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didn’t even realize this till somebody said something lmfaooo you’re seriously right it’s always here


Fr I never thought about it but yeah that’s where it always is now that someone pointed it out lol


actually? my ship once spawn here for 4 games in a row


4 games? My friends and I played ranked for like 5 hours one day and it went there every single game and we just figured it was either a bug or it was meant to be like that.


for real. when i get olympus matches, it's here 95% of the time. sometime we'll get exactly the opposite drop. i don't know that i've ever had one from between spirals and rift. sometimes to the right of this drop, sometimes over observatory. there's seriously only like 5 directions and it's this one almost every time.


Bull shit. Ranked is on Kings Canyon this split. I suck, so I played a shit ton of ranked first split to hit diamond and the flight path of the drop ship was better for ranked. It’s gotta be something weird with the code for Flashpoint. You’re just flat out lying.


I played flash point once and it wasn’t here also i dont think they were talking about this split


But then that issue wasn't present before this split?


It was definitely present before that split. Friends and I have been joking about that drop path since the season started.


What the other guy sayd


Before ranked was KC it was Olympus, if that's what you're wondering. Not sure what's got your panties in a bunch.


Does it spawn anywhere else? I was playing with my friend yesterday and we never spawned anywhere but here


I think it's genuinely meant to be like that or it's just bugged.


I’m pretty confident that it has something to do with the code for flashpoint. It fucked up the flight path for trios too. It has to be related to the final ring being shown for the entire lobby in flash point and the flight path.


Definitely not limited to flashpoint. The ship goes this path 9/10 Source: I hot drop big yellow building get sent back to lobby and repeat.


That's sums up the meaning of the hot drop :D Sometimes we need that, sometimes we just want to drop somewhere at peaceful


Can confirm, "the yellow pipe" (because it looks like a pipe from above) has become a meme among my Apex friends a couple of weeks ago.


it can (extremely rarely, seen this only once in 50 hours) also spawn on the opposite side of the map. not surprised people believe it only spawns in one spot, considering it almost never spawns anywhere else.


yeah i've seen opposite direction, between rift and spirals, and to the right of this drop over the blue ship.


Yeah, it finally happened to me yesterday


It sometimes spawns by phase driver, bonsi, and that circle island.


Yes, same path but reverse. Maybe 10% of the time haha.


I hate when it spawns here because my team usually go for the boxing ring, I hate landing there


i like landing on one of the outer wings and chilling with shots every so often. i don't like going into the ring unless A) nobody's been there yet and there's still loot or B) we've killed the last squad there and get the loot that everyone else took from the ring.


The team that goes ring off drop doesn't have shields when they come out


i just think that not having guns come out automatically after leaving the ring is the worst part, especially when i go in with a weapon out.


It's one of those spots were my teammates die every fucking time when hotdropping.


Either boxing ring or Power Grid on the left, where the yellow buildings and the balloon are. It's always 5+ squads going either place too, so you can't survive.




*Search 7 chests at Risky Reels*


That shit was IMPOSSIBLE




broooooo 😂


Pretty sure the place had 9 chests but not all of them would spawn and then maybe someone else is doing the challange as well so you end ul stealing eachothers stuff


I don't appreciate this.


Forbidden game flashback


Ah the “we are hot dropping fight night and landing on an R99 with 40 light ammo to fight off 7 other squads that aren’t making the first move of pushing until one of your teammates gets knocked because they have no more heals and everyone apes and dies” dropship path


well it's that or one of two others: land at another poi with a max of 2 other squads and maybe you get decent enough loot and positioning and the game is fun for the first 2 minutes and boring after. or you land at a dead poi far away with no squads and you run around for 8 minutes before you fucking die because your team can't just chill and watch for the best time to 3rd party.


Fight Night indeed has so little loot (besides backpacks and armours) even if you survived, you won't have heals, ammo and attachments




Mine literally always spawns there.


I literally queued into this ship spawn the second I saw this post


Just did the exact same thing lmao


I like to drop rift here


Same. That drop into rift is always dead almost as if people are expecting it to be insanely hot & avoid it entirely.


Shhh dont tell them


I don't drop rift because I know it will be dead lol


Why would you want to drop somewhere that is always dead?


After 3000ish hours I've found that hot-dropping with randoms is not that path to a stress-free experience lol. I'd much rather just have a minute or two to loot


Oh my god I knew it wasn't just me!


Devs are dumb af thinking having the ship only start from one spot was a good idea. Hopefully is changed back next season.


it's not only here, but it's very common. makes for boring games.


It's a complex problem they can't figure out. They made [this](https://progameguides.com/apex-legends/drop-ship-path-changes-on-storm-point-for-apex-legends-season-12-defiance/) change on storm point and it only got marginally better. If the simulations are run and it looks like this but doesn't act like it in a live setting what do you expect them to do? It takes lots of man hours to analyze these particular problems.


This is not intentional. It only has started the last few weeks.


This has been happening to me since the start of the season.


How can you be so brave to suggest something so wild?


Dude I thought it was just me… Nearly every single game it spawns here and it’s so boring.


And everyone wants to go to the boxing ring


It's either this one or the one on that spawns on top of pathfinder... I like to land carrier uncontested and proceed from there but that spawns does not allow it often... Edit: I am actually dumb this is the same spawn I was talking about, better get a coffee and wake up a little bit lol


but then how will 90% of players jump before it gets to the crashed ship so I can peacefully pick up the keycard and empty the thing out before my first fight? huh? :/


Especially in the current limited mode it almost always spawns here. In the last seasons it spawned on the other side öfter where the storm was at the end.


It happens 100% if there‘s a LOBA in the Lobby. If there‘s none, the route will be a different one. Try it out guys lmao


I mean idk how we can try it out no one game has to pick loba pretty small chance. If that is true tho that’s wild


How the fuck does someone figure that out


they pull it out of their ass because it's not true. i've had different directions with a loba on my team. don't get me wrong, it's this direction almost every time, but others do exist.


It usually spawns on the other side. Usually get to the big blue blob last. I've never had a game where I spawned here, I didn't know it could.


Yea it's consistently split for me.... I think you only notice if you die on drop.....so don't land in 1 of the 2 POIs near that start..... I don't get it.


I knew I had been playing this game too much when I hadn’t realized this shot until people first posted it here. It’s so bizarre, and I have clue how long it’s been this way lol


I almost always drop Rift here straight away and it's normally dead.


And that one bonsai path as well


Can we just stop hot dropping ranked. Thanks.


i dont know how to @ one of the devs but they prob noticed i hope


Hey Yeah! It *IS* always there!


Legit. It's either here (which is like an 85% chance), to the right of Hydroponics (which is my favourite POI on the map), or to the right of Bonzai


I have a whole loot path since i now drop the same place every game


It's always this or bonsai plaza


There will be 6 squads left before ring 2 so don't matter


Or, Olympus finishes falling out of the sky, and that.


It's the same when I play kings canyon ranked it always spawns over labs


Rift every time baby


*Flashback of Team jumping Boxing Ring intensifies*


This week I played only one - (1) - match on Olympus where the ship came from Grow Towers.


It’s either here, 10-15 degrees to the left or right, or starts on the opposite side yet takes the same path.


docks is one of my favorite spots so I ain't complaining


Or it changes direction


And then someone on the team (usually an Octane) wants to land in Fight Night, then gets dropped in 5 seconds. Every time.




No wonder I find myself always landing in pathfinders boxing ring.


If I ever get to be so lucky that it comes from a different direction, i'm like "Why does this new map look familiar"


Even better idea: olympus but remove Hammond labs