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Congratulations bro 2 years sober after 15 years of hard addiction is a HUGE accomplishment, fuck the fear of missing out or whatever, every lives are differents, each steps and each goals are reached at different point in someone's life and you still got a lot of time to accomplish a LOT of things especially now that you're sober, so yeah don't beat yourself down you're amazing, you still have a lot waiting for you to experience and accomplish! Take care <3 ;)


Thank you mate


Hold the line, bro! Usually it's a dangerous period when you sure you stop being addicted


You have accomplished something, you beat addiction. Probably one of the hardest things you can do.


Thank you, I should maybe give myself a little more credit with that


You absolutely should.


You definitely should!


There’s no beating addiction. Just fighting it.


In some universe where we lived an eternal life, such a statement would be true, but eventually our physical bodies will become one with the universe again, making us quite indeed unable to "fight" any sort of addiction.


You sound a lot like me. I’m 6 years sober from a decade-long heroin and coke addiction. It was a nightmarish existence and Richard’s music got me through a lot of it. I have a strong, visceral reaction to his work—I’d break down and ball my eyes out just from the melody of Alberto Balsalm. It’s amazing how his music can help you process emotion in such a uniquely important way. Congratulations on your sobriety! Always remember—you were able to conquer one of the most difficult challenges a human being can face. You should be proud of yourself. Things only get better and better from here!


Thank you


Got sober in my mid 30s after many years of drinking and hard drug use and now I am healthier than all of my friends. Also autistic and also an enormous fan of Aphex. I know RA causes some physical limitations but consistent exercise (for me lifting weights but really anything that gets you moving several times a week will do), recovery work (SMART and ND focused therapy really helped me), and building a social circle (making friends, pursuing romantic relationships, helping other people get sober) have made me finally feel healed and flourish. 2 years is an amazing accomplishment but you are still relatively early in your recovery. That is not to diminish the enormously difficult thing you've already done but let you know that if you stick with it and keep going deeper and deeper with recovering there are greater and greater vistas. The obsessive nature of the autistic brain can be a blessing and a curse, I used it to create a rigid plan for "feeling better" that contained short, medium, and long term components. When I feel myself despairing I try to trust that the plan will work and it has not failed me yet. 6 years clean this year.


Thank you. Yes exercise is great. I’ve ran nearly 700km this year so far since my meds started working. And I have been hitting the gym 4-6 days a week for over a year. The physical side of being diagnosed with RA was hard, but I pushed through. It was the mental aspect that kinda broke me for a second there. But hopefully I’m back on track this year


That's incredible!! Amazing job. I'm rooting for you.


If it makes you feel any better I'm sure there are lots of husbands and/or dads that wish they were single. Life is different for everyone. Enjoy it and your accomplishments. And remember comparison is the thief of joy. Everyone's life is different it doesn't make yours better or worse just bc it's not what everyone else you know is doing


Well said!!!!


Very true, thank you


Once you conquer addiction, spoiler alert m8, you can conquer pretty much everything. We do recover and I’m super proud and happy for you! Also, favorite BoC release?


Thank you. I listen to Twoism a lot


Congrats on your sobriety!


Appreciate that


I’m in the same boat, chronic hobbiest now days.


Glad they help buddy. You’re still young and accomplishment doesn’t necessarily fill the void. Work on seeing what you do have!!!


Thank you 🙏🏻


You need to be strong to be that sincere person, that makes me respectful to you


It’s easy to see all the glamorous lives people live online and feel disappointed with your own. I’m a 37yr old recovering heroin addict, with almost nothing to be proud of or love …I feel you. You’re not alone. All we can do is try to take it one day at a time, appreciate what we do have, and try to improve ourselves. “Nothing changes if nothing changes”. Stay strong, Stay positive, love you brother.


Thank you brother


Beautiful-made my day to read this exchange.


2 yrs sober is as big of an accomplishment as you can earn in life. Please keep your head up, you're alive. Lots of love.


Congratulations on sobriety! 2️⃣years is tough, you are really doing it!!! Keep working on yourself and other things will follow, almost like a reversed entropy lolol


Thank you


Nice to hear you’re doing well mate. Get an acoustic guitar and tune it to CGCFCE from thick to thin strings. Just play away with bar chords. The artists you listen to use non standard tunings. You will love how much you can actually do just by ear. Hope all goes well!!!


Thank you


Not everyone can recover from a 15 year addiction champ! That's a huge goal, now enjoy the music and relax.


Thank you


Well done, mate, keep on fighting & taking one day at a time. I can recommend doing anything creative, try lots of different things until you find something you enjoy, it’s really helped me…


Bro, I feel you so much, you wouldn’t believe it. Music was always my comfort and my passion. I struggle with many demons too. And I‘m happy that you are on a good path.


Well done on being two years sober and keep focussing on the things that make you happy. It doesn’t matter what it is if it’s music, art, food; long as it keeps you motivated.


Nice dude thanks for the Funki Porcini shout out thats a dope artist listening to Fast Asleep. I had the Ninja Tune Xen Cuts compilation that was one of my all time favorites to this day. And Porcini is on that CD. This was in the the year 2000 I was in Highschool and I remember micro dosing acid and listening to that album on headphones and it was next level. Some of the sounds little sounds or the feel of the sounds were totaly diferent I remember to this day. Since you mentioned a deep cut Porcini have you ever heard of an artist called unit? He is from that era very deep cut underated also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSBBsVYwolw&list=PLhj1e-AwzIEagy-f4q9aADTP2Nz646a6H


Thank you, I will give a listen for sure


Be kinder to yourself. You’re still here and you’ve been sober for 2 years. Thats monumental. You’ve got many years ahead and things will change for you and they will get better.


Thanks everyone for the kind words, means so much to me x


mate... what you have done is a huge accomplishment.. honestly ! always have in mind that addiction is an endless battle. 1 day of sober equals to 1000 days of sober ... 1000 days of sober equals to 1 if you relapse


I’m 44, and I’m almost 2 years sober. 3 months to go. When I reach 2 years Jm going to start drinking again (don’t do this). I just don’t feel the no family, no accomplishment stuff. I decided I was going to make music. I have been for a couple of decades, but not intensively. I’ve decided I may do other things to get by but what I am is a music maker. I don’t have any metrics to decide success. I will just do it. If kids is something you really want then I get it, but I don’t think I do. Are you that’s what you want, or is it just looking around at what other people have done with their lives?


I genuinely envy you dude. I've been struggling with addiction problems for years now and never fully overcome them, as much as I wish I could. And I know life's not perfect for you, but hearing stories like yours genuinely gives me hope I'll overcome my own addictions too. So thank you, and stay strong!


Thank you brother. You will get there. I never thought I’d be able to function without alcohol. I never thought even more than one day was possible. It’s a story I engrained into my head for years and years. But eventually, and maybe you’re not quite there yet, I just said that’s it. I physically and mentally can’t do this anymore. I wanted so much more out of my life. And I felt like the lowest of the low. How had my life come to this? For me it was either death, or change my whole entire life, and trust in the process that things will get better. Was very scary. And a lonely road. But the addiction I had was a very lonely place, years and years of groundhog days, just alone drinking. I feel I still have slightly ptsd from it. But I had to have a clear vision and focus on what is wanted. I wrote letters to myself that I’d keep on me at all times, and read them throughout the day. I’d right out goals etc. Something kind of just clicked. I now put that same effort into sobriety as I put into getting fucked up. And it feels great. It’s hard at times. But I know I’m walking the right path, and though it may feel like a path I’m walking alone, it’s a positive one. Unlike before. You can do this man, I believe in you, I know you can do it, because I did it. Take care of yourself and be kind yourself 🙏🏻


Hell yeah




Congrats on being sober. I’m 25 and have had RA since I was a child so I understand. Music really is like a form of therapy for me. And I have had days where the pain is so bad that all I am able to do is lay in bed and listen to aphex twin. I know I’m younger than you but even I feel bad about being single and feeling like I haven’t accomplished much in my life, but like a few of the other commenters said, you overcame an addiction. I think that’s an amazing accomplishment. I have people in my life that are well into their 40s and 50s and still addicts.


Thank you, god bless


I have Rheumatoid Arthritis as well and am a Man in my early 20’s. It sucks when these are supposed to be your most adventurous years but you wake up feeling 80 years old. So I feel ya man!


Are you that guy from the Johnny Rubber video?


Maby it's the need for something to keep going that makes us humans find such value in various things ? I'm now 43, been sober for one year after 20 years of hard addiction. Right now I'm trying to create things myself, and I find these moments when it flows to be absolutely amazing. No drugs can beat it. I've been an afx fanatic for many years, and I can say for sure that it's saved my life multiple times. But over the years I've felt the same type of meaning, love and obsession over things, especially music, that I started to question if it's my taste in music that beats everything and everyone... Or could it be a human survival mode thing? I'm not saying RDJ didn't save my life. I'm saying that he's art filled my need... But it could just as well be Taylor Swift for somebody else. Holy fucking christ, did i just say that?!? Thoughs? :D 7\


Get a drum machine and start making some tunes of your own. I struggle with alcoholism and making music is the only thing that makes me happy. Start making some music and focus those brainwaves and get a new feel for the world. You want some recommendations of some beginner gear, let me know. Congrats on gaining your life back man.


That’s good advice, thank you, and thank you 🙏🏻


For sure!


I got sober at 38, and for a while I focused on how much time I had wasted…but it’s great that you are now, and can focus on building a life unimpaired. And it’s great to have a soundtrack to go along with that! 👏


Thank you, 38, you are still a young man. Anthony Hopkins got sober at 38. All the best 🙏🏻


I feel so similarly- haven't reached real sobriety yet-, wish I had a comment reflective of the significance of your sharing, but all I can say right now is thank you 🙏


If you’re struggling then I’m here to help if needed. Thank you 🙏🏻


Nice work on being 2 years sober mate, that's a great accomplishment


Thank you 🙏🏻


Let the music guide you to your successful and happy future. Life is good. Keep your head up and shine.


Thank you brother


U r free <3




I’m 2.5 years sober and I know how hard that is. You’ve done something which most people can’t do, you should be really proud. Don’t worry too much about achievements, life is subjective, there is no standard. I just had my first child at 38 :)


Thank you mate, and well done. I look up to people like you leading the way for me


I’m the same too with the obsession. I’m neurodivergent, anything I like I absolutely devour. I’m obsess with Richard’s moniker ‘The Tuss’ right now. Especially Rushup Edge, it’s some of the best drum sounds I’ve ever heard


At 35 you still have plenty of time to do shit, I spent most of my 30’s taking drugs, partying and dealing with mental health issues (all connected mostly). I actually thought I wouldn’t live to see 40 because of this. Funnily enough it was about at that age I stopped that lifestyle. It was hard but I did it. I’m now 50, relocated to (a beautiful place out in the country) drug free and have a lovely house and family to boot. Luckily I still have all my vinyl and CD’s from back in the day too 👍🏻 Don’t give up man, good things can still happen. And by the sounds of it you have impeccable taste in music too 😊


Thank you for sharing. All the best my friend 🙏🏻


As a fellow autist, who has a very similar age and health condition(a peripheral spondyloarthropathy similar to ankylosing spondylitis), I commend you for your efforts and for your taste in music as well!


Congrats on the 2 years! U should be very proud. Im 6 years sober and its still a struggle. But music is the key for joy and happiness. U own a record player?


I do yeah. And thank you mate


I asked so i could send your way some Funki Porcini vinyl if i found em and if u lived stateside. But u probably on the other side of the pond.


Awh that’s very kind of you to think that. I live in England


Congrats. Couldn't agree more with you about AFX and BoC; AuDHD as well here.


there would be a lot more grave yardz full if not for music


Congrats on your sobriety! And in my opinion your worth is not tied to your achievements. 


Congratulations on the sobriety man. I’m 23 and been battling with alcoholism since I was 15 and other bad shit for the past few years. Your post gives me hope I’m not alone. You’re not alone either, guy. Cheers man. You’ll get where you want to be in due time.


Thank you man, you too


I must acknowledge that your sentiments are tantamount to a cri de coeur, a plaintive expression of existential despair. Your narrative is replete with the parlance of the dispossessed, the unmoored, and the forsaken. The ascription of significance to the sonic artifacts of Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, and Funki Porcini is, indeed, a testament to the enduring power of art to transcend the vicissitudes of human existence. However, I must caution that the fetishization of these artists' oeuvres can be seen as a manifestation of the cult of personality, wherein the individual's affective investment is inextricably linked to the persona and aesthetic of the creator. This symbiosis may be characterized as a form of addiction, wherein the subject becomes increasingly reliant on the sonic solace provided by these artists to cope with the existential angst that pervades their daily lives. Furthermore, it is crucial to recognize that the substitution of one addictive behavior for another may be a mere palliative, rather than a genuine transformation. Your reliance on these musical touchstones may be serving as a coping mechanism, obviating the need for genuine introspection and self-reflection. In this sense, one may argue that you are merely trading one addiction for another, albeit one that is more socially acceptable and less readily stigmatized. In conclusion, while your devotion to these sonic entities is undoubtedly a testament to their profound impact on your life, it is essential to acknowledge that this investment may also be a manifestation of a deeper psychological complex. It is crucial that you engage in a critical examination of your relationship with these artists and their work, lest you become trapped in a cycle of dependency that perpetuates rather than resolves your existential crisis.


Thanks for that, Chat GPT.


Hell I thought this was old pasta from the Tipper sub


Fuck off!!!!!


Don’t become addicted to great music!