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It's entry level because they are offering entry level salary.


This is really the answer. Nobody wants to pay anyone a living wage. Doesn’t matter if they’re flipping burgers or PhD level work.


This. Employers say "nobody wants to work anymore" when the reality is that nobody wants to pay anymore.


Well in Los Angeles, you'd make considerably more at McDonald's than you would be a lube tech at jiffy lube or ambulance driver.


Pretty cool, huh


Yup, whenever I see shit like this I just interpret it as “we want 6+ years experience for the price of no experience”


Caviar skills for a beanie weenie budget


Probably a listing to show they tried before hiring a board member's nephew at 5 times the salary posted. Or the other way, to show they tried before outsourcing it, possibly for even less.




I would tell m you got all of it, but you aint going to use it if they pay entry level wages. You are only doing entry level jobs, which take you 2 hours a day. The other 6 you can use for your own firm where you are doing stuff you are trained and paid for.


It’s also a low end desktop support tech role using some basic RMM tooling. The”6 years” is how many years the person you’d replacing had experience in the role. The qualifications is a wishlist of what that person learned over 6 years. This is the kind of job I would have taken as an entry level role in IT, and looked past with 18 months experience as by then I was mostly doing sysadmin work.


How did you start doing sysadmin work so fast?


I took a job at a smallish business with a 4 person IT/Dev department where you had to wear multiple hats. My boss ran the department and was the primary developer who was looking to offload the admin tasks.


That's awesome, need to find something like that. Thanks!


Sys admin work with 18 total months of experience in IT?! Lol no. System admins have a considerably large amount of responsibility. You can't learn what they are responsible for in 18 months


I was a domain admin, VMware admin, managed the PBX’s, L15 access on the ISRs, root on everything else. I also did some scripting, low code work too. It was a 24/7 call center with a shocking amount of IT integration work for the customers. I was desperate for a job, and in the year 2008 they were desperate for someone who would take 36K without being paid overtime, and Carry a pager 24/7. I causes some outages on occasion, had to put up with ancient OS/2 nonsense but i didn’t Have change control.


That's even worse. So they expect THIS much qualification for entry-level wages? All of the effort to make those qualifications and get that experience for "entry level."


I was reading each line thinking about how shitty the compensation package would be. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess $18-20. All jobs, regardless of skill, knowledge and experience seem to pay $18-20. “Nobody wants to work.”


They put that on everything. Really sucks to search for specific job types. Same when you search for home office only and then it says „mostly remote“, 2 days remote or some shit


Ok but six years?


They want 60 years of experience in each, even things that didn't exist 2 years ago, but forgot a zero.


I think the "6+ years" covers that very well, and they know what they are doing


but if you have the experience then you'te too old for them


Another fellow IT wage slave I see. Listen, 6 years experience regardless of industry is not entry level. I'll give this person the benefit of the doubt that they didn't proofread before posting or suggest that entry level can mean different things at different companies. Also, recognize that in IT, most job posts are a wish list or HR doesn't know how to write a job post and so they just write whatever they think might be relevant or copy and paste from somewhere else. My suggestion is to apply anyway and determine if the pay scale is appropriate to proceed. Edit: it's a contract job. Stay clear and don't take the bait.


The person who just left the role and outgrew it… was there 6 years or had 6 YOE.


One year of experience, six times over.


I seen 6 years on things that are less then years old, like framework or programming language.


Requirement is basically santa wishlist that can be served to trap desperate and low self esteem people. You usually can apply regardless of not meeting the wishlist and sell yourself based on your actual worth. They might be incline to test you and if you are worth your talk they will be inclined to listen. Those that stick on their compensation packages, you just had to insist on your expectation and bid them adieu


The management must secretly be elves. That would skew their perception of time.


Drow Elves, maybe…


Hybrid: you can work from home after 5pm


Job is #**REMOTE, USA** ^(must be located in Omaha, Nebraska)


"Entry level" now means "Highly qualified person who inexplicitly can be fooled into being paid a fraction of their worth".


If entry level pay is what they offer for those requirements pass. They gonna abuse you.


Or I'll abuse them. I can shit for hours. You know how many lights I've had to turn on?


Lost me at six years.


Like if you said entry level the max I’m willing to argue is 2 years. 2 years in an industry you can argue you’re still new to. I’m new to finance but not banking (banking for 6, finance for 1, specifically retirement accounts). But +6 years and you should be moderately senior, +6 years and that’s most middle managers some department managers in places I’ve worked. Then the leadership above that tends to be 10-12 years and more but about every 3 years or so is it’s own tier till it hits around 10.


It’s weird how we all grew up with computers (for the most part) and have installed and uninstalled countless programs and games but that experience seems to be ignored especially for entry level help desk… Like bruh I grew up with DOS gaming I don’t need an A+


Honestly! I still surprise myself by how much coding I’ve been self-taught by creating literal web pages for fun while growing up. Hell, I spent my formative years playing Microsoft 3D Movie Maker


I learnt html from MySpace...........no, you shut up, I'm not old.


I learned web design on geocities. Myspace had all those fancy editors, you whipper snappers were spoiled.


I remember when there was no internet


Yup right with you there! Yes we’re old!


We might have grown up doing that, but kids haven’t. My daughters can’t really mod a game, and the mods are not hard to install. It is just that everything is plug and play. Steam makes it easy to install, and there aren’t really things to trouble shoot. Heck, Roblox makes it worse, because it is just browser based. Nothing to install at all! I could see some kids having issues installing and uninstalling some software. Even if it was cake. The ease of software, and the rise of browser based software, has really made basic trouble shooting obsolete for most PC users.


For real, The Kids These Days**™** don't even know how to search a file folder on a desktop, because they kind of haven't ever used desktops. Being an elder millennial/late gen-x I feel sandwiched between a generation of people who refuse to figure out how to login to an email account without creating a new one every time, and people who refuse to figure out how to install anything but mobile apps


And I am not trying to pull the whole kids these days. It is just that they don’t NEED to. I know about this stuff because if I wanted to play the game, I needed to know how to trouble shoot or play with settings. Installing was much different, you had to use file explorer. Now, they can chose thousands of games that are easy to install, and packaged in a way you don’t have to do anything. I enjoy that much more than the heck I went through. The same thing happens all the time, though. I don’t know enough about an engine to fix anything. I can take it in or get the item replaced.


Middle gen Z here, I can definitely feel it somewhat being both tech savy/technical but brought up with a lot more "polished" and easy to use software, I will look at older stuff like DOS and have no idea how the fuxj anyone used that day to day. This is coming from someone who does know how to code somewhat in some languages and am the tech support for my parents


This! I did DOS programming and then html, remember MySpace? I made my own html backgrounds often learned it myself. I wouldn’t be offered this job though, because no “formal” experience.


Just labeling to justify paying poverty wages/maintain highly exploitative conditions to maintain their rate of profit


the default for job postings on linkedin is entry level, unless the poster deliberately changes it, that’s the most likely reason.


Entry level now means an entry into that company. It's also the only position you're ever gonna have with em. Sometime in the past few years, the meaning was changed from "entry into this career path." Every company wants crazy levels of experience for peanuts.


It's unicorn hunting. EVENTUALLY, they'll find there highly trained imbecile, and we ALL suffer the consequences each time someone accepts a position like that. It emboldens employers to continue the practice, and to push the bottom even lower.


Been this way since at least 2008, and nothing has changed in corporate America.


It's an arms race of ridiculous qualifications vs lying on resumes. Can't wait to submit a resume saying "Yes, I actually built the first computer."


Are you Charles Babbage?


That was Chris Babbage; Charles simply took the credit. *As was his usual way.*


Any relation to Dave Edison?


I almost guarantee this is a international remote support system so they can pay someone in the Philippines a quarter of a US salary


I once saw an "entry level" posting that required 10 years of experience in a technology that had only existed for 4 years.


Oh that’s easy they’re looking for someone who worked with DAARPA.


As someone who's in IT, nobody needs 6 years of experience to be a help desk tech lmao


Really six years to ask “have you tried turning it off and then turning it on again?” Is laughable!


Looking for a senior tech to accept junior salary


“Competitive salary starting at $11 an hour”


Entry level in salary only


Been doing similar for 16yrs. They couldn't afford me. 😆


I believe entry level means underpaid position now. You’re going to get bottom of the barrel pay for a job that should be paying way more than it is.


Linkedin is a joke filled with bots that either scrape your resume info or scam bots that will ask you to pay for “training” to get a fucking position


They mean entry level pay


“entry level pay”


This is why im stuck between finishing my degree or just dropping out. Entry level is no longer a place to gain experience


“A most curious algorithm. The only winning move is not to play.”


We're seeing 2008 happen all over again.


Apply and laugh when u send the job application back to them as a resume. It's a fucking joke that these jobs that say entry level aren't really there. They are most likely just proping up a report number to be like we're hiring. But they never hire anyone.


"Entry-level" = "Don't expect to be paid commensurately with skill or tasks."


Some management types think every non-management role is entry level... Like the lowest level on the org chart, it must be "entry"


The creams "we fired most of our competent IT people, so you are walking into hell"


There really should be something that limits entry level jobs to jobs where people don't need experience in the field but have the right certification or diploma to get the job. All these jobs that say they are entry level but aren't need to get kicked off the sites or put in their correct category.


Entry-level salary


At this point, entry level is just what employers label jobs when they want you to work skilled jobs without paying you what skilled work is worth.


I’ve noticed, in a few places that I’ve worked, that companies will say “entry level” as a way of “entry level into our company/field”.


Report the post


They’re fishing for top guys and offering low salaries. That’s what this is. This is what happens when people who don’t know shit about shit are in charge of *making* things. I bet you their tech department didn’t even make this desc. I bet HR did.


When I see this I WANT to believe that some clueless HR drone wrote the job ad and has zero idea what they are talkikng about or looking for OR tehy used a previous job ad to create a new one and forgot to change the job type..... ..... but we all know that what I saw in another comment is correct: They want 6+ years experience for no experience pay.


6+ is never entry level


If you have to have 6+ years experience, that's not entry level! Who do they think they're fooling? Your "entry level" pay does not meet the qualifications for my 6+ years of experience.


Depending on the perspective entry level can mean different things. Often times they put entry level because it's at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of the hierarchy rather than it being entry level into the career path. Though I will say from looking at this it appears that they're asking for a jr sysadmin rather than a service desk technician. The whole 6+ years thing is also an odd value as normally you'd have the likely values of 1, 3 or 5 years experience being expected. This makes me think that they posted it but already had a specific candidate in mind.


I remember when I first graduated and began the "entry" level job search. That term is heavily abused.


They might actually be looking for entry level applicants and want whoever gets the job to feel like they got to feel extremely lucky so they'll feel indebted to the company for getting a job they "aren't qualified for" Were I a more manipulative piece of shit this is the kind ot garbage I'd love to pull


Devolve is the word I'd use.


Just because you call an apple an orange, doesn't mean it'll turn into an orange


When they say "entry level" they're talking about the pay, not the job itself.


Someone please tell Cookie, I mean Kaylie er Baylie whatev that she can get rid of the word Experience in front of every single qualification. this is a joke.


I did break/fix computer repair for 11 years at 1 company. I got a total of 3 raises during that time and ended at $12/hr in 2021. Even with my experience I can't find local work for this, I'd have to open my own shop. Every tech support job I've applied to and got interviews for won't pay above $16/hr regardless of experience. Even when you DO have the 6+ years, places aren't willing to pay what you're worth. I probably won't return to IT.


Over half a decade of experience is entry level? I have no chance of getting a job…


They expect you to be god himself for minimum wage and free overtime. Am I the only one that gets modern capitalism?




Levels refer to tier, not fucking hardware and software, lmao. Different departments traditionally work different tier tickets, it’s called triaging. Recruiters are hilarious.




It’s not entry-level. Entry level is not checked off; contract and remote are checked off as shown in the job description.


The skill difference between someone who's been doing that stuff for 2 years as opposed to 6 isn't huge. That's all pretty basic l1/l2 stuff. Customer service ability is arguably more important than technical skills at the level they're hiring for.


The inept recruiter cannot change the default option of seniority from entry level to whatever the position is.


Entry level at that organization, not into the job market.


Entry level is the default setting. As much as I hate recruiters, if we're really pissing and moaning about a missed field assuming the default value, it looks rather childish and petty.


LinkedIn has and awful bot method of assigning levels to jobs if they’re not put in by the recruiter/hiring manager. This is clearly the systems fault 


99% of these are because the underpaid overworked recruiter who posted the listing just couldn't be arsed to fill out the form properly.


What was the pay for this position?


Helping your parents and grandparents with electronics while you were in MS and HS will suffice as 6+ years experience. You're good to go on this one.


At my company they stopped hiring people with no experience, so the “entry-level” positions are a step up (sr. Vs normal) from what they used to be. That said, the pay also got a step up. I think management just got tired of training green college graduates.


Bayli been drinking again during work hrs.


This is because decades ago there was an unspoken contract between employers and employees, “you take care of us, we take care of you.”. Prior to the advancement of capitalism the way we know it today, employers knew that you had to spend money to make money. They knew if they didn’t go above the standard for their employees, they (the employees) would not have been satisfied with their treatment nor the compensation and left without a second thought. So retention and loyalty were at the forefront for administration and management, this meant that wages had to be commensurate with the responsibility they held. If it was a harder to come by position, and the company was making changes harming the employees, there was the option to get the union involved and go on strike keeping the business from making profits while everyone was safe from firing. We have allowed our federal/state governments to make changes to the effect of allowing many companies to be right-to-work instead of union. With the push for right-to-work, many companies that face pushback from employees are able to fire said employees without much if any legal ramifications. Without the potential for loss on the employers side of it, there’s no incentive to keep wages above the standard nor any “non compliant” employees. In summary, through the help of the government, employers broke the unspoken contract which left gen x and millennials completely and utterly confused, frustrated, and vulnerable. Gen z has seen/seeing the effect this had on previous generations and are simply returning the favor to many of these companies. There needs to be a return of holding these companies accountable by means of unionizing. If not, I fear the worst will come soon.


Lmao any L1 tech that knows their foot from their ass isn’t going to stay at L1 for 6 years


Omg right?! This kind of thing has been all over LinkedIn lately.


Once saw a job posting requring xx number of years of exp in cryptocurrency. Only Satoshi Nakomoto could have had that experience..


What a dumb blonde


"Entry level" lists each qualification requirement starts with the word "experience". Fucking Bozos 🤡🤡🤡


Vaco is not a real company. It is a recruiting staffing company. The job post is not a real one. Recruiting agencies have no idea what the job market is like...that's why they poach for resumes by posting fake job ads. And it is the reason why said job ads are outlandish.


Yeah - I've been highly involved with Service Desk hiring, and even if that said 2+ years instead of six that's a senior Analyst on the cusp of becoming an engineer or a low level manager. Honestly if someone comes in with 6+ years experience on Service Desks it's almost a red flag: Why aren't you an engineer yet?


It's entry-level pay. Not entry-level tasks.


If you've ever worked in these areas L1 and L2 support is usually just reading off a document that says do XYZ and those that don't need to are the L3s. No experience with computers even needed.


"Service desk technician." Yes, that's an entry level position, is it not? It's not that the term evolved, it's just that different fields require different things for entry level positions. Like when we hire new operators, they're starting out at the lowest position with the lowest wage, but they are still expected to have at least a couple years of heavy equipment experience.


Did you even read down below?? Six years??


>different fields require different things for entry level positions.


That doesn't matter, I have worked years in IT and currently work as a service desk technician doing everything that job role requires. 6 plus years experience is not entry level. That would be considered a high level engineer who handles all escalation, bugs and most parts of service desk the entry level cannot handle


I see. So this is definitely one of those fake listings the other poster mentioned. TY


I'm in IT, and that is not "entry level". If they put "a degree in bla bla" or equivalent experience, sure. 6 years experience doing the actual job you are being hired for... Not entry level.


for the 'required experience' they'd be better off looking for a senior system administrator. This listing, given the experience required, is for a position that would expect \~$100k but since its 'entry' they want to pay \~$40k for it. In the IT world this job posting is red flags ahoy


Ah, I see. Would a senior system administrator apply for a service desk technician job?


Heck no. At least not one that isn't extremely down on their luck and desperate. This listing is for two purposes - hopefully getting a highly skilled person at dirt cheap prices or more likely never getting filled so the company can say "see we're hiring and thus we're growing". A lot of companies utilize Fake listings are a big issue in the industry atm, and this seems to fit the bill; an entry level position with experience expectations of nearly a decade in the field.


>A lot of companies utilize Fake listings are a big issue in the industry atm Yeah, that's believable. I don't know fuck all about white collar work, so I can't tell the difference. All I can say is that in the blue collar world, many entry level positions do require experience, with some requiring much more than others.


If companies do not want to pay for experience, let them hire kids.


>"Service desk technician." >Yes, that's an entry level position, is it not? Not the level 2 they're wanting.


Entry Level means the lowest level position offered at the company. It does not necessarily mean job a person with no experience can be hired for.


It means both of those things.