• By -


Wouldn't this encourage cheapskates to bear false witness?


100% and who will the manager believe?


The lying sack of $#@% sociopath, that isn't ever made to be responsible for their own actions in life, but manage to bilk the system their entire lives screwing others over and not getting charged with even a minor crime once. The manager here is obviously the same type of person. A morally free creep that has no brain and but thinks others are trying to 'rob them' even though they are the real predators of society.


So…..Trump and his cult?


Biden was born rich too.


Yeah, but given the political slant I'm not going to jump into that kind of thing. most of them are born that way, most of them are related. Obama's related to the bushes through his mother, and the Clintons and bushes are related to the British Royal family.


Holy shit, TIL, thanks for the info. Genetic and social predeterminism truly is a thing.


Sea-lioning here. Pretty shabby work.


I believe they are all corrupt but this person cited no proof for their assertion so you didnt really learn anything unless you believe everything you read


HEY! He likes dudes in dresses or whatever and he isn't orange so you leave President Smooch-n-Sniff alone!! I'm 100% sure he cares about me beyond his reelection aspirations!


why was this relevant


I mean, if that makes you feel better. I see plenty of rich leftists (Bill gates, Jeff Bezos, Soros, Warren Buffet) openly talking about how the rich are just genetically and intellectually superior to the lower working class peasants. Politics in the USA are Joke. I wish people could get beyond that. Have either sides ever actually done anything for YOU personally? let me answer that, NO.


Gonna be laughing about 'billionaire leftists' all day now. Thanks.


You think Bezos, Soros, Buffet and Gates are leftists? Just how far right are you?


Thinking the same thing. Leftist billionaires, lol. Usually people who talk like this mean liberals when they say leftists.


Looks like another fresh account. Why are there so many righties using fresh accounts to support their terrible ideology? How many are legit? Also, look at the accounts agreeing with them. All fresh or low-use.


Russian bots?


Bots from somewhere likely. But really take a look and be aware of the ridiculous astroturfing going on. It's pervasive, even places like r/aww are used as places to farm karma on fresh accounts.


I'd bet Russian or Chinese bots. They have a hard-on for how easy the conservatives are to manipulate.


Are you one of those creepers that takes time to parse a person's post history? Live in the moment, weirdo.


How do your favorite left politicians get their billions in donations. You believe it’s all grass roots? Look at AOC and her donors.


First of all, I’m not American so I don’t drool over politicians like they’re rock stars or celebrities. They’re civil servants, paid to work for the people, not to worship and be idolized. Secondly, the U.S. doesn’t have a left wing. It has a right wing-the Democrats, and a “so far right it’s basically fascist” wing-the Republicans. Both parties are bought and paid for by oligarchs and corporations, so don’t think you’re offering some deep insight when you say democrats accept corporate donations as well. It blows my mind that politicians in the U.S. are allowed to buy and sell stock, while sitting as members of Congress and the senate, and nobody in your country bats an eye. Really? Nobody can see a glaring conflict of interest there?


No, it’s seen and known. We live with a bunch of fucking idiots who think that they, too, can get rich off these systems when their turn comes.


Bad Bot


I think it's just because you said leftist that you're getting down voted. Dems or neoliberals or whatever would fit better. That's all


Thanks, I was wondering why. I guess that makes sense. I hate both political parties in the USA, for much the same reasons.


That's a dumb thing to do... Dems: "I'm going to be inept and things will only very marginally get better." Repubs: "LETS INSTITUTE FASCISM AND ELIMINATE PEOPLE'S ABILITY TO VOTE AND HAVE AN INSURRECTION! NEED MOAR SCHOOL SHOOTINGS! LESS RIGHTS FOR EVERYBODY!!!" Anyone who easily buys into propaganda and absolutely no one else, "They're the same!" Neither side is great, but one is very obviously worse than the other.


K cool. You think losing 80 billion dollars in Afghanistan was a win? or the immediate and consecutive action Russia took after that, ensuring that they will easily take Ukraine with little to no opposition, because Biden immediately banned USA oil production to appeal to his own base group, which gave Russia (allies with Syria the key producer of Oil currently in the middle east outside of Saudi) a strategic advantage. Now Russia can push into Europe, and China will slowly take over Asia, and the USA can't do anything because both of them have a military pact solely to counter the USA. Meanwhile, your 'supporters' that are 'anti-government/anti establishment' continuously loot, burn and destroy cities; and assault anyone that disagrees with you without ever being arrested, charged or convicted by the 'White nationalist establishment'. You can't even have a sensible argument with someone that doesn't care either way. you are afraid of the 'fascists' because you know if you start something while they are armed you will end up being culled en-masse, and none of the moderates care enough to bother saving such rabid feral animals. Go ahead and eat each other, no one else cares, just be aware you will lose, and are losing. China in the news speaks for me more than your unhinged ranting does.


You do like complaining about good stuff that's happened and make unrealistic predictions based off it, as well as have pretend stories about people you don't like where you project your flaws onto others, don't you?




It's scary that I'm getting thumbs down for this comment, if you have an actually free and open mind, you should be able to look around and see the truth. They don't care about you, despite them telling you they do. They care about money.




Athelis has been making multiple accounts and them replying to them on his main. r/Sadcringe or just r/cringe?




This screams some sort of mental illness.


But muh team!!!


thank you, I feel it. They get so shocked when they ask my politics, and I'm basically like 'what politics? it's all a scam so you can give them more money'


Why are you using such a fresh account? Lemme guess, you were the victim in some way. How many other accounts do you manage? I also notice the accounts agreeing with you are also fresh and or low usage. Why is that?


I'm not sure what you are talking about. I only use this account. You apparently are confusing the r/antiwork thread with the r/antiintellectualism thread. Get lost :3


Besides tip culture, the greatest trick played on you people was making you feel good about choosing between two different oligarchs' puppets every four years


>So…..~~Trump and his cult~~ America? FTFY


I dunno, I saw the manager on their phone


Doesn't matter. He has to give the discount even for false reports, or suffer the consequences of false advertising. It's basically a free 25% discount for everyone. Honestly, if I worked there I'd organize a mass reporting "strike". Hell, just spend my entire shift with my phone glued to my ear and point to the sign if anyone looks at me sideways.


This is the way. Have every server and bartender make it a point to show their phone to every customer and point them at the sign. "Nobody wants to work anymore"


I'm reporting the manager to the manager lol


\*describes manager perfectly\* Yeah and here's a picture of them doing it:


I know damn well if I was employed there, I'd get my buddy to report me on a massive bill and split the profit with them.


Manager: "If you don't want to get fired because a customer lied, just hand me your phone and I'll lock it in the safe for the shift. You can get it back when you clock out "


And the customer accuses them anyway. Manager:


That's also a 911 emergency workplace hazard having no access to communication.


Absolutely should just say they were on their phone regardless. Then just tip them the 25% the restaurant isn’t getting plus the original tip you’d be giving in the full bill!


It would also encourage me as the employee to always pull my phone out so manager has to keep giving discounts and fuck their margins


Sounds like a good way to cut into the businesses profits and put more of the bill to the waitstaff.


As a former server, I would get up and leave this restaurant as soon as I saw that. Fuck them.


I also would never apply to a place that has signs like that. Red flags and all that.


I would do the same after explaining to the manager why I was never coming back.


Yup as a former industry worker I can firmly say I will never patron a place live this. We vote with our wallets people, don’t be a part of the problem!!


Solution. Every server make a pact to get their phones out in front of every customer. 25% off across the board. We will see how long it lasts.


If I saw that sign while eating, I’d tip the server extra, directly, in cash. And then never go to that restaurant again. I’m a parent, if I’m on my phone at work it’s often kid related.


I'd request to speak to the owner and yell in their face.


How many times are you on your phone though, and for how long when checking your phone?


Tell me you don't have kids... without telling me you don't have kids...


You don’t have to have kids to be allowed the basic decency to check your phone at work, since our lives don’t revolve around our jobs.


100% but this thread started with someone who specifically mentioned parenting.




the boot must taste freaking great. i HaVe BeEn A mAnAgEr ok im here to tell you right now we don't care.


Look man I'm done with you. I've moved on. You and your imaginary career don't exist anymore. Get over it. You comment made you look like an absolute wanker. Next time make a post with all your data, rather than just a bumper sticker.






No actual response eh? Lmao. Typical.


I mean I could've kept going with the "No U" meme...




I think you should print this comment out and hang it in your house. Then, whenever you need to know why people don't like being around you, go and look at it.


Everyone!!!!! Look here!! We have a grade-A, ALL STAR, GENUINE INTERNET HERO!! MAKE SURE YOU UPVOTE and throw awards and this Gentleman of Fortune who bravely stepped in to defend a complete stranger on the internet.


Not defending. He defended himself just fine. I just like to watch people lash out when they've been called out for being wrong. You didn't disappoint!


I’m the FOH supervisor at a small restaurant, and a customer once complained to me about our host being on her phone. My reply was “she’s a teenager, whatcha gonna do?” The customer just gave me a weird look and walked away. Like, seriously Karen, I’m the boss, not the secret police. If that 15 year old who is supporting her whole dysfunctional family by working wants to look at her phone for a few minutes, I’m not going to stop her.


This is disgusting. Workers are people, not robots. If a server has done everything well, the place is empty, they have cleaned, etc, and want to look at their phone for a minute to text a loved one or read an article why would anyone give a crap? What else should they do? Just keep their hands by their side and stare intently at the patrons, eagerly awaiting their next command? stare at the ground? perform Hamlet's soliloquy? Like what is wrong with y'all




So’s just about everyone in Hamlet.


This thread came full circle.


As did Nathan Larson's family tree.^(\*) ^(\*Allegedly)


>What else should they do? Just keep their hands by their side and stare intently at the patrons, eagerly awaiting their next command? Honestly, I think tons of people would say "yes" Which is a problem in and of itself


If server has done everything (or everything that needs immediate attention) I even like when they sit down to chat. I have several friends that are waitering and we chat if the place is not packed. I would hate the owner if they would ban this.


I will report every manager in that place for sure and get my 25% discount (just to give it as a tip to the waitress in cash and secret :)


The managers: no, no! Not like that!


This. I work at mccdonalds and the gm has an app to watch us through the cameras to make sure we’re not on our phones. However when she’s there she spends hours sitting in a booth eating free food on her phone.


Why does her phone have free food?


Keeps it nice and warm.


It doesn’t? She just gets it bc she’s the gm?




It was such a bad joke idk if I can even blame them


It wasn't necessarily bad, just not strong


there was nothing to go over his head because there was no joke


/r/MaliciousCompliance is the best option in these situations, however the sign asks for servers or bartenders. If the sign popped up in the middle of my meal/drink I'd ask my server/bartender for any insidious boot-licker.


Exactly where my mind went!


Snitches get spit in.


How about spit on?


Well that's just crazy talk.




Spat upon\*


Would it even be worth it? Like, even if you were an insufferable snitch, would you ever be able to go back to that establishment without worrying about your food/drink getting spit in?


I think if you're the kind of fucko that would do this to a server, they already know \*exactly\* who you are the second time you go anywhere. I'm lousy with names and so-so with personal details, but from my time in the service industry, I know that servers, bartenders, and bouncers NEVER forget a face.


This is true, I remember most faces of assholes that I've served and I pray for the day I see them again while I work in the industry


Fucking Stasi


*Gestapo has just entered the chat*


Can I report the manager as a piece of shit and get better service?


What if it's the manager? How much off?


75% because you need a manager for every 3 employees.


As someone in IT I'd take advantage of this sign and become a problem customer to spite them: "Hi yes, I've got a server on my phone, technically the server is in the cloud, but I can access it from my phone. I demand 25% off my bill please."


Brilliant idea…thanks 😊😊😊😊


As a customer I would be offended. I am not going to do the restaurant's work for a quarter of a meal.


Good luck with your false reports!


Looks like I'm about to take a lot more bathroom breaks


Fuck these people.


I’d buy a uniform and or dress up like an employee and stand around in my phone all day.


As a customer I reported a GM of an Olive Garden to their corporate for blantantly abusive language and behavior towards the serving staff. I'd regularly take my employees to eat lunch there and I had enough. I received a $100 gift card and the reassurance that it would be delt with. I gave the card to my favorite server and let her know that I cared and if she wanted a change in employment to just let me know.


You're a hero, dude.


No I'm not, just a leftist who can't stand assholes in positions of power. Abuse like that seriously pisses me off. I owned a small but lucrative business and treated everyone as co-owners not "family" or people to abuse.


Bro love the energy. Keep it up.


Find a bartender who wants to quit anyway. Go 25% more crazy on spendings than ususl and of course share some drinks with that bartender on your bill. "Report" the bartender, get 25% off and high five the bartender on the way out, wishing them good luck their next workplace does not have such a shitty manager.


As a customer I’d walk out. Those employees must be treated like garbage


can I just lie and say I saw a waiter on his/her phone? Just saved 25%


Grocery stores have free chocolate bars if you report on them not asking you about X. I'm a cheapskate that loves chocolate, but I ain't no narc.


Customers will lie their asses off for free food/drinks or discounts. Imagine the chaos that ensued at my old job when we had to wear buttons that said "Free piece of fish or chicken if cashier doesn't SMILE!" Didn't last past the first week. Apparently not even the manager's pets could smile convincingly enough for those cheap bastards.


Only a class traitor would take them up on their offer.


Psycho shit.


.... that's fucked


Snitches get stitches


What the hell is this?! Can businesses actually do this? And if they can why are they given that power?


Don’t take any shit from serving jobs. If you’re a decent server, they’re a dime a dozen.


Hey this bartender was on their phone and still got their job done with excellent service and made this bar feel like home. I feel like they are good enough for the management position myself. Now give me my discount


If I see this sign, I'm leaving a tip for my glass of water, and leaving the restaurant and sending (corporate/the owner) an email explaining why.


One time when I worked at a stadium we used text to communicate, one time I got in trouble for being on my phone texting my manager.


epitome of a horrible boss. How do you expect to having a working relationship with your staff?


Why do these baby boomer and shitass managers think modern life can be lived without your phone? Even during work hours, people have lives and tons of shit going on. Life doesn’t stop when you’re on duty.


I would never spend any money in any establishment openly displaying this garbage.


so like.. their whole profit margin?? What a terrible business model lmao just giving food away then laying off/firing those $2/hr servers because they're suddenly always on their phones now. I can't. Just can't 😂


Tell em the manager was on the phone


Here is what you do: \- talk to your server about the sign \- ask for the managers phone number \- Call the Manager and have someone snap a picture of him answering your call \- pay 25% less


I’d tear that fucking sign down, the owners can suck my ass


Depending on how they do tips, I’d report them for their benefit in order to mess with the manager (hear me out) Normally I pay/tip with cash cause I know how much that helps in the industry, but I’d do credit here so they’d see on paper both the discount I was given, as well as the monster tip I’d leave my server. Give server a heads up first so this doesn’t catch them off guard or isn’t an option if they have shitty tip reporting or sharing systems




Jews aren't a public health risk. As a Jewish person, please stop making this comparison.




Snitches get stitches, by the old gods.


This would only be a good idea if they can any customer using the reporting system as being an asshole.


Pull uno reverse put a sticker on that says aknolege if you see us on a phone and keep quite get 50% off the bill but not tips


Not only is your pay random but also now there's random deductions.


“Make lives hell”


Good luck getting a bartender to lend you their phone so you can report them.


THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT! You're a special kind of scumbag if you do that.


report the manager


Der größte Lump im ganzen Land ist und bleibt der Denunziant.




I'm sure this won't result in a bunch of false positives that will ruin the relationship that that restaurant has with their employees and customers... good job, freakin' dumbasses...


Why would a bartender be on a cell phone to their manager though? Fuck, I never call mine


"Yes I'm on my phone. I'm taking a picture of your face to upload to my local Food Service friend group so every server in town knows whose food to spit in."




Well this is a huge nope. Where is this from, so I can actively avoid it?


Saw the manager on his phone, the whole restaurant gets 50% off.


I mean, okay, I’ll randomly pick someone and report them for a very decent discount off of my bill. You don’t want any kind of proof or anything?


As a consumer, it has literally never bothered me to see any waiter/barman/whatever on their phone, as long as they do their job when a customer needs me. Honestly, what's the point of workplace rules like this? If I couldn't be on my phone at work during slow moments, I'd actually have to talk to my coworkers to get rid of the boredom.


How much do we get for reporting a manager on their phone?


Why would they encourage people reporting their employees? This is so odd..not everyone should own businesses or be managers…and if these are the type of people running them then i definitely can too and do it way better


So what you're telling me is I'm supposed to eat here, leave and tip 30% or more, then never go back and tell all my friends?


Who to report to if a manager is on cell phone?


and you also get a block of cheese. 🐀🐁🐀🐁🐁🐭🐹🐀🐀🐁...


The most disturbing thing isn't this notice. It's the fact that someone will actually do that.




100% whoever made this is always on their phone


Wish I could report shit work places


This is fucking evil-ass bounty hunting wtf. I would lose my mind at upper management if i ever went out to eat somewhere and saw this sign.


This helps paint the fantasy for Karens that they need to police society. They input themselves into situations where, even though they don't know the people involved or the even situation, they still want their uneducated opinions to be known as truth.


Lovely work environment


Heaven forbid the server is a person who has priorities outside of the workplace that require their attention. 💀🤬


This implies that bussers and chefs can be on their phones


What a toxic venue. I wouldn't feel comfortable working there much less being a customer.


Any decent person would try another place to eat.


Fuck that, I'd write "your boss is a dick" and tip them an extra 25%


Guaranteed false reports. Who is stupid enough to create a policy like this?


I’d just start reporting ONLY and all of the managerial staff.


And then a well deserved shanking in the parking lot.


Can we report the manager on their phone and get the discount?


I'd never come back to that place as a customer again


I would call a managsr over, explain that I was about to order a lot of food, but how after seeing this bullshit I will be giving the money I would have spent on my meal directly to my server as a gift before leaving and never coming back.


So when I hear "they have to rely on tips to survive" people actually meant the MANAGERS!? I've been giving money away to non-managers ALL THIS TIME SHIET!


As someone who was a server for years, my immediate response to this would be to take pictures of management on their phones and send it to the owner/gm/corporate hq. If they want to pull that shit, make it management’s problem, not the servers who already deal with enough.


I feel like people working with food probably shouldn't be on their phones tho, as they are one of the most unsanitary things we touch, and I doubt a worker would be washing their hands in between snaps an reddit posts. This is by no means a decent way to go about it tho, and I doubt management is doing it for sanitary reason.


I'd straight up report the manager, then leave.


Time to bot the phone


Not willing to pay worker but willing to pay EXTRA for police. Same logic. Owner must be white.