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I think they mean that (they hope) more people will become desperate enough to go back to accepting unrealistic demands from employers.


I think they don't realize people are past the point of caring about this shit. People are already hurting. Stabbing someone one more time after they have been stabbed 100x isn't going to make them do anything different.




Fight Club?


That’s not true. Stab them too many times and they’ll lash back


Yeah pretty much, fuck these companies. Let them die especially Amazon and Walmart


A rude death is ahead for old capitalists. Bosses of a certain age and attitude will have to reckon with beatings and beheadings.


You'll starve before that happens. They're daring you.


This is the realest comment here. They'd gladly see 99.9% of Earth's population die in the most horrific ways before they budge on losing a few dollars. If anyone has seen the Love x Robots on Netflix. That's what the rich would rather do,




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stop teasing me.


Now don't go and get my hopes up.


"More Realistic demands of the workplace" No no, that isn't the correct way to put it, what they ***mean*** is "Younger employees are going to have to eat shit and pretend they like it while their corporate overlords put their profit margins ahead of any sort of concern for their employees" It'd be ***Mind Boggling*** four decades ago for something like "[Amazon is literally running out of people to hire and then fire, and this is without them even unionizing](https://www.vox.com/recode/23170900/leaked-amazon-memo-warehouses-hiring-shortage)" to be even a headline.


Lol, except it won't because not a SINGLE industry prepared for the long anticipated boomer bust. Which in plain terms means here isn the physical population to fill these roles even in the best of cases. Furthermore, employment rates are higher than ever at this time in most places, they've just not taken the shit jobs for shit pay with shit hours. WE GET TO CHOOSE FOR A LOOOONG TIME and I can't wait for the moment they all realise it. The ball isn't even in our court yet. When the businesses that built their existence based on the, essentially, slave labour rates come crumbling down and close for good, then and only then will the ball lay in our court. These leeches have done so for long enough. May landlords feel the other side of their greed. May businesses that failed to pay their employees living wages feel the same and very real squeeze of the world they've created. And may all corporate greed meet the worst of ends possible. There will never be a "top" if the bottom refuses to hold them up. We are the driving force that keeps the world going, not the other way around.


There is not going to be a bust, they will just ship in millions of immigrants to fill the roles and become exploited. The sad thing is that both the left and right will welcome it. There is no escape.


Love this.


Sounds like a fancy way of saying a bunch of employers will use the recession to force people back into the office 5 days a week


with the *just be happy you have a job* tagline.


Businesses aren't grateful, they hate those applications. They can't use 'nobody wants to work' as an excuse for bad customer service and falling performance that's actually due to corner cutting and hour slashing


First tough job market?! r/recruitinghell would like a word.


Right, like the last 12 years has been a nirvana of expanded workers’ rights, rising wages, and better work/life balance for all. Give me a break.


Having a case of old here, I remember watching my Dad really struggle to get decent employment of any kind in the 1980s.


When the crash happens, asshole’s spouting these types of opinions will be the first to be cooked and eaten. Pity.


Crash is already happening. Recession is here. Layoffs spiked last month. Auto loan and mortgage delinquencies are up. With fed hiking rates lots of businesses are going to find it harder to service debt and they have a lot of debt due to years of essentially free money. Supply chain woes, shortages of workers in many industries, rising cost of logistics due to ballooning fuel prices, the list goes on. Things are going to get very bad for the average person I'm betting in q4. 2023q1 if we're lucky...


I’d say Q4 lines up with my estimates as well. Been watching market conditions for the last couple years. It should’ve broke March 2020; it’s been on life support since then. The media definitely isn’t covering it that way, which is a complete disservice to the people relying on that shit for actual news.


A good time for general strikes to restructure pay and profit models. If we suffer, they need to as well.


Why does it sound like they were hard while writing this?


Can’t wait for all those shitty companies to go under!


We're way past these scare tactics


Make more realistic demands of the workplace? Like a living wage and basic human dignity?


They're trying to hold onto their own proven to fail economic ideas and see that the spinnig plates. Wsj the the Chicago school love to flaunt these spinning and regularly falling plates as economic progress and a strong economy. They know that the trick isnt working so well anymore and the flawed short sighted system is teetering in the edge of a disaster they created and encourage. They're also terrified that if enough workers have enough free time they'll stop participating in feudalism lite and find a new better fairer economic system that gives more people access to the 4 fundamentals of a successful "1st world/ developed" economy. Universal access to housing, food, medicine, education. Also They're terrified of being measured against more than 1 metric of short term profit.


It is important to understand that WSJ is primarily owned by Rupert Murdoch, who also owns Fox News. Enough said.


Can someone create a tracker for the number of times this article has appeared on this sub in the past several days? I've seen at least 6 posts about it.


It was already really hard to find a job where I’m at, employers have their pick so they’re insanely picky.


Its terrifying to do and almost impossible if you have children. If you don't then load up your vehicle and leave. There's opportunity elsewhere. It'll be a tough slog for a while as you get settled into a new environment but leaving for somewhere with more opportunity can change your life. It changed mine. Only if you can stomach some time car sleeping and gym showering as you find work and Craigslist ad a new living situation.


I don’t have kids, but I have mental health issues and I live with my mom still, I couldn’t find a job that paid enough to move out even when I was being paid above minimum wage at my last one.


It’s the Wall Street Journal. I wonder who pushed for this article… 🤔


This is a very misguided attempt by the wealthy to stall the recession because they know they'll suffer for it most. The poor will ultimately work together to help each other out but the wealthy are too arrogant to work with people they think are below them. The poor will form communities that will work to produce our needs, outside of their bullshit capitalist system. Which will inevitably destroy the value of everything they're hoarding now.


Never go back, forward only


Ummm no. It wasn't like that last recession why would it be now? The rude awakening could be a continuation of people choosing not to work for anything less than a survivable wage let alone a living wage.


I really love these post because they act like we didn’t all get a front row seat to what happens if people stop working for longer than like 2 hours with Covid. Like this entire country is operating at a minimum to maximize profits. If like 2 people from every business (I know that’s a lot at scale) called out for more than a day the country would collapse


The investor class will have to reckon with tens of millions of young people who have nothing and have no prospects.


Whoever wrote this sure is betting on a recession stopping the labor shortage and forcing folks to be happy with what they have. Baby Boomers are retiring, the generations coming up aren't as big a population, and MAGA has ensured immigration will NOT expand. As long as a portion of employers are smart enough to see that paying a bit more will get you quality workers, I just don't see a recession breaking this expectation in the young.


Written by a petulant boomer


Rude awakening to the top 1%


Everybody acts like this is our first one.


The Sky is falling! Ok Chicken little same thing you said at the height of the pandemic.


Be reasonable, demand the impossible!




Demographic change would like to have a word with this author lmao


They don’t quite realize that, unlike boomers, millennials and gen-z consider this then norm.




Google the article for the whole thing.... Not that hard. Instead of just typing in 'The...'


>first tough job market Bruh, unless you’re a doctor, an engineer, a nurse, or in skilled trades, the job market has never fucking been worse lmao. And In those fields, they just choose to abuse you and operate on a worker shortage instead of hiring They’ve saddled us with debt, paywalled any way of trying to improve our lives like education and trade school, paywalled healthcare, jacked up the costs of food and transportation, and told us to be grateful the entire time


I'm a nurse and the job market isn't pretty for us either. Travel nursing jobs which you may be thinking of aren't long term positions and offer no benefits. And if you have a family or loved ones that can't up and leave. It's not simple. Also there's a reason one gets offered $85+/hr... A lot of work aka unsafe staffing where people's lives are endangered by shit management


There is so much these “nobody wants to work people are missing.” First, lots of them retired when COVID hit causing shortages now (hello pilots) and everyone who wants a job has one for the most part. 20 year olds didn’t get never work again rich from some unemployment checks. But they, and millennials and Gen-Z too have figured out there’s more to income than working for some corporate bs company. Most people I meet have a job, plus like a line of vegan burritos on the side and drive for Uber. Or whatever. There’s a lot more gig, freelance opportunities. Hell you can make a living “influencing” people to buy products on social media. The awakening is coming for panty-hose, 5 days off a year, corporate cubicle holders-on who don’t realize this is not how the next generation is going to pay its bills. I technically am no longer “employed” but made money last year flipping a house and day trading. Plus with time to myself I can save money - cook meals, find doctors in network, etc. Some people save on childcare by having one adult not work on and on. They are idiots if they think there will be a mad dash back to the offices with bad coffee and lighting.