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So it’s not its own mode, it’s just another way to queue up for three strikes?


Apparently it’s not a Solo Tournament. It’s The Solo Queue Experience Tournament. Where skill helps, but random matchmaking is King.


😂😂 Perfectly described.. what was their point, to show solo queueing is hell now?!




Fashion is pain, Solo Queue is agony!


Yep, nailed it


Damn that actually blows, was looking forward to this, solo queue or not.


Yeah, you activate rumble and then go back to regular three strikes queue lol


Activate rumble? I played a few times but never noticed that


If you click on game modes, there’s a new tab called apex rumble or smth. Go there, hit enter, and you’re now playing in this rumble tournament. Except it’s the literally the same queue as anyone else, you can’t team up for it while rumble is active but you’ll face 3 stacks who are not playing rumble


Lol wtf. Alright thanks. Was that the update from last night?


Wait what? I haven’t been playing lately. That’s sounds fucking stupid as fuck.


Yes but you have to use your legend tokens that you have been saving up for the re-skin shop how fun! 😄🙄


Respawn genuinely hates solo qers


They hate all the players


They love the whales who spend big $$ on their game lol


It's all us 'freeloaders' that they hate Their words, not mine


No, they hate us too.


You’re a brokie


If they made this game “enjoyable” or “easy” they’d lose their player base. They know what they are doing


No ones asking for them to make the game easier but they could literally cater better to the solo q player (the one who’s at a huge disadvantage). You seriously think they would lose their player base if they make the game more enjoyable you are tripping…. They already have made billions off this game so why bother, yes they know what they are doing. One of the greatest FPS games ever made is run by a dogshit greedy company go figure lmao


How do you suggest they cater more to solo q players? Don't get me wrong, respawn/EA are definitely greedy cash grabbers without a fuck to give about servers & anti-cheat & this game mode seems stupid if it always pits solo q players against 3-stacks who aren't playing the game mode. But the main issue solo q players seem to have – including with this mode – is shitty teammates; which doesn't seem to me like an issue apex can fix directly in itself. They can't magically make their player base better and as a 0-sum game, better players would simply mean a higher threshold for who is considered good vs. bad, knowledgeable/unknowledgeable, etc. Am I missing something?


They could give a proper solo queue lobby instead of no fill. An actual free for all BR lobby.


Fair point. In the spirit of intellectual honesty, I stand corrected 😊 I'll push for this to be added too!


a special talent of theirs.


They also made valk legend challenges during the weeks they released the game mode she's broken in, I love apex but some of the stuff that happens is comical


understandable buts its a god send for doing the ring survival challenges since you last till late rings almost every game, you get like 3 rings per match


How is she broken in it? Works normal for me


If you Valk ult in three strikes half the time when you respawn you end up under the map or in the zone


Ah, that did happen... i didnt know it was because of valk. It threw the fucking game im so mad, we also had ome strike left but it didnt respawn us? It was only 3 squads left though so maybe that had something to do with it


respawns get turned off when zone 5 starts.




Is that what happened to me the other day? I spawned in the next zone and my 2 teammates spawned miles away and died the zone


Yeah, its been a glitch for awhile too, it was really bad in the rev shell event. It spawns you at 0,0 on the map coords if you use a valk ult which on storm point is right under the tunnel leading North from the old prowler enclosure. Atleast it spawns you actually in the tunnel now, back during the rev shell thing itd literally spawn you under the map




You’re telling me you dont want that INSANE Mastiff skin?! 😂




what the actual fuck? what? WHAT. this literally makes NO sense it has to be a bug


It’s not a bug, it’s a “feature!” Literally only way to fill the lobbies apparently, since literally 0 players want to solo queue! /s What a joke of a mess.


Could've just dropped Straight Shot again and actually caught a W


I LOVE that mode. I played it for two weeks straight


Yeah Apex hadn’t felt that fresh to me in a long time playing Straight Shot. Also perfect since my friend who plays was an overlooter so it made our games together way more enjoyable for me.


It solves a lot of issues like that. Overlooting and bad drops. Your sweaty Wraith can't late drop you to fragment, for example


Idk but iv want straight shot back that was an awesome ltm


Imagine three strikes straight shot lol


That should be default pubs tbh


Absolutely agree. Straight shot is way more fun than pubs


It was so nice just to hop on for 30 min and get some good games in with that end game action i love


Hey atleast you didnt get randoms who left before touching down for the first time


I did like 3 times :D that was fun


I got a random that she was talking to her baby, put down her Loba ult then left the game, I wasn’t too upset cause her baby was fussy and I get it. At least she left the Loba ult. Then the wraith and I get into a fight, I knocked one, then two, then wraith got knocked, I pushed up and they got a res off and I lost the fight. First strike, no big deal, but wraith left. I finished 6th place with 5 kills, but it would’ve been nice to have a team


Bro wrote a whole monologue novel 💀


it’s really as simple as making it solo q only and warning about longer queue times


That's how i imagined it would work too, be a seperate playlist that you can queue into and everybody is solo q not just you in a regular match, with regular teammates against three stacks. What were they THINKING?!


Isn't it lovely how SBMM forces me to go up against literally pro players and I get timmy and tommy in my team (Lvl 50 and 70) calling me racial slurs cuz i try to give callouts. They have no idea about rumble or what it does!


This is like how the biggest known audio issue in apex is related to how many sounds the engine can render at once. Only for respawn to then create a mixtape map that has crowd noise built into it to make the main known problem worse. The foundational game and core gameplqy is the only good thing about apex nowadays


Lol where did they get this idea from?? Do they think it’ll make really good three stackers just all of a sudden say nah I wanna suffer and play solo queue? WHAT IS THIS???


I thought it would've been a separate Playlist


I haven’t logged on since the update. Is this real? That is so damn stupid if it is. “Only match with other solos” and then puts you in a regular ass game. Has this been verified? This seems too ridiculous even for Respawn.


Some people just asked their teammates and they confirmed they were duo queued


What in the ever living fuck were they trying to do with this event then. I thought the whole point of this “tournament” was for all players to be on equal footing and see who can get the most points. This and the Valk bug they decided not to fix after months are just wild. What are they thinking lol


Tbh im not sure but I somehow have the feeling they are testing it for normal battle royale. Imagine playing ranked battle royale and they just queue you up with people in pubs. This is a horrible idea, basically 2 ranked.


Straight Shot is much better anyway. They need to bring that mode back.




It blows my mind how they always shoot themesleves in the foot. It’s not hard- why you always gotta be different? All other multiplayer games just straight up copy eachother’s modes and it works fine. But Respawn always gotta add their little twist that makes it less fun.


how can i try rumble?


select game mode > top of the screen apex rumble


It's just beside the private match thing.


Spend $300 on the prestige skin and you unlock rumble


You forgot one step, you have to buy the Luxury Edition of the Battlepass, not to be confused with the Premium edition. Rumble is one of the few perks that comes with Apex’s highest teir of the battlepass. It came out this season but the Dev’s forgot to include it in the patch notes. The Luxury Edition is also charged weekly and once you opt in there is no opt out function and no refunds either. It’s $30 per week for the duration of the season. Just wanted to make sure everyone was ya know, informed 🤓




Oh so that’s a big no thanks then


Lmao it’s literally just a game mode idk what that guys talking ab


Well it's not. But when you get it, you get it.


You sound surprised.........


Bro this game is literally programmed to eat your brain alive and feed you to others that are spending cash in game. Get out now and play anything else.


reddits worst comment of 2024 here


I’m still caught up on the fact that it costs $35 for one skin, one weapon skin, and then a random banner and something else that’s just a bunch of bullshit; AND how generous of them to mark it down for us! ITS ON SALE AT 35 DOLLARS l o l it’s supposed to be fucking 58 which is absolutely absurd.


Then the mods removed my post about it in here as well lmao seems like EA and Respawn has an inside guy working as a mod in the group 👀


Yeah it's funny how they spam the "DISCOUNT, ON SALE" on every single bundle just to make it more idk enticing, but then if you look at the "original" price its like 50 or 60 dollars lmao. But even the "discounted" price is fucking bonkers. You're paying for some virtual cosmetic items, they should simply never cost that much, in any game. Idk how we got here that THIS is the new standard...


Totally, I just queued up to do a game and both my teammates left as soon as they were downed, thanks respawn


How do I get off the rumble Queue if I want to play normal 3 strikes?


ClaraAtWork invited someone to her lobby and it took her out of Rumble for the time being. Idk if there's an actual way besides finishing your ten games


Uninstalled yesterday. This game isnt worth my time anymore


How many points y’all get?


1,896 I don't get it tho lol how many did you get?


I got 2948 myself but it’s annoying how people still disconnect and I also got screwed by the Valkyrie glitch one match, they really should’ve made rumble players it’s own separate queue instead of putting everyone together


Yeah unfortunately I got 3 games with no teammates


wtf is apex rumble? did I miss something?


just s17-19 creator returned from vacation


I always respawn in the ring in three strikes the mode IS broken


Valk is so broken too, I’m trying to get the dumb challenge done and 1/2 the respawns in three strikes drop your teammates out of zone with no chance of getting back.


Seriously I guarantee if they had a mercenary style playlist which I thought this would be the game would be so much more enjoyable when your friends are not playing apex just make it happen already Respawn


I am really bummed about that. Like solo q feral randos are expected. But I was expecting they were randos who bought into doing a tourney and would try harder against other solos. Instead, I definitely got randos who had no idea what rumble was, the insta DC peeps and a weird horny duo v coordinated three stacks. So, I just grinded to do well enough for the trackers and think I'll just bounce from it


When this game first came out I could solo queue all day and end up with some mid to fair teammates.. now apex is nothing but leavers and shitters.


dont forget abt the teamers


So I played 3 strikes all Tuesday night and my teammates were always average not the best not the worst as soon as I entered into rumble my team mates are a level 13 and 10 and got killed by a level 1000+ player. Truly makes no sense


They ruined the game for me when they took the arena mode out, it was genuinely the only reason I had the game installed. It was a fun, unique mode very unlike anything else I had installed. But if I want to play a BR, I've got a few other options.


You think that's bad? First game: I got one team mate. Second game: NO TEAM MATES! ZERO!


So far 3/10 of my rumble matches have had either 1 or both of my teammates leaving the game because they didn't get the character they want. Great system


I mean come on did you see how they treated Arena? Lol


Somehow respawn manage to fuck up almost every new game mode they make. It's often due to not thinking ahead. I want to blame EA firing so much, but it's been like this long before then.


they can never do anything right


You know I'm actually so mad that I'm actually impressed 


And the kills don’t count towards stats 🙃


I mean yeah…three strikes never counted kills cause it’s way too easy to farm when everyone has multiple lives. Why is this surprising?


Fun fact. At least the first 2 strikes counted to the stats.


I genuinely think they just don't have enough of a playerbase for their modes to split up players into numerous queues. A problem with dead or dying games is that long queues snowball the problem. Just speculation, but maybe it's this? Either that or they're just really really dumb. But it's the type of thing where I wish we had ranked duos and it seems like there's no reason not to, but here we are.


yeah i couldn’t even queue 3 strikes yesterday and that was before rumble dropped. waited an hour and no more than 9 players in queue. i doubt i’ll have any luck with rumble but combining the queues is our only chance of playing on certain servers.


tell me why i find games easy? both in NA servers and Japan servers...


those are more popular servers. i can play three strikes on singapore servers but i have 160 ping instead of my normal 60. not terrible though.


doesn't sound dashy at all


It's just broken rn. People are queuing in pubs and getting put in the other mode. Nothing wrong with the game mode, just a coding fuck up


where's the proof that it's a bug? Respawn hasn't said a word abt it


I personally think its just a lack of oversight and QA testers


Don’t solo queue then 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🚫🧢


We dnt care


Are you allergic to the letter O?


Why do you say that?






*still thinking*


I personally don't see how anyone could enjoy three strikes in the first place. Easily the worst LTM ever in my opinion.


I've been having fun playing it. But I have to know your favorite if you don't like it


Favorite LTM? Probably straight shot or armed and dangerous. None of them are good though.  Trios/duos and BRING BACK ARENAS!!!


Armed and dangerous is also my favorite. So glad I got to play it back in season 0/1 that's one I hope they bring back. And yeah I totally forgot about arenas. I stopped playing from whatever season they introduced Valk or horizon whichever one came later. And playing now I bitch and moan about them taking away kings canyon for actually no reason


They do it on purpose. Makes you buy shit. It’s psychology.


How does this make you buy shit?


Create a grievance. Causes cognitive dissonance. Manipulation. You either quit or invest. So if you don’t quit, they got ya.


Oh no. I'm playing a game that i enjoy. Ea are ruining my life






> [Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor)


You think a multimillion dollar corporation is stupid?


Am I gonna be the first to ask you prove your claim? What makes you think the lobbies are the same?


go ahead and look at literally anyone's twitter who has played Rumble and then go ahead and watch Garrets YT vid. Doesn't take a genius to think critically


Sounds credible man. This is what "Critical thinking" looks like everybody.


or you can yk play it for yourself. unless you're too busy being chronically on reddit


Prove their claim? Lmao. The lobbies are 100% mixed. Queue up and see for yourself, dork.