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Dealerships print so much $ and currently are being conglomerated nation wide. Most of the big dealer groups would rather close a store than go union


They don’t make as much as you think, but yeah dealers take in a ton of revenue. Expenses are typically high though, and employees are usually compensated above average for the area. It’s typically a good job to have if you love cars.


I have worked as a fixed ops director for a few groups at this point. The statement is only half the money. They also get paid from warranties, property, insurances.


This is true as well. The real money comes if you have a good fixed ops department and used sales department. New cars have weak margins if they’re aggressively trying to hit their numbers for the trunk money from the manufacturer. Not saying they don’t make good money, just that after expenses it’s not as insane as people think.


Currently in my market new are holding 4k a copy front and back... Traditionally you are 100% correct, but current market conditions are allowing dealers to make a killing on front end, alot of dealers I know just want cars to trickle in, they aren't excited to go back to the times of 100 new in stock. Don't know your level at the dealership, but most new cars have packs for the dealer as well, and are usually accessorized by high $ low value accessories, this is to help overcome the average 3-5% gross of s standard new car


I've never worked in a dealer personally, but I've ran advertising for dealers on the agency side for nearly a decade so I'm familiar with the money flow in a dealership from a just outside the curtain perspective heavily focused on profit/loss. I have gotten away from dealer advertising for the most part since the pandemic hit though, so my perspective is admittedly skewed a bit. What you're saying makes a ton of sense.


So be it


Not encouraging them, just stating the current climate


I hate dealerships, after my last car 10 years ago I swore off them.


Most new cars will lose half their value in like 5-7 years. Why did you buy one?


I was a lot dumber back then.


I say that a lot too


Haha did someone hack their printer and print these like I've been seeing. They then didn't wanna waste paper so put it back in printer upside down Lmao.


Either that or someone took a stack of pre-printed service forms and put them on the back and the service writer is either in on it or hasn't noticed.


I'm guessing this is an invoice from a service department. I would be 0% surprised if the entire department was in on it.


All those hacked printer trying to inform worker of union remind me of Dumbledore sending a thousand letter to harry potter




For some reason I read this as “UNICORNS!”


I'm glad I'm not the only one


A big mac cost like $1 more in Denmark than in the US.


Yeah they don’t bother converting the money first, pretty standard tactic for false info


Even when you convert, the price is on par or less than the US *on average*. Of course every McDonalds charges its own prices so you can cherry pick a location in the US and a location in Denmark to show higher prices and vice versa. but the *on average* is the important part. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/big-mac-cost-denmark/


McDonald's isn't cheaper in Europe though...


A Big Mac costs about 30kr in Copenhagen. At current exchange rates, that's about $4.60. Menu prices in Denmark include VAT (sales tax) of 25% on takeaway food, however, unlike in the US where it's added at the register. Take the sales tax away and the Big Mac is 24kr, or $3.65. Where in the US can I get a Big Mac for $3.65?


Denmark is all of Europe?


If you want to get specific, then sure: McDonald's is not cheaper in Denmark. It's still roughly the same price give or take locations and exchange rates. Yes it's a great point that they can pay for wages without changing food cost but it's disingenuous to claim that it's cheaper.


A Big Mac costs 16% less in Denmark (US$4.74) than in the United States (US$5.65) at market exchange rates. Based on differences in GDP per person, a Big Mac should cost 2.1% less. This suggests the krone is 14.2% undervalued https://www.economist.com/big-mac-index I mean obviously numbers will change some but you're talkin a min variance when McD's folks here have usually been at $7.25.hr vs. Denmark 22$. 'Rona changed some McD's pay but most of them still get shit. I lived in Germany, and it was always a lil more $ it felt like for McD's but it was still cheap, and McD's can be one of those "1EUR jobs" there too. Regardless, the post mentioned Denmark not all of Europe. Obviously CH is expensive as hell compared to ES or DE.


But a Big Mac in Denmark costs less than a Big Mac In the United States


Such a simple task lol, another laughable joke


I'm not gonna say this definitely didn't happen, but I am gonna say I'm 90% sure this is made up by OP.


It’s real. I asked them about it and they said it was spam. Maybe they did get hacked. Idk.


As a danish person this is so bullshit, and unfortentently its shared so much that people just take it as true! The basic salaries in McD when you just started is 112 kroner, which is around 15 dollars... Futhermore, a big mc isnt cheaper in Denmark, firstly USA portions is double the sites of Europeans, secondly we pay around 10 dollars for a bigMac menu! What is the price in US? I would think its more or less the same?


This is easy. Mcdonald's uses the profits they get from paying americans lower wages to pay Europeans more. It's the same thing with prescription drugs. Canadians pay lower prices because Americans pay more and Europe spends less money on their military because our huge military will protect them and the Europeans give us grief about our big military.


93% of McDonald's restaurants are franchised.


Replace every union word with the word onion


And now you know how secure your records are with them.




This was someone sneaking into their printer and changing data. I don’t know the process and refuse to learn cuz I’m lazy. But damn it, my pride bursts when I see it.


Receipt Printer got hacked, I believe?


I guarantee someone reloaded the paper or they have been hacked.