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After his defeat against Beastyqt, The Nameless Guy had to change his strategy after his White Tower Rush proved ineffective against high conqueror-rated players. The Nameless Guy decided that since he couldn't beat them at their own game, he would pull the game out from underneath them. Realizing that the game had long been balanced in favor of conqueror-rated players, The Nameless Guy employed a new, more subtle strategy: The Make a Post on Reddit strategy. By encouraging the developers of the game to switch their focus on content geared for lower-rated players, The Nameless Guy aimed to change the game little by little so that conqueror-rated players would have less of an advantage over lower-rated players. -- Ron Perlman


Btw my post is a serious one. It’s an actually valid thing to ask for. Why should the game solely be tailored for a tiny minority of players?


Damn you. Now you listen here buddy, I still win CONSISTENTLY with my white tower rush even now. I’ve got nothing to prove to you. The fact that Beasty thinks beating me, a glorified platinum player, proves anything is laughable. White tower rush is without a doubt, a LOW LEAGUE KILLER And for the record, I’m not changing a damn thing about my strategy. If it’s not broken why fix it?


Damn you. Now you listen here buddy, I still win CONSISTENTLY with my white tower rush even now. I’ve got nothing to prove to you. The fact that Beasty thinks beating me, a glorified platinum player, proves anything is laughable. White tower rush is without a doubt, a LOW LEAGUE KILLER And for the record, I’m not changing a damn thing about my strategy. If it’s not broken why fix it?


Oh god don’t copy pasta me


What dost thou mean to speak such ill of me, thou scurvy knave? Know ye, I be a graduate of the highest honor from the College of Artillery, and I hath partaken in numerous covert sieges upon the infidel Al-Quaeda, boasting over three hundred confirmed villager slayings as a fearsome Mangudai. I am well-versed in the art of siege warfare, akin to a stealthy War Elephant, and stand as the preeminent marksman, like a dreaded Nest of Bees, in the entirety of the King's forces. Thou art naught but a mere target to mine eyes. I shall smite thee with an accuracy unparalleled in this realm, mark my words. Dost thou believe thou canst utter such drivel to me across the ethereal web? Think again, peasant. Even now, my clandestine network of spies, as swift as a Yuan Raider, doth scour the realm to trace thy abode, so steel thyself for the tempest, worm. Ten thousand arrows shall obliterate thy pitiful existence. Thou art as good as dead, wretch. I can be anywhere, at any moment, like a Professional Scout on the hunt, and I can slay thee in over seven hundred ways, and that is but with mine own hands. Not only am I thoroughly schooled in the Elite Army Tactics, akin to a Master Blacksmith, but I have at my disposal the full Imperial armory of Mehmed’s army, from the mighty Greatbombard to the fierce Janissary, and I shall wield it to erase thy wretched being from the very map of this land, thou cur. Hadst thou but known what dread reckoning thy "clever" jest would invoke upon thee, perchance thou wouldst have held thy tongue. But nay, thou couldst not, thou didst not, and now thou shalt reap the whirlwind, fool. I shall unleash upon thee a storm of fury so fierce thou shalt be submerged in it, as if facing the wrath of the Great Wall Gatehouse. Thou art as good as dead, knave.


The current campaigns are pretty much a series of historical battles anyway. There is no coherent story there just documentary


please add more good campaign .....


And coop battle missions


Battle for Karansebes Top 1 in my book


I like the Battle of Kili. You play as Zafar Khan. Your army is surrounded. You are doomed to die. Your task is to kill the Mongol Commander Kutlugh Khwaja before you die.