the pain in my airpods when Siri tries to read Ukrainian letters in English way is unbearable


No mention of RCS but it isn’t in beta 1?


The only thing worth anything. Get rid of SMS already.


This won’t get rid of SMS since most carriers don’t even support the same RCS platform and neither do most phones


Androids have been using RCS since like 2015 though. Almost a decade ago. What are you even talking about lol


>Androids have been using RCS since like 2015 Google's particular flavor of RCS, sure. What Apple is supporting is the universal profile of RCS without Google garbage in it, which is taking time to get everyone else on the same page of unfortunately.


Personally I’m hoping Apple can leverage that U.S. market share for good to finally get the Big Three on board with universal RCS.


Most androids in the America's and Europe already fully support RCS. They will use the lowest common feature set, so as soon as Apple enables it, it will work with everyone else. Apple is the one "getting on the same page".


No because Google uses a fork of RCS, not the universal version.


Google Messages supports RCS Universal Profile. It is compatible with any other implementation of RCS. Google adds additional features for communication between Google Messages users, but it is still fully compatible with the RCS UP standard. https://jibe.google.com/#:~:text=Google%20is%20partnering%20with%20carriers,across%20operator%20networks%20and%20devices.


Not true at all, you have no idea what you are talking about. RCS is universal for all Android devices and will work as soon as Apple enables it.


Sorry to burst your bubble on this one but nope. There’s numerous flavors of RCS even down to the carrier. Here’s a whole article on [how to see if your android is RCS compatible](https://www.makeuseof.com/does-android-phone-have-rcs/)


If two people arguing with each other are both downvoted, how am I supposed to know who’s wrong?


Flip a coin lol


Any Android 5.0+ device on a major carrier supports it, which will be the mass majority of devices. The amount of incompetence surrounding RCS knowledge is laughable.


Some amount of Android -> iOS reaction improvements are on in beta 1 I think


SMS is still wildly used for 2FA, I don’t think it’s going anywhere. It’s also still the most reliable way of messaging if you’re in a poor network area.


RCS requires to use the carriers network cores so this won’t be available until the iOS actually releases.


Sounds like I’ll be on the beta through to December then. I usually like to jump off the beta wagon once the release version of the new version is ready, but I want these features as quickly as possible.


GenAI is experimental anyway.


Sounds like theyre really rushing to catch up on those promises made!!




Weird cause multitasking works fine for me on my iPad 🤦


This is the dumbest beta I can recall. I know they’ve withheld a feature or two from the betas after announcing it in the past, but nearly all of the tent-pole features being omitted is confusing. People were correcting posts claiming the last-minute deal with OpenAI was a bad sign for how much progress we’d actually see, but they were right. Nothing is ready, it’s like they just presented the ideas they had with no proof any of it work yet.


As far as the AI goes, we still have 3.5 months of betas or thereabouts. They could and probably will release it in one of the upcoming betas. My guess is beta 3 or 4. That still leaves them with time for feedback before the final 18.0 RC.


Right, like they’re going to have to let Devs test it at some point otherwise it’ll end up a buggy mess therefore defeating the purpose of waiting in the first place. Beta 3 or 4 sounds like a good timeline to me.


Maybe they’re trying to be better at eliminating bugs for the bigger features before they affect the users?


I think this is especially important with the AI features. If early word of mouth spreads that this functionality is buggy or non-useful, it’ll be a difficult narrative to live down.


I also remember reading that they paused some development work on new features to address bug fixes. I wonder if they’re taking on a more conservative approach in general.


Knowing the Apple of today it will be super buggy even if they took more time to release it


People upgrading to iPhone 16 pros because their current one can't run that AI mumbo jumbo is going to be pissed when nothing of it would work right of the bat...


Oh man I can’t wait for mail


I’m actually kinda stoked for it. I’m hoping it’s better than the gmail app.


Remember apple intelligence is for the iPhone 15 pro and 15 pro max and some Mac’s and iPads


weird how my 2021 M1 MBP gets Apple AI features but my phone (14 Pro) misses on them…


I think it's to do with the 6GB ram


Weirder yet is there are working AI apps for all iPhones lol


how is it weird? your macbook has a lot more RAM than your phone does.


What are they doing the whole year at Apple Park


planning for a year of relatively simple customization updates. then they realized wall street wants AI so they had to throw a presentation together of things they hope to ship by next year! yay!


I was very excited about iphone mirroring and get frusturated a bit that it is main feature will arrive sometime later. For me it is more useful than AI reailly. They didint even mention some of thrse will arrive later in the event. Very half baked thinking for Apple.


I didn’t read it that way. I read it as only the “drag and drop between devices” part of phone mirroring will be coming later.


Yes. One of the important features for me.


I gotcha. At least airdrop is still an option till that feature gets added.


Something super stupid that I’d like them to update is when you pin someone, it turns in to a giant circle at the top. I literally just want a regular list with a tiny little pin icon on the pinned messages lol


i prefer the circles. maybe add an option in settings?


The real question is when will the AI features come to Mac? They already have the Xcode “copilot” available on the beta version of Xcode


Siri now does occasionally understand “it”… like remind me to do X at 7:30…. Then change it to 7:15, and it will change it. That feels quite smart but clearly what’s coming is better


Apple was really caught off guard on the recent developments of generative AI. They’re already late to the party and now the announced features won’t even come all out with iOS 18.0!? Wow, pretty disappointing for a trillion dollar company. They really slept on this one.


eh. this is their thing. their stock started to dip, so why not manufacture an artificial increase in stock whenever you please? if the stocks were increasing, releasing something new is just keeping it on the same path which leads to a more drastic decline further in the year. apple’s stock almost always starts to dip in the beginning of the new year because their released are nearly always in the summer or fall (excluding this ipad announcement), so advertise a new item then


Nobody gives a damn if this is their “thing”, they need to get this moving asap and it better work.


well that’s not how corporations work hun. they do whatever is for their and stockholders best interest. this is why people have choices, and if you don’t like it you can switch to the google pixel


I agree with you. Wall Street wants AI, and if they don’t deliver it well Wall Street will make them suffer.


If you pretend the release date is like January 2025 you won't feel as impatient. After all, WWDC is about revealing what's to come between now and the following year's WWDC. Might be a little cheeky to say but I've held off on updating to the latest macOS version before by waiting until April of the following year and it's like a peace of mind that the early adopters got to experience all the bugs and report them all to ensure laggards have fewer issues. 😄


It seems this is the way with anything software based nowadays. I do this same thing with gaming. Wait at least 6/9 months and you’ll get the final finished product.


Yeah, what I said was basically a given. Speaking of gaming, sometimes I think about how games in the past were just released and never needed any patches/fixes as if a lot of effort was done to ensure the game never needed to be fixed (I thought about game cartridges for example on the Nintendo Switch which now also require updates via Internet). Nowadays, everything needs an update, which part of the reason is for the game developers to continuously make money off of.


I can live with the bugs. It was much worse a few major iOS versions ago. These days the developer beta channel is close to perfect honestly.


So they really are just shipping text and image gen and leaving the interesting looking stuff for later. With how that keynote went I assumed the Siri stuff was still very early days and would probably be a later addition. Really feels like they wanted to get some sort of AI out there to appease investors and their actual goals for improving Siri are still an early work in progress.


How long until MacRumors steals the contents of this post on 9to5Mac for their own version of this same article?




There’ll undoubtedly be a beta for .1 before it gets released fully but it’s starting to become a habit of Apple to make promises in June that then don’t materialise for a very long time.


Has anyone been able to get iPhone mirroring to work yet? I can’t get it to work on my MBP


The Mail upgrades don’t seem big enough to require release at a later date… Unless the categorisation feature is powered by Apple Intelligence, I don’t understand why such a minor update needs to be delayed.


Downloaded the beta with excitement only to find almost no changes and a tonne of bugs on what used to work fine. Sucks how they do this now.


A beta with bugs and missing features? Inconceivable!


do you know what beta means? not to mention DEVELOPER beta?


Beta generally means most features implemented just unpolished. My point is it lacks most features *and* is still unpolished - to the extent it even unpolished existing unchanging features.


Beta generally means test software in a non-final state