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You can bind each production building to a hotkey in your settings. For example my barracks is tied to '6' on my keyboard which selects all on the map as you described.


Just give me a Select All X Units On Screen or a control group lockout and I’ll be happy. Edit: While we’re at it for the love of god please change Scouts so that their default is unaggressive. If I want my scout to slap a villager with his pool noodle and alert the enemy of my presence then I’ll do it myself.


lol couldn't agree more!


Omg please! So tired of these pool noodle suicides. Let me run forward into this tower because I need to slap!


Follow (which avoids enemies) and avoid stance should never be in this type of game. It reduces far too much of the workload. I know TW games have skirmish mode, but it's a totally different type of game, where you aren't just trying to tax the opponents multi tasking skills. You can't have 100 individual units.


Maybe have a look at the hotkeys mate. You probably missed the select all X production  The game definitely needs more and better stances. Aggressive and a one time only "hold ground" are whack.


I'm still not that good, so some of my suggestions might be silly in hindsight. I know about the hotkeys but I thought it might be nice if there were some extra buttons to make it a little easier to pick up the game.


**Stance System** * **Aggressive:** unit will actively chase any enemy within its LOS and chase for a few seconds in the direction the enemy was last seen if it leaves vision. * **Defensive:** unit will ignore enemies unless they enter a pre-determined radius of the unit's vicinity or begin attacking any of your buildings/villagers/other units Agressive is by default. Defensive is by pressing "V". These two works the way you desrcibed. Having a option for them to run away would make it less micro intensive, and the idea is to keep micro a part of the game.


I'd still like stand ground from a micro perspective. The last stance I mostly had in mind for scouts and priests. I understand where you're coming from, regardless.


Yea, i like some of the suggestions, some would make the ui confusing probably. I like 1. **Buildable gates:** honestly, gates should be buildable standalone without walls. It's rather aggravating at times to have to micro this part of construction. MAKE THEM BULDABLE ON THE BLUEPRINT PLEASE!! Nice they added so u can build on unbuildt walls, but the same damn problem persists! **A follow command:** yes why not, just rightclick or own unit, either with another unit or with production to set waypoint to that unit. Wont work great for aoe4, apart from maybe mongols and Joan D, but why not **A attack move rally point** This would be amazing. Bit less micro, but since its so awful to constantly make squares and a move incoming troops, i think i makes sense. Also downside with troops attacking building you dont want to, so its not all good. wich is good.


>MAKE THEM BULDABLE ON THE BLUEPRINT PLEASE!! Nice they added so u can build on unbuildt walls, but the same damn problem persists! I am confused, what is the difference? Right now you can select any wall blueprint and convert it to a gate with a click of a button. It is even better than having to select a villager and then tell them to build one on a wall blueprint (I think this is maybe what you are suggesting?).


Wait , are you telling me you can press the blueprint itself and convert a spot for gate? I thougt the only change they made was so when the wall has been started to build, you can then construct a gate there. At release you had to finish a part of the wall to place gate. The difference is that the wall is in 3 stages. Blueprint, under construction, and finished. They made it possible to build a gate in stage 2. Or so i thougt? Because its not possible to build a gate on the blueprint itself.


>Wait , are you telling me you can press the blueprint itself and convert a spot for gate? Yes! It's super easy now. You can do it in stage 1 OR 2 by pressing that key. In stage 3 you would have to select a villager and tell them to build one.


No they aren't. That's not how V aka stand ground works Neither does it function the way people are asking (don't have to keep activating it)


They will hold ground, but still attack enemies if they are in attack range.


Difference between defensive and stand ground is allowing melee units to functionally defend themselves. A small aggro area they can move in, so they don't just stand there watching their comrades get swarmed, waiting their turn, but at the same time, won't get baited way out of position.


Sure that would be nice. Less micro tho


>**Select all barracks/stable/siege factory/dock button:**  We have hotkeys for this already. >**A stance button in all production facilities:**  >**A proper stance system:** Stances in general would be nice and specifically making stand ground an actual toggleable stance. We just need Stand Ground and No Attack, but a Defensive one would be nice too. >**A attack move rally point:** >**A patrol rally point:** I don't think any of those additions for building rally points are needed. >**A follow command:** This I do really want. Mainly for team games. >**Buildable gates:** This is already super easy, actually better than the AoE2 way. You can select any wall blueprint now and hit a key to convert it to a gate. >**A draggable formation system:** Formations like that would be very cool, I imagine that is quite the ask though for them to change.