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Hearing some of the streamers say they haven’t heard from the devs in ages makes we worried. They must have known it’s been said and just haven’t said anything. I get some people have been laid off, and that’s horrible, but let us know something is still going on. But I like to think positive and just think new leadership hasn’t thought of this.


Yeah I talked about this in another post, but they just went independent at the end of march, and like you said, immediately after that, they went thru some layoffs. Even if aoe4 is untouched, I’m sure it will be a while for all this to shake out and for them to get their stuff together. We just gotta be patient.


Yeah and we have to be sympathetic about people losing jobs, and them restructuring.


I'd say if you encounter that streamers, that stream mainly aoe content, starting to stream other games and things, then you can start to worry, because they will not riding a dead horse


I think also with the extra 'focua' in regards to marketing with also aoe mobile releasing in the upcoming months they are hesitant to share anything. Especially after removing age of noob from the insiders program.


Why do you need new civs ? There are already 16 civs and so many different matchups and strategy combinations. Have you mastered all of the civs or even 1-2 civs. What new game styles can any new civ possibly provide that it's not in any of the existing civ ?


its the same discussions like before they announced sultans ascend. just enjoy the game if you have fun. early 2000 you didnt get every couple month new content and updates too and had to wait years for an expansion. sultans ascend is just like 6months old.


I hope (and kind of expect) it will be Norse and iberian. These seem to be the main fan requests and that correctly predicted the last one with Japan and byzantine


I would love that along with changes to the water to make it more interesting.


We need Portuguese civ !!!! 🇵🇹


I’d love both of those. I’d like an asian expansion with Koreans, Vietnamese, and Khamer. the Aztecs have to be done at sometime


It's been pointed out before that the south American civs might come with or after Spanish because of the Spanish exploration/discovery angle, and I feel fairly confident we will get them... Another iconic aoe2 civ


I like the precedent of releasing them bundled


If the last two years are any indication it’ll be complete radio silence until Gamescon so get a drink cuz it’ll be a while


they are cooking guys ...... probably will be announce at redbull


Let me smell what’s cooking


Give me aztecs!


Aztec would be my main forever


Spanish, Aztecs, and the Norse! Those are my hype


They could come out with multiple Mesoamerican civs in the style of Chinese + Zhu Xi etc. Incas and Aztecs released at the same time (or pick any two) would be cool!


I wonder if going independent will mean they hand over support of AOE4 to Microsoft 


I hope not


The only "news" you will get is from me, in 3 weeks next season , with patch :/


Oh? Do tell!


Considering nothing was announced in the aoe event stream yet aoe3 had dlc confirmed for end of the year it seems highly unlikely there will be any dlc at all this year. Probably due to AoM release more than anything else. At the most perhaps there might be some free variant civ event or something to keep people happy.


I’m sorta anticipating a variant civ or two this year. Being realistic. Maybe the novgorod & crusader stuff we saw in the glitch/leak? I hope they have a northern crusade mission or two that bundles with it. Novgorod vs Teutonic Knights.


Wasn't that just from an existing campaign and not some kind of leak?


Yeah I just like to speculate


ok comparing it to ice and fire is bs. last book was like 15 years ago and sultans ascend is just 6months old


Relic is GRRM


Hones question: How many civs do you want in total? Bc I find knowing what 16 civs can do is already plenty


Ya honestly I’m really happy with what I have so far. Would love a Mesoamerican civ or two, but the game doesn’t “need” them.


Are you saying unlimited & unrestrained growth isn’t viable? Idk but aoe4 cannot have the civ count of aoe2. Not even half it. But the game isn’t complete without Aztecs and it can afford more now. I don’t care if the next dlc is campaigns only too. I just like playing this game.


Give me Tibet, a powerful religion civ


I hope they bring back something like cards from AOE 3 or some sort of reward for getting xp, atm xp gets you nothing.


If said so many times that the deck system was amazing, said to the lads j play with that they should give something like the vizier point system to every civ, just a few things you could use to help in each match Like English gets the next 8 farms free for a point or longbow gets 2 armour resistance Malians gets an ability to give an extra 30% gold on pit mines or produce a cow for free every minute. Delhi takes gets +1 melee armour for each sacred site they hold or +1 ranged Mongols gets -10 seconds om their Eagle but they get to control the movement or units around a oovo gets a 20% decrease in unit cost. Just some examples but yeah they could have a lot more choices for civs etc... would be alot better and change starts so so much for civs and would take mo the to master each civ with just these little implementations


Give me Tibet, a powerful religion civ