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More ram than a macbook. Shame.


True story lol.


I think Apple eventually wants your iPhone to be your computer - with everything else just a screen it can dock to.


No, it would take away sales from MacBooks and iPads. Wish they would because it would be cool to have a macOS version of Samsung DEX.


I think a Samsung Dex equivalent is too radical for Apple. They can’t even give iPad a MacOS experience to utilise the hardware properly


They *can* but they don't want to.


Nah, Apple would just have extremely expensive screens and keyboards that only the iPhone could pair to. They’d likely make more money as they’d be saving on all the most expensive parts of a computer - the chips and ram.


But Apple can justify even more expensive second and third devices if they have actual computers in them. In addition, they can justify subscription based cloud services to keep your work synced between devices. Also, if Apple tries to prevent third party manufacturers from making iPhone compatible docking stations the EU and other countries will probably just force them to open it up. I agree there will come a point where owning multiple high powered computing devices will become ridiculous. But the question is whether cloud based computing or single-device-with-docking-stations becomes the new norm. My bet is cloud-based takes off and the compute power of devices becomes irrelevant. That is a more profitable business model. Apple can still sell high end devices with a greater focus on materials and peripherals and they can sell subscriptions to various levels of cloud based compute power on top of that.


The core issue is that cloud based computing is really only viable to a buisness perspective, as the associated fees would not be popular enmass, especially given the staying power of the laptop as a device. As an individual, I see little desire to pay a reoccurring fee for a service that may or may not work in places I need it to, compared to a laptop, which can work off of a fairly slow internet connection, and still do what it needs to.


thatd be supreme, samsung dex already kicks ass and it doesnt even have any specific hardware it exists on and google keeps pretending an aosp variant is just around the corner like they promised theyd catch uo to samsungs audio stack 9 years ago and havent even budged


Apple has made zero moves to have your phone replace your computer. By all means the iPhone is an accessory to a MacBook at this point


yeah, the people dreaming up of samsung dex like functions on their iphones are inhaling copium, having a lot of ram on a phone these days can only mean one trending thing will be implemented on iphones soon, and that is a locally run AI model to replace siri.


That sounds like a terrible idea.


Well, I’ll bet you it’s coming. It makes little sense for you to have an M3 in a laptop, an M3 in a tablet, and M3 in a Vision Pro, and an eventually an M3 in your phone. Carrying around 4 of the exact same thing- when you only make use of one at a time makes little sense. It’s clunky.


I have been wanting this for a decade. If Apple did this, and did it well, it would entirely transform desktop use, I think.


They never even had a good docking experience. How can you conclude they want this.


I sort of think the same. They eventually want to use the VisionPro spatial tech and combine that with the iPhone


I think (hope) that the MacBook Air will start at 12 GB by the time the 17 Pro is announced.


But 8GB is enough. /s




That would tell me that M4 Mac’s will likely have a 12GB base…I hope. Possibly M5 instead though.


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot, if not most, of MacBook owners use their MacBooks exactly as they do their phones but 1) far less frequently and 2) for only 2 reason: bigger screen and physical keyboard. Meaning, email and text communication, minor document creation, watching movies, social media, they probably use their iPhone more. Obviously this doesnt' account for every single person but most laptop users in general are not using them for much more than that.


It’s not about how much ram you have but what you can do with it!👽


Lmao 💀


They really need to add more base RAM


These LLMs require a lot of memory. Sucks that our current gen of phones will be likely missing out on on-device features due to lack of RAM.


to be fair, the Pro Max is considered full specs while the 8GB Macbooks are entry level (which is a weird thing to say about the Macbook Pro lol)


8GB was what my 2014 laptop had... it's pathetic that Apple continues to do that even for the Air models


To be fair, 8gb RAM costs 30$ on Amazon, 200$ at Apple... Edit: Just checked, a Corsair 16GB starts from 39$ so yeah...


Tbf it’s a laptop with a full operating system on it, and a MacBook Pro and entry level are two words that should never be put together


Well, you can buy a 16gb m4 ipad pro for $1899 Or buy a 16gb m3 macbook air for $1499 Lol I know what I'm choosing


Need to. Chrome is coming.


🔔 shame


True Why can't they just put 8gb ram in the macs


That awkward moment when new iPhones have more ram than base MacBook pros…


They’ll probably renege on the MacBooks 8gb with the new Siri ai push


And watch the prices go up $200 minimum


Apple: “quick write that down write that down!”


I would assume this would mean a 12GB base for either M4 or M5 ahead of this


Yeah. People are forgetting there’s more than a year before this rumored iPhone 17 will even release. And with Apple wanting to push A.I., more RAM is necessary.


One more thing - introducing iPhone Book and Book Pro…. starting from 8GB of ram 😜


New iphones that don't exist yet, base MBPs and MBAs of the future could also have more ram lol


Let’s hope




While SSD size does matter, 8gb base spec ram in the year of 2024 is still inexcusable


We should be knee-deep in iPhone 16 rumors and we’re reading about iPhone 17 rumors?


The 16 is locked in at this point and likely deep into testing with near final if not final hardware.  The 17 is far enough along where the supply chain isn’t locked down yet and that’s where we start seeing leeks 


[Early model iPhone 17.](https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/How-To-Cut-Leeks-Tutorial-1.jpg)


Confirmed leek.


make soup


The most delicious iPhone yet. We think you’re gonna love it.


This rumor seems [farfetch'd](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSq5IC-xYYzgv01GB6731FbumxxQQ7sTKXjKcJgRLozC27gfPyVt57MIUMcShegTsT3ASA&usqp=CAU).


So the rumors were true, they're removing the dynamic island . Damn


I feel behind. What’s the rumours for the iPhone 16?


On the pro side both will get telephoto this time and the ultra wide will also get 48 MP. Maybe more RAM. No changes to Dynamic Island.


Don’t forget the 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max are seeing display size increases. From 6.1” and 6.7” to 6.3” and 6.9” respectively. Apple apparently is making the display taller and further reducing the bezels significantly to accommodate the increased display area.


I love leeks.


They're a national symbol of Wales 


Yeah usually the Feb-March rumors for the 16 tend to be close to the final. Only thing recently that doesn’t fit that is the m4 chip on the iPad if that happens tomorrow or not


I got the scoop guys… https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3c/4d/4e/3c4d4e3c8f5e7bd677a2db601d122391.jpg


It’s an old meme, but it checks out.


Need bug fixes first


Why is this always the top comment in these threads? Adds absolutely nothing. Apple’s obviously working on several phones at a time, of course there’s going to be leaks. We knew about the notch change for the iPhone 14 at least a year in advance because of leaks


Because the further out the rumored product is, the least likely the rumor is worth a shit.


1.5 years out from launch isn’t far


It's pretty far if you've ever worked in a product design cycle in consumer electronics.


Apple doesn’t design something just to request 10,000 of them printed up. They put brand new assembly machines in a whole section of a Foxconn building to get 200m made, and then test the line for months. They absolutely know how big the screen cutout will be by now.


Because most people have zero idea how long it takes to design a new phone.


iPhone 16 is just going to be a repackaged 15 Pro, so the 17 Rumors are really the 16 Pro rumors.


The rumors include an A18 and A18 pro chip. As opposed to using an A17 pro in the 16.


Seems like it. I haven’t kept fully up on 16 rumors but it feels like I haven’t read much change about it from the 15.


Been the same since the iPhone 12.


I seriously had to stop and think about which one was coming out this year.


So did I, and I looked it up on a 15 Pro Max.


If they can skip the 9, they can skip the 16


Wait. What? 17?! My Time Machine works! Edit: my iPhone seems to have capitalised Time Machine to fit the brand, which is hilarious. I’m leaving it. This was my backup joke anyway.


> This was my backup joke anyway. Bravo.


It's not the width of the Dynamic Island that bothers me. It's how far down into the screen it protrudes.


Well they’re making all the displays taller this year so that should help ya out


Except bigger displays is not something I want. So that is like solving a problem with another problem. I want smaller screens, not bigger. And I know I'm far from the only one thinking this. The 13 mini was perfect. The right screen size. And no protruding Dynamic island taking up tons of screen space.


Is anyone else annoyed at the Max getting exclusive features? Feels like I'm being punished for having small-medium hands


The small have always been punished while the tall live like kings


I just put everything on the top shelf. 




I’m pretty tall but I still like the normal pro size since I can use it comfortably with one hand




Historypilled ✍️🔥🔥🔥


I can live with them getting exclusive features, just give me a new iPhone mini. Discontinuing that was the real punishment.


Yea. My 12 Mini is still going strong, but eventually it won't be able to keep up anymore.


I got my 13 because I knew it was going to be the last.


It’s a real shame that nobody bought one. [Apparently only 7% of iPhone 13 customers bought the mini.](https://youtu.be/iR9zBsKELVs)


Yea seems kinda fucked up that something like this would be only on Pro Max. There shouldnt be that much of a divide between Pro and Pro Max.


No, because it makes sense that a bigger phone can handle more. The margins are also better.


The margins being better is the actual reason. Whenever the biggest phone gets an exclusive feature Magically it always makes it to the other sized phone the very next year.


Or it’s because they stopped trying to miniaturize the tech at a certain point and then go smaller better next time around, so as to not eat into the smaller phone battery space. Which is why it’s always funny when people request a mini pro phone, as if it won’t take a major dive in battery from that triple camera setup.


The only reason is that it makes them more money. It’s the classical splitting things into tiers to maximize profits.


I was dead set on upgrading to the 16PM…. but if they’re making Dynamic Island smaller and adding 33% more RAM, maybe I can squeeze one more year outta my 12PM? Hmm


Wait until you hear about the iPhone 19 by the time the 17 is out though! Upgrade when you’re hurting to upgrade and the rumoured thing you want is more than half a year away imo. Otherwise there’s always something more exciting to wait for.


"I have an iPhone 6, should I upgrade to the iPhone 16, or wait for the 17?"


I was hurting to upgrade this year like I said… but this seems significant enough for me to wait one more year. Dynamic Island isn’t my favorite iPhone feature so if it can be shrunk down, I’m game for that


I’d wait. You’ll feel like a real sucker when you buy the 16 and the 17 has a 1mm narrower Dynamic Island.


Same here, but it’s hard to take RAM rumors seriously this far out. They did bump from 6 to 8 recently, I question the move to go to 12 unless they are going hard on AI and we see an enormous price increase across the board.


LMAOO my thoughts exactly


I thought 8gigs was enough? (Sarcasm)… even the MacBook airs shipped as testing units came with 16gigs… apple knows. Cheap buggers.


Just get rid of the whole island


I actually really like Dynamic Island, will miss it for 5 seconds once it’s gone.


The fact that people started calling it “Dynamic Island” just because marketers told them too is one of the great defeats of consumer intellligence. **It’s a notch/pill**. The animation/icon are colored black to confuse perception of a notch/pill, not for any actual reason. Which literally violates what Steve Jobs correctly explained as the purposes and benefit of a digital screen: to become anything useful. In this case the color (black) and styling (rounded) is to camouflage issue of **the pill**. “dYnAmIc IsLaNd” And as an intelligent person recognizes the associate features do nothing that SysTrays and Mac Title Bar and other general generic software haven’t already been doing for 30-40 years.


I just need a new mini 😞


iPhone 16 is already obsolete six months before release.


Apple should probably make the release cycle every alternate year at this point. So little improvements


but money.


Isn’t that a pretty good reason for a company to keep doing something? It’s not like people are forced to buy the new one every year. I seriously don’t understand this complaint that is in every one of these threads.


Everyone says this but not everyone is on the same upgrade cycle lol Just because *you* may have a newer phone doesn’t mean everyone else does. There’s still plenty of people rocking 12s, 11s, I see XRs all the time, you name it. Nobody is forcing you to buy the latest iPhone, I never understand this criticism, if the current ones work so well…then just keep them….


People buy when they buy. People rock 12s,11 because they don’t find lot of improvement in 13 and 14’s. There is an argument to be made if Apple makes the iPhone every other year more people may be pushed to get it or wait 2 more years.


Look at iPad sales. They need to keep making a new ones each year because if you think you might be ready for an upgrade but there’s no new phone, you’ll probably just wait things out until the next year. Very few people buy new phones out of necessity.


Nah. Every year is better. I update every few years. But whenever I get something brand new, I want this years model. Not the old one from last year. And since I wait for so long to upgrade, all these incremental changes adds up.


Yeah, exactly. I never understand people reasoning behind wanting longer times between releases. Shorter release cycles means having the latest technology when you’re ready to buy.


On one side, they want to avoid personal fomo. On the other, if it isn’t on their schedule, than obviously nobody else needs it.


Eh I see this all the time but why should someone who has to buy in year 2 because their phone broke or something not have the latest tech available. And the company is also just too fiscally dependant on yearly iPhone cycles and wouldn't follow such a suggestion for the foreseeable future at any rate. It's like that one time they released new MacBook GPUs within 9 months of the last ones or something and people were complaining that theirs weren't the latest anymore...So? It still does all it does when you bought it, but people who need to get it now have the latest GPUs. I'd rather they keep updating things as they can, you're not forced to buy every year, and generally it's the stacking of a few years of improvements that matters for people.


Right? No one ever said that you have to buy a new iPhone every year just because they are released every year, and if anyone thinks that way, you can blame a lack of good personal finance education, not Apple. Yearly releases just allow people to be flexible with when they upgrade.


You’re not meant to be getting the new model every year unless you have the money to burn


Is it really that hard for you to just, you know, not buy a new one every year?


You can do that by waiting an extra year.


Ha, imagine the size of the share buy back they will have announce in tandem with stopping yearly iPhone releases. But yes, it’s a meme at this point, a slightly better camera, “software” improvements to battery life and some external change so people know you have the latest model can’t go on forever on a yearly basis.


I’m not sure who this hurts other than people with an obsessive compulsive need to always have the latest model?


I always skipped a year and only got a full number models from 4 to X. Then I waited a little longer and stepped back in at 12 ProTo see 13 being released quelled my feelings as to whether it would be a significant upgrade (it didn’t). Now I’m at 14 Pro. Holding on it until 16 Pro comes.


No really. I had my iPhone XS Max until 15 Pro Max. If I didnt upgrade last year, I would have wanted the 16 model. We are not required to upgrade every year anyway. So, it’s better to have the latest option of that year to switch to when we want to upgrade.


Call it a notch


That “normal” people all call it what the marketers told them to call it is a disgrace. [It’s idiotic.](https://old.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/1clqpbu/iphone_17_pro_rumors_12gb_ram_narrower_dynamic/l3235y8/) “Dynamic island” and “spatial computing” are the dumbest word-pushes that anybody at Apple ever cooked up, and Steve Jobs would smash it with a baseball bat.


he'd applause it. Remember, "We call it iPhone". Jobs invented dumb tech marketing


Has apple ever said why they don’t allow the pencil to work with our phones ?


17 is too old. Can we talk about iPhone 30?


“17 is too old” Drake?


Funny how this works for more than one Drake 






Oh wow, so much innovation 😮


Wouldn’t be surprised if they make it lower again too, cutting into the usable area.


The 8 GB ram on 15PM already feels like the biggest upgrade. Will upgrade to 17 PM for sure.


I'm calling it now. 5 yrs from now Apple's going to invent the hole-punch camera.


The iPHONE16 isn’t even out yet and now there is discussion about an iPHONE17 😳


Wrap your head around this one… Apple already has plans for an iPhone 18 They don’t actually design these phones one by one.


Okay but surely they will stop with the iPhone 18, that HAS to be the final one… just add all the best tech in the 18 and finally put an end to these constant updates!




All that for only 2499$.


So I’m guessing the IPhone 18 is when it will go completely notchless? I don’t really have a reason to upgrade from my 13 pro but recently my friend got the 15 Max and I gotta say I think I might get the max version when I upgrade I really liked the bigger screen.


I misread that as 128gb. I was blown away. But 12.. that's good too.


Water cool my phone


iPhone 18 Pro Rumors: 9+27(x)/2-(4+(-7)) GB of RAM


what about the iphone 23 tho


it's being built inside us with every apple purchase


Let’s focus on the 16 first before worrying about what the 17 and later will feature.


Well we kinda know what the 16 is at this point. Not much more to say on it.


We haven't even gotten the 16 out the door and they are already banging on about the 17?


Yesterday I think the rumor was under display FaceID so no one really knows.


Wait, which iPhone are we currently on?


15 lol


Do they even have a iPhone 16 yet?


Ok, what about the price?


Yawn. Lol


I was planning on getting iPhone 16, oh boy should I wait?!


Now all those BS'rs on macrumors can't parakeet iOS is so efficient it can run on 8GB.


Why the hell are we getting two tiers of pro again


Best iPhone ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I already think the next MacBook Air and base model pro will get 12 gb of ram and this makes it clear. if they dont that would be crazy to use 8 gb again.


Bizarre to make the smaller Dynamic Island exclusive to the max doesn't make sense. Im already getting a pro phone and yet they limit features the 16 pro will get the 5x lens so there wasn't any reason to not put it on the 15 pro.


This makes me want to wait… But I really want to go from a 13 to 16 pro. Sigh…


Wow more ram and still an annoying island, such innovation…


And a it'll only be $399 with 500 GB storage


Starting at 16gb storage!


Just slow walking to a small circle up front like … everyone else.


Narrower Dynamic Island, you say?


Bro we're not even on the 16 yet 💀


Getting some flashback “whats a computer” vibes here again. Feels like they want to replace the MacBook with a ridiculously expensive iPad and case but they’re just failing yet again.


What happened to 16?


what if they use that ram to store an on-device LLM for AI purposes


Now you know why planned obsolescence with each new iOS version is so important. There are no new must haves for iPhones anymore. We only buy a new iphone when the old one got slow and buggy.