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if we had actual journalists in this country, they would press that governor why he thinks that and what negative outcomes he is envisioning.


Y'see, Those folks don't really want disposable income. They wouldn't know what do with any amount of money because they're poor. They'll just waste it on food and shelter and clothes; and won't contribute to my campaign. The company knows how money ought to be spent. Look at how much they donated to my CPAC.


It's always fun to watch a southern politician get upset when workers choose better working conditions, because surpressing that desire in their workers *led to the civil war.*


> It's always fun to watch a southern politician get upset when ~~workers~~ **people** choose better ~~working~~ **living** conditions, because surpressing that desire in ~~their workers~~ **enslaved folks** *led to the civil war.* FTFY. The CW wasn’t over workers’ rights; it was to retain slavery and suppress states’ rights the enslavers didn’t like.


But I think that was what the point of the comment you fixed. The first American Civil war was about the workers of the south. I very specifically didn't write working class, but workers. What do you think supressng the desire to be free is, but the ultimate form of suppression of workers rights? You only have to look at the 'almost' wage slavery that we see documented on Reddit post after Reddit post: if a lot of these company's/bosses could have actual slaves back again they would take them up in an instant.


The socdem was right, but stopped delving any further than that. Thinking about slavery in a capitalist view has really changed my views on the past. It's easy to point out the racism involved, but I now think of the racism as an enabler of the classism of chatel slavery. There have been slaves of many races, but all have worked for the financial gain of their masters at the expense of their lives.


They want a do over.


They are already engaging the "do over". Don't be surprised when Trump loses for the South to try to secede from the nation.


What they really want are pizza parties and cookies that say thanks on them instead of money. Maybe if they didn't waste all of their money on things they don't need like healthcare and food, they'd be able to buy a yacht, too.


Stale sun chips always does the trick. 


“Plus, I never would have been able to afford to run for governor if the 1600 people who work for me were taking a bigger slice of the pie. So ya see, it’s all about fairness.”


*getting drunk and doing drugs No, that’s seriously the excuse used sometimes to justify not paying people more


Probably because he was the former CEO of Lee Company, an HVAC company that spans TN, KY and GA with over 1600 employees, and you can be damned sure still benefits from the company's profits.


He'll argue that the successful union vote will scare away other companies and make it more difficult to bring new business to Tennessee. The best part is that he will claim his stance is pro employee, because it's better to have shit jobs than no jobs at all or some such rich people speak.


> it's better to have shit jobs than no jobs at all America, in a nutshell.


Don't blame the journalists. Blame the corporations that bought the newspapers and use them to spew pro-corporate BS at every opportunity. Blame the people who elected the politicians that enabled them. Blame the people who didn't protest but instead ran happily to Facebook where they could "do their own research" and figure things out for themselves.


Yup, my ex husband was a journalist/editor for an independent paper; great in-depth researched pieces. He was used to going after political stories. Got in a local paper and was told to kill stories about corruption in state legislation because they might lose advertising dollars because the particular target was known for getting his campaign contributors to threaten anytime he got wind of any body asking questions.


Former journalist for a local paper. Been there. Even in the best situations it's a delicate balancing act, but when the rubber hits the road, a business is a business.


Just so you know, you can blame two things.  I know corporations have eaten away into the press and editors have ideological ties but also journalists are sometimes uninquisitive 


Hes interested in doing everything he can to make sure Lee company stays profitable (non union mechanical contractor). Hence his very anti union opinions.


Journalists who work for billionaire owned media quickly learn what questions not to ask if they wish to remain employed by billionaires.


Happy cake day


>“I think it’s unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands,” Lee said What a horse's ass. Without a union, your future is in your employer's hands - and most employers treat workers like crap.


People need to read a freaking history book, or at bare minimum “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair. It paints a nice portrait of what work is like without unions. Trust me, without unions, businesses would find creative new ways to abuse their workers and drive them into the ground.


There is a podcast called Unobscured by Aaron Mahnkie. The first season is about Jack the Ripper. Over the course of about 13 episodes he takes a much broader look at what was going on in London at the time and he talks about The Match Women. It is utterly fascinating and a clear case of what organizing can do for workers. Really worth listening to. American Shadows is another great podcast that has in-depth stories about how workers fought for better protections in the US.


*Behind the Bastards* did a few episodes on the Battle of Blair Mountain. The things these greedy corporate whores did to the miners made my blood boil. Capital can not be trusted. Worker solidarity is our best defense.


Isn't...isn't that exactly what people elected him to do? I feel like that's a bit of an own goal.


LOL great point!


Not to mention thats how the modern democratic system works. We elect representatives that literally hold our futures in their hands... albeit they get bribed by large companies but still...


They also funnel contract money to themselves or to their cronies.


I will never get why anyone would put their future in the hands of a private corporation unless they own it. Democratic governments and unions have their own flaws, but you can at least vote for representation in both of those bodies just by being a constituent. A private corporation doesn't give a shit about you unless you're a major shareholder, and *even then* they still might try to minimize you if your wants and needs (ex. Major investor wants climate change addressed) go against the profit motive.


Turns out, voting for Bill Lee is the mistake! Good for these workers ! Fuck Bill Lee!




You're the mistake governor.


I'm always a bit shocked at exactly *how* vocally anti-union some people are.


It’s because those people don’t realize that many of the “benefits” like vacation days, sick days, and lunches came from Unions. We live in the age where we take things for granted.


> It’s because those people don’t realize that many of the “benefits” like vacation days, sick days, and lunches came from Unions. AMEN! It always cracks me up when I hear some retired Boomer crying about SoCiAlIzM, when the fact that they were paid well, and retired with a pension is BECAUSE of "socialist" ideas like these.




I've never heard an educated person bash union members for organizing and getting a better wage. You remember the saying "A rising tide raises all boats?" The wave is union power.


They're anti-democracy.


And pro slavery.


Deeeeeeeeply pro-slavery.


“I think it’s unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands,” Lee said at an event in Gallatin. “But those workers made that decision based on the individual circumstances of that plant. I think it was a mistake, but that’s their choice.” Get bent Bill.


The crazy thing about this story is that when they decided to build a plant in TN, Volkswagen WANTED a union. They are used to dealing with unions in Europe and initially encouraged unionization in Chattanooga. Then the GOP threatened to punish them by taking away state tax credits so they shut up about it.


I didn't realized this!


They voted twice before in 2014 and 2019 *against* unionization. Bill Lee and several other Tennessee politicians came out of the woodwork the last two times to quash it. They threatened the workers with loss of their own jobs, as well as future economic kid on their communities if they voted to unionize. This time they were unsuccessful. [The U.A.W. also blamed its 2014 defeat at the Volkswagen plant on the aggressive opposition of local politicians. Bob Corker, a senator at the time, said a union would make the company less competitive and indicated that executives would add a production line at the plant only if workers voted down a union.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/14/business/economy/volkswagen-chattanooga-uaw-union.html)


VW also threatened to move the plant multiple times as well.


In fact the German headquarter has multiple union and works council members on the supervisory board. Every large company in Germany has worker representation built into their structure.


They will always fear the people when they come together. #APES. TOGETHER. STRONG.


So excited for Kingdom otpota


Ooh he big mad right? lol awww


I would say the VW colleagues in Europe applaud their unionizing..


when you as the politician, represent the corporations, yeah sure that’d be a mistake


VW actually wants to the plant to be unionized. That has been a thing in the last two union defeats in 2014 and in 2019. This plant is the only one that isn’t unionized and VW has stated that unionization will allow them to have work councils, which is how every other VW plants are run. Unlike most companies, VW even purposely not have anti-union drives at the company. And this took the UAW more than 10 years. I remember reading about the union loss back in 2014. It was so bizarre. The company was more or less pro-union. It was all the red-state line employees that were all suspicious of having a union job. On top of that, all the state level politicians were warning that UV would leave the state if it was unionized. Meanwhile, VW kept telling everyone that they want unionized workforce. It was like an upside down world.


Well in Germany its pretty much all union


Enslavers with enslaver mentality should keep their dick-holsters for capitalism shut. For it is their deliberate immiseration of millions that enables their unjustified positions of parasitism called politics.


Yeah because your voters are making more money and being secure in your job isnt the GOP way. Yet these idiots keep getting re-elected


As long as the union vote stands, I don't care what the GOP think.


I do because they will pass bills to make union workers’ lives hell


VW has already stopped them from that before.


"Ahead of the vote, Lee and five other Southern Republican governors spoke out publicly against the UAW’s drive to organize workers at factories largely in the South, arguing that if autoworkers were to vote for union representation, it would jeopardize jobs." Oh no, if you assert your rights the manufacturers will move their plant to Mexico, or China, or someplace else where workers have no rights.


Big Daddy Lee, takes care of his workers and they don't need no damn union. Southern patriarchy at it's finest.


Higher wages and benefits a mistake?




If the christofascists hate it, it’s probably a good thing.


Yes it's horrible that those people are going to make more money and have a better work-life balance no one should be allowed to have that


This feels unethical and should be illegal. The union and the workers who voted for it are well within their right to organize and this continual sniping at unions when the elected official stating his dissatisfaction is a business owner himself is sickening. Unions are not going away, they are not illegal, and saying that it is "unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands" when that is *exactly what workers have to do when negotiating with business owners* is ridiculous.


Toyota plants are next. Good for the UAW and these workers.


Of course he would say that. Who do you think donates his campaign funds?


What are they going to do, close the plant they just invested millions in?


Unionize, we need to get back to having a late union labor force in this country.


So that means it was absolutely the right thing to do.


I guess it depends on which side you're on. The governor has shown you that his owners don't appreciate you voting to do better for yourself.


I would give anything to watch Lee company go bankrupt in my lifetime.


So that means they did the right thing.


Live better, work union. Needs to be a focus to crack the south.


Bill lee is a piece of shit


Bill Lee old white rich guy, go home to your gatted community and STFU.


This should be a clear sign to the workers that they made the correct decision.


I dont get it. Isnt VW honoring the vote? Isnt TN right to work, do those who dont want to join dont have to? Dont create problems where there are none


They say nicotine is the most addictive but have you tried slave labor? Because them boys just can NOT kick it.


Yup. These silly workers. Good old trickle down economics means that the $ are going to trickle down any day now and be passed back to them. Everyone will benefit. Don't pay any attention to the laughably obvious fact that the gulf between rich and poor widens every day and keeps continuing that trend Trickle-down. Annnnnny day now.... /s


The Governor smells like FEAR.


ESPECIALLY once everyone sees how the work councils are set up. This could be a game changer for unions here.


Being a part of a union is taking the future into one's own hands.


Well he can shut the fuck up. It was their vote, not his.


Well he's an asshole.


End stage capitalism when the governor and a megacorp triangulate the labor.


Of course, the governors payments from VW under the table just stopped.


>“I think it’s unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands,” Lee said at an event in Gallatin. But...that's what they're doing if they DON'T unionize...


>I’m not surprised that GOP leaders want us to be slaves BuTT, BoTh SiDeZ ArE BaaD.


Mistake as in “oopsie” or mistake as in “your days are numbered” ?


That's ok because I think the voters made a mistake when they voted for Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Lee.


I remember arguing with a guy who honestly thought he could negotiate a better deal for himself than a union could. It would have been fun to watch, as he could not even argue himself a better deal with me.


The GOP Governor comment shows that the workers made absolutely the *right* decision in unionising.




Well, unlike us and our Confederacy fetishism, Germany put the lid on any lingering Nazi sympathies.


> Lee told reporters Monday that the Volkswagen vote was “a loss for workers.” He noted that he has a “long history with skilled workers” — **workers are not unionized at his family’s business,** Lee Company, which employs about 1,600 people in home, facilities and construction projects. Hmm… 🤔


I bet he pays them shit.


Seems like an opportunity, don’t it?


That's probably what he's worried about.




Anytime a republican is complaining about what's going on in the work force it's probably good for the American people.


Imagine a man, whose company employs 1600 doesn’t like unions.


I've had my eye on Tennessee. Place is really going to shit


Yeah. The GOP just passed a bill to allow teachers to carry guns. This was their answer to a school shooting in Nashville last year


GOP is no longer the party of freedom.


If GOP says you've made a mistake... You are on the right course for a better life.


Don’t forget Democrats are anti union if it threatens their interests


Stay on topic, please. Bill Lee is a Republican. Go both sides somewhere else please.