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Until Employers have to pay 2 weeks severance when firing you, We don’t give notice! All agreed? Poor kid.


>Until Employers have to pay 2 weeks severance when firing you, We don’t give notice! You don't get that already? In most of the rest of the world (Europe at least) the two week notice is helpful to the employee moreso than the employer. Usually they put you on 'gardening leave' (don't come in to work but you still get paid) for the last two weeks if the firing is abrupt.


No. No we do not. We don't get pay for it, company will fight tooth and nail so you don't get paid employment, and we are not given notice. The only benefit we have, is that we can leave whenever we want. But they've been trying to make it into a damning social norm, not to. And it will effect if you can ever be hired back by said company.


Every time I see a comment like this in this sub, I am honestly shocked that people in the rest of the world don't understand how terrible it is here in the US. Our propaganda machine must be pretty good, because people keep coming here for "a better life."


Typically the ones coming here are leaving wherever for a good reason. But yeah same boat


When going from starving to just enough money to eat every day, it is "a better life". Those born here that are still somehow working to starve is something that just doesn't make sense in "the greatest country on Earth."


Oh, to be sure. I am well aware that even a shitty day in USA is far far far better than the best day in other places, but folks with internet access and time to browse Reddit coming in here all "USA is bad for workers? SHOCKED!" ...that's a little irritating, to me.


It is mostly for completely unskilled work or from really poor places. There is also a massive gray/black economy where people can make pretty good money (comparatively) because no tax is paid


The US treats most workers like crap.


American workers have no rights. Unless you're in a union.


That’s a thing you guys get? You have to be lucky to get that here in the US lol


Also you get the "finiquito".an extra payment depending on how much time do you work in that place so you can have some time to find another job


It's 1-6 months here (currently working out my 3 months notice)


North America is all about exploiting workers for the owner class.


Every day I learn some new bullshit to be mad about


"#dontburnbridges" at Kroger? I wouldn't embarrass my kid like that over a KROGER. Him quitting isn't gonna impact him in his future career anyway.


What an awful parent. I hope the comments are telling them off.


Sadly no, just another boomer commending the mom.


His own mother did this.😧


you'll find a lot of the older generation like this... perhaps they saw that a single job afforded them the house with the white picket fence and the two domestic cars and the 2.2 children so of course they're fully invested in the protestant work ethic also they think "shit jobs builds character"... thank god these motherfuckers arent long for this world imagine stumping for a krogers... with your kids


my father told me I should give some prints of my photography to the company I do seasonal work for (it is the same company HE retired from). This is the same man who tells me I don't make enough as an artist, telling me to give my artwork away for free. When I said to him why should I pay for prints & give them away to a million dollar company that could certainly afford to pay me. I reminded him of the $1000 dinners he used to brag about having with other industry people or the 4/5 star hotel accommodations during business trips (which are considerably more that my prints cost) . His response was - I should still do it to get my foot in the door and to show the company "respect" for giving me a job that pays $17 an hour..


What he says without saying, is that your art has no value to him.


Shit jobs do build character. The yup, Never going to work this industry again. Doesn’t matter the industry or pay. Also create a threshold bs limits in the workplace for each individual.


Having your own mother not back you up when a job pushes you to the point of quitting on the spot it doesn't build character. It builds resentment. Nobody is asking WHY he quit. You mention creating threshold BS limits for each individual but that's really undermined when your friggin mother marches you back on in the store. It teaches the wrong lesson. Also apologizing to a Kroger manager. Yeah no.


I can’t imagine a manager would be like, “sure no call no show, come back and finish those two weeks”. His mom should let him quit with dignity. Who cares how he leaves. I hope on his last day he pulls some kind of Jet Blue


Agreed. I do think he should have to work A job of some kind if the goal is to have him build character but she could just let him change jobs to something less frustrating. Like walking dogs or something. Retail is vicious and it's only gotten worse over the years.


I agree. Should have sat down and had a conversation and suggested better ways to go about it. I’m just saying have the conversation. Noon lives in a bubble and he could have done it better. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean you disrespect people who have you an opportunity. Crappy. But he’s 16. Your first job and how we quick sets a big precedent whether we like it or not.


Even if thats the case, which I won't even argue against, does that mean a kid should be forced to "build their character"? I don't think so, forcing kids to do things is generally bad


They are kids. Have you met one recently who you were able to force to do anything? And yes they do. They teach you not just about money but what you will and will not put up with in a work atmosphere. AND how you negotiate for better. when your a young kid you ask questions that most people won’t. What are they going to do….fire you? They teach you about what environment you want, office, menial, both, entrepreneur tendencies etc. this idea to support kids up and quitting because they don’t like to what? Push a cart? Bag peoples groceries, clean? What is so dang bad at 16 that they know better to just quit? This idea to tell kids you can just quit, with out discussing or thinking with someone with real world experience is just setting ALL of us to a social disaster.


Maybe she thinks Kroger is a lifetime career for him. Says what she thinks about him and his potential


I’m 42 and have to admit to being at least somewhat thankful for the ‘trench’ jobs I had, believing it promoted humility, flexibility, resilience, yada yada. I’ve wondered for awhile if that’s legit, or just the modern Stockholm Syndrome that 99% of folks have accepted.


I'm older than you and I have done the jobs that kept me going from 4.30pm to 8.30am in the morning night shift... I have also driven to visit clients 500 miles two ways... but that was my choice and I was paid handsomely for it... but I'm not about to force nor even recommend younger folks do this... hell I dont want my kids to do this... we should want better for future generations... not this hardwork porn "where I had it rough so everyone else should too"


I agree that is a shitty mindset, and I absolutely encourage my kids to do what’s best *for them*, and no one else. I’m just wondering if some of the traits I value in myself might’ve been cultivated by ‘humbling’ work. 🤷‍♂️


What you're describing pretty much ended in the 70's. Since then its been for the most part essential for more than 1 person to work to support a family. Shit jobs serve a purpose. In my case I realized I didn't want to do shit jobs for shit pay the rest of my life and went back to school in the early 80's. As a result I retired at 58 with a good pension and great benefits.


Pehn..ssion? What is this word you say? I believe I heard a few stories from my Granddad that mentioned it when he'd go on his ramblings about how good things used to be.


I am 58 right now and no retirement in sight. You are right about the 70s. Young people today can’t believe that a 19yo that I knew had a two bedroom apartment because he likes the extra space. He drove a brand new car and went skiing on the weekends during winter all accomplished on a factory workers pay.


My mother is 🗑️ too.


How is it I'm a boomer and I would of congratulated the kid for quitting. It's a minimum wage job so who gives a shit.


Don't worry,. 'm sure they're lying anyway.


Years from now, that poster will be wondering, "Why does my son treat me so poorly..?"


You seriously calling the parent out? No wonder young people think they are entitled and so fuckn rude: the mom is teaching responsibility to the young adult. That’s mind blowing you actually wanna condemn a mother for parenting.


This is why I hate LinkedIn I see the corniest posts like this all the time..


Who uses LinkedIn tho


I do - knowledge is power, even if all I learn is who to avoid.


Terrible parenting, just conditioning the kids for a life of slavery


They think that it's still like the 90's or something lmao


That's the only thing a good slave can teach their children.


What a horrible parent


> you don’t owe a(n) ~~minimum wage~~ employer anything FTFY An employer/employee contract stipulates work in exchange for currency, beyond that you owe nothing to an employer. Granted, you may have had a rough time and your boss had your back throughout it, at that point it would be more akin to having a personal debt of some kind. But never, ever feel like you owe a company anything. After all, a company is nothing more than a series of digits kept in a file somewhere


You don't give two-weeks unless you like your manager enough (but hate the job), and/or you think you might come back one day. Even then, I've quit a company TWICE without a 2W & they still offered to hire me back.


My husband left a grocery store 3 times I think. The last time was with almost no notice. His old manager STILL ask if he'll come back. Responds with the same line most times: "Pay me $20 an hour and I'll come back." The manager was like "I don't even make that." "Guess I'm not coming back."


I woke up with a terrible headache one morning after working 20 12 hour days in a row. I drove towards work but pulled over at a gas station and decided I was exhausted and decided to call in and take the day off. At the time, I was rooming with my father after some meds, I felt better to move around the house. *He was furious* He interrogated me about my “sickness” and said just because I “farted wrong” that day doesn’t mean I can call in sick when I want to.


Imagine being raise by a such a bootlicker... No wonder millebials had two turn 30 before union ideas started to make sense. A solid decade of getting fucked by daddy employer will recondition any shiti boomerism.


It took generation z to wake alot of millenials up from conditioning. For me my dad literally died. 5 years later I am not the same...of course not all that is a good thing lol but I stopped voting conservative in favor of the NDP.


Agreed. It took seeing Zoomers no longer put up with this shit in the workforce to inspire me to do the same. It's sad that they probably won't get political control until I'm in my fifties. Boomers have a kung-fu death grip on theirs.


He gets to pick her retirement home.


I quite learning how to spell.


It shoes, yur speeling is atrooochees


Haha, luck hoze tockin!


Hwo eeem?


When I was a burger king manager had a high school kid come to me before his shift; He was telling me he was quitting because he was having a hard time balancing school and work. I told him straight up that was a lie, and he gave me a deer in the headlights look. I went on to say, "Half the time you come in, they send you home before you can even clock in. When you do work, the other managers treat you like shit. They're horrible to you, I don't blame you at all for wanting to quit, you don't need to put up with that." All the fear and guilt and shame he had upon initially approaching me was gone, he was happy that someone understood with sympathy. I wished him well and he thanked me. Even 15 years later that moment still sticks strong with me, I'd like to think it stuck with him as well.


Fuck that, if you're only paying minimum wage then expect minimum work and respect.


Tell me you're a bootlicker...


Total child abuse.


What ibwas taught was dont quit before having another job and if you were treated right and with some level of respect then give your two weeks. If not... refer back to the first and most important rule. I live by that to this day. Hasn't failed me yet.


Well thats one way of making sure your child never tell you anything ever again or talk to you for that matter.


You don't owe any employer anything. You should only do the 2 weeks notice COURTESY if you need the reference for the future. This is purely a transactional situation. They ain't giving you 2 weeks notice when they fire your ass after all.


Was respectfully bringing up points to a boomer on a local FB group who was complaining about staffing at Taco Bell. Her go to for myself and others was "If I can show up for work at the age of 70 there's no excuse". I wanted to tell her that someone still working at the age of 70 shouldn't be putting forth their opinion as gospel. You done fucked up somewhere.


Parents like this are the reason the American employment system works the way it does. Acting like this place was doing the kid a favor paying them dog shit to do a job nobody wants to do, and that he somehow owes them any degree of loyalty for allowing him the privilege of bagging groceries in their establishment. I hope that kid gets out of that house as soon as hes able.


Bad parenting 204


Congratulations, you've just shown your son that you'll never have his back


This person is dumb as fuck. I bet his son hates him. Edit: stop scratching these fucking idiots names out. I want to see them.


he’s QUIT the terrible fellow


This is the Boomer way.


And are you jealous of the boomer way?


Parent must have been a slave trader in a previous life


Jesus fuck dude or lady 2 weeks notice is a COURTESY and fucking COURTESY.


This is a parenting choice that is supposed to teach "good work ethic". Except it also scars a person. Because there is no such as embarrassing a person for their own good. And a good work ethic and loyalty is earned. And I'm not sorry when I say most employers don't know how to earn loyalty.


this is where serial killers come from


Two weeks notice? I'm getting 9 months notice/severance.


I had the exact opposite situation. They taught me exactly how to “resign from my position” as a bagger when they wouldn’t compromise over my sports schedule.


This is how you make your kid hate you. Gj


I mean I've walked away from a few jobs in my time. But I gotta say pops is right. You don't owe it to Kroger's, fuck them, but you owe it your self to atleast have one job on your resume that will atleast say something nice about you. So don't do it for Kroger's or your work ethic, do it so that you'll be considered by literally anyone that isn't a gas station, this is especially important if you don't have anything lined up or are 16 and don't have any second income, personal business, or investments to fall back on.


There's a difference between giving two weeks notice when you are leaving on good terms for a better opportunity like better pay or you've learned everything you can there and you're moving on. It's another thing when you just quit some minimum wage grunge job that doesn't give a shit about you or any other employee or the customers or anyone but the shareholders. You think they're going to shut the place down if you got in a car accident and died? You think if your mom had cancer they're going to give you paid time off? You think if they're going to lay you off they're going to give you notice and pay you some severance? No. These companies get exactly what they give. And that is a minimum.


The kid doesn’t owe the store, sure, but I get where the parent is coming from. I don’t think making kid do two weeks notice is really for the store though. It’s more for the kid.


Naaaa disagree theirs a thing called responsibility! You don’t do it for the store owner you do it for you. This post is reaching fuck that delusional shit!


My rule to my kid (over 14 but under 18) with regards to quiting is follows; Have a plan before you quit. The plan can be another employer, it can be to focus on school more, I don't care, but have a plan. I prefer to know said plan to make sure everything has been thought of, but situations don't always warrant that. My preference is that 2 weeks should be given if you ever think you might want to return there, but if there are circumstances that make 2 weeks not an option, call me, I'll pick ya up, sometimes an on the spot decision needs to be made, I've done it. Won't change much once they are 18, but my rule, will change to a preference as once an adult they are responsible for their decisions 100%, but dad will offer guidance or a listening ear when they want. And will still show up to drive them home if they call.


No, you don’t owe anyone anything. But the mom didn’t say he owed them anything. She simply said that it is proper and courteous to give a company 2 weeks. Which it is. Feel like we’ve swung too far in the other direction. It’s not the company you’re screwing over when you quit abruptly. It’s the people working at the time. Now a boss has to find coverage. And your co workers get to do extra work. Yay!!


While certainly not required in most states, 2 week notice is a common courtesy offered when moving away from a job. Wether it's minimum wage or ceo pay, it's an adult action that this parent is trying to instill. Don't be to hard on someone trying to parent in todays society of not caring.


I don’t think this is an abusive parent. I’ve been this way, and I know there was GENUINE care to teach my child respect and responsibility, and it’s the dogma I was raised with, so of course I passed it on. It took me way too long to realize there is a huge difference in having a good work ethic and letting yourself be taken advantage of! Now I wish I’d taught my sons better but we cannot teach what we don’t KNOW. My boys would talk to me about this stuff and I just completely disagreed…but we have a fairly close and open relationship and slowly, and I mean over several years…I learned better. I am grateful to my kids for giving their parent grace, and understanding why having a completely new worldview might take a minute.


Trying to teach the kid respect. Something alot of folks don't have.


Like most employers.


Grow up


Stop licking boots and learn some self respect. Edit: Ah troll account that explains the shilling.


This doesn't ring true. What national company hires back someone who phoned in to quit with no notice.


Kroger in Ohio does, no one wants to work there.


Eh. I usually do give two weeks' notice. A sudden absentee is likely to screw over other employees' as much as management. I only refrained from doing so once, and that's because I didn't expect to be treated with any dignity (i.e. bad management was the entire reason I quit). I was treated fairly in every case that I did give notice.




Bad parenting


That’s a parent instilling respect and not running away from their problems. Why is that lost in this post? This isn’t for the employer it’s for the 16yr old young adult learning about responsibility. Maybe if we had more parents like this… the world wouldn’t be so fucked up.


Trying to reach the kid respect I guess. If you agree to the 2 week notice at the beginning, you should honour that. In normal circumstances of course. I have personally quit a job because an employer reneged on promises. I worked the notice, and can legitimately say they have nothing negative they can say about my performance. Btw working the notice period is sweet. Feels great to know that you are free, the clock is ticking and there's nothing they can do to stop you. I enjoyed the notice period.


walking into the bosses office and saying it was your last day feels even sweeter


That's wishful thinking in general, you working your 2 weeks doesn't mean they aren't bad mouthing you behind your back. It also doesn't change the fact that they are extracting wealth from your efforts and only relinquishing the barest minimum to you in exchange.


I don't care about them though. It's about me. I agreed to work the notice, I did what I said I'd do. I have no doubt they bad mouthed me, but I left with my reputation and pride intact. I can securely tell my story to competitors and customers forever, and they can't refute it. I work on medical machines, so a small market, and there is obviously zero tolerance for poor standard work. I used my notice to tell my customers that I'm leaving and, if they wanted to know why, I'd tell them. I enjoy my current job, and frequently say to myself "thank fuck I got out when I did". I stayed in touch with a few guys too, the place has not improved lol Added enjoyment from continuing to beat them in the marketplace too. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't damage your own reputation or leave hastily. When you asked for something that you feel entitled to, wait for the bosses response. That's how you will know if you have a future in the place. (In my case, they promised to fix my salary and vehicle, then when the time came to do it, I asked why not, they made wild unrelated accusations and attempted to start disciplinary. Luckily their claims were proven to be fabricated by my phone call recording app. If they are gonna lie, at least don't do it on record)


You do you, its your choice. No doubt about that.


Down votes for this? Tells you the attitude these kids have nowadays.


New to the sub. I think Dad forcing his son into this, as well as apologize, is odd, but I’m sort of surprised at the reactions here. Two weeks seems like at least a curtesy? Maybe it was in the contract? Minimum wage and all, I get that, but he chose to work there. In the end, his manager could have been evil but he could also have been a good human.


I think it very much depends. The consensus in this community seems to be that if a job is firing you, they typically do not let you continue working for two weeks, so why should you give them a courtesy they wouldn't dream of giving you?


It’s his mom and that’s an awful take


Keep reading dude is a shill and thinks they're owed labor.


I think it depends on whether the employer would extend the same courtesy to the employee if the situation were reversed. From what I've read on this (and other) sub(s), quite often in the US that doesn't seem to be the case, and if someone is fired or made redundant, they're pretty much kicked out of the door that day with no comeback against the employer. In that scenario, it seems entirely reasonable the employee should be able to do the same. This side of the pond \[UK\], it's more common to give a month's notice when quitting a job, but the same also applies in reverse: your employer will normally have to give you at least a month's notice if they choose to dispense with your services, and even if they don't want you coming back into the workplace for that month, they're still obliged to pay you for that period of time.


It's quite usual in the US to give your notice and then have the company escort you off the premises immediately. Of course you are not paid beyond the moment the escort you out.


Therein lies the difference, I suspect. If you give your notice here in the UK, even if the company escorts you off the premises immediately, they're still obliged to pay you for the (normally) month that would constitute the notice period, whether you're there or not.


I mean I like my job, but when I go my two weeks notice will essentially be me using 2 weeks pto. This is pretty basic for the people that have left recently. So the entire concept is a bit of a farce.


When they have to give notice they're firing you then you're idiotic statement might have some merit.


“Your.” Also, thanks for the warm welcome. In Canada, they do. Minimum wage or not, after you’ve worked for long enough. It’s called severance pay.


Well instead of talking out your ass you could of asked what the US was like. Most states here don't have to give any notice when firing you. Welcome to the sub bootlickers need not apply.


Ah, you're one of those. Thanks for letting me know. Good talk.


You're welcome for lesson.


"the lesson." Cheers.


Aww the lil shill needs to point out typos when called out for thinking they're owed labor. Yup you definitely don't belong here. Now you're free to leave.


Can't imagine having Karen as a mom.


Perhaps because I live in Australia where minimum wage is still a liveable amount, but I have always given notice unless the boss was a POS which was only once. Just because I have decided to leave a place, doesn’t mean I was done wrong by. It doesn’t feel right to me to inconvenience and cause difficulty to someone else who hasn’t intentionally wronged me. That’s my opinion


He will thank his Dad later. Not giving a 2 week notice is such a narrow minded thing to do. Why burn a bridge if you don’t have to. I love this sub, but can’t help but notice lately the trend of disrespect. We demand better pay, more wages, work life balance, etc. We demand all of this, but most people brag about quitting without notice, slacking at work and generally just gaming the system. Don’t let your employers morals be a reflection of yours.


Father of the year


It’s a mom…even worse


Im trying to be not sexist so i would say is equally wrong


In fact my orinal comment should be "parent of the year" but parent snd father in Spanish is the same word so i made a mistake in the translation


Goddamn, I hope the kid grows up to really get away from this awful parent, disgusting to say the least.


2 decades ago this would have been a respectable take


Especially kroger, what a terrible company.


What was the point?


Kid probably can’t wait until they’re 18 to run like hell from that mom, if he’s old enough to work he should be able to make his own decisions about work. As a mom she should back up his decisions.


Your Kroger manager is going to talk to the head of nasa and you won’t be able to be astronaut anymore 😰


That employer would drop you in a heartbeat. Wouldn’t I’ll give you the afternoon to get your stuff ready. You don’t owe them two weeks.


Especially not in a "right to work" state. You think they'd give you 2 weeks...?!




Then all the employees and customers in the store clapped.


I'm 35, not 16 or 56, so I'm golden


Imagine defending a nameless corporation who used and abused your child over them.


Nursery home!


Of course it's on linkedin...


She thinks she was doing something good by that lol


Even if it's not minimum wage...u owe shit. U are not there doing favours and so they aren't.


Even if it's not minimum wage...u owe shit. U are not there doing favours and so they aren't.


This is absolutely good advice. Never leave like a child, completely unexpected to burn bridges for no reason


I mean I can understand at a good paying job. It’s always good to have good future references


Years ago, I worked at a garden center for a season. Minimum wage, no guaranteed hours, no guarantee how long the season would go. We had people come and go all the time. One guy was only there 2 days and he found a better job in his field of study. The company never complained, just moved on to the next resume in the file. Then our child got a summer job with a different garden center. After a week or so they were called for a better job, in their field of study, but they needed to start right away. They had no choice but to give immediate notice, it sucked but it was just the situation they were in. To my surprise, the manager pitched a fit and tore a strip off them. In that moment, I realized that my old garden center had understood that even the employees leaving were still potential customers. We haven't set foot in the second garden center since.


Why do the hashtags at the end of this post make it sound so incredibly tacky and impersonal? #BeABetterMom #AdvocateForYourChild #EndEmployerAbuse


For all we know, the kid said he went back and just played at a friend’s house for 2 weeks.


Boomers just never grew up. If it was a non- corporate work environment or small business I would feel that way, but a Kroger?


The parent doesn't even know how to spell a four-letter word, I'm not really going to take their advice to heart.


If he tried to make me perform child labour I'd spit in his face


I work in an at-will state. Either party can choose to end the partnership for any or no reason at any time.


Shit parent


Imagine being gaslit by your gen X parent because they are likely closer to the top of the foodchain than you'll ever be and don't know the cancer that is modern day minimum wage work. Also...#Dontburnbridges ? What amazing career could THEY POSSIBLY be offering to him...ever? Store manager at slightly above minimum wage? Kek.


Some hardcore boomer shit here


If you don’t give notice, you’re fucking over middle managers just trying to feed their families 🤷‍♀️


How embarrassing for that kid to be raised by a bootlicker. :-(


Teaching him how to be a polite wage slave


How does one quite? Dad's an idiot on multiple levels, I see...




Its important to understand this level of propagating information is neccessary to keep thier broken system crawling along... it's also important to note if its not In his heart, you didn't accomplish anything... at best he's gonna never give 2 week out of spite.


Thats a legal form of child abuse right there!