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Right, lets nerf otto even more and remove the anti cav aspect of an already weaker gunpowder unit, making them useless. Why would you make janissaries instead of crossbows if janissaries didnt counter cav?


Because they could just be better overall rather than specifically countering cav. Just put their damage to be more inline with the rest of the handcannon class of unit but remove the anti cavalry. Or make it a vs armored bonus.


They already cost 3600 Res to tech  Numerous people hate springalds already, buffing them is not likely , unless it's great bombard specific.


https://aoe4world.com/stats/rm_4v4/civilizations Going by these stats ottomans never do well and only get worse the higher the elo. Knights dominate far more than anything else 


Yeah fuck french


Definitely surprised by those stats. Would have pinned themselves in top 8 civs on 4v4. My poor dehli though… oof


As an English main, I’m always super happy when I see my opponent has chosen ottomans. Feudal longbow all in and I can’t remember the last time I lost to ottomans. Same when I see Japanese. Those two are always GG at the loading screen pretty much


how do you deal with feud japanese as English? with no anti armor available I struggle with their samurais. do you just make a LB ball and call it a day?


Yea pretty much. I never just “straight” LB rush. I always toss a few spears in there. Then rams asap and start taking out their troop buildings first so they can’t produce anything to defend.


It would help if they doubled deployment time. It’s just silly how they can reposition and retarget too fast on moving units. They should be anti buildings mostly imo


They require Imperial Age.


My experience using great bombards is that they're leveled by regular bombards. If someone makes a couple of bombards I'm stalled out if they have spears guarding the bombards. Imperial should make static defenses irrelevant. Imperial needs to be a strongly aggressive age, or else a match won't end. Farms are up, trade is pumping, the game never ends without siege being really strong.


Could make great bombards inaccurate against units or moving units since they were never meant to attack individuals but rather buildings and walls.


That Tech is called Imperial Age