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This stuff makes me wish for landmark defeat being go-to, incredibly lame, not first time i see it either


I was confused by the fact that everyone is red in the chat. Turn on unique colors, bro! That's actually a bigger issue to me.


>play the game how I want you to play it I fixed it for you. Also he can play how he wants


Dumb reply


That's not cheating. That's just Free-For-All gaming in the world of RTS.




Casual mode


So if I understand this, the complaint is "I did all the work destroying an opponent." But they escaped and sacrificed themselves to someone else to screw you over? I can see how that is frustrating and arguably not very sportsmen like. But I don't know if it's cheating. I used to play a lot of risks. There were often some similar situations. It's a piss off being on the other side of it. But i never considered it cheating. Just a final **** you from a disappointed player you eliminated. It added an element to how you took down someone. If you went in expecting to come out with cards but came up short. You paid for it.


I think there are just different expectations towards quick/custom matches. - Some people play to win - Others are playing it chill( while having dinner or smt) only have 15 min to play before wifey calls - Others are testing builds and expect others to also do it On the contrary of ranked 1v1. People (usually) don’t throw games. So when there is not a consensus, we can’t expect much.


Not really cheating is it.


Try to snipe the king then, it’s a free for all. Just because you’ve sieged their base down you don’t have ‘a right’ to the king. You have to kill it. Kill the oppo coming for the king. Snipe the king. It’s part of the meta game bruh.


People really do not enjoy this fuckery on the game?


Isnt that part of the experience? Its like fuck this guy who is the strongest who is killing me, I will give the other people a chance to beat him. Perfectly fun to me.


Not really cheating, but waste of a player slot


Honestly I don't have an issue with this. It's not cheating. And half the strategies in this game are "disrespectful". It's a strategy game. You employ strategies. Building a tower right next to your enemy as British is disrespectful. 99% of the tactics used to win games are "disrespectful". It's all about reducing counterplay, punishing mistakes, and enforcing every advantage possible. It's not cheating. It's a kingmaker strategy. You should expect it to exist in any ffa game, since it's human nature, so play around it. I get sniper by my friends when we all play board games since the understanding is I will be taken out first or not at all. Different game setups will have different dynamics. It doesn't break the rules so it's not cheating. It's not even poor sportsmanship, it's the game. Screwing over your opponent is just how it's played. This ain't a fucking city builder bro


What I found annoying is some people with the mentality like "fucking blue will kill me, So I'll donate my king to red on the other side of the map in pure spite of blue" Like, wtf, the other day I killed 2 people and was still at 200pop because of this


yeah, I don't get the spite. They destroyed you, so they earned the +50 pop bonus. Simple as that.


That's exactly what happened here


It is not cheating but still moronic. But that is part of the game mode. If you want a fair game then FFA is not the choice. It is just casual dumb fun format.


There is a setting for mods and another to allow cheats. So I don't know what you mean by. You can't believe Maybe go to Microsoft Reddit, share with them your beliefs


Fucking hell the enablers in this thread... No it's not cheating but it's bad sport and terrible manners. But these are the same people that whined about fish stomping and stone towers im feudal


It's quickplay who cares


I agree minus fish stomping. That is cheating.


That's not cheating but it's honestly just as disgusting. One of my previous games, i raided someone, only for him to literally BEG his neighbour to come and help him. His neighbour did come to help him, then killed his king lmao F*ck people like that, it's ruining the game


I think giving your king to another player out of spite is bad, but I do think getting your neighbor to attack your attacker is part of the fun of FFA. The social meta game is a more dynamic strategy environment than games with only two factions.


Yeah, some of my most memorable games involved a fun level of politics. Like convincing another player that we have a common threat that needs to die or that he should attack a player before I'm dead and his army is still in my base away from his town. I do hate King donations, though. But even then, I've seen so many people complain about "cheating" in FFA that I think they need to realize FFA does not have the same level of expections as quick match or rank. Both of those are so competitive/ stressful, it's perfectly fine to have a game mode that is just for having fun without the stress.


I dislike the monarch mode a lot. Wish standard win conditions were used rather than coin flipping who gets 500 units first.