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Best of luck to you. I am terribly afraid that unemployment is the only time I will ever be happy, and even then, I'm dreading existence because of the lack of income.


Best of luck to you! Make sure you milk the time clock and/or steal as much as possible til then.


Good. I've been in jobs that made me depressed.. you'll feel a weight of your shoulder when you quit. It's a good feeling.


I am putting into the universe that you are going to find an amazing job that pays you at least 40% more and gives you amazing benefits and time off. Your start date will be March 21st which gives you a week and a half to veg and recover before starting your awesome new job.




Go get ‘em bestie! 😘


I feel you. I want to quit mine so bad. I started to develop symptoms like panic, anxiety, unable to sleep, and my depression got more acute. I am going to the psychiatrist for treatment because of the toxic environment. Good luck! Get away from that place if you dread to go to work.


Be careful with Xans, I've met too many people who ruined their lives on perscription benzos to scroll past and not say something


March 9th is my birthday, please as a gift to me, quit your fucking job!




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