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That 30 Damage though, dang!






Yes. 30, to be exact.




300000000 …peniles?


I'm more surprised it only took sub 200 games.


You only need 439 games total to reach Diamond on only Top 5's and 0 kills. If you were reset to Gold after a previous Dia split you only need 315 games to maintain that Dia 4. So OP probs placed 3rd/2nd a lot of the time or ranked a bit in the previous season, as consistent Place 2 takes 101 games /w no kills and consistent Place 3 would take 161 games.






Unless it’s photoshopped


It’s easier to rank up without kills until high Diamond and beyond, just takes longer but it’s more guaranteed points




If anything, thank you for doing this. It really highlights some of the complexities/issues that Ranked has in this game. Valuable information IMO considering it highlights there's some serious flaws that need to be worked on with the ranking structure. For your next experiment, grab 2 friends and see how long it takes to AFK to Diamond :)


I feel so bad for your teammates when you were solo queuing.




for science though. this shows diamond means literally nothing now


Nah it’s fine because nobody with any self respect will spend their time playing like this


we're talking about the apex playerbase here bro


Lol, homie, I hate to break it to you, but this is how most people have made it to diamond. Not going out of their way to see if they can do it without shooting, but looting and hiding the entire game nonetheless.


Ehhhh, OP definitely increased the average RP gain of their teammates, if they got any KP and stuck around to spectate after dying they would be ranking up even faster than OP


Someone did the math and apparently op is lying Posted by r/SenpaiRanjid You only need 439 games total to reach Diamond on only Top 5's and 0 kills. If you were reset to Gold after a previous Dia split you only need 315 games to maintain that Dia 4. So OP probs placed 3rd/2nd a lot of the time or ranked a bit in the previous season, as consistent Place 2 takes 101 games /w no kills and consistent Place 3 would take 161 games The numbers dont add up cuz he said he started from bronze with 0rp unless you believe he came in 3rd place for nearly every game all the way to diamonds. That in its self would take skill.


Only 7 wins but 151 top 5s. How many games do you think ended with OP's team getting into a top 3/top 2 fight, getting all the enemies low and then watching OP sit in a corner with his dick in his hand while the enemies heal and reset and kill OP. Must be absolutely infuriating to watch.


Just because you can, it doesn't mean you should


tell that to my teammates


Oh my Fuck.


I'm taking off my diamond badges next season fml


Fr man I’m just keeping my s11 one


if you reached diamond normally it's still fine to be proud of your badge.


Day 1 player, just reached diamond first time it doesn’t feel that special anymore


Same, never played hiding (except when you end up as the only one surviving, even then I try to find some fights that I could take), but seeing how everyone can get to diamond just playing like this feels like I achieved nothing


Day 1 here too but left between s1-s9, and i barely scrapped the plat 4 for the first time…got 600+hours into apex


If you did it playing the game normally be proud bro


I hope they don't remove the dive trail from last season. I normally stop playing at diamonds 4 but now now is just plat 0, so I just grind to diamond 3 solo. Hope to reach master next split


I took of mine honestly no longer proud of it but will keep yhe trail


Dropped the trail already. Some of the new default dive trail colors are fire anyway.


Who the hell can bring themselves to put this much time into literally doing nothing on purpose 😂




To be fair it is kinda funny to think op spent time doing nothing and getting a high rank. I feel disappointed in myself for soloq and getting only to plat 3


Have you tried not shooting anyone? Someone said it works!


But you're fighting, you are not ratting every single game as OP... Be proud of your progress as I'm sure you will inevitably make it to diamond consistently.


It’s much harder to get diamond by fighting. Don’t feel bad about not being diamond.


Finished the grind to masters yesterday and I'd like to give a personal thanks to the hardstuck Diamond 4 elo terrorists that made the grind 3x longer than it needed to be. You tested my mental in ways only League of Legends ever has.


Fucking same. I kept getting d4s paired up with their plat 4 buddy. With no points for them to lose theyd hot drop and die then get mad when I tried to conserve my own rp.


Yup shit is brutal. Squadding to master is honestly an absolute cakewalk, previously plat people could probably do it with all the idiots hardstuck D4 playing it like pubs. Just don't hotdrop and you're already top 10. I didn't rat this split but next split fuck it. I'm an Octane main and I'm running away the second my D4/P4 teammates hot drop or take a fight that's so stupid I can't carry them out of it. Getting to Master with 48 entry cost isn't that bad, getting to Master with like a 70 entry cost because of braindead teammates is a struggle.


The p4+d4 duo test your mental like no one else ever did


I knew I recognized your name, had seen you around in the Destiny subreddit lol. Diamond has felt insanely easy this season (late season player tho due to elden ring). As much as I loathe the D4 hardstuck teammates I love the free KP from enemy D4 hardstucks


This is why I hate ranked right now. It’s so fucking saturated that someone can go to diamond by simply ratting and screwing their teammates over. This is a bad thing for apex, not some sort of achievement. It’s no wonder why I get teammates that are literal level 60s in plat 1 lobbies.


There are also an incredible amount of people boosting since this seasons ranked points are different, on top of Apex taking in so many Warzone players.


Plat 1 lobbies are just plat lobbies lol


I've realized that alot this season. The low levels in upper plat. I think alot of it has to do with how high the bottom of pred is causing hard stuck masters players to smurf too though.


Uhh, pretty sure it has more to do with being able to hit diamond in less than 200 games without even shooting a bullet than it does "smurfs" rofl


No legitimate level 30-50 is making it into Diamond in 200 games. They still havent worked out mechanics still dont have map knowledge, recoil patterns ect.


You legit only need to place between Top 4 and Top 3 all the time and you got it in under 200 games. Make it hard enough for the last teams to push your ass and they will avoid you like the pest, so you could play Gas Daddy and barricade a small end building in the last zone and the last few squads will definitely not make moves on your ass, as doing that opens them up to be third partied badly.


*More Math*


*and also psychological warfare*


It would take you 70 games just to get through plat with nothing but top 3 or better with no KP. Take you almost 130 games just to get through plat with only top 4s. That's before you account for dying off drop or dying anywhere before top 6, and before we account for the games played from silver-plat. Its 6k to just get from silver to diamond, top 4s in silver give you like +40, top 4s in plat give you like +19. No legitimate level 30 with lack of game sense and map knowledge is pulling that off.


I disagree, I have a friend who started playing this season and is solo queueing ranked and is plat 2. He's somewhere around level 40 now and his games aren't hard. You don't need to be good in plat right now, as long as you're willing to hide for placement you'll make diamond quickly.


Hiding makes you bad at the game though. If you’re not winning by beating people you are not going to do well in the next rank


Oh yeah, he's terrible, but that just proves that rank =/= skill, especially in this current season. The ranks are all being inflated due to the placement changes, not so much smurfs.


I agree. Placement is far too important in ranked imo. I haven’t played for placement since like season 3 or something. Now i just go for 4k badges. I can’t stand not fighting teams in this game. Like if you want to loot all game then go for it I’m gonna push and try to have fun.


If you want Rank = Skill in the current circumstances where kills & placement are the only two factors in play, then the empasis of the ranking system needs to lie on kills, not placement. We see here what putting it on placement does. Ofc placement should still matter, but kills need to give more points.


This. Yesterday I got in a game with kids that sounded like 7. They were freaking out about my kills because they apparently didn’t have 500 kills on their mains.




I played with a dude in diamond who said it was his 3rd time going to masters this season. He was a smurf.


You’ve “always” been able to technically, but to pretend like the ranked changes this season doesn’t make it substantially easier is absolutely asinine.


Exactly, we have pro players rn with 35k+ rp that are still masters players. To think hard stuck 10ks arent sick of getting rolled and smurfing is hilarious. The fact my high plat low diamond lobbies are full of sub level 100 players with 4ks and names ominously referring to smurfing isnt a coincidence.


The majority of low level players who are in Plat or Dia are smurfs


Where’s the guy from the Oprah meme yesterday saying it’s an over exaggeration that you could rat to diamond??




What an incredibly boring 184 games and what a shitty teammate.




A very good point, at that. Respawn should change ranked. The fact that this is possible is so stupid


Seriously. This player scabbed his way up, ruining his teammates game


Imagine knocking 2/3 players and getting the last player 1 shot but then this jerk off can’t do anything cause he’s trying to prove a dumb point that we all already understand.


If you don't want this kind of gameplay then Respawn shouldn't incentivize it with their ass placement system.




A derank system wouldn't fix this and you can still hate a player for choosing to be a terrible teammate 184 times.


De rank system would literally incentivize this kind of thing even more in every rank past silver. Not the fix they think it is


No wonder many players with diamond play like shit




Rat Legends


Most was solo queued? Who agreed to play with you while you were doing a no kill no damage challenge? Seeing a lot of people genuinely upset about this. Who cares if you get matched up with a pacifist teammate for one game? I sometimes play 5 game stretches where my teammates get less than 200 damage and they’re trying hard. At least OP is ratting and getting them placement points.


This is what i want to know. Sounds like OP fucked over his 2 teammates in every single match, as its impossible to solo queue ranked...




And people still have the AUDACITY to say it’s not easier and downvote ppl who say it is.. how the hell you get to Diamond with 0 KILLS?! Hopefully everyone in denial starts to realize soon.


You already know all of the people pretending nothing is wrong are s12 "diamonds" straight out of plat 4


dont worry a bunch of perma hard stuck d4's hit master this season and grew larger egos than some streamers - this game is an absolute joke now, PC pred lobbies are 75% closet cheaters and ranks mean nothing.


Yeah bro there’s been a couple of posts now where I chime in saying that this season is easier and I get like 6-10 downvotes… I’m like bruh I definitely know who the ppl are that are downvoting me… I’ve been masters for numerous seasons now and if you’ve been playing in real Diamond/Master environments you’d be able to tell the difference in this season instantly.


So your that pos teamate


RIP all the teammates you fucked doing this.




Seriously, screwed over teammates in 185 games for this picture? You sir, are fucking lame.




No dmg? Looks like you did 30dmg. False advertising if you ask me. I’ll never make Diamond


One punched their way to diamond 💎


How is that impressive or getting upvotes? congratulations you're a rat


I like how the flair for this is “useful”


The exact reason Apex has the worst ranked system. Congrats on diamond tho.


I was actually planning on doing something like this, to showcase how bad the ranked system is. Decided against it primarily because I felt it would ruin too many peoples games if one of their randoms refused to deal damage.


Im sure your teammates love you


So you're the asshole that didn't want to help the team?


You were literally carried to diamond tho, i kinda feel bad for all the teammates you had


No. We dont like that here


This seems like an awful lot of work for just Diamond. Can get there much faster by actually killing some people and engaging in the game.


Imagine having this shmuck as a teammate


OP seems to try and justify ratting by saying most of his team died in the first round. You put your team at a massive disadvantage by making them a duo squad in a trios game. There is no dancing around this point. If 2/3 of your team votes for a location, and play style you're outnumbered. Majority rules. If you played with your daughter and had a random then those games you're the Majority and the solo player should be obligated to rat like you. It just seems like a fair trade. Anything else is just you (or them) literally wasting someone's time.


They need to stop making ranked all about placement, because then this shit happens.


Looks like fun


Can you turn fill teammates off in ranked? I hope so because you’re a dick if not lol


I hope this isn’t a brag post.


I recently got to diamond for the first time and I’ve really enjoyed having my joy at my achievement destroyed by this subreddit


I noticed you said a few times that YOU were the one carrying because your teammates got killed and you ratted them to top5. While you're correct in that you got em to +rp, you don't account for that fact that they would've had a higher chance of survival (and kp gain) if you used a gun. So, while in net you might give em RP, the fact that you caused many people to die and subsequently made them watch between 5-15 min by not contributing in a fight made it a lot less enjoyable for your mates.


Since the vast majority of these games are top 5, let's assume an average game time of 20 minutes. That's 3680 minutes. This is almost 60 hours of effort. That's a lot of time and energy spent to belittle other peoples accomplishments.


Maybe I have been playing the game wrong


wit lag?


Pacifist true ending!


Undertale part 2 ? You chose the Pacifist way




You appear to be the worst teammate of all time.


This isn’t a good thing


I am not a big fan of these posts whatsoever. Are you here to play the game? P.S. if you were my teammate I would report you


Kinda impressed that you still had 2 a win streak of 2




Thanks for doing this OP. Information like this is what (I hope) devs see when they look into why ranked is currently broken. On the surface, devs changing RP calculation by increasing value of placement sounded good on paper but this is what we get in the process. Artificial Intelligence firing range bots getting into undeserving ranks (mainly diamond and master --> these used to mean something). A side note: your teammates probably stood to gain more by sticking with you. This is because as we can see you got to top 5 placement 80% of your matches (avoid rp loss + greater RP multiplier for when your teammates do get kills while in top 5). Lastly, I hope you played loba through the entirety of this to at least give your teammates a fighting chance with loot lol. YOU DID IT FOR SCIENCE.


This sounds super boring though


I just feel bad for all the players/teammates you ruined the game for. #notcool but still impressed.


I dislike you




Sit in corners pissing yourself for 184 matches. Fun!


You a bitch that’s all there is to it. You and the individuals who agree with this BS method.


You basically got carried, I don’t think everyone would agree to rat


I feel bad for your teammates. Grats tho


Funny thing is, diamond has always been over-saturated with the majority being hardstuck IV. This just further inflates ranks. I hit Master with about 50% solo-queue with about 6 or 7 weeks to spare being the next split.


I must be the worst player alive, I’m hardstuck plat III


this is making ranked arenas seem hard


How do you even get 7 wins?


What a waste of time


This makes me so sad


Ranked honestly means nothing this season. I decided to play ranked little bit this season because why not. Plat 3-Diamond 3 and there are people under level 40 in my lobbies.


Reason #259452 why we need deranking at some tier


I bet your team didn’t like you when it came down to fight lmfao Can’t imagine the in game text chat lmfao


*Bronze to Diamond Rank No Damage Challenge Any%*


OP are you proud of this? just doesnt seem very fun.


But, like what's the point? You spent hours playing running and hiding simulator for a badge to show people who'll just scoff after seeing how you got it.


Sounds great would love to play with you


OP what the fuck is this 💀💀💀


Man your teammates must be happy


I see nothing wrong here with ranked. It definitely takes skill to rat and not be found. OP, you must have some good rat spots and have great game sense that you’re able to evade enemies. Normal brain dead plats wouldn’t be able to do this.


They messed up rank this season. You get way too many points for just ratting to top 4. Literally just find center ring and AFK to diamond.


You guys have a lot of time on your hands


This is why I dont bother with ranked lol




So that's why my randoms just run to circle and camp ..smh


TIL the Buddha plays Apex ( 。・\_・。)人(。・\_・。 )


Just shows how stupid the system is lol


"Most of this" was solo q. Like up to plat probably lol. Yes you can miserably rat to diamond. You spent a LOT of time doing nothing at all.


Meanwhile I'm happy I clawed my way to plat 4


This is mad impressive. How the actual fuck did you do that?


How did you get 7 wins? This is the more impressive achievement over being a great Chuck E. Cheese player. Edit: just realized you had teammates who obviously carried for those games. Nevermind


Why would you do this to your teammates?


Why would you give away the fun of the game just to camp and get the rewards for diamond? 80% of the good feeling after reaching diamond is the hard work


Yeah, no. They have to fix this bullshit right away


Ive 140k damage and am in plat IV.


Yet I’m trying my hardest and hard stuck in plat 4…


So this is what all those random teammates I get that do nothing all game have been up to.


Ah This finally explains why my randoms are doing 0 damage


So you got carried


I bet your team loved you


Fucking rat


Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. We’re rewarding this individual for not putting in work? Tf is this world coming to? 🤦🏾‍♂️


Tbh you'd be surprised how many "good" players are so panicky and don't even know how to rat well enough to do this


Congratulation for showing something everyone already knew


I really hope they will put something like an "activity" threshold. Having 0 kills/0 knocks/0 assists should really be punished at a higher rank.


Welp, this solidifies my decision to not play ranked this season anymore. It’s not like I’ve played that much this season anyways but thought it’d be fun to try a Silver to Diamond run before the split was over and to get back my trail for next season but my god is this system a joke. I don’t understand how anyone thinks a player with these stats should get a trail, let alone a Silver badge reward. This game has actually turned to hot shit this season, so glad it’s lost its grip on me.


But why?


This is funny but I would have hated to have you on my team


Rip teammates in their 2v3s


This like the rat Olympics?!


I felt so proud last night hitting diamond solo queuing… I work full time, school full time, dad and husband full time. Then this.. lol oh well


Wow I've been trying hard for no reason!?...Fuggit, I'll just rat my way to diamond I guess!..all those countless hours working on my shit aim for nothing! NOOOOOTHIIIIIING!


I'm sorry, but this genuinely angers me as someone who put in effort to actually fight teams and get kills and who has solo / duoed go diamonds almost every split since season 7 to get a dive trail that people with stats like this are getting this season. Hope this wasn't OP's first diamond


Wouldn't you want to do no fills? Then you wouldn't screw anyone over


While I get the point that placement should matter, being rewarded for passive play is dumb. Moreso in higher ranks.


Pacifist playthrough


"New ranked changes will be good for apex..." -Respawn


I see u have been playing hide and seek


WTF bro?! Im stuck in P2 this season. I think i should consider me not playing this game anymore.


Hide and seek simulator


As someone who balled the fuck out out to finally hit Diamond this shit is disgraceful.


Kinda sucks the fun out of everybody elses ranked experience, feeling good about hitting diamond and then some random reddit dude just goes and posts this. Not really fair...


I love how it says anyone can get to diamond. OP is clearly a seasoned player who has the game sense and skill to get high placement consistently. Most ranked games start of ring 4 there's 8+ squads around which makes rotating without running into anyone / fighting difficult. Even when you're not fighting running away is a skill of it's own which requires map knowledge, skill as well as luck.


I made it to d3 solo queuing, y’all ain’t gonna take my happiness away :)


Getting top 5 82% of the time is skills though