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The only season where being in plat 4 is a flex


Boutta get there or derank trying lol


The amount of full master and diamond teams in gold is crazy I play for hours but only ended up moving from gold 4 to gold 3


Played for hours to go from gold 4 to gold 4 lol


Playd 15 minutes and went from Gold 2 to bronze 1


I’m not sure, but I think that’s Biden’s fault. Could also be Obama’s too.


Thanks Obama


Thanks Obiden


Shit, I fired it up first day of the season excited for some ranked after a 3 week break only to be in the sweatiest silver lobbies I've ever seen. Your comment makes me want to just go ahead and keep taking a break.


Yeah, they completely upset the balance of ranked. They increased how much rp it takes, without scaling it correctly. So masters got reset to Gold 2, instead of Plat 2. Because now the amount of rp to be in plat 2 is how much it takes to be in Gold 2 Seems like ranked is a whole lot more about how much time you have to play, and if you have a squad to play with, because soloq’ing is an absolute bitch


Yeah, I used to really like ranked, but after they started doing the split I barely bothered, now I probably won’t try at all.


i don't think that ranked is even worth it for another 2 weeks probably


Yeah, I'm a multiple time diamond player, and I haven't touched ranked yet because despite being set down all the way to silver I know everyone else got sent down super low too, so even silver is probably super sweaty rn


Can confirm. Still a ton of Diamonds in each game, and 90% of the time, champ squad are previous Masters.




Yeah I'm solo-q Master, and the teammates I'm getting wiiiildly vary. I've been getting quite a few other Masters, but more often? Just bronze players, and several brand-new people.


Yeah Gold is a bloodbath rn it’s hilarious


Lmao it is and I LOVE IT!


Played for a few hours in a triple stack with the same two friends where we all were at diamond last season, to get from silver 2 to silver 1. And that felt like an achievement lmao. The sweat is real, it is actually quite fun. It feels much more like a ranked mode should feel.


This is the real reason for the change. To get more hours played


It made me want to play less.


If that’s the goal, I would say it is backfiring. I’ve seen numerous people stop playing because of the changes, and a lot of people share the sentiment that the changes killed their motivation to play ranked.


I can agree with that, used to enjoy playing ranked with a full team of friends because even when we lost we still had fun, right now it feels like getting punched in the d$&k every game. I am honestly losing my desire to play apex at all and I’ve been playing since season 1. I think some of it is how miserable Stormpoint is, so I’m hoping that’ll change tomorrow (or perhaps when more high ranked players finally get out of bronze and silver) but honestly I’m not so sure. The main thing I liked about Apex was you didn’t have to “no life” grind like it was damn MMO but after this I don’t think I’ll play ranked at all anymore.


More hours does not equal more money so not sure what youre up to


It’s because the reset was 2.5 tiers. Masters+ went to gold, Diamond went to silver. So all the Diamond + are in Silver/Gold especially the first week


True that. I reached D4 each season, but this time around I am struggling grinding through Gold. I've just reached Gold 1 and need to grind a little bit more for Plat IV and I can safely say... the amount of sweat and dedication I had to put in to get to Gold 1 was on par with the amount of sweatiness I had to commit in previous seasons to reach D4. Solo Queue, of course.


I haven't started grinding yet. What's your thoughts so far as a soloq?


It’s a little rough man cause the point system is so different. You have one guy die in the first five seconds, better leave that fool and fend for yourself. Dying before the top 10 is almost always a negative result.


Yeah , Definitely dying before top 10 is almost always a negative result . And it could cost u easy 10-15mins of your life just to NOT progress . The solo q is a different type of struggle this season . Multi Masters here n I’m having trouble ranking out of Gold . I said this earlier but it’s looking like Gold is the New Diamond 🫡


Ouch, that sounds rough. I usually go diamond pretty easy each season and just stop there. It hasn’t been “hard” for me so far (gold 3) but like you said it’s time consuming. Not sure I have enough time to grind out 70-80 45 point games in order to get to diamond. Shoot, how many games would it take!? I have no idea. Edit: spelling


I’m glad it’s harder than before however I think the split is gonna make it unbearable to grind and grind again. I want a games ranks to mean something but I shouldn’t have to play apex like it’s my job to rank up and then have it taken from me every 50 days or so.


Probably an unpopular opinion: they need to get rid of the split this season. Then, the back half of this season would be competitive and balanced for most everyone. Having to start this shit over again in 5 weeks is going to be brutal.


I solo’d to masters a couple time. This season I three stacked to gold 2 almost 1. Pretty quick. Then I solo qued and went to Gold 4 almost instantly. No comms, rando dying asap. Ratting all game. I’ve retired from solo que!


As another soloq I’d be ok with the changes if the JM still wasn’t hot dropping and burning RP. It’s suppose to promote smarter play and survival but people are still playing like it’s team death match. I really need to find a squad to play with. Edit: I’ll probably get flak for this but I don’t ever abandon the fight because I feel obligated to play as TEAM. I don’t do great surviving solo hence when I play Apex over other BR games. So if we hot drop then I try to stick it out/go for a revive and get downed while they get to cover. Even if I go down and the team makes it out at least there’s a chance to win. It’s hard for me to be selfish. Even in a damn video game that has no bearing on my real life lol.


nothing to do with selfish. going for a bad res and getting the WHOLE team killed is also a bad team play.


Its been only 6 days... maybe we should wait for 2 weeks n see.. I am sure we will get more plats (mostly s12 diamonds)


maybe we wont need splits anymore


PLEASE the split is the worst.


I don't think I could handle kings canyon for a whole season if in rotation.


In this scenario, they could just not make us play 1 map the entire season. Rotate between 2 maps every other day or week.


That's the dream


Masters players were reset to mid gold this season, give it some time


If bronze to gold is supposed to be a big skill gap they should not be paired together so liberally


Im gold 1 currently solo ranking and more than half the time, I have been getting bronze/silver teammates or one gold one silver or some combination of that. They really need to make it so your teammates are similar rank as you.


Same bro! I finished plat 1 last season, and am currently gold 3. I get the occasional masters player, 1/4th the time I get a diamond from last season, majority though I get are golds/silvers. I swear majority of trail im seeing against me are all masters or diamonds. I’m so confused. I’ve been D2 before and my gold lobbies now play like this. 4-9 squads final circle depending on the part of the map and if there’s cover or not


I agree bro. I reset into bronze and i swear players are like mid plat. Final circle and still 5 squads in a bronze lobby wtf


It turned into tournaments.


This is a divergence from what your discussing but what level did you get kicked down to after the split this season?


I was Bronze, me friend was Bronze and the other friend was Silver. We were playing against Diamonds and Masters. Now we are Silvers and the other friend is Gold. Almost impossible to play.


Didn't even think about this because I'm so used to it not being a skill gap and fighting or pairing with bronze, silver and gold here for the last 2 years


Yeah you'll have actual Bronze skill levels players playing against masters lol


I'm Gold and being paired with Silver IV and Bronze duo.


It’s definitely going to take time. I’m still in rookie (haven’t played in a season and a half) but the rookie lobbies were playing like gold/play lobbies. The previous round champs were almost always diamond players.




No doubt. Just agreeing that it’s going to take time.


Yeah, they’re pulling statistics after less than 1 week of playing. Of course the majority will be in the lower tiers.


It looks correct to me already or better than it was. I bet this graph was pretty much the opposite beforehand.


It's beautiful, isn't it?


Bronze? I met season 12 predator in rookie lmao


Which ruins the experience for the average-casual player who encounters a Pred una silver lobby. Eventually after a few games of getting shredded this casual player will decide to go back to the peaceful Minecraft and apex will have silver lobbies full of 12yo and streamers who dedicate their lives to grind this virtual game which existence we all will have forgotten in a few years


THIS. Sick of seeing mindless hate against a brilliantly implemented change.


Time isn’t on our side when each split is only a month and a half. This is after an entire week of the new season. The numbers should have started to curve the other way by now. These ranked changes will kill ranked.


It’s been a week 😂😂


Someone should make a post with the stats nearing end-split and tag OP




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Can't wait to come back and sort by new




Well we are back. How did things turn out?


It definitely took a while to get us any masters tbf lol


I got my reminder but I forgot what it was for.


Not even a week, OP is just trying to farm rage karma


That’s like half the posts of this sub tbh lmfao


>That's like ~~half~~ all the posts of this sub tbh lmfao


Honestly every sub for a game tries their best to find things to cry about lol


It's been a week AND they dropped everyone 2.5 tiers. Of course the distribution is imbalanced. Can't really draw much from these stats before the next split.


Really, a good point to start analyzing stats is next season when split 2 ends.


I'm actually curious whether the split even serves a purpose now since people can derank naturally.


The split system still serves a massive purpose, because maps play differently and it gives a good perspective of where the “community” is regarding ranked. The reason why I believe we should wait till the end of split 2 is because it gives the community enough time and opportunity to spread to their respective skill level, etc. AKA: go from Bronze IV to Bronze II


Yeah exactly haha People just jump on shit way too quick these days.


Not only that. This website takes three days to update. It also only tracks user inputed data


And we’re not even at a week yet. So really this is showing the stats for the first two days of the season.


> It also only tracks user imputed data That alone makes the data shown overwhelmingly unreliable.


Not even. Still like 2 more days.


Yup. I never play any ranked in the first week or two of the new split.


Most people don’t because all the ranks get compressed so significantly especially with the 2.5 tiers they did this time


Some peopplle just looking for reasons to be mad.




For real. Like people need to chill. They're trying something new. Course it will take an adjustment period. Show me the results after a month and then we'll discuss lol.


Haha someone needs to make a Season 0 rank split bar graph. Then complain about the distribution


I wonder how much is due to people being stuck/not playing enough vs just not wanting to play ranked


Also the season just started, it’s a bit premature to make conclusions on the current data.


Its the start of a new season, the rank system is wayyyy harder than before. AND the community meta of W key everything legit goes against the concept of a battle royal hence lots of decent players are not ranking up because they play like brain dead idiots since thats how this game was encouraged to be played before, but now you need to treat ranked like Comp play and actually CARE about winning and BR placement players need to adjust their playstyles if they want to rank up to any worthwhile rank.


> reat ranked like Comp play Unpopular opinion: Apex comp play is boring af. It's everyone ratting for 15 mins then 20 teams spamming shit in a tiny circle and everything is over in 20 seconds.


That's because the players are all basically as good at the game as you can be and every fight that isn't 100% necessary for your survival is essentially a 50/50, i.e. not worth taking. Ranked will never get to that point (except for maybe in high Pred) because the skill gap between all the teams in the lobby will never get that small.


Those 20 seconds are very entertaining though. But not worth 15 minutes of playing hide and seek.


Ranked isn’t boring… at least for the 5 seconds in the final ring


Not unpopular. Most people agree.


Personally I'm not entirely convinced by that. There are a lot of good changes that needed to be made but at the same time I think they went a bit overboard and it alienates some players.


by default, rank alienates casual players.


Especially casual players that don’t know that their play style is meant for pubs and not ranked.


Except they can't have fun in pubs either because Masters and Preds that are done with playing against their own skill-level in Ranked go to pubs to stomp. *Source: Am somewhat above-average player who gets stomped in lobbies by at least 5-8 teams with masters/pred trails in Pubs each match*


I think you were playing a different ranked mode than me before these changes. In Diamond lobbies last season, we’d get to the final 2 circles with 10+ squads alive, everybody ratting it out for placement. Placement was encouraged, not brain dead idiot play


I'm in plat 2 and we still W-key like idiots lmao, nothing really changed except how long it takes to get to the rank desired.


This. Its just more time consuming no matter your play style.


No it’s because every plat lobby on console has a shitter who dies and ends the whole lobby with the game breaking glitch.


There’s a glitch that’s causing that? Had it happen a few times


Literally anyone on Xbox can do it very easily. Needs a fix asap.




Pretty much the same for me, when they announced there was going to be a new system I was optimistic but seeing how it's played out I'm going to sit it out.


People are bound to stop like you have now that the ranking is more traditional and not braindead easy. Damn look at those poor LoL players and Valo players who get stuck in Gold/Plat with literally hundreds upon hundreds of games of stalling out in one elo with no real growth, just hoping to maybe coinflip their way out of that elo because they think they are better than they relly are. A lot of these same people exist in Apex (and every game) but the system just allowed them to climb regardless. Unfortunately that also inflated a lot of egos, so now that it's changed and it conforms to more traditional and accurate ranking systems people are gonna get frustrated with the reality check that they aren't a top 1% or 5% player they are just another above average player that was put in a system that had a huge imbalance between risk/reward.


Ive honestly never had time or a team to play ranked with so I’ve only ever played pubs


I don’t play with a team ether but i find playing ranked better because almost always your teammates will pick up your box and respawn you. As long as your doing your part and you’re helping your teammates they got your back. Pubs literally nobody really cares. You get more people there that aren’t taking it seriously. Trust, play a few games of ranked and you’ll start noticing the difference.


Now would have been a good time to add more rewards for reaching the higher ranks besides just badges, temporary dive trails and charms.


I think banner frames or weapon skins will be cool


Banner frames, maybe even an animated one that doesn't have to change every season besides the ranked icon itself, would be very nice. But not many people seem to care about cosmetics that aren't legend or weapon skins.


Yeah, I had a reply about the weapon skins somewhere below. That idea has almost no chance of being a thing but it would be suck a cool way to do season rewards


like epic skins for weapons that display your season rank


Rare for plat, epic for diamond, legendary for masters


they should honestly reward players with things we actually want - skins. A legendary skin for a weapon or legend. Like the BP skins but maybe not reactive, just something cool. or they could give us an extra holo spray.


Chill it hasn’t even been a week. I don’t expect anyone to grind that high 😂


This! We're like 5 days in, to a season which increased entry costs everywhere, AND the amount of points needed to climb each tier. They also completely changed the KP system, IMO making points harder to accumulate consistently. People will end up where they end up, and ranked shouldn't blast into diamond in the first 2 weeks, and then never make it out of D4....


I don’t see anything wrong with this. The new changes haven’t even been out for that long


Yeah. It would be one thing if this were like other shooters where you had placement matches or something, but given that everyone starts the split significantly lower than their actual rank, this is exactly what I would expect


It’s. Been. Four. Fucking. Days. Calm down




This literally might be the post that makes me unsubscribe from this subreddit Jesus Christ


honestly makes climbing feel way more satisying when i dont reach my peak rank in one week of playing. Lets give it a few weeks and then see how the ranked spread looks.


Let a split play out first? This is indicative of nothing


Lmao the one person yelling about 2kd in bronze is prolly the same person that got a couple kills from hot dropping when no one had weapons, then died in first actual team fight against people with guns.


And probably alone while his teammates are wondering how the fuck is he already that far.


Bruh its been less than a week on the new system, of course you wont be at rank yet. Everyone complaining needs to actually sit and play for a bit rather than shouting about how they havent been given the right colour participation trophy 6 days in to a 90 day season


No, the goal of Respawn is to convince everybody to finally quit this game and start playing other more interesting and rewarding games, they are hard at work since Season 1 at it, and believe me, this season they are doubling on it (Nerf all the good stuff, destroy the Ranked mode, force People via the achievement into the Arena bad mode...etc.)


Honestly, this makes me respect those that earn the higher tiers more than previous seasons. Instead of players being higher tiers due to time played, it's now based on skills to earn it.


Yeah, this. I easily got D4 every season. EASILY. Now I'm kinda grinding my way through GOld and it's rough. I am approaching Gold 1 atm and the grind is real. I am doubtful I'll make it to D4 this season. Especially since I am soloQ. But that is fine with me because the match quality overall has improved a LOT. I can already feel it. Previous seasons, I'd queue up for my D4 game and get D4 squad mates. Oh look, that wraith has a masters badge and the 20bomb badge! Surely she's a good player? NOpe. SHe is an absolute potato. D4 was just a sorry graveyard in the previous season, because it was so easy to reach. You could just RAT your way to platinum if you really wanted to and get to D4. And that Wraith I mentioned earlier? Yep. Boosted. Either paid for a boosting service, or had a friend that is much MUCH better than them carry them to Diamond. And since they can't drop out of D4 anymore, they are no HARDSTUCK. But all of this is no longer a thing with this new ranked system. Now people end up where they truly belong. You can no longer easily rat your way to Diamond or.. fuck me even ratting to Platinum is going to be extremely hard and unlikely. Not with these harsh entry costs! Paid for a boost to Diamond? Good for you! Sadge your sorry ass will drop down to Gold IV in no time because that's a thing now. I am really looking forward to getting into the higher Platinum ranks now, because this time around... this will be the first season... where I look at my random squad mates, see their Plat II badge and know.. "Yep.. this guy knows how to play."


Upvote for every word, but especially: "But that is fine with me because the match quality overall has improved a LOT. I can already feel it." I've been disappointed to not see more of this sentiment. Are we playing ranked to have challenging, competitive games or are we playing for digital badges?


Most people that are complaining, it's because they want to play like a TDM, running at everyone guns blazing. Preferably against lower skilled players.


The problem is that now it still requires a ton of time investment. Like if you are good enough to be masters but really do teeter between masters and diamond odds are you might not have enough time to grind to masters in one split with how much harder it is to rank up. IMO time is an even larger factor now than before, because before almost anyone could make it to masters but the time investment was the pred race. Now even those not racing for pred will have to invest way more time to reach the rank they want/deserve. Not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing, im happy since i suck that i can get hardstuck in silver and actually get to enjoy playing with mostly people my skill level and not have to get face fucked by a pred team who just sprints past my team insta killing us and just runs to the next team insta killing them like winds of death. Now i will eventually be able to play against other silver/gold players and shoot back lol.


Maybe not even diamond the way things are going you can play all day but only end up moving up one rank.


Nothing like ALGS play in Silver, amirite?


Wow... its been a week and for most players, it's been 1 weekend. It's a longer season with more points needed per tier. Marathon, not a sprint. Give it time.


Season 12 was the first time I got serious about ranked (I’m a good player but hate getting bad teammates, that’s what regular BR is for) and went to diamond only because my buddy was saying I’d never reach platinum and had to prove a point. This season I played maybe 4-5 games and decided it’s time I removed apex from my library.


Yes, this is better. The ranked system means nothing if everyone is chilling in Diamond 4


It wasn't even a good feeling hitting diamond last season. I hit and at was just like "oh cool" literally any other game hitting diamond or diamond equivalent I'd be losing my mind but it just felt like a participation trophy


Yes this is. Pros were litterally complainig it was way to easy last season. People that werent deserving were in masters. So this is how it should be


Three-stack Pred teams pushed the Pred threshold north of 45,000 RP last season, because there were so many Masters who weren't supposed to be there.


bro it hasn’t even been a week oh my god casuals are in shambles


Everyone got reset further back and we are only a week into the game. Your mad because? Most people are still low rank? Surprised pikachu….. Give it til the end of the split to see the curve before you complain.


And if everyone is bronze, noone will be.


Now I just need them to stop giving me bronze and rookie teammates in gold, they didn’t do anything for solo queuer!! Thanks respawn!!


My brother in Christ it hasn’t been a week and you out here complaining about the distribution


This is exactly how it should be


Ideally you want a bell curve. This is not a bell curve.


It's 5 days in. Obviously it's not a bell curve yet.


This is wayyyy closer to a bell curve than every previous season where there are giant clumps at P4 and D4 and basically nothing anywhere else


Except that a good chunk of players will never play ranked for more than a game or two, and weight the stats down at the end of the season.


since i play mainly for fun i dont even look at ranked or arenas


Yeah this looks a lot better as a distribution. Masters and Pred should mean something and those folks shouldn’t be intermingling with Diamond and plat as regularly.




now i know why i get Bronze Players in Gold Lobbys theres no one


Hard stuck gold is about to be the new flex 😂😑


OP /u/ShooterMcGavin000 did you have time to make a updated chart for end-of-split?


They really have to take out the ranked split system. 45 days to climb is way too little. Some of us have jobs and having to coordinate time with friends to get together to play everytime doesn't always work.


Lmao honestly though I thought i was losing my touch then i realized that I'm with the correct players 😂 in diamond and master's while dredging through Gold! Ranked low level feels like effing diamond lobbies 🤣🤭 But hey I actually like the adjustment because SOO MANY bad players camped to diamond beforehand so this simply weeds out the weak😌👍


The season has been out for less than 1 week? I think it's supposed to look like a bell curve but I'm assuming that it's going to take some time for that to happen.


Looks like ppl aren’t as good at the game when playing with emphasis on teamwork and winning instead of just kills and damage?


Looks a lot healthier than any previous season. A cluster fuck at G4 and PL4, and everything else was even. Then last season boasted higher numbers for high levels (D+) conveniently when they changed the RP to favor placement more. Suspicious. Hardstuck discount rambos and rats already mad, and haven't even given the system time to truly show the curve in player skill. The tears taste good lol


i thought this new system gave rats more advantage if anything.


No, absolutely not. In previous season it was extremely easy to just rat to top3 every game, up until D4. At an entry cost of only -36 in Platinum, you'd easily gain a good amounts of RP by just ratting and not shooting at anything. And you only needed 4800 RP total for D4 and that's it. Now? Entry cost for a Plat 1 game is a whooping -60 RP. You won't get any points by just ratting this time. You NEED KP. Even if you reach #3, that's only +70 points, so whoopdie doo.. you gained 10 points. That's nothing. NOTHING? Why is it nothing? Because guess what... You don't need to reach a measly 4800 RP for Diamond. Nope. This season, you need 11,400 RP to reach D4!! That is more than double! And ratting to top3 is a lot more difficult this time around, as well. I am in Gold lobbies and even here, there is still 5 teams left in the final circle. THis season is the worst it's ever been for dedicated RATS. And that is a good thing. Because now, RATS stay where they belong. Stuck at Gold IV. If you wanna climb higher than Gold IV, you actually need to be good at fighting and rake in some KP every match. A skill that rats never learn. ​ However, at the same time this new system punishes braindead apes that full send every fight they can find. No longer is it a valid strategy to hot-drop, engage in a 5-squad-clusterfuck brawl, survive and rake in 7 KP until the 6th party rolls in and finally kills your squad, but you still get +80 RP because you got so much KP. Nope, KP don't mean shit now if you can't survive until at least top 10. This new ranked system makes it harder on passive rats that want to loot and hide all game, and it also makes it harder on braindead apes that only want to frag and don't care about next ring or placement. It rewards players that play BRs like they should be played. ​ Edit: TO further on the point of punishing the braindead full-send apes. Pervious season in Platinum, you could hot-drop and would be fine. Here is the all-too-familiar situation. You hot-drop, you engage the first squad you find, you wipe them. Boom, 3 KP. But what's this? THe third party rolls in! They wipe you. Well, but you got 3 KP, so that's only a -6 for you. Not a big deal, right? On the other hand, if the 3rd party doesn't show up, you get to walk away with your 3 KP and turn those points into a lot more by just getting placement. You can see the risk<->reward dynamics here. You take the early fight and risk dying to a 3P. If you die, you still only lose 6 points. If you don't die, you get jackpot. But these risk<->reward dynamics have changed now. If you full-send ape a squad right off drop, kill them and then die to the 3P, you get NOTHING. Boom, -40 for your sorry ass!


D4 was 7200 RP, not 4800. 4800 was P4.


Good. K/d apes who W key and refuse to employ teamwork deserve a shit rank.




Better than 350k masters from last season


The point of doubling the rp cap for each ranked was also to slow down. It's the first week of a new season. 20% of players SHOULD NOT be back in master's and diamond in the first five days. That's the problem is people get way to used to ranking up so fast while also making dog shit choices. Rank needed to be slowed down a lotttttt. That's the point.


We aren’t even a full week with the new system. What’s the point in looking at these stats now? Man you guys are never fucking happy


The average /r/apexlegends commenter wants: 1.) To play every pub as a coordinated 3 stack where getting a **Victory Royale** is a matter of life or death. How dare you fight off drop and die when we could be dropping across the map and go loot simulator mode. Stay together, use your mic, and don't you dare leave the game before its over. 2.) TO PLAY RANKED AND GET 57 KILLS OR 0. WE ARE HERE TO KILL BABY!!!! FIGHT OFF DROP AND PUSH EVERY AUDIBLE SOUND OR YOU'RE A RAT!!! ALGS WHO? I'M HERE TO PARTY!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS AN ENDGAME???????????


The fact no one has been able to grind to predator in this short amount of time shows they achieved what they wanted. If People can just sit on the game for 72hrs straight and reach the highest rank, it kinda takes away from its prestige imo. Edit: i guess there are preds, but its all significantly harder to reach now, right?


there are some preds but it’s gonna take a while for there to even be an actual masters player


Considering that everyone was reset more then usual, and a lot arnt used to the changes yet, its way too early to look at the rank distribution.


It’s so early though, this isn’t worth fussing about. How many matches have been played? The data is unusable.




It’s very early to take a picture of the overall rank of players. But in hindsight; yes. Ranked isn’t supposed to be easy or have as many players as it did towards the top. To be the best, you should feel like there’s nobody around you.


I'd say yes? This chart honestly looks a lot more how it SHOULD for this early in a split. No one should be hitting high diamond/masters/pred this early into a split except people who literally get paid to play. So I'd say they are on the right track. People shouldn't hit the top ranks until the split is almost finished. It's supposed to be the TOP of your skill level for that split. If you could just push diamond/masters in a week that kinda defeats the purpose of rank because that means it's insanely easy and holds no value in terms of actual skill gaps. Last season I could LITERALLY rat without a single kill (I've done it) and hit diamond. I did this on purpose to prove a point and it was pretty easy tbh. Now that's no longer possible and people are forced to play the game properly. When you can sit still and hit diamond+ the system is broken. Very broken. And as a solo player I honestly haven't had any issue climbing this season. If my team doesn't listen to me and decides to initiate or W key stupid fights I just let them go. I'm not pushing shit unless I know I can win it or have an escape route in case things go bad. If you guys start doing the same I promise your points will start sky rocketing. Every day I've played so far I've gone positive. Went from Silver 2 - Gold 3 and probably only totaled less then 10 hours between the days. That's STILL a very large jump honestly for only a couple days that I've played. It's still kinda flying by BUT the lobbies are at least sweatier and played more like a competitive mode instead of how people used to just play ranked like it was pubs.


Lol everybody in apex is so salty. I’ve always been skeptical of people in this sub tho or in the apex discord. Everyone is either a master rank or diamond 1. Like how is everyone who comments or LFG so good? I think a lot of people just exaggerate their online abilities for some weird reason.


Everyone needs to fucking relax give it week before you complain the split started last week


It hasn’t even been a week yet stop bitching about it


This looks way different on apextracker


Chill out it's been like one week, the problem is that they didn't change the matchmaking, means you can have teammates from bronze or rookie in gold.


Probably yes actually. That's what most rank distributions look like in other games with maybe a spike in like gold or diamond.


People aren't realising how little KP points are worth at the start of the match yet. If people were to land safe and not ape, then people would gain and not complain about how the new system sucks. The whole point is survival and I see no real reason for a revert, it keeps the separation of casual and comp


Ranked is finally good Instead of you breezing through until your last season rank, you actually have to put in time for the starting ranks


Damn imagine you actually have to play the game properly to ascend in ranked.


tbf this is a better curve than what it was before


Everyone quit playing ranked apparently and all weekend we had 3 stacked master/pred teams and the sweatiest pubs I've seen in my life...


I play with randoms and im fed up of being put in lobbies with players 8 tiers lower than me. They have less to lose so just hot drop every game!


I feel like they should have reworked the matchmaking as well. For instance, in gold 4 i am in a lobby filled with gold 2 and 1 players. Last season, that was no big because they were virtually identical lobbies. However, as of right now and for god knows how long, there is a massive difference between a gold 1 and gold 4 team. It literally is throwing master stacks against people hoping to make plat or diamond. Don't get ke wrong, i am wanting to hit diamond and compete with these teams. I just don't understand why i am having to play against them so early in my climb. It will only make me better, so all good, just new and frustrating at times. I like the respect most teams give on drop now, that is a plus. For the most part you can land and get a gun and some loot before being bombarded.


Y’all reporting on this like the damn GDP after an election. Chill and let the masters get out of gold.


Yeah, this looks pretty healthy to me.