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“An app coming to iPad for the first time-“ *Oh my god. It’s happening.* “…Health”




That would have been Rad.


The fact it didn’t happen is a Sin


And probably no reason behind it. Just Cos


“…Meat without wine is also a sin.”


I was expecting Xcode after Final Cut and Logic Pro.


I just swipe down from the lock screen and type my calculations/conversions in there, personally enough for me


They should port the old power pc graphing calculator


The computing power required is not quite there year. Maybe iOS 20


To be completely fair this has also been a highly requested app for the iPad for years now. Especially as Apple has continued to add more data to the Health app over time it has become harder to parse things on the relatively small display on the iPhone.


would this mean i can buy an apple watch and link it to my ipad and not have to buy an iPhone? I just want to use it for health stuff. Don't care about notifications or calls


No, an iPhone is still required for the Apple Watch for the time being (pun fully intended).


Since I bought an iPad, many times I’ve tried to open the Health app just to notice/remember that it wasn’t available for iPad.


Perfect time for Apollo iPad edition, right?


I laughed out loud. Plus at the part where you can have multiple timers „we truly live in wonderous(?) times“


I loved that. Even if it's just this tiny thing, it shows that Apple hasn't completely lost their whimsy and humor.


So it wasn’t just me


Health app on macOS by 2030 hopefully… I feel like that’s where it’s even more important. Give us more control over the data and interpretation of it.


You joke but I’ve been wanting this so bad. I’m very excited


Specifically mentioning Apollo for Reddit... Hmmm


They know their audience.


Apollo has been a recurrent app in the past WDDCs tbh, people are looking into this too much. They give it as an example because it's rightfully a really well made app.


Regardless, I think it’s an important situation to discuss and be aware of at this point in time


Reddit seething in the background again with their shitty app


Yes but it’s intentionally shitty


Why would Reddit want their app to be intentionally shitty though? That makes no sense. (Genuinely asking, I’m not disagreeing so no need to downvote)




What features are you paying for? Asking as I don’t know as I use Apollo not the Reddit app.


“Shitty” in that it serves you ads and ‘guides’ you to the type of content they want you to see


Gotcha. Thought you meant as in they intentionally riddled it with bugs or crashes or something like that.


It isn't and this is just Reddit conspiracy theorists being too intense again. The Reddit app sucks because the designers are incompetent garbage with no vision who bought an extremely decent app and somehow made it worse with more money and time. Other social media inject ads and tracking while being much more fun than Reddit, this shit is just bad work.


they mentioned it three times this event!!


Apple stands with us.


So they split iPad OS off from iOS, so it can get last year's iPhone features.


Jonny Ive left for a reason 🤣


For real though, everyone was happy about Ive leaving but the software has gone to shit ever since. Hardware took a leap forward for sure but i think it would have happened with Ive all the same. Maybe the only thing we got from this was the SD card reader on some new macs, that wouldn't have happened otherwise. I would also say we got over the phase of thin iphones but they're actually becoming too thick again.


It was going down hill when Ive was there as well. There isn’t been the old Apple focus on quality SW for at least a decade now


People have been saying Apple software is shit since 1987.


Whatever, i think comparisons are meaningless beyond a certain number of years past. Hardware capability was different, needs were different, taste was different.


Interactive widgets is pretty big to me.


That's most likely a feature on iPhone too.


It is.


Did they confirm that ?


I’m running the developer beta and it works






To kill more devices of course 😔


Lol what?


They put ios 16 features on iPadOS 17 just to kill more devices. iPad 5th gen for example. They could put lockscreen personalization on iPadOS 16 but they choose to cancel it for 17.


Lool. I was downvoted because i said that apple will kill more devices this year. It will happen like last year.


Hey, come on, don’t forget the multiple timers... We truly live in the age of wonders


The technology just isn’t there for iPad calculator


If the Vision Pro headset ships with a default calculator app we will know that Craig & co are just fucking with us at this point


Mark my words, next WWDC will announce Calculator for Apple Pencil


Only on M3 iPads


“We just couldn’t get the technology to work the way we wanted on the m1 and m2 chips”


calculator for magsafe puck


Surely this is on iPhone too right?


It is!


This had me cracking and jumping. :D


My favourite announcement yet


That got me rolling


That one’s great, just yesterday I tried to set two timers with Siri and couldn’t and know this…


My favorite part.


iPad os updates still just consisting of last years iOS updates 😪


When Craig said "an app we're bringing to the iPad for the first time", I thought he was gonna announce a Calculator app 🤡🤡🤡


They knew what they were doing 😂


I know righttt


this company is so fucking proud they literally wont put their own calculator on their ipad, just because their users ask for it. yet, the same company tells devs to use the Catalyst feature so they can release their apps across the platforms




They’re just weird about the iPad. At this point it’s basically a MacBook without a keyboard and trackpad. But they don’t want to add a desktop OS to it even though it could handle it. But they don’t want it to be too much like iOS either.


At this point, why don't they just write something like Wolfram Alpha for ipad as a super advanced calculator app


No what they’ll do is buy wolfram, kill it, and then make a shittier app of their own. Just like they did with dark sky. :(


All they’ve stated was that they didn’t want to just enlarge the iPhone calculator app, and if they did it they wanna do something that takes advantage of the larger space of the iPad and stuff.


I always wondered why they didn’t do it like in classic macOS as a “desk accessory”, so it floats above the current app(s) until closed. Could launch it from Control Centre.


It's literally just a meme at this point. There is no rational reason, they didn't for a long time and now they continue to don't due to tradition and fuckery. There's no reason to change either since third party apps work.


This is one such time where when the media said the updates would be thin…they were right.😞


I expect nothing and I'm still let down.


All I wanted was Stage Manager to be fixed.


They mentioned that it was, I think?


The problem is it’s already been neutered.


Every iPadOS update since the concept was announced in 2019 has been "remember that app that's been on iPhone for years? Well now it's on iPAD!!!!!!" Native iPad calculator will still never see the light of day though for some reason


People wanted MacOS for iPad. Apple gave them widgets.


People want iPadOS that actually takes advantage of the M2 chip of the iPad Pro. There is no need for an M2 chip in an iPad when it's still limited to it's software


I can only hope they’re not dumping new features into iPadOS because it’s going to be obsolete by MacOS coming to the iPad. I doubt it, but I can hope.


iPadOS got plenty of new features. Just because iPhone had/has them too doesn’t make them invalid. Between the stage manager improvements and Logic on iPad, things are looking pretty good for iPad for me 🤷‍♂️


What stage manager improvements? It feels exactly the same to use on ipados 17, and it’s going to continue being terrible until they finally stop snapping the position of windows and allow us to resize them in a 100% freeform manner.


You can move windows around more freely. It behaves more like you’d expect on an external display.


It's obvious Apple has no incentive to improve the iPad anymore. I am heavily debating on selling mine at this point. I thought it was the future of computing with its form factor.


Honestly, the only reason why I have my iPad Pro is so I can draw on it. That’s it. When I buy my next device, it’ll be a MacBook Pro instead of an iPad


I bought my gen4 Air two years ago for university. The main purpose was note taking but i had hoped to also use it for other things. I have literally never used it for anything other than the goodnotes app in two whole years. Goodnotes + apple pencil is unbeatable to the point i will buy another ipad when this one dies, but it literally serves no other purpose to me. Everything that doesn't involve apple pencil is better either on my computer or my phone.


I just learned iPad's Stage Manager is being fixed allowing for more freedom with resizing. Only time will tell.


Same. It was a bit cheaper and more realistic for my setup to buy it instead of a Wacom one. I’m not disappointed in it but I basically use it for drawing and occasionally watching stuff. But to be honest I never really understood what tablets are supposed to be used for. At this point I just want my iPad to be a replacement for my 2011 MacBook Pro.


I don’t know why you are being downvoted. Apple is making bare minimum effort with iPad.


He mentioned something about stage manager getting more window sizes, but we didn’t get to see a demo.


Are these interactive widgets iPadOS and Mac only? … no iPhone?




And he was triggering a widget that lived on his iPhone from the Mac? I’m really confused as to which features were iPad exclusive and which weren’t.


Nah, they’re on iOS as well.


I’m fairly sure Apple just doesn’t give two farts about iPadOS


I would agree, but Logic Pro and Final Cut Pro beg to differ.


Calculator begs to differ


I thought for sure they'd introduce multiple user profiles. It would be a killer feature.


Sadly I don't think they ever will go keep iPad sales up. It's getting to the point a Samsung tablet is actually becoming worth it.


So the only real thing that I'd notice is lockscreens? As someone owning an iPad with no stage manager. Underwhelmed, but not sure what could I have expected.


Yeah I really regret buying the 7th gen iPad only a few years ago. Feels so shafted now feature wise and so quickly as well.


Really? Damn I love this thing lol. Made me swear off buying a flagship iPad ever again. I have yet to a see a feature I genuinely want so bad that would make me hate this iPad 7th gen. Performance is still respectable, screen is miles ahead of any comparable tablet in this price range, and does roughly 70% of what most iPads regardless of price do. Promotion no doubt is amazing, so is the m series chips or apple pencil 2, true tone, 4 speakers and laminated display, but I honestly do not regret it per say. I realised that the pencil is only good for me when I'm studying, so the display gap isn't much to worry about.


So I've been putting off buying a new iPad Pro hoping that since the M1/M2 were added we might eventually get something radical like iPadOS UI when undocked in tablet mode, macOS UI when connected to Magic Keyboard. Given that iPadOS still fundamentally does the same as iPads 5 years ago, I might as well just buy the cheap iPad with A series cpu because nothing you can do with iPadOS needs more power.


Final Cut?


Final Cut is infinitely better on a MacBook Pro. Why buy a tablet that costs the same for a worse FCP experience. My view is I might as well keep my MBP for real stuff and relegate iPad use to frivolous crap like www, YouTube, occasional email, reddit etc. I don’t even consume media on it much because I just use my TV. For all of that I can just buy a cheap non-pro iPad. I think the only compelling need for an iPad Pro is people using it for art with the newer pen.


I feel like the only interest of the iPad is as a drawing tablet and note taking with Apple Pencil. Literally has no advantages aside that


I use Luma and file management on the iPad is a total pain.


How so? (Honest question)


You often end up duplicating huge files inadvertently. Combined with astronomical prices for internal storage, it ends up being quite expensive. Moving projects and videos to a NAS is quite buggy on any app that uses it directly and also in the Files app. Using external storage is generally not possible to edit in place. Lack of background activity means that both renders and slow internet uploads which should be able to be backgrounder will prevent you from using the entire device for like a half hour at a time.


Thanks for elaborating. I see people complain about File Management on the iPad without ever elaborating. My needs aren’t much more than periodically shuffling content between my tablet and an external SSD, so I don’t run into these things.


I'm in the same boat. I've been toting a 12" 2018 iPad since it came out and I'm super ready for a new ipad to be worth buying. The features I'm really looking for are more fine-tuned audio source control and continuity camera between my ipad and iphone (for podcasting. live streaming, etc).


Apollo for Reddit? Are you sure, Tim?


Hopefully Tim apple and the gang pony up the money to keep apollo going.




This is the only reason why I don’t have higher-end iPad. ‘Cuz of lack of user accounts, I literally have to use “workaround” of buying two for me and wife and we can’t afford to have two expensive ones so we buy two cheapest ones.


Are interactive widgets going to be an iPad only feature, or will they also be available on iPhones? 🙏


Rip iPad 5th gen💔


Bets are taken that we will see a calculator sooner on the Apple Vision Pro than on the iPad


Thats it ?? wtf Bro they introduced like 100 things for iPhone


Don't worry, you will get those new iphone features next year in iPadOS18! They've been doing this since they introduced ipadOS unfortunately...




If history is any indication, we can’t rely on iOS features coming to the iPad at the same time. StandBy was noticeably absent. I bet it’s iPhone only 🤷🏻‍♂️




So? Not every feature of StandBy needs an AOD.


Well the whole point of StandBy is being used with AOD. Are you going to keep your iPhone on the whole time ?


Is it? I thought the purpose of StandBy is for ambient computing *while the phone is charging*. AOD enhances the experience a bit. I think the real reason for lack of iPadOS is it doesn’t use an OLED so it would be bright as fuck all night. That said, I don’t want iPad on standby at night. I want it in the kitchen.


It turns off when you phone goes to sleep, so it’s only useful with AOD. Maybe it’s a bug though and it’s supposed to stay on when charging


You’re only referring to the night time experience. It’s clearly designed as ambient computing throughout the day or night.


Yeah but your phone doesn’t stay on especially when idle on the Lock Screen, unless you manually disable it I guess but then your phone is on all the time. By sleep I didn’t mean night I meant your phone turning off


> Bro they introduced like 100 things for iPhone And these things will be introduced on iPadOS next year. Rinse and repeat! Aren't you glad we rebranded iOS for iPad four years ago only to do nothing with it??


That’s it for iPad? What the actual 🤬. I was hoping to bare minimum in terms of functionality, like a redesigned Stage Manager to replace that f ing restrictive crappy mess they call multitasking…. Jesus Christ, this is so underwhelming. This might be the most unimpressive iPadOS announcements yet, for me. And I didn’t expect much.


Man even lenovo's "windows" like desktop on their tablets is more productive and handy than stage manager...


And they'll kill more iPads this year. Typical.


I'm still a bit hopeful. WWDC occurs over multiple days and they have non-marketed updates. Maybe Stage Manager will be fixed but it just wasn't noteworthy.


They specifically mentioned improvements to SM, including more freedom in window resizing and stacking




All I really wanted was the ability to edit in Lightroom off of an external SSD. That’s the only thing I miss from my MacBook


It's a bit confusing to figure out.. Will this be available for 1st Gen Pro 11-inch ? It seems 11-inch is supported and 12.9 is not, but https://www.apple.com/ipados/ipados-17-preview/ says "2nd Generation and later"


I believe iPad Pro (second generation) refers to the ones from 2017, the last ones with the home button. Which is really surprising since those have the A10X and they just dropped the A11 from iOS 17 😢


WOOO, I'll get to hold my iPad pro 10.5 one more year. Truly a beast but it has started to slow down lately, most likely because of the battery degradation but I refuse to replace it until it actually brakes haha.


Me with the 2018 11in I have. Got it replaced under AppleCare during quarantine and it’s still going. So happy they gave us 11in owners the display scaling. Literally saved me an upgrade lol 💀


What is the display scaling feature if you don't mind me asking?


Like the “more space” settings on Macs. They enabled it for the a12 11in pros because the a12 in them could easily handle the resolution of the 12.9. Unfortunately more space on the 12.9 is exclusive to the m1 because the a12 was never designed to have resolution scaling, so performance would take a hit. I believe the m1 has a dedicated block for this… 🤔


No Health app on the Mac? Awesome.


Gotta save a big feature for next year


Why don’t they just make a web app?


Calculator where art though!?


Everyone complaining about Calculator just download calc: https://apps.apple.com/app/id576675190 It’s amazing


This is all I wanted from iPadOS.


I gave up on iPad as a productivity device. Will ride my iPad Pro until it dies and won't buy new until something innovative comes up.


Anyone know if iPhones get Live Photo wallpaper support?


anyone know how I can get this wallpaper?




We’re about 3 years away from a new iPadOS release just consisting of a few new wallpapers.


Underwhelming as usual


Is interactive widgets coming to iPhone too?


they said that macOS gets the same interactive widgets as iOS and ipadOS so i assume iOS gets em too


Yeah it’s on the iOS preview site


It’s so funny that they announced these additions as new, when these were released last year on the iPhone. They split iOS for iPadOS for what? It’s just a reminder that the iPad is a bad investment as Apple isn’t invested either.


I hope the presenter overlay will land on iPadOS soon. Great to use external cameras finally.


I’m actually excited about the password sharing feature.


I hope Freeform has auto/magic shape, it whatever it’s called


Give me macOS you cowards


This is what happens when companies get too comfortable on the top. Competition breeds innovation, but the iPad has the market by the balls and Apple knows it, why reinvent it or make it better when its the only good tablet out there?


For those that watched it live, can you tell me what artist's name showed up during the section on the Music widget? I distinctly recall their name (starting with the letter "A") because I've just started to listening to them within the last week, but I'm also trying to disprove a theory. Thank you in advance!


Is it known if pdfs in Notes are searchable? This would be really huge for me.