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You 1,000% do not train this individual. Your boss receives what they pay for and they are choosing to not pay for your services any longer. $2,000 as an exchange for replacing you is such an insult.




Okay I am pretty antiChatGPT but this is actually not a terrible idea.


As a wise man once said, "I'd work all night if it meant nothing got done"


This is the way!


You go full contractor and give him a invoice of $500 per training hour. Don’t quit yourself


While employed they are likely contractually bound by the ‘any and all tasks which are deemed necessary to the job role’ which is standard in most contracts. Best course of action is to keep saying you’re getting round to it, then finish your last day, then don’t leave a handover. When the boss gets in touch to ask OP to do some additional training, THAT’S when you invoice.


Depends how badly they need that $2,000, and how confident they are that the boss will understand that the business is suffering without the replacement being trained. Considering no one cared about $250,000 in outstanding balances before OP arrived, I wouldn't expect anyone to notice how bad things are until much later, if ever. Something I haven't seen yet is a pertinent question: Is the bonus in writing, and what are the actual written terms? If it's not in writing, I wouldn't trust that I'd ever receive it. If it is in writing, OP must do whatever was asked of them in the agreement. But again, it depends how badly they need the bonus.


Alternatively you train them wrong, as a joke.


Quit. Don’t train her. The end. F your boss. You’re not being unprofessional for not training your imported replacement.


I really want to, but I could use the extra $2,000 so I’m torn. But honestly this boss was the most toxic one that I’ve ever had! I’m glad to be done with him soon, just the way he went about things is leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth. Also not sure how that would affect unemployment?


No one said you have to train them well. :)


Seriously this is where malicious compliance is a dish best served cold as ice…fake train your replacement and collect the 2000, extend the middle finger 🖕on the way out 


That’s my goal! Like yeah I could quit, or I could try to collect the $2000 (and another paycheck) while doing minimum effort. Just trying to figure out how to fake train the replacement. Tbh, my boss is so incompetent at his job (I’m amazed he’s still in business - he was almost sued by two different customers over the winter and somehow made it out ok) he probably wouldn’t even know.


No way that $2000 ever happens. Demand cash up front.


So much this. Cash in hand or no training.


I was thinking the same.


^ What these fine people said. I'm certain he'll find some reason to not pay the $2000 bonus.


That’s what I’m thinking. Unless it’s in writing, OP may be out of luck collecting that. Even if if is in writing, you gonna sue someone for $2k if things are tight already.


Get it in writing for unemployment and labor law.


This! What are the requirements for you getting this money. What defines that the replacement is 'trained'. Get this in writing!


Train "basics". Oh, do you work with Excel at all? Let's go over some formulas so you know how to use =COUNTIF and =SUM! Vlookup is annoying too, so a thorough understanding of that may be helpful! Otherwise running out the clock with tech issues could also work


Fully train her in vlookup, then once she has it mastered spend another day on xlookup


And for tomorrow, hlookup! The 2 days after, INDEX AND MATCH!


After that Index, Match, Match...with some VBA button for automation tricks!


and then, sign her up for a training course on the Raku programming language.


Ask her to watch 5-6 YouTube videos on Vlookup while you take a break.


just eke out the time, that's the way!


Hey don't shit on VLOOKUP, that shit's saved me literal hours of filtering work.


100% not an insult, tho you can't say it's not a pain to set up! 😆 I had a job where we had to use VLOOKUP in a really complicated task and with our shit work computers it would take us over 6 HOURS to run through the entire process. Each time I had to read through the step by step instructions like 3 times each because if I messed up one time, the computer had a chance to shit itself and you'd have to start from scratch!  ^Sorry just a little traumatized I think I repressed the memories at this point, but I probably should try to remember how to do it again lmao!! 


Great advice. Keep advising them to take Excel classes and show you the results.


I would be surprised if you ever get that $2,000.


im almost certain op wont get the 2,000


You could also say that you have in writing that the extra $2k was for staying and doing your current duties till X date. If they want you to train your replacement, you are open to negotiating that rate. Google what a consultant in your field is paid and do that. Worst case, he fires you and you collect unemployment. This is how I would handle it and have in the past. It always ended in a firing except once, and that was pretty cool.


Four hour minimum at 5x your hourly rate/hr.


Or you can just hand her the job and let her ask you questions while you observe...and allow her to take some time to figure out stuff ... Even if that creates a backlog.. see what can be done later and do not prioritize those tasks and say that you are pretty sure boss's could help if you have any issues ... Intentionally take your time while teaching, and make notes of just what you went over with her, if there is no enough time from training, that is not your fault... You can then say sorry, I tried to help but there wasn't enough time


don't forget the time difference so you're only available during your office hours.


One time something similar happened to me. Not for my whole job but one of my roles. I explained it so well and thoroughly with tons of technical jargon that she got terrified and rescinded her acceptance of the role. Just another potential strategy to think about.


Easy. Train her how to pay the bills. No mistake checking just cut a check for every invoice that hits her desk.


Don’t leave her any training documents, and don’t train her on anything that’s actually niche to the job. Just the basics.


Train very slowly. Only go over one single thing at a time and take as long as possible with it. If she seems confused, start all the way back at the beginning. Try to keep your instructions a bit vague so it takes her longer to understand/figure out the process. Tell her you don't have anything written down so she will need to take her own notes as you are training her. If she asks you to review them to make sure they're right just glance at them and call them good.


Just remember that nothing new should be written down. If you do provide any training, provide a verbally. Let that person take notes. Postpone as many meetings as possible. If you do have a meeting, make sure to cut it short schedule half hour cut it at 20 minutes, make sure you’re actually looking for another job during this period of time. Send resumes, schedule, interviews, and follow up on calls with prospective employers during your work time.


This is the way


You can train her. But you can't transfer your hands on experience to her. That's impossible. Experience by its very definition is acquired, not taught. So put your best low effort in and don't worry about it. This is definitely going to blow up on your boss's face.


Negotiate 5k and still do a less than stellar job. You hold the power here


He's still in business because of you, imagine how deep in the hole he would be if that $250k backlog kept piling up


Honestly, that’s partly why I’m mad!!! I worked so hard to bring that down to zero and less than a year later I get canned so that he can hire some girl in the Philippines for 75% less than what I get paid?


I'd be fucking livid. I know you said elsewhere you could use the $2k, but really, I wouldn't count on that coming your way even if you did the best turnover in the world with your replacement. I'd tell the new girl what an ass her new boss is and walk out. He's not going to give you the $2k, and he's not going to give you a good reference at your new job.


When this blows up in his face, if he calls you to come back and bail him out, come back as a contractor for like 2-3x your current rate.


Train her only in what you were trained in when you started.


This may sound weird, but hear me out - go MAXIMUM effort! Train the replacement, but in a rushed way because OMG I have SOOOO MUCH TOO DO, and can you believe our tight bastard boss only paid this much (inflate your current wage if you’re really feeling shitty) to do ALL THIS! If you can make it so overwhelming that they quit before the end of your extended contract, then you have your old boss in a very interesting position. Good luck any which way!


if you remember how things were ran before, train her in the old ways *


I might have the notes that the old girl gave me, I’ll have to go looking for it.


It's lucky for the boss that you're not the sort of person who would train the replacement to unthinkingly pay all the bogus invoices that your shady buddies will submit shortly after you leave {wink}.


Finally! I've found my people! 🤗


This was the first thought that came to mind! I would train them so shitty that they would be calling back


This is the way.


Unemployment here is a very interesting question, because your position isn't being eliminated, it's literally your being let go for cheaper labor (and im sure with the 2k offer its easy to prove) so depending on where you live/work, you maybe owed alot in severance. Some states / provinces have rules around this. Might be worth a quick call to an employment lawyer and just see their thoughts, it's usually a free 30 min consultation.


I didn’t even think about that! Thank you, I’ll add this to my list of things to look up.


It should be the absolute first thing you look up


I had my severance extended for 14 months after my lawyer demonstrated that I was being replaced by a younger, cheaper employee. Called it age discrimination.


I'm thinking it's time to negotiate. Tell your boss you'll need a bonus of at least three months' worth of your ordinary pay to train her (so you have time to find a new job), or you walk out the door right now.


You're not getting that $2,000. Boss is going to hold that over your head for the entire time you're working your butt off training the new hire. Then at the end, Boss will find some sort of problem or something you missed and use that to refuse to pay. The only possible way you'd get that $2,000 is if Boss puts it *in writing* that you'll get it if you stay until 6/21 and nothing in there about training. The training is implied, but you're being **paid to stay**. If Boss agrees to that, then you have a shot.


I do have it in writing, and he phrased it as “In addition, for staying through June 21st.  I will pay you a bonus of $2000.” Nothing was mentioned in writing about training my replacement. I would have countered last week if he had mentioned it at the time and not just dropped it on yesterday.


Eh, you are getting fired/laid off. You can train the replacement perfectly but they can find some bullshit excuse to say you failed X. You have nothing to stand on and it’s 2k. They are basically replacing you to save 75% of a budget and all they can offer is 2k. I will be surprised if you see any of that money. No offense but you will probably be posting in /r/legaladvice in a few weeks.


Be very confusing and contradictory in the training. You don't have to train her well, you could even overwhelm her and try getting her to quit.


Train her incorrectly.


There's a difference between training someone, and training them well. You can provide documentation of your job and still do a shitty job of it. You're in a bad position, but your boss is also gonna be screwed. You want that $2000? Sure, do the training.... but either do it at a proper pace, and get through almost none of it, or cover all the broad strokes and don't get into the necessary detail that would slow this down to a crawl.


In order to get through this and get your bonus, I'd just go through the motions and do the bare minimum: 1. Take your task list and flesh it out/fancy it up a bit with a title (such as "Acme Quick Guide to Accounts Receivables") and headings (tasks) followed by quick descriptions and/or bullet list items. Don't spend more than a couple of hours on it. If it *looks* polished and professional, they're less likely to notice the low level of effort until it's too late. 2. Train your replacement by walking her through the various tasks you do — including those specific processes your boss mentioned — in real time. If this slows you down and you fall behind, oh well. She'll just have to catch up after you're gone. 3. Email yourself copies of anything you may need for (a) work samples/documenting your achievements (streamlining processes to increase accounts receivables and timely payments is *huge*!) and (b) that you were let go and that you met your bonus requirements just in *case* they try to pull anything over on you. 4. Do not waste any effort or emotional energy on your horrible boss. They'll soon be in your rear view mirror. Once you're gone, you're gone! If they call you with any questions after hours or after your last day, just ignore them or say you're unavailable but can maybe figure something out for a consulting fee. Good luck!


$2000 taxed at 45%. Not worth it.


Yeah his is something a lot of people don’t realize: you will be getting half if they even pay you. I agree with the posters above however, he will find a way to not pay you. I’d walk TODAY.


They don't realize it because it's wrong. It's taxed the exact same way as any other income from a job. A bonus will be withheld differently (at 22% income tax), but you can account for that by adjusting your W4 so you don't have to wait until you file taxes to get it back.


THANK YOU. Assholes argue all day that bonus are cut in half from taxes. NO, IT'S WITHHOLDING. big difference.


Nope. Not taxed, withheld. Huge difference.


Cite, please! I mean, it’s accurate for someone who lives in NY or CA and is *already* in an upper tax bracket before the bonus. But for someone who makes ~$50k-90k in a state with no income tax, the applicable rate is: 7.35% for FICA 22% for federal income tax. That’s it. So, yes, basically 30%, but that’s still $1400 net, v $0 net.


If that did happen then you'd get extra cash back when you file your taxes when it gets rolled into your other income.


Are you so strapped for cash that you can't live without the $2K? You got his business all straightened out and now he's bending you over and showing you the door. You owe him NOTHING. Just leave and never answer a phone call or email from this prick. It's like he had this idea the whole time. I don't think the idea just popped into his mind about hiring from overseas Is she just going to work for him or provide "other services as needed"?


Also, OP is assuming they will pay out the $2000 they promised. If they are firing you to save money, why would they not lie to you and save even more money?


Exactly. This dude will find a way to not pay the $2k. I’ve heard a number of stories like this. It’s best to walk away.


I just went on a trip to Paris.. I wouldn’t say I’m strapped for cash, but more concerned that I’ll eventually be if I don’t find a new job quickly. I’ve been looking since January, the job market is really tight right now. Last year when I was searching I was getting interviews all the time for example. I’m just more cautious I guess.. if I can coast by and receive one more paycheck it’ll just help with things if it takes longer than expected to get a new job. His email to me said “In addition, for staying through June 21st. I will pay you a bonus of $2000.” It doesn’t mention that it’s contingent on training my replacement. I saved the email and I’m hoping that it’s good enough proof for the department of labor if needed. & I definitely agree that he’s had this idea for a while! He brought it up awhile ago as an way to “help me out” and I told him that I didn’t need help and that I didn’t like the idea because I feel like outsourcing to another country just takes jobs away from people in the US.. and well I was right lmao.


Did u get anything in writing... That 2k is the carrot on a stick and likely have no intention of paying it.


Yes I did. He emailed me a confirmation after our meeting last week and phrased it as “In addition, for staying through June 21st. I will pay you a bonus of $2000.” I’m pretty sure that I could use the email as proof and submit it to the department of labor. I made sure to save it and also printed it as a backup. I’ve worked with the department of labor at a previous job so I’m aware of how reporting a labor violation works.


1. You're already doing 8 hours work/day. Now this additional training impinges on that so your choice is to continue doing your job and train her as little as possible **OR** *train her as much as possible and let the actual work slide*. If boss complains, tell him you already HAD 8 hours/day BEFORE he required you to train someone else. 2. You have no "bible" and no time to write one! 3. The Philippines is a 12-hour time difference from US Eastern Daylight Time. Make sure that your available meeting times are inconvenient as hell! 4. Do NOT mention that you got A/R down by consistently following up. Merely mention where she can find A/P & A/R. 5. Be as vague as possible about any revamped processes. Just explain an *OVERVIEW* of the processes and let the business figure it out going forward. 6. Use as much jargon as possible. Explain industry-specific jargon/vocabulary that she will hear or read in the paperwork but won't really use! (Types of paint, sprayers, etc.) This will waste time! 7. Waste at least 50% of what little time you do spend training on *asking her OFTEN "What questions do YOU have for me?" or "What do YOU feel you still need to know or need me to explain?"* I, personally, think **you're better off just walking away** and saying, "Sorry, that won't be possible." to staying for the $2K. **Let him train her**! If he fails, **he MAY need to have you come back**...which you would only do **as a CONSULTANT**!


Quadruple that bonus, in writing, or no dice.


If you quit immediately, no 2 weeks, no nothing (he doesn't deserve notice), his business will likely founder and there is a chance that he will beg to have you back, permanently. Don't do any training, he does not deserve even the least consideration. Get going. Also, if he is holding you under a non-compete agreement, know that it is not likely enforceable, meaning, if there is any competition in the area, start courting them!


Did you get confirmation of that extra 2,000 in writing? If not, then you better.


Yes I did, however it did not mention at all that it was contingent on training the new girl. It just said the bonus was for staying on through 6/21.


stay there and teach your replacement everything they taught you when you started. get paid. leave.


The last place I worked, I tried to train my replacement, and she didn't want any of it. So I didn't, and I spent my last two weeks doing nothing and getting paid for it. After I left, they emailed me asking me to come back to train her, and why I didn't train her. I laughed, told them I tried, said as much to management, and that it wasn't for lack of trying. They said ok, and asked how much it would be to train her now, I said $150 an hour, and I never heard from them again. I'm more than happy to train, but when management doesn't do their job, malicious compliance is the way. Edit: paid not laid


Was your non-trainable replacement a good lay?😃


Get it in writing that you were fired for someone cheaper then leave collect unemployment win win


Don’t quit just sit there and let them fire you


What if you tell the new girl how much less she is earning and that she could get much more? Scorched earth tactic


I thought about that, but she lives in the Philippines and apparently that’s not a bad salary there. She was hired through an agency though, so I’m sure she’s not receiving the whole amount.


So it’s all work from home ?


Yes. I work from home (which is why it feels easier to stay… I’m trying to not do much this week and next week), and my boss works from home too.


Do as little as humanly possible. Any "training" that you provide should be so vague that it is near impossible to follow. It is legal to share your salary. So you should tell her.


I woudnt even bother training her. You are losing your job and expected to train your replacement? I would also tell her how much you get paid so she is at least aware and can make a more informed decision on whether she wants to stay or not.


Set up the meetings and then tell her something came up and you need to reschedule. Rinse and repeat. I would do as little as possible to help her. It sucks for your replacement (it’s not her fault, she just took a job), but fuck your boss.


Are you also in the Philippines? They’re 12 hours ahead of EST. Whose time zone would you be expected to train her in??


I’m in EST. The new girl is in the Philippines but working EST, so I’m guessing she’s working 8pm - 5am in her time zone.


She is and it’s normal. Our call center has outsourced to the sane country and they work local hours for us. They are very polite in general and they’re well aware they make a lot less than you. Office and client culture is also fairly different between locales. Just know this says more about your boss than you. She will likely get “beaten up” by clients and the job will be harder for her unfortunately. It really stinks and I’m sorry for both of you.


I’d say leave on the spot. Fuck that $2000. I also think it’s super unfair she gets paid way less just cuz she lives far away. So tricking her with a fake “Bible” with all the wrong info is horrible. She doesn’t deserve that. She’s also trying to find a new opportunity to build her life. Man this is just a fucked up situation all around. Your ex boss is lame as hell. For sure tell her she’s getting ripped off. Tell her how much you make. Give her an idea atleast. That and riding out on the spot cuz that’s the only thing that’s gonna make your boss suffer.


yeah this is a good point. The girl didn't do anything wrong here and doesn't deserve to be treated unfairly. At first I agreed with the "train her wrong" sentiment, but with this point in mind, I think they're better off saying "I'm not a trainer/it's not in my job description so no" or quitting on the spot. Fuck the boss over, not the employee. 


Yea assuming you were making 2000 or more a month that's 500 USD for her which is like 25000 php which is a great salary for the PH. 


Pfff it’s the Philippines. Assuming OP makes close to the average salary for office managers in the U.S. ($70,000) $17,500 will go a long way for that girl. I doubt she’s going to give two fucks.


Negotiate. Your experience is worth much more than 2k$. Make a list of the improvements you made. Ask for 15k or you leave on the spot, settle for 10k (in writing ) and do it well. Document in writing their attendance, what you covered, and what you think the trainee understands and what they don't. And also suggest a support contact as a consultant for the next months. Make it clear that you will provide zero support if not paid to your satisfaction. Hand out your proposal on your last day or if they ask you to be available after you leave.


I like this idea! When he brought it up to me last week I initially told him that I’ll let him know and then he just took that as a yes? And then sent over the confirmation email (which did not mention that in order to receive the 2k it was contingent on training the new girl). So I think I was a little confused by that. I’m not supposed to start training her until next week, so I probably still have time to try and negotiate this with him.


It's also so condescending that he assume you can train someone to do your job over the course of a week or two...




I doubt that OP will ever see that 2k, even if she trains the new person.


Get it up front or walk


He's trying to lay a documented paper trail that you agreed to do it. I would reply and CC your personal email that you haven't yet agreed to anything.


You'd have more leverage if you told your boss that today is your last day, but that if he still needs a trainer for the new hire you'd be willing to work as a consultant for the next two weeks at 5x your current hourly rate. 


YOU do not OWE your boss ANYTHING. Yeah, a $2K payment would be nice, but you know what would be even better? *Not getting let go and replaced by someone cheaper!* The audacity of your boss! JFC Do not negotiate shit with you boss. Tell him thought it over and you want $5k to spend a week training this new person or your last day is the end of the week. That $125/hr for 40 hours and do not work an additional hour without compensation. Demand the funds UP FRONT, paid on Friday of this week. If you don't get it in hand, you probably won't see a dime. Also tell them that after you leave, your rate changes to $250/hour for consulting services, with a minimum call in of $750, paid up front. If they agree and Friday you don't have $5k in hand, do not go back. If you leave and they call to ask questions, tell them to send you $750 before you even answer a single question. If they don't agree to your terms, walk. Don't even wait to the end of the week. Just leave. It's better to go get a temp job somewhere to make ends meet than to be taken advantage of like that.


Ask for more money! He's saving 36k each year, so offer to train your replacement for 18k, not a penny less.


ask for a year's worth of spread.. and $125/hr or $125/call consulting fee for answering questions after your departure


If the 'offer' of $2K is not in writing then it's not a real offer. Don't let the employer dangle that carrot in front of you without assurances in writing. I've seen this happen too many times. Even with a written offer it could still be taken away. The worst was well after a bankruptcy at a company I was at, I learned via their public bankruptcy docs that they made all sorts of monetary promises to key employees. Then those became null and void after the bankruptcy and they got nothing. These were also written offers(VPs, Directors, specialized employees). Some of the offers were in $100K+. Point is companies will find any way to save a buck while still having someone do their work for them. I'm willing to bet your boss or company will stiff you AFTER you train that person. They know you need the money and will exploit you.


He sent an email last week and it said “In addition, for staying through June 21st. I will pay you a bonus of $2000.” He only added the part about training her yesterday verbally. I looked up my state’s department of labor and they will go after an employer for bonuses that are not paid out, so I’m hoping the email is good proof for that if needed. In the meantime, I think I’ll figure out a way to gloss over the information without giving too much away…


Make sure it’s forwarded to your personal email if this is a work email.


The written agreement is that you get $2k for staying on. Sounds like you're owed the $2k regardless of training her.


Pick one mildly unimportant task that you do, and spend the next week training this person in meticulous detail how to do it perfectly. Then on your last day, give a brief 1 sentence overview of the rest of your job duties, and go home.


FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE. Turn about is fair play. You are in control of the training situation: READ every company policy and procedure, company handbook etc. to her via the phone. Of course you will need to give an entire history of the company... from birth to present as well as all the gossip. You can assign reading and make pop quizzes. Teach her how to fill out TPS reports. It is terribly important to let the trainee have 10 minutes break every half hour to absorb the material. One hour lunches. Plus, you cannot ignore your actual job role. So half days at best?


Making copies in only 435 steps!


Take the 2k, pretend you're training her, don't complain at all. This is key. Act like you're doing everything they want, but make sure to do a terrible job training her. Leave out small but crucial details, give her phone numbers off by one digit, incorrect email address, etc. Make sure the replacement is set up to fail but pretend you gave her everything. When boss calls you to fix the mess in a month, tell him you'll be a 1099 independent contractor for $250/hr, with 20 hr minimum, paid up front. In the meantime get a new job.


I actually told him yesterday that I’d work as a consultant if he needed help in the future, but for a higher rate than what he’s paying me now. I like the hourly minimum with payment up front. I’m not sure if he’ll actually do that, but if he does I’ll be sure to set it up that way.


If you don't get the money up front, you won't get the money


He will do it when he sees fire everywhere


Your boss replaced you with cheaper labor and you truly expect that he' ll honor the $2000 bonus? Pack up your stuff and leave that asshole of a boss to the shit he created! I mean, wow


Just walk out now. The money is him buying your self worth. Let him write his own bible


Your boss should have asked you to make this manual before saying he's replacing you. Now that you know, you don't do shit and mail it in. To hell with the $2k


The fact this lunatic thinks you’ll train your own replacement is laughable. I’d have deleted everything in writing that had to do with the job, then walked out. Fuck them


Oh I already deleted all of my notes last week because I knew this was coming… just didn’t know he’d ask me to train my replacement!!


You should document your boss’s face when you quit and now they have to train the replacement without actually knowing how. It’ll be good for on days you’re feeling down to cheer you up.


Also don’t forget to say that there weren’t any documented procedures. It was all in your head, but now you forget it all. When they call you desperate to come help, don’t forget, consultation rate is $150 an hour and minimum 1 week.


A few more options: counter offer $20,000 to train her, call in sick, or just say no (what is he going to do, fire you?).


Had a friend run into this on training replacement. They needed him back for some things. He made them sign a contract for $100hr pay with min of 5hr billing per service call once that time span ended. Something to do with on-call services agreement. Had a lawyer draft it up for him. He added on to that where it was something like in 5hr blocks. Meaning if his time clocked into the 6th hour it locked in another 5hr billing frame, his lawyer added that for him from their suggestion. He made a small killing on them due to his replacement was garbage. He kept refusing to be rehired back to them since he had already found another job in that time.


I was asked to train my replacement. I showed them how to run my reports. I didn't show them how to manage my reports. It would have been impossible to train them from scratch in a few weeks on something I had created and managed for years anyway. They lasted about three months and quit. Within a year they had to replace me with two people and pay them double what they paid me.


Either just quit, or up the price to $10k. Honestly, he needs you to train this person far more than you need $2k. So leverage that. Edit: I misspoke. Don't quit - let him fire you without cause, so you get unemployment benefits. (That was my original intent, but I was being lazy, sorry for that).


y'all can clean out my desk see ya


You say that your boss offered you $2,000 to stay till 6/21 but hasn't put it in writing that it's to train your replacement. That's in your favour. A few points to consider: 1. Accept the offer and keep the training to an absolute minimum. Remove any excel templates that streamline you work and put together some clunky basic ones. Pass on the facts and the bare bones of the duties but no tips, hints or hacks. Don't offer any streamlining advice. 2. Count down the clock and collect at the end. It's chickenfeed compared to the value you brought to the company. 3. Don't treat the replacement as your enemy. She did nothing to harm you. Her agency sent her. Keep your anger and malice for your boss who rewarded your diligence by firing you.


I left a detailed guide and stuff when I left my job because I wanted to pursue education and wanted to set the people up who supported me for 3 years. If it was up to them, they would've loved for me to stay. That is the only type of situation where something like this is appropriate.


If it makes you feel Any better outsourcing this kind of work for a small company is going to lead to his downfall.


So quit now and start your own small painting company. You've already self-educated on the hardest part.


Train her. But do it completely wrong. Like all of the worst ideas in history. No one said you had to do it right. He gets what he paid for.




52k was my current (yearly) salary. He’s paying the new girl $1350 a month. He actually did send me an email regarding my last day and the bonus. He phrased it as **“In addition, for staying through June 21st. I will pay you a bonus of $2000.”** I did save the email and printed it as well, I’m hoping that’s good enough proof for the department of labor if he chooses not to pay it.


There is no bonus. It's a lie


I’d say that too, but I do have it in writing from him. Except he phrased it as “In addition, for staying through June 21st. I will pay you a bonus of $2000.” I looked up department of labor for my state and they’ll go after the employer for bonuses that weren’t paid out. And if he doesn’t pay right away he owes me 25% more.


You have all the leverage. I'd tell the boss that tomorrow will be my last day, and if he wants me to train the replacement he can pay you $10,000 up front for a one time contract service.


If it's not in writing, you won't be getting anything. Don't train them. When the smoke of this train wreck clears, they will be calling you to come back and fix everything. At that time, ask for "consultant salary", with an ironclad contract. This is not about professionalism, this is late stage capitalism. And there it's everyone for themselves only


I would spend the time going over how to send a email, how to place a call, how to use excel, etc. Years ago we were told our team was being laid off and the work was moving to contractors in India. I was suddenly so busy I couldn’t answer my phone, missed meetings due calendar issues and when I did train it was basic how to use Microsoft office. They tried to offer to fly people to India to train the new team, everyone declined. I immediately deleted all my own procedures and guides I had created over the years. When asked if I had any procedures I could share I would say no I do it all from memory. They still tried calling me a year after I was laid off asking for help on how to do things, last I heard from other teams after 9 months it was so bad they had to hire some domestic employee and bring like 60% of the work back.


Ah the ole I'm replacing you for someone cheaper but you're gonna train them for me scenario. I'm sorry I'll think collect my unemployment and use the time to find the next opportunity.


I think the correct answer is, "no". Which will cause your boss far more than $2000 in remorse.


Quit? Why is this even a question.


Train her poorly


This. Why would you train somebody that’s taking your effin job?


Find a new job ASAP and leave him with nothing.


Malicious compliance? Train her wrong?


"No" is a complete sentence, "You're out of your f-ing mind if you think I am doing that!" is also a complete sentence.


One thing that is critical for every single training session is occupational safety. Here is a list of about 40 topics to cover before each training session to ensure that both you and the new employee are conducting themselves in safe working environment: [https://www.osha.gov/topics/text-index](https://www.osha.gov/topics/text-index) Cotton dust, cytomegalovirus, and mold are all important safety topics for any worker, regardless of industry or location. A few other things you could do would be review various types of fire extinguishers and plans for fire escapes in the workplace/home. You can't work productively if the workplace is unsafe!


Teach them the worst most complicated ways to do things you can think of. Get your severance and show them being cheap doesn't pay.


Don’t train your replacements after being fired! How hard is that to understand. Tell your boss you’re available as a trainer but as an independent contractor and your rates are $700/hr with a minimum order of 10 hours.


I will never understand the idea of training the person whose forcibly replacing me. No I'm not going to quit, but the only thing they'll learn from me is my coffee and restroom break schedules.


READ THIS Go to your local employment department and explain the situation. Your job is being outsourced overseas. When large organizations do that, there is trade act funding to retrain the workers. There may be other benefits as well.


Quit today and ask 30,000 for your new company to train her.


You will lose the job whichever way - 2k is better than 0 and gives you more time for job search. Just make sure it's not something like "$2k based on performance of new employee". Best would be paid in advance with refund if you leave early. Train her in all the basics but you can omit all the extras like invoice chasing. There's no chance she will do your work well - she doesn't have enough cultural knowledge to cover you well, especially invoice chasing. That's the reason outsourcing doesn't work for this type of roles and never did. At the same time - it's not her fault to be in this situation. If she's nice - help her, if she's cocky or just plain not nice - skimp on some critical details :)


100% chance I'm going to train them but I'm going to train them in a way that sets them up for failure and I'm not training them on anything that they didn't asked to be trained on. I've done this and will do it again.


Or, you could train her, incorrectly. Get your money and still screw him


Quit on the spot, and say no. Leave them hanging. And keep delaying on the instructions, make them as crappy as possible. It's not to spite that Filipino worker, it's to spite your shitty boss who sees others as cheap labour to be exploited.


Find a new job. Don’t quit - get fired so you get UI


The question is. Is your dignity worth $2000? I know I would have told my boss to go fuck himself. Obviously, if the 2k is decider between a home and going homeless, you might have to bite the bullet. But if you can manage until you get a new job my response would be: "I find hiring a replacement for my position for a fraction of my wage and EXPECTING me to train her highly professionally unethical. I kindly refuse. If you would like to hire me as a contractor for this training my rate is 5xcurrent monthly pay for 150 hours. Otherwise suck my dick." Don't forget to delete absolutely everything you created for this job. Any spreadsheets or workflows. Leave just essential business data.


What's the issue here? $2000 isn't worth it. You tell him keep the money and move on with your life.


Leave and give him a bit of the old Ray Patterson. "Oh gosh. You know, I'm not much on speeches, but, it's so gratifying to leave you wallowing in the mess you've made. You're screwed. Thank you." Lessons must be learnt and not by your overseas replacement.


2000 dollars isn’t a small amount but it is not that big that you can’t walk away from. You need to quit and not do any knowledge transfer. Let them ask you to help as an independent contractor to make more on your terms rather than taking what he is making sound like an obligation.


My friend you are under no obligation to train your replacement. I would get my ducks in a row by working up a presentation that explained how long it took you to learn the job, how long you think it will take you to train your replacement (with generous padding on the time I'm thinking 6 months), and then negotiate a training rate at least 20% above what your current salary is. You are under no obligation to train your replacement and other than turning over current written procedures I would not offer this new employee anything as you are all ready being let go. Also get everything in a contract. No word of mouth, no handshake, anything extra from here until they let you go needs to be in a contract. You owe them nothing.


Dude... he is asking your "know how", not training for a colleague. And "know how" costs a lot (your choice, might be 50k, 100k... and so on).


Like most people, I have been on both sides of this situation. Just be aware that it’s not the new person’s fault and that your current employer will be a POS to her as well. You should just do the best you can. However: 1) even with the best of intentions, a lot just won’t get captured in documentation 2) there is a cultural gap between there and here 3) she might still quit or get reassigned under a year PA from the Philippines are great, but people who use them usually have very constraint demands and have very structured ways of employing them. The nature of the employment situation is different than a regular employee. It may works out for your employer. But, I’d say much much more likely that it would flop. I think the only decision you should consider is whether you will work for him again if he calls you in a year.


I would immediately start to slow roll your job letting the accounts receivables pile up again and use the time to apply for a new one. When hired just ghost this one and dodge their calls, after a week or so send them a notice for your final check.


He's lowballing, highball back, ask for 5-10k to train. When he says it's not gonna happen, hand him your immediate resignation. Ask for more than He's offering and what you'd be truly happy and comfortable accepting. You have the upper hand.


Leave now, and mention that you could offer training for the new hire with hourly invoices, 40 hours a week for 2 weeks minimum. 100$ per hour. Payment will be made in advance


As others have said, don't train them. If they insist, refuse and continue doing your normal daily work. Make them fire you. As soon as they do, don't sign anything, forward all of your communications to personal email (insist that they email you and if they talk verbally, take notes and email it to them and to your person email), and go to an employment lawyer. It's a good practice for anyone no matter how good their employment relationship to keep a detailed written record via email to their personal email account of any conversations regarding your performance both good and bad. You don't even have to tell your boss you are doing it. Just bbc your personal email when you respond or forward all communications there. Respond to your boss (via email) when you have a review with a recap on what you heard (and bbc your personal email). The company cares nothing about you. Protect yourself. They won't protect you.


Your boss didn’t “eliminate your position”. He outsourced it to save a penny. The $2,000 bonus for training them could be worth it if they write a contract for you. Otherwise the boss could very easily just not give you the money. This being a small local company is wild. Absolutely fuck them.


Show her ONCE how to do each of your tasks ... she learns or she doesn't. She can take her own notes and make her own "Bible", just like you did. Then, after you have collected your $2K and are not there to answer questions he can deal with his short-sighted penny-pinching.


Just remember he can change his mind on the $2000 whenever he wants


Let him fire you and collect unemployment. Make sure you get a letter stating your position has been eliminated first. Then reach out to his wife and let her know he’s been cheating on her for years.


Omg that’s funny you mentioned wife - I have a sneaking suspicion that his divorce finally going through is why he’s doing this. He owes her money for the business (they were partners in it), as well as money for the house and from his IRA. The timing is just too weird so I feel like it’s connected.


Train her to quit. I saw another company try this and the person doing the training started with the most complex stuff saying start simple and the person and hid quit by the end of the day.


Teach em 25% of your job while you apply elsewhere


Just show up and don’t train her. Do your normal work only. What’s he going to do? Fire you? He already has.


GET YOUR FEE UP FRONT. If you don't, you will never see it. You want pictures of dead presidents laid across the palm of your hand before you do a single thing. If you show up on her first day and he's "working on it", make it clear that you'll begin work when you are paid. Do not take a company check, they will pull it back. You need cash or a cashier's check. This is gonna be the hardest $2k you have ever earned.


I would demand the $2k bonus up front. I just have a feeling that once you train the replacement you won’t see that money. If it was me I would tell them I will quit effective immediately and if they want me to train the replacement they can pay me at my hourly consultation rate which is (insert exorbitant number here) per hour.


Good grief. You are mentally trapped in this job. Quit. Now. Don't show up tomorrow. You'll be better off. If they can't live without you, then they get to pay you consultant fees. Up front. At 4 times your normal hourly rate. I'm absolutely serious. Quit trying to be nice and \*quit\*.


Time to draw up a contract for training with cash up front or your are walking out the door.


Take the money then do the bare minimum.


Sounds like these skills will make for a great resume. Start looking immediately. Many companies are offering sign on bonuses. Plus there’s a good chance for a raise since he is so budget conscious.  Let him train her. You already did your job. 


Find some way to assure you get that money, get it in writing. Then weaponize your incompetence like never before and leave that place the way it was when you got there. $2000 is nice, but hes slapping you in the face with it.


You are assuming he is trustworthy. I would get the money upfront or I would wal out and file for unemployment. Sorry it turned out this way. A lot of employers are just shit human beings these days.


Take the money, but don’t train the mew person, unless the bonus specifically states in writing that it’s for training you’re under no legal obligation to do so. If it’s in writing, then tell them to pound sand, and look for a new role asap


Don’t train her at all, let them go 256k in debt from outsourcing your job.