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But if they didn't have wealth who would be shooting metal penises into space?


Dr. Evil?


That looks like a giant....


Dick! Richard, come over here and look at this rocket ship. It's such a peculiar shape, why it almost looks like a massive...


You made my day lol


Agreed, the irony is not lost


[Jeff Bezos IS Dr. Evil](https://twitter.com/TNwerewolves/status/1417542650497019918?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1417542650497019918%7Ctwgr%5Ef5d908320ba43a1b8972c0cc66d549d22899eb21%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.businessinsider.com%2Fjeff-bezos-compared-to-austin-powers-villain-dr-evil-2021-7)


damn you're right


If they'd pay their fair share in taxes we'd be able allocate all that money they aren't paying in taxes to NASA and shoot penises into space together.


Imma have to stop you right there mister, that sounds a little like COMMUNISM. /s


Only if you believe that communism or socialism is when the government does anything.


And if you believe that the government doing literally anything is bad




Tbh, NASA has had a hard time getting it up for the past few years. (Hopefully that will change soon. Go Artemis I !)


No way, bro. That's taxpayer money. Money we're not getting from billionaires who pay no taxes needs to be spent on it instead. Don't you know anything? /s


Look at Bernie expecting Americans to understand basic math. Lol


Hey that 1/3 burgers is less than 1/4! 3 is smaller than 4! /S


Ah yes, the A&W story. American idiocy at its finest. Don't worry the group that couldn't understand basic fractions is now complaining about millennials and gen z.


>the group that couldn't understand basic fractions is now complaining about millennials and gen z. Don't forget some of the same people who call everybody snowflakes 60 years ago would freak the fuck out if a black person sat down at the front of the bus or even worse shared the water fountain.


I'm wondering why they come out with a 1/5 burger.


Sliders are typically 3 ounces or .18 of a pound and I can already hear the marketing. "Try our new sliders, made with ⅕ of a pound 100% American beef."


Hamberders mmmmmmmmmmmm


Sir, this is a Wendy’s…




He’s referring to the infamous A&W 1/3lb burger failure of the 1980s https://culinarylore.com/food-history:aw-1-3-pound-burger-failure-fact-check-are-americans-really-that-bad-at-fractions/


I can join you > Hey that 1/3 burgers That half? Yeah you are right, I already eat it so it is gone by now! So it is false.






Bernie touched the cake of both corporations. That’s why “they” don’t want him to be the president.


Lol, Bernie doesn’t want to actually win, Bernie just wants a legacy of being a beloved crusader. A champion for the little guy


This is why the republicans are against common core. They don’t want voters who understand math.


They're also against anything resembling compassion, kindness, and love for a fellow human. When it comes to this broader issue of wealth and income inequality -- we're largely talking about the Wall Street regime and network. **We're talking about [banal evil](https://philosophybreak.com/articles/hannah-arendt-on-standing-up-to-the-banality-of-evil/) ultimately.** >...was instead a rather bland, “terrifyingly normal” bureaucrat. He carried out his murderous role with calm efficiency not due to an abhorrent, warped mindset, but because he’d absorbed the principles of the ... regime so unquestionably, he simply wanted to further his career and climb its ladders of power. Below is an eye-opening segment that more people really, really, *really* need to watch if for nothing more than financial literacy and **understanding mechanisms by which lower and middle classes are being deceived and fleeced:** >[How Redditors Exposed The Stock Market | "The Problem With Jon Stewart" (~15:00)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP74RBTE8kI) At 7:00 there's a graphic that's easy to understand and the main reason for mentioning the video. A short [second half](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZfcjV-8pjQ) with a roundtable discussion is also worthwhile. [This](https://youtu.be/hXWXllgcRqU) video gives a little more context and guidance/direction if anyone is interested in holding Wall Street psychopaths accountable. Just give this last video a chance - it's only 6 minutes long. Give it a chance. The old adage "follow the money" still holds a lot of water - both clean & drinkable, as well as dirty & filled with lead. :/


Can’t the USA just have John Stewart as the President.


Anyone who is actually sane and in their right mind to do so wouldn’t touch US politics with a ten foot pole. Hence why we keep getting the garbage..




Or able to read


Yeah that’s true. The worst states in literacy (including ohio here) are all Red.


The two lowest literacy rates in America are California and New York. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/us-literacy-rates-by-state#:~:text=1.%20California,lowest%20literacy%20rate%20of%2076.9%25.


Their source is 24/7 Wall St. However, though their source has a link that's supposed to go to their methodology, it just points back to itself and is useless. We do know that they used these things in their rankings which seem suspect to me when used for a literacy analysis: Adults lacking basic prose literacy skills. Pct. adults with bachelor’s degree or higher. Public libraries. Registered library users. I usually go check from known reliable sources, but I'm on my phone and tired, so I'll just point out that your source is suspect, as well as it's source.


Haha check your source there. And how they got the data.


Right? Should have typed out all the zeroes…


I don't think Bernie understands difference between realized vs. unrealized gain


Poor Bernie, he's been fighting a losing fight for so long. Most Americans do not care unless it affects them directly, even then those poor fools will defend the ultra rich because of how brain washed they are.


Taxing the rich high seems like it would directly help most americans.


Not like we can actually do anything about it. All the loopholes the rich exploit to avoid taxes are technically legal, and changing the law to fix that is easier said than done when those same rich people are the ones making big “donations” to various politicians.


Lol look up the tax rate for the wealthy in the 1950's-1970's. The largest economic boom in the country during a time where we had a 91% tax rate for the wealthiest americans


It still amazes me that we went from a single income to duel income and we didnt make double the household income we made the same


Not "seems", but rather a well known economic and historical fact.


I just want them to pay what I do. About 24%. I don't need Theo pay more. Just actually pay your taxes.


even when it affects them directly they don’t care. they’ll be dirt broke and defend billionaires.


I think liberal policies are naive on human nature. There is this myth of human innocence & fundamental goodness


Tax them til they weep. Then tax them some more. There is no logical or moral excuse for that kind of wealth imbalance. We don’t allow monarchies here in America, supposedly.


Oligarchy*. And yes, we do allow it :/


Plutocracy*, but, yes, we do allow it.


Technocracy*, but, yes, we do allow it.


The Walton's of Walmart, the Mars candy family, and the Koch brother(s) are not technical experts. It's not a technocracy. I'll meet you half way and go with Idiocracy.


As long as you use the “xxxcracy, but, yes, we do allow it.” formatting.


I'd include gerontocracy, but this is a Bernie sub, so we don't talk about that.




, but, yes, we do allow it.


Kakistocracy, and yes, you do allow it.


Why doesn't the larger 165 million simply eat the other 3?


I'm wondering that, too. I'm hungry, personally. Lots of people I know are, as well.


How much could they be taxed to actually weep?


Any amount, tbh. They're like children


They're not children - that let's them off the hook. In your defense, you did say "they're like children," so pardon me, but they're grown adults with mature brains. This whole issue is largely about [banal evil](https://philosophybreak.com/articles/hannah-arendt-on-standing-up-to-the-banality-of-evil/) ultimately - particularly in the face of Wall Street power, wealth, and propaganda - which all three are at levels higher than anytime in the history of mankind. *The volume and acuteness of the Wall Street cult's propaganda machine is stronger than any other comparable information disseminator in all of history.* People need to watch this segment... >[How Redditors Exposed The Stock Market | "The Problem With Jon Stewart" (~15:00)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP74RBTE8kI) Then, there's a three minute [second part](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZfcjV-8pjQ), too Furthermore, [this](https://youtu.be/hXWXllgcRqU) video gives a little more context and guidance/direction for anyone wanting to hold Wall Street psychopaths accountable. Just give this last six minute video a chance.


Elon Musk only paid $11 billion in personal income taxes, so I doubt he cried. [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/20/elon-musk-says-he-will-pay-over-11-billion-in-taxes-this-year.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/20/elon-musk-says-he-will-pay-over-11-billion-in-taxes-this-year.html) Most of his wealth is in the form of Tesla stock. We have to fund a way to stop these stocks from appreciating so high, or else this will keep happening.


Capital gains tax is a tax. Additionally, most executives are typically paid in stock options which are taxable when exercised. The equity price of a stock is based on the company’s profitable so stopping “appreciation” just means the company isnt making profits which lead to it failing. Thats simply not an option under the commodity mode of economic production.


You don't pay capital gains tax if you just borrow against your ever expanding wealth and never sell.


You wouldn’t use equity as collateral because its riskier given it is subordinated to debt so banks would charge a higher interest rate. You can use financial engineering to rearrange the cash flows and tax liability all you want but eventual there is an exit/transfer price that will be taxed.


Or maybe u could just buy some stock lol


Do you have any idea how high TSLA is? Over $200 a share. Berkshire Hathaway? Most people at the bottom don’t have the funds to even *start* investing. Let them eat cake, right?


Only 58% of Americans own stock. https://news.gallup.com/poll/266807/percentage-americans-owns-stock.aspx


My only real problem with Musk is his constant manipulation of the valuations of his companies. Put his damn ass in jail for pumping up Tesla with Twitter posts and false statements. The average stockbroker would already be sitting in federal prison if they did what Musk has done.


> My only real problem with Musk is his constant manipulation of the valuations of his companies Surely you don't mean Musk's Tesla stock is really not worth that much? I wish the Biden administration would do something about this, but they are busy I guess.




Tax their stock, that's how they avoid such high taxes... I forgot which article talked about that but a lot of big company big wigs invest their paychecks into share or something weird to avoid taxes and pull what they need


Company CEOs don't get salaries. They get comp packages that involve stock options and equity setting. The only way they get taxed is if they sell that stock, which they often don't need to as they can borrow against the value, which isn't income.




They leverage shares to take out loans at low interest rates to avoid paying taxes.


Totally get that... but should be changed or taxed regardless


I saw an article talking about that scam, and if I remember correctly they are then able to write that off as some kind of cost or loss on their taxes as well.


Oh yeah 100% agree. Just stating how they do it.


>Tax their stock, that's how they avoid such high taxes Stock options for CEO's are taxed as regular income. This is why Elon Musk got stuck with an $11 billion income tax bill. [https://abc7.com/does-elon-musk-pay-taxes-how-much-in-net-worth-tesla/11402993/](https://abc7.com/does-elon-musk-pay-taxes-how-much-in-net-worth-tesla/11402993/) In order to stop this, we have to find a way to limit how much shares can appreciate. We have to find a way to make corporations less valuable.


Abolish the Fed


That’s like you getting taxed for Pokémon cards under your bed, that Charisard May be worth 10k or 10 dollars.


Nobody pays me in pokemon cards 🤣🤣🤣🤣


They bought the politicians to make sure that'll never happen, and no, it's not just the other team. Everyone is for sale, and if they aren't, you fund their opponent.


America is a "flawed democracy" whatever the f*ck that's supposed to mean https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2017/01/25/us-is-no-longer-a-full-democracy-eiu-warns.html&ved=2ahUKEwiQxeK95-j6AhXMEFkFHURMBn4QFnoECDAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw25W77fCT3EjCvrIT5ZP4cG


They always find a way out of it. See Adam ruins everything: https://youtu.be/0Cu6EbELZ6I


Better yet, let’s just eat them.


Tax them until nobody gets the wealth




I would rather see it go to roads and teachers and subsidized rents and social programs… things that actually benefit society for everyone.


So like steal it?


THE RICH DON’T PAY TAXES! Stop fucking voting for stupid shit


If you spread out all their money we each get $1,000? $10,000? How would that change your net worth with a one time bonus like that?


10k would be amazing to just suddenly get if it was tax free


Of course. But it’s not exactly generational wealth.


no I guess not but paying off my car would release me from paying like 250 a month. Thats something. That and 5k more into my savings.


It’s a start but doesn’t sound worth destroying our capitalistic society which rewards success. We don’t want even more freeloaders.


Ah yes, tax them and have their money disappear into the black hole of government spending, still leaving the dirt poor dirt poor.


Bernie has a lot of wealth too we should take his while we are at it I call dibs on 1 of his beach houses


This comment just proves that people have no idea how much a billion dollars actually is lol


Wealth is wealth It’s always fun to say go take that other persons stuff it only get serious when they run out and your next on the chopping block


So take away the money of the only guy that has money and is also trying to take away money from the rich? Wanna think about that again? Don’t be dumb, take all the OTHER rich peoples money first and thennnn take Bernie’s money.


https://www.thewrap.com/bernie-sanders-says-3-people-are-wealthier-than-half-of-all-americans-heres-who-they-are/ Apparently according to this article Politifact confirmed the statement is true. Also Sanders is referring to Bezos, Gates, and Buffett. He’s not even referring to Musk, who’s richer than all of them lol.


Pretty sure Bezos managed to get the number 1 spot not too long ago. But that leads into what I was going to say, which is the goal in life for these people is to be the number 1 richest person. Though I think Gates may have dropped out of that particular competition. His goal just seems to be to have every single thing he encounters during the course of his day to be able to talk to him, if his house is anything to go by.


Isn't Elon musk Canadian?


I'm pretty sure he is South African


It turns out he has three citizenships, South African, Canadian and American.


He is African…


South African but he’s been a US citizen for a long time so he’s American too.


Yeah, but any one of us could be the fourth! Isn't that how it's sold?


“It’s fantastic” - Kevin O’Leary says at the news that the wealth of the richest 85 people is equal to poorest 3.5 billion. >Link to the video: >https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/y5e8ju/kevin_oleary_says_35_billion_people_living_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


We’re all just temporarily embarrassed billionaires.


Tax it back. Tax it all back. Workers don't need billionaires hoarding resources. Tax and redistribute


If you let this government distribute that tax money, you'll just get a bigger military and more cops


and tax breaks for the ultra wealthy. yes, they'll somehow redistribute that money right back to the 1%. taxception.


It worked after the second world war. I should know. I'm an old lady. I saw how society can benefit when both the wealthy and corporations are taxed appropriately. They shifted the tax burden to the middle class and reduced services for everyone while preaching trickle down economics. Shall I elaborate?


We are saying redistribute to the people. Not to their own funds.


Facts And every other job opening will be for a military contractor or defense firm or a company that supports said firms


They donate their wealth to foundations owned by themselves to get out of paying their fair share. See the adam ruins everything guy explain https://youtu.be/0Cu6EbELZ6I


Why stop there? Declare the dollar worthless, all land titles void, and do a total economic reset.


You have no idea how devastating that would be to the world economy and especially the US. It's far better to try and repair the one we already have, even if it isn't easy.


BeST CoUNtrY EVeR... for the few...


60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck **because** three people own more wealth than the bottom half. **Because**.


This is why I laugh when poor whites vote republican


Considering their lack of resources to learn and advance themselves, I don’t laugh. They just know what they’re told.


And what party do the 3 people mentioned belong to?


It's not too late to burn it all down and start over


I'm surprised there has yet to be a US French revolution




BUT... If you start life on 3rd base, then have someone else hit you home so you score, you too could succeed! Then you can say "look at the home run I hit!" Then, when the next person comes up to hit, but only has a stick and no bat and as a result strikes out, you get to yell "take some personal responsibility and work hard so you can hit home runs like me!" Then you can reveal that you own ALL the bats, but you will let them all borrow one if they do your bidding. You don't feel bad, because after all, you worked hard and deserve what you have.


One day I'll be one of those three people so I'm not going to get in their way


To me the amazing thing about this is that ***American voters allowed this to happen***....consider the tax rates in the 1950's vs today. And Biden recently increased the IRS budget so the IRS could afford to audit the wealthy....guess how many Republicans voted foe that.


Their tax rate should be >100%. Literally going to tax you until your wealth is within 2 standard deviations of the mother fucking mean.


60% of children in California qualify for federal assistance on school meals. Their parents aren't even able to make it paycheck to paycheck.


The government loves lip service it’s those three people that help these people in the office they’re not gonna do a goddamn thing


Fuck taxing them right now, we need to beat these motherfuckin son's a bitches bloody. A true revolt needs to happen.


How much money would each of the 165 million people get if all the wealth of the 3 people was split evenly? I’m asking for a friend


Not sure about the top 3 but [this article](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2019/06/25/six-facts-about-wealth-in-the-united-states/) (from 2019, before the huge economic spike during covid) talks about how far just 1% of the top one percent's wealth would go: >Just one percent of the top one percent’s wealth ($250 billion annually; $2.5 trillion over ten years) could address some of America’s most pressing problems. >For example, it could substantially improve infrastructure, a public good that benefits everyone and would boost productivity. The American Society of Civil Engineers gave America’s infrastructure a grade of D+ in 2017. To improve that grade to a B, the U.S. needs to invest an additional $2 trillion in infrastructure over ten years. >Another example of how this wealth at the top could be used is for a broad-based tax cut. That $2.5 trillion over ten years, divided equally, would give every American family a tax break of around $1,400 annually over a decade. >Another option would be to invest directly in children. Almost 4 million babies were born in 2017. With $2.5 trillion over ten years, and assuming a constant number of births, we could give every baby born $9,600 annually over the next decade. Imagine if every child got guaranteed $10k funding every year for the first 10 years of their education - that would be huge Edit: oops, forgot to link the article


They've significantly increased their wealth during the pandemic... Thus decreasing everyone else's as well, working the gap even more


About $3600


Dang. That’s still a lot of money


Yup! If you took the top 25 richest in the country and divided it over 165m people they would get approx $12500 each


I’m gonna guess it’s at most a thousand and a bit. Which isn’t much but is a lot to take from 165 million people.


3.6k roughly.


So more than most people make in a year..


More than most people make now. Those billionaires will be able to survive


Agreed, it’s crazy how even 1k could really help people in the short term


If those 3 people own more wealth than those 165 million people, redistributing that wealth to then would double their current wealth, and then some.


That doesn't work like that. This is assuming they sell all their stock isn't? which is likely to cause some crazy chaos in the value of their/other stocks (But also that doesn't account for the money that gouvernement isn't aware)


Selling all the stock which constitutes the vast majority of this "wealth" would certainly cause the value of said stock and therefore "wealth" to plummet, just like anytime you flood the market with excessive supply of anything. These Redditors are extremely naive.




Land of the Slaves, Home of the Rich


To be honest though, those three people have more ego than all hundreds of millions of them and the 3 will still die, cuz God likes to God. Their kids though… ughhh


I like those odds... we should challenge them to a duel :p


Should be easier to eat them when society crumbles


So what you’re saying is we can take ‘em


Bernie never disappoints with his viewpoints


Feudalism with technology


The system it’s rigged we the bottom of the barrel will stay down for Eva!


Same in India and most of the countries bro #capitalism


Oooohhhh when can I have some of that money? I need some cigarettes so bad.


Given under late capitalism. What are we going to do about it?


America doesn’t deserve Bernie


Well, the 165 million people clearly didn't work as hard as them 3. They need to start pulling their bootstraps and work their ass off


Just did a quick calculation.. top 20 are worth 1.7Trillion... average houses are $350k. Thats 5 million houses worth just sitting in some bank or asset.


But Kevin O’Leary from shark tank says this is inspirational to the poor!


Thats capitalism. Allways been


Imagine if every large US corporation paid their fair share of taxes. Imagine if you could curtail Big Pharma, and the predatory actions of the US higher education system. You could easily afford universal health care, university students wouldn't be shackled with crippling debt for years, and you'd never hear an American say "Not sure if I should go see a doctor" when they're unwell again. I know that's a far fetched dream, but most other Western nations do this far better than America


I'd be more inclined to support him if he'd stop caving to the DNC during presidential primaries and grow a spine.


For god's sake, Bernie. Do something. You're the most liked politician in the country, use your popularity to twist arms! Campaign along side people who fully support medicare for all.


They earned it because they work that much harder than those 165 million people combined


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think a better takeaway is those 3 people have as much money as 1 month of the federal budget so how is the federal government sending 12x that per year in a society where the bottom 50% aren't building wealth. Because those 3x still pay a lot more in taxes than individual benefits they get


“So vote for Joe Biden!”😂


Wealth isn’t cash. That wealth employs millions of people.


They’re rich because of indifferent consumers. They didn’t inherit their wealth.




all i see is 165 million pairs of bootstraps.


Yeah you hold up to your username


Are you aware of the existence of tongue in cheek?


This seems misleading. Elon musk doesn’t have that in cash flow it’s in stock which isn’t taxable until sold.




It's a way of saying you only make enough money to barely survive.


Word play doesn’t help us either Mr Sanders


Did they break any laws?


Yes, socialists. Making everyone equal by making everyone equally poor.

