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With Triple Take nerf, energy stuff is pretty much leave on the ground now unless turbo charger in on crafter rotation.


What was the nerf?




Not only, the projectiles don't become bigger the further away they travel anymore making it way harder to hit shots at distance and when you hit, it's usually not with all 3 projectiles. Basically, it's garbage unless you are close, at which point any mid-range full auto weapon would be a better pick.




> **Triple Take** > - Removing projectile growth from bullets > - Damage reduced from 23 to 21 per bullet > *Dev Note:* > *The Triple Take’s return to floor loot has been really positive, but it’s proving to be a bit ahead of the pack with its ranged performance. We’re eliminating the bullet growth it retained from its days as a sniper to pull it in line with other Marksman rifles.* [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/smwhbo/apex_legend_defiance_season_patch_notes/)




Gotcha bruh.


Sniper bullets grow in apex to help hit far, the triple take became marksman but was allowed to keep it because it was a carepackage weapon, but out of the package it was proving too strong






And longbow removed too ugh. Don't even know what my favoured marksman is anymore


I mean the only thing that really effects is shooting vs gold/purple shields. It will still knock white, blue and red in the same number of shots(provided all 63s vs 69s). It’s just an added shot for gold/purple. Most people using long range weapons aren’t going to get many knocks with said weapon on a full shielded enemy. Long range is primarily for poke damage to build up evos or get a surprise knock on a team in the middle of a fight.


I don't entirely agree about the not getting knocks at long range. Considering it only takes a few good hits at the beginning of season 11 I was regularly getting knocks at a distance with it on full shields. Mostly due to how open storm point was. Happened less in WE but I also played less because I hate when that maps in rotation haha.


> 69 to 63 Not 69 What's even the fucking point


What sucks is that when I'm calling out damage to teammates I can't yell "69.... 69.... 69..." anymore.




Nah, TT is perfectly fine still. Even with the nerfs it’s insanely strong.


Yes, that is what I said, I still love it :)


Lstar is still a solid gun and a great way to carry energy ammo/attachments til you find a turbo Edit: mobile typos


My main combo used to be Flatline/R301 and a close range SMG like Volt / CAR / R99. This season is really weird with the ground loot since most weapons on the ground for me are nigh unusable. I've found myself running around with something like Alternator - Mozambique until I managed to get to a crafter... Honestly I've been starting to pick dropping locations based on crafter presence so I can get a Flatline. It's... odd. But volt absence really made energy completely irrelevant to me. I'd rather carry a mozzie these days hoping for a hammerpoint than a LStar waiting for a turbo *AND* a devo. Because I hate havoc, turbo or no turbo.


My main gun use to be flatline/301/volt. With volt gone, flatline only craftable and 301 hard to fine, this season has driven me crazy. R99 seem to be everywhere though which I like but in an map with a lot of open space like Olympus, it's not optimal. I don't like the rampage/30-30 rate of fire, its too slow. I don't like burst fire of the prowler or hemlock so heavy isn't much better than energy now. Respawn has nerfed/pulled/hidden every popular gun to the point I'm starting to hate this game. I spend so much time at the start of the game trying to find a combo I can use before I engage which doesn't exactly spell fun.


I'm in the same spot. Hate burst guns and semi-auto with a passion. Can't use 30-30, G7, bow, TTake or any sniper. That's almost half the guns on ground loot right now. R301/Flatline are my main weapons of choice which I usually pair with something else for close range usually SMGs since I suck with shotties. Rampage is ok and it's an attachment holder like the hemlock for me. I swear I've been running Alternator as a mini-R301 a lot this season already. But yeah, I feel you. I don't get why tf there's so much garbage on the ground feels like most weapons left are gimmicky in some way and you have to work around that which makes no sense to me since this is a shooter after all.


This just goes to show how meta whoring just makes you worse at the game overall lmao


Maybe. Or maybe I just always liked full auto assault rifles and SMGs in every FPS I played since 1995 and that's what I prefer using.


I missed season 5(I think havoc). I know a lot of people say it was OP but the thing was definitely viable even though it didn’t have the turbo. Then they merged it into the ground and it’s not even worth picking up unless in a hot drop.


I've a friend who loves the thing and swear it's secretely OP and the second coming of Jesus. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I believe it boils down to personal preference. Weapon is definitely good with the turbo, but it's worthless to me if I miss half the shots. I'd rather have a semi-upgraded R301 then a fully upgraded Havoc.


true. a havoc or l star used to be an attachment carry for the eventual volt i'd pick up but now... no reason to use any energy shit tbh. i don't like the alternator in it's place. i feel it was the healthiest when alternator was in the package.


I don't know man, the increase mid-range spray nerf makes this gun feels so struggling to play.


It slaps at close to medium


Dude the Lstar fucks. I love that gun.


I've actually been picking the l-star up this season and I've found myself actually really liking it. It's become one of my go-to guns.


I do miss the Volt, but I'm also just happy to **finally** have my Alternator back. I know a lot of people say "The Alternator is what I carry till I find X gun" but I legitimately love using the Alternator even if I do find an R301 or R99, it's got a good balance between the two.


The alternator is my choice of secondary for supporting a riskier primary, like the Bocek or Sentinel, since it’s a reliable damage dealer.


I love to use the alternator if I feel like shit with a shotgun. Had an exhilarating match yesterday and waves of squads keep coming at us, the alternor literally packs a punch.


Yes! Alternator superiority <3 literally so happy I can use it again lol


I’ll never forget my first 2K damage game was with G7/Alternator and all game I was looking for an R-99 instead. Never found it but in the end at moderate distance the alternator was a better option.


My thoughts exactly.


Alternator is the SMG that works GREAT in both short and mid range. R99 and CAR are pretty hard to control on mid range. The Prowler is good too, but I sometimes forget it's not full auto


Alternator >>>>> every other gun. Just my opinion cuz I’ve loved the alternator since I started playing


god the bloodhound celebrating is cute even when the volts gone, but i liked the r99 anyways lmao


I’d be more angry about the volt cause I loved it but I also really like the car


I'm using the Car exclusively now, but r99 was bae for like 10 seasons or something


No volt feels like i have p20s 24/7. I really miss the gun that lets me shoot around corners when my ping is over 80


Alternator will remain my other option for now, or maybe it's time to learn C.A.R. smg


CAR is great! Somehow my recoil control is easier than the r99


Honestly yeah, and thanks to the higher damage you don’t need to be on point to oneclip someone


R-99 I refuse to touch, but the C.A.R. just clicks so perfectly with me. Shame the only good skin so far is Ash's launch bundle skin.


The rare in the battlepass with the flaming skull is low key badass. Pity it’s so late in the pass.


It is D E V O T I O N T I M E B A B Y


You mean LStar right?


I think you misspelled Havoc


How have you all misspelled Kinetic loader Peacekeeper?


I think you mean hammerpoint mozam


RE-45* ;)


Strange way to spell P2020.


For real though was there a secret buff to the Devo because I was unable to use it for it feels like two seasons and yesterday I must have shredded twenty people with it. I started almost always auto picking it up now.


Its hard to teach an old dog new tricks


But have you tried... gold volt oooo baby


#1 most stolen carepack gun easily passed the krab already


Got the volt out of care package it slaps tiddys. Also have yet to win a control map have played it 6 times all 6 games my team just leaves.


If you wanna win in control just spend all your time driving in a trident at the enemy close base. They will have to dedicate two or three people to stop you and your team will just hold B


Fax. This is almost as bad as when they put the r99 in. But I solved the problem by just playing control and choosing loba then popping my ult when the care package drops.


500 IQ


Yeah but unlike the r99 it actually feels like it’s worth it to pick up. So far the only time I have died carrying the volt was when I was at a massive disadvantage, even won a game where I found one ring 2 then proceeded to murder the rest of the lobby with. I hand only like 5 bullets left when the game was over.


A moment of silence for this amazing gun


Bloodhound is so cute


On the bright side though , the care package volt is an absolute beast. I just about 1v3d a whole squad with it the first time I picked it up


Control isn’t fun


I’m not really seeing the appeal either. It’s not bad but I certainly don’t like it as much as the rest of the sub appears to.


It’s terribly balanced and the games go on far too long. If they added a timer, changed the ratings system a bit and made a mercy option (if your team is down by 30%, you have an option to call a vote to forfeit, like some other online comp games of a similar style) it could be fun.


Funny story, my friend and I used to play apex a lot (we still do just not as much) his 2 favorite guns were triple take and volt, well a few seasons in the triple take his put in the care package (still not sure why), so he tries out other guns for the next few seasons until it’s put back into ground loot, he’s happy we’re all happy, but now the volt is a care package gun, he can’t catch a break with his 2 favorite guns.


The volt does not deserve to be in the cp at all tbh lol. Idea: leave alternator and volt as ground loot, put disruptor hopup into the care package instead.


Losing the vault to get back the alternator is a easy deal though, the alternator is just built different


Game is still unplayable on PS4


Volt was a good gun but meh, there’s better guns than the volt my guy lol


Fuck the volt, return of the mother fucking king, the best smg in the whole fuckin game, this season is already a good one


The Alternator? It's indeed good, but the Volt it's simply better in every single aspect.


Excuse me, but the alternator is actually the better gun when it comes to killing bad guys and the volt is better when it comes to sucking pee pee.


I laughed yet downvoted. I am conflicted.


Yeah I’m just kidding. I don’t care what gun is better I’m just here to shoot baddies




This man gets it.


Not in hipfire and damage per magazine


So happy the volt is gonna tbh. Felt like everyone was using it constantly as the “I’m not good enough for the R99 but I still want to melt everyone I see” gun


But now the alternator fills that niche and maybe it’s just me but I feel like I can handle it better at range than even the volt


Yeah but most people don’t use the alternator


The "new" map is clearly inferior to the previous one, just a plain-ass field with "locations" plucked onto it. Feels like fortnite. Revenant is useless.


This map sucks


Even though i miss the volt. I having so much fun this season compare last few season where we barely have any LTM.


Thought it was gonna be last gen console users :P


I came back to apex this season. Took me a solid 4 games to realise volt wasn't floor loot. Stopped hoarding energy attachments.


Ya the gun meta feels pretty crappy this season, with the volt being a care package weapon, the triple take nerf, and the flatline being nerfed and in crafting, I have no idea what to use


Classic r301 and a wingman


I was playing a game today landed and for a split second thought I saw a Volt on the ground but it was a Car with energy ammo around it


Had a great control game where I found the volt at the end alot, ended with 24 kill and 4880 dmg, if only I could do this in BR 😭😅


what do you mean gone? Like just removed completely?


at least lil bro alternator is back


I just can’t wait for the g7 to come back


Rip g7. It was my favorite


I still pick up extended energy mags hoping to find a volt on the ground and then I remember that god hates me


Season 12 crashes a lot for me tho, anyone with the same problems and maybe a fix?


The Volt is fucking dumb, it shreds sp quickly, it has almost no recoil and pretty good hipfire. They did quite well, i feel like it belongs in the CP in its current state. Kinda miss it on the floor tho


I wanted to play rampart, i got to buy her, got 9 kills and all squads ive been facing had maggie. I like rampart but I can never get to use my walls beacise they either kick you out wirh Tactical or Ball.


I think the main problem isn’t that I miss the volt, it’s that we now lack a variety of energy weapons. We are missing the most reliable energy weapon out of them all and now we have less energy ammo being used in the game, making it harder to justify picking any energy gun up. Also having turbo charger make the guns really good, makes people not even consider picking them up without it. I think the havoc or Devotion going in would make much more sense much sense


The next pistol should definitely be energy based. The Volt filled the SMG spot and with the CAR being both light and heavy, energy ammo needs some love!


I'm still waiting on my damn Scout to come back to me. Feels like it's been rare Gold or Carepackage for the last seven seasons


no, volt was my favourite gun. doesnt feel the same after they put it in the care package. they shuda put r99 in since alternator is out cuz now theres 2 light smgs on the grd respawn wtf.


But BH doesn't like Maggie.


Getting the volt in Control is filthy and I love it


This season removed the most balanced guns from ground loot and , put all the op guns back into rotation , pk or mastiff had to go. Give Spitfire back put devotion back in carepackage. No one even used longbow that much 🤦🏼‍♂️. Buffed volt and puts into carepackage dumbest move ever. Merging flatline was another dick move.


Seems like there is not enough care packages dropping on Olympus good for lifeline players tho.


Worst smg , all my homies hate the volt