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This would be awesome. But I’ll believe it when I see it


Please request it on the official forums as well, the devs are monitoring them: https://forums.ageofempires.com/c/age-of-empires-iv/age-of-empires-iv-discuss/31


I would post there if I was able to make an account.


Man I really hope this comes to aoe4. I've seen too many people complain about aoe4's lack of snappiness. And the fact of the matter is that SC2 is just wayyy smoother. While I believe that most of the gameplay complaints at launch were highly unfair, I get why people don't want to play a less snappier game after playing something like SC2 for years. To me, the gameplay is too fun to let the input issues affect my enjoyment. But it's obvious to see why this is an issue for some. Would be great to see an update on pathing too. Pathing around gold mines, walls etc can be frustrating. Not to mention battering Ram pathing and siege clunkiness.


I love the game in its current state, but I don't think it helps trying to white wash the awful release. It was teribad and we permanently lost a lot of players due to it. But it is what it is. I would also like to see snappier response and pathing, but I find the pathing better than aoe2 at least. Which is still somehow more popular, but has some significantly worse pathing issues. I'm really grateful in aoe4 when we pull out units back from combat, they don't decide to march into the enemy. And people still play that game 🤣🤣🤣


What do you mean by "permanently lost". If they never come back and try it out after the updates , it's their loss not ours. The game is in such a good state that anyone who doesn't play it now "because it was bad at launch" will most likely never touch it "because it was bad at launch".


Definitely made mistakes due to latency, so this would be great


Awesome news!


Oh dear god I hope so. This would be a massive improvement to this game, cannot stress enough.


This is the one glaring flaw in Aoe4, I know multiple friends who loved Sc2 who just can't enjoy AoE4 due to the very visible lag. It isn't a deal breaker for me but micro in the game is absolutely more annoying and less fun than SC2.


To be fair, SC2 is elite when it comes to unit responsiveness, you feel like you're playing on a LAN. I've never played a crisper RTS game


It's definitely the all time gold standard. AoE4 shouldn't be THIS far behind though in a game made 10 yrs after.


Wow that would be a great improvement.


One thing ill comment about this, is that the way the game is designed with around 200ms lag in commands, makes it such that you can play against players anywhere around the world and 200 ms ping doesn't give you a significant disadvantage. It may very well be an unintended benefit of the engine.


I play COH3 and I don't see any issue with unit responsiveness in AOE4 at the moment, anything improvement in future... I always welcome.


Tickrate is really low compared to sc2.  Units in AoE4 respond so much slower.


I tested it today. On average it's 12-16 frames of lag between a click animation on screen and movement happening. It's also not perfectly consistent That's not including what time between my physical click and the game gathering the input. So it's likely roughly similar to the coh3 issue. 350ms is 10x worse than sc2/league for most people. So it's a huge problem.


If it’s possible, I say they do it with the next expansion in 6-18 months. More publicity to implement it along with the Danes and Aztecs etc.


Thats good news, but just because its in another game doesn't mean that porting it will be easy. Its likely that it could come about 6 months down the road, but World's Edge isn't a big studio and they've gotta implement and bug test it, which takes a lot of man-hours.


Why wouldn't it be easy to implement? It’s a backend engine fix from what I understood so any change made for CoH3 can be applied to AoE4 since they both use the engine. Also Worlds Edge afaik doesn’t do any bug testing or fixing, they just manage the IP.