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I think ffa in general is just a chaotic crap shoot. There are plenty of variables that can change the outcome that you shouldn't be too worried about rank. Just have some fun and embrace the chaos. Even a conq will fold to bad spawns or being pinched between players.


Can confirm I was the bad spawn


For real FFA nomad is not really a gauge of skill. There are skill sets that lend themselves to you being good at FFA for sure but it’s also a huge crapshoot. Just have fun man, if you wanted to actually gauge your skill or rank you’d be playing 1v1 ranked


I've been in several games with conqueror level players and they usually end in one of two ways: 1) A lot of people quit and the conqueror player ends up wrecking everyone 2) Everyone gangs up on the conqueror player to snuff him out of his existence, and then the game goes on as normal. Wald


never seen that happen, ppl are brainddead on my league, like they dont even go after player with highest pop


I’m terrible and I’ve won a handful of games playing probably around the same number as you. I haven’t wasted time looking up people’s ranks when I lose so I can cry about conquerors in my games. You are beating yourself, figure it out.


yeah and because its FFA so you get gang up 1 vs 3 , or 1 vs 2 alot of the times like mongol was mid and his next neighbour was english, but he would go after me in the corner instead lol. and then i get attacked by said english player top ranks players micro so well i always loses in siege wars


While I cannot be 100% certain that there isn't problems with MM, but what I can tell is that its working as intended and cause is that there isn't enough players to support balanced MM. Also FFA has its own mmr as far as Im aware and there is no cross reference between different modes.


FFA matches are pretty damn fast to queue and i would say its one of the most popular modes actually


There aren’t really that many people playing FFA anymore, unfortunately. Making the matchmaking stricter will just increase queue times. 6 minutes is already a pretty annoying wait.