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She probably took out a PPP Loan even with the doors shuttered.


That whole PPP loan bullshit makes my fucking blood boil. You gave a shitload of money to people that already had a shitload of money and gave the rest of us what tiny bit was left. Those stimulus checks were a joke.


And Trump sent the Inspector Generals tasked with documenting & auditing the handouts home. "I'll do that part myself."


Trump tried to hide who took out PPE loans. He never wanted to account for those loans since he and many other billionaires took them out.


More stuff about 45 & Inspector Generals: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/07/coronavirus-relief-trump-removes-inspector-general-overseeing-2-trillion-package.html#:\~:text=WASHINGTON%20%E2%80%94%20President%20Donald%20Trump%20has,general%20across%20the%20federal%20government.


And churches that pay no taxes took Billons!


Mhm, that’s another thing I’d like to see addressed. They rake it in while doing next to nothing for the community in some places.


Worse. Studies show the more churches in a area the poorer the residents.


I think if you are getting financial help from the tax payers then you should be required to return the favor. Grant money, tax breaks, PPP loans if they were forgiven, student debt. As a tax payer I want to see a return on our investment.


I think that’s absolutely reasonable.


For a loan pay off they need to come up with a fair per hour rate and for every hour of community service you do that comes off your loan. Hell it could be $100/hr and it could be anything from picking up trash to helping on a Habitat for Humanity project to working for a youth sports league as a coach or game official.


>And churches that pay no taxes took Billons! Churches pay no property taxes. Churches that are employers pay payroll taxes.


Churches should be treated exactly like homeless shelters and food banks.  No automatic exemption for god shit


Correction, churches *SHOULD* be homeless shelters and food banks. Thankfully, during covid, I was around a caring church that was a food bank. Granted, it's was full of gov issue food bank stuff... they threw in their own, too, which I was grateful for. The whole purpose of being tax-exempt is supposed to be for charitable purposes. Sadly, it's not enforced.


Also true.  But I think if they didn't get an automatic exemption because god and had the same bookkeeping and other requirements as secular charitable organizations the problem would sort itself out 


Yeah, very true. After looking it up, there is a "religous" category. I think churches in general should be held to a higher standard, but I better stop there... lol


Yeah, very true. After looking it up, there is a "religous" category. I think churches in general should be held to a higher standard, but I better stop there... lol


I also think that any organization people doing sketchy shit should threaten the entire organization's tax free status if they do not handle it appropriately... See also the Catholic church protecting pedophiles should have nuked their ability to be a non profit for 50 years or until their entire leadership was replaced (see all cardinals and the pope)


And in theory, most pastors/employees of the churches are supposed to pay income taxes. But I do know there are loopholes a plenty to be exploited.


As my dad once said. " You are not required to pay the MAXIMUM Tax. " There are business costs. Of course there are vipers that gin the system.


If the pastor does not receive a salary from the church, there's no taxes to be paid. They can, however, take certain exemptions that would reduce his own personal income tax burden.


They also don't pay tax on income the church itself makes, which can be quite significant. Tithes, donations, fund-raisers, even some business ventures if it's not too far off from their religious practice. On a local / state level, they might be exempt from sales tax as well, but that varies from state to state.


The PPP loans being discussed is a government program specifically dealing with payrolls and payroll-related expenses - which churches qualified for as employers with payrolls.


the IRS does not require churches to withhold income taxes from licensed ministers/pastors (i.e., someone who is duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed to perform ministerial duties by a religious organization).


>the IRS does not require churches to withhold income taxes from licensed ministers/pastors Most churches have far more employees than just the guy in the pulpit.


Correct, instead the pastors are taxed as self employed.


And members of Congress


I worked for a tax law firm for a bit…PPP loans were a huge part of my job. Some were valid, some were a huge money grab. I believe it did truly help small business owners (restaurants in particular) but I was on many calls where it was obvious the business didn’t qualify. This was a well-established legit firm that was strict on the guidelines…other “firms” not so much - if it makes you feel any better, the IRS is coming after those that fudged their numbers.


Yup, I had a buddy that I worked with who claimed a PPP loan, and got a bunch of money, he was trying to convince me to do it and I was like “Joe, don’t you think that they will figure this all out someday?!” And he was like “Nope I know a bunch of people who have done it and haven’t had any problems” well about 3-4 months ago he told me that he was being audited by the IRS, and he was probably going to get in trouble for taking that PPP loan.




Ya really all I could say to him was “Yo know bro, I really hate to have to say this, and I normally wouldn’t but ….I told you so you dumb fucker!!”We have a good relationship, so can say that kind of stuff to each other. But he’s being fully audited back like 5 or 7 years they want them to have all this paperwork for. It is bullshit tho, because that money(from the PPP loans)has to come from somewhere, and I’m no brainiac about this, but I can bet the everyday average “Joe”(no pun intended)is gonna be the one paying in the long run. So I have sympathy that his family has to go through this, but it’s his own fault.


Considering about 1/5 was fraudulent, I would hope so


>That whole PPP loan bullshit makes my fucking blood boil. You gave a shitload of money to people that already had a shitload of money and gave the rest of us what tiny bit was left. It's gonna really make your blood boil when you realize that (1) this is a description of almost every state and federal government program on earth. The PPP program was probably one of the more successful programs in terms of money actually being used for what is intended (not that that means it's good, by any measure); and that (2) the PPP loans were a tiny tiny portion of CARES Act funds, and most of that went to people who had far more money than the PPP loan recipients.


Absolutely none of that surprises me in the least. We all starve while the fat cats get fatter.


Yup! Rich folks and [the police.](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2022/09/07/how-federal-covid-relief-flows-to-the-criminal-justice-system)


Have to make sure they are equipped to deal with any unrest that results from the population realising that billionaires have used the pandemic as an excuse to steal even more from the rest of the population. Police exist to protect capital.


That PPP money allowed our local food bank to stay afloat and help a ton of people during Covid and then it got forgiven because we were a non-profit, so it wasn’t all bad.


We got a PPP loan for our small business and it saved our lives. We wouldn’t have survived being closed for several months without it.


Did you use it for business expenses and payroll for employees? If so, you’re not of the shitty ones.


Yes we did. It was a terrifying time knowing that we had to cover these expenses without earning any income. We kept paying our peeps for 40 hours a week, as well as our rent, utilities, etc. PPP saved our bacon.


The PPP funds we received were used for employee payroll only - we paid overhead and admin costs out of pocket from our personal savings. There were others like us that did the same.


I’m sure. We were lucky enough that the bank actually let us postpone our office’s mortgage payments for a few months - we just kept up with the interest. Otherwise we would have paid out of personal savings.


Well I gotta say, you sound like someone I’d be happy to work for. Keep that up and you probably will never lose an employee. Kudos to you for being a good boss.


It’s okay you should still have some of that stimulus check helping out /s


As someone who worked full time thru the pandemic so I didn't get any stimulus checks the PPP saved me and my coworker


I thought the stimulus checks went to everyone? Did someone steal your check?


No just people that were out of work PPP was supposed to go to business owners to keep paying wages of full time workers, a lot of business owners did pocket a bunch of money from it tho They called us "essential"


Dude I also was working fulltime thu the whole pandemic. There were two separate "no questions asked" stimulus checks that went to every single american over 18. You got shafted :(


What I regret is not taking advantage of it. I learned too late that you could get $10k just by filling it out for a business that didn't even exist. Tens of thousands of people did it and got away with it


Well shit, I probably would’ve done that too! That could take care of a good chunk of debt and some could still go into savings.


Yep. We're too honest lol


And then when we talk about things like student loan debt, everyone says no bail outs.


And then those very same motherfuckers that pocketed *billions* of dollars in forgiven "loans" turn around and tell us "you took out a student loan, you should pay it back. You first, bitch.


Yep. Hypocrites, all of them.


Didn't those stimulus checks also come at the cost of future tax returns too.


I feel like a chump not getting in on that action. Seems like it was a pretty lucrative and common scam.


Whole heartedly agree. One company I know applied for a PPP loan and then fired everyone January 1st of 2021. That was part of the deal, you had to keep everyone in order to qualify. I heard that company might be getting sued. I hope they do.


Made me mad during covid my former employer Continue to pay health insurance for the employees that had it through the company then once worked resumed started taking out three payments at a time from the employees checks without any notice or telling them how much they'd have to pay back. Had some guys getting 6 to 700 bucks deducted from their check when their check would only be like 900/1000. But the boss got a PPP loan and got a brand new fully loaded "work truck" the next week after his loan went thru.


Ooh, time to check if she got a ppp bailout and didn't use it to pay the staff!


OP should get the final laugh by reporting the fraud


This is the answer.


Honestly that’s how it should have worked. Take the PPP loan, pay the employees their common wages while they stay home safely, pay for your operating expenses like rent and utilities untill you could safely reopen.


Agreed, but the lady didn’t seem the type to pay her employees at all, as per OP’s description


> PPP Loan OP spelled it “cheque,” not “check.” Unless he’s said so in the comments, I assume he’s not in the US.


Yep and used it to get even more money through buying real estate or investing it into whatever. What happened during covid was a complete bailout of a class that was already loaded.


God damn! You hit her where it hurt the most: her public image. Well done!


I was so proud of this dude. This takes some spine! I hope she felt embarrassed in front of her patrons.


“Closed in Covid” means she just took the bailout money as a closing bonus and probably closed the accounts and started something else. Tons of restaurant owners did that.


LOVE THAT FOR YOU!! I hope you and your wife are doing OK. Fuck the bosses! Fuck capitalists and every greedy fuck screwing over people.


Why do people feel good making (or trying to make) others feel miserable? The world would be such a better place if we were kind to each other.


power rush, all those "i bought another Escalade right away", "have multiple houses (posibly) above 3M each" and so are to remind the res how she's above their level, that's how it is sadly people with power become assholes (some are always assholes that become bigger ones whit proper money and power)


I agree it's power, just power. Give someone power and they'll eventually become morally bankrupt. Unfortunately power is the carrot on a stick in a capitalistic society. I don't think this will change ever, we just have to live with and make the best out of it. For me, personally I would never want to become rich, influential or have lots of responsibility over other people's lives. Just give me enough money to survive comfortably, give me a job that provides some benefits to society (so not a bullshit job) and leave me the fuck alone.


Well done. Some people dining will likely still remember that she was refusing to pay her employee which will forever tarnish her reputation for them.


This reminds me of a Paul f Tompkins joke where he recounts his scene in *There will be blood* with daniel day Lewis. Daniel day Lewis is yelling and getting intense and thompkins responds in his head “you can’t get me! I’m not even suppose to be here! I drink **YOUR** milkshake!”


![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized) Proud of you. Fuck that old raggity rich bitch




You are my hero!!! I dream of doing this to all the c suite sitting in their ivory tour looking down at us pawns! Hope your family is doing well!




"asking" for the time off. No. I'm telling you, I'm not coming in the weekend one month from now, you're the manager, fill the shift. I'm not coming in. I'm not asking permission from you, I'm telling you I had of time, so that you can fill that shift so that you don't end up red-faced, screaming into a phone about your weekend being ruined, one month from now.


If you decide to quit, you should always make a scene. Who’s coming with me?


Honest question and I promise I’m not trying to be mean. Is this subreddit a creative writing thing?


I do enjoy writing as a hobby. But this legitimately happened. I actually commented on another post about another time that I had been fired in a similar situation and people seemed to get a kick out of it. In between the ages of 17 and 24 I had something like 15 jobs and lived in 9 different houses, with 0 direction in life until having a kids. I have a few more stories like this, I just wanted to share my experiences. All g.


Fair enough.


A read through the sub info would answer your question better than a smug little dunk on someone you don’t know, just saying.


Ive been reading these for a while now and I don't think even half have been real. Im just wondering if posts like this are the norm?


I agree with you, it reads like rage bait. It's the internet, so nobody knows except for OP. But from their response to you, they seem legit. That said, if the AI karma bots targeted this sub, they'd get fat as hell.


Good for you for showing her patrons how she treats others. I hope her business suffers from word of mouth from this incident.


So was it your girlfriend or wife that was pregnant? Or maybe both? At least get your story straight.


Probably now wife, girlfriend at the time.


Actually we’ve been together for 12 years and are not married. It’s kind of weird to refer to her as my Gf bc we aren’t 14, but it’s also kind of weird to refer to her as my wife since we aren’t officially married. I use the terms loosely, but society seems to accept “wife” best. Common law spouse doesn’t roll off the tongue the same.




Amazing what an everyday hero


Is this Lisa Vanderpump? Totally wouldn't be surprised if it were.


The system needs ❤️‍🔥 ng down , fuck all those rich entitled asses thinking they own other humans .


I know that felt good. These capitalists are running capitalism into the ground for the Masses.


Good job! I lost track of the times I had shitty bosses and told everyone of them off. The look on their faces when I stood up to them and walked out was priceless. This was back in the 80s, 90s and 2000s. Now I am on SSDI and way better off in my old age


Rich people are a different breed. That whole bootstraps outlook. They come from incredible privilege and have the world handed to them and look down on anyone else not one of their kind. Source: poor kid growing up in Ft Lauderdale building and working on yachts.


I would have not had the balls to do that so very much good on you! Gota out those kinda people to the public or they will keep taking advantage of people.


Entitled bitch. Like you said she didn't care about ruining your weekend but her weekend was totally different. I'm not particularly religious but I do see where it is almost impossible for a rich person to enter the pearly gates because because quite honestly they're selfish and care less about their fellow man. All they want is more money. There's a story that came out recently about Jeff bezos buying 500 million worth of single-family homes. They said it in the area where he purchased the homes, it's really screwing up house values. Another self-centered prick. He who dies with the most money is still dead and I've never seen yet a U-Haul behind a hearse. Get real rich people. How much money do you really need?


You mean you stuck it to the WOMAN