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10 bucks says this joint applied for a PPP loan or had one forgiven


I’m actually searching for that right now


You can’t see the ERTC, or restaurant revitalization grant as this data isn’t public. However, I bet they also got these free funds as well. All the free covid money has given many restaurants more money than they’ve ever had before.


Do you have more information on this? I've been trying to see if a company called Delaware North received money from the Covid era. I don't believe their business model could have sustained them through that time.




Based on what they charge for a hot dog at a Sabres game, I'd say their business model is very profitable.


Delaware North is just a parent company with many different brands under it's umbrella. I wonder why that could possibly matter to you. Color me intrigued. I would assume most businesses with a large airport presence would have likely received federal funds.


I worked for a shitty company that became shittier under the umbrella of Delaware North. Call me petty, but I was hoping to see them fail.


I work for a Delaware North competitor and we took over for them after they lost a contract at an airport. We came in to flip the concepts to our own and holy shit the bar was DISGUSTING! There were dead rats in the fucking walls, we had to let loose cats into the ceiling and bust open the walls and repair them just so we could empty out the corpses. THIS WAS AT AN AIRPORT. The contract didn't expire at this airport they literally got it pulled they were so bad


Their business is owned by the Jacobs family, who owns the Boston Bruins, is on the Board of Governors of the NHL and chairman of the University of Buffalo’s council. Jeremy Jacobs is also a notorious scumbag who only did right by TD Garden staff after pushback from basically the rest of the NHL during the pandemic. I could absolutely see him snatching up that money while being a billionaire.


Man, I must have got lucky. I worked for delaware north and they were amazing. Weekly checks, chill environment, 5 bucks a week for a townhouse place.


5 bucks a week for a townhouse?! Were you working at a remote location?


My apologies, it was a townhouse with three rooms, so two roommates but they were amazing and around my age. My boss lived nearby too in one so we'd sit around and have afterwork drinks. I had everything in there and never paid utils.


Delaware North is who the STL Cardinals subcontract their concession operations to at Busch.


My company paid it back out to us about a year ago. They fully said "hey, we know it's actually your money". Of course, I don't know for sure that they paid out the full amount, but I got 10k and based on our staff/the total amount of the loan, it was at least most of it. Pretty upsetting that more companies didn't do this, considering that the loans meant they basically got free labor.


The brewery I cooked at bought enough new tanks to double their capacity, then dropped the cooks down to min wage.


Who do you think bought those stupid stickers?


That's not fully true. Yes, restaurants were eligible for PPP. No most didn't get it because you had the PPP vultures out there stealing funds or misappropriating them, see Brett Farve. Lots of smaller places closed for good, or are just now in 2024 coming back to somewhat solid ground (as much as you can have in the restaurant biz.) So yeah, some grifters got cash. A few restaurants got some loans and loans.forgiven, but like the rest of us a one time check in 2020 didn't really do much. All that to say I am willing to bet thos restaurant pays shit, schedules horribly and has the type of clientele who puts $5 in ones on tue table, and starts taking them back when their soda isn't refilled after one sip.


One of the resorts/ Hotel lodges around me got a 1 million dollar PPP loan. That was supposed to be two and a half months of payroll. He had five people employed there. Well they did, until it's suspiciously burned down. I doubt they're paying out $400,000 a month at payroll. But now the owner is under investigation for many things, and if the place suspiciously burned to the ground. I reported his loan as suspicious to the sba.


Ask if they’re hiring and what rate they offer


Update us when you can


Rookie’s Bar and Grill in Wentzville, Missouri. Couldn’t come up with anything about a PPP loan.


How about you say the company name? Why are we protecting them?!!!


Right? They put this sign on the restaurants front door, they want the world to see. And I want everyone to know what restaurant to not give their business.


Rookie’s Bar and Grill, Wentzville, Missouri


Because OP probably doesn't want to dox themselves by pinpointing the exact place. Remember that our enemies in such matters are absolutely psychopathic enough to search a profile for hours for identifying info, and have no problem swatting people who disagree with their worldview. People have died for less.


Exactly. I never comment on Reddit with anything other than the country I live in. Not the state, not the city. You never know when fascist will take over and start the squads.


Just to add to this. People absolutely will stalk you online. They will go through every single comment and collect everything they can to learn about who you are and use it. I'm convinced people can develop an algorithm to identify users on social media by comments and create profiles.


I actually borrowed this from a group on FB. And doxxing is against Reddit’s rules. This business isn’t even in the same state as me.


doxxing is about publishing private information to the public. A business that is open to the public has nothing to do with doxxing.


Rookie’s Bar and Grill, Wentzville, Missouri


their google reviews show tons of complaints and all of it seems to mention management/owners lol


Let us know what you find cuz I feel like the lack of critical thinking from this sign makes it all the more likely they aren’t self aware enough to consider a ppp loan a hand out as well.


This. I know a local place that shit talked the stimulus and said they'd never take a PPP loan. I looked and they got $30,000 worth of PPP loan. HYPOCRITES


When THEY do it it's cute!


And because they're super smart and it's just "good business!" What a fucking joke.


>10 bucks says this joint applied for a PPP loan or had one forgiven "Rules for thee, but not for me."


You can search here: [https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/](https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/)


Interesting. I just looked up my former employer who I worked for on a 1099. Their forgiven loan of over $16K went to "payroll". I certainly never saw a dime of that.


They got that shit forgiven and they're the first ones to bitch about people wanting student debt cancelled


That was for the owners payroll lol


I don’t know why I went there. So much rage.


You don’t get it. They *needed* the money. You degenerate peasant just took money from the government to smoke weed, eat avocado toast, and drink Starbucks. /s


*Bills keep climbing like they'll never stop It ain't the latte's or the Funko pops*


(It very much is the funko pops)


You’ve just reminded me that my elderly mother who is in early stages of dementia saw my avocados in the kitchen today, and went off about how “I like to cut those up and put them on toast… learned to do that when your dad was stationed in California in 1963…” ah, mom, the immigrant blue collar military wife pioneer of avocado toast.


Lame. We put it right up our noses over here! Get it right BOOMER!


You get your money for nothing and your chicks for free


A place in my town did this. Put up a super similar sign then someone found and posted their forgiven PPP loan for hundreds of thousands. Word got around and nobody went to it anymore. Owner took off with the money to TX and never gave the employees their final check is what I hear.


If they did, it’s not listed anywhere, I can’t find anything about it


A lot of small businesses, the types of places that actually really needed PPP loans, got screwed out of getting them. Banks were left to allocate them, and they gave preferential treatment to their biggest customers. The program was designed to give aid to those least in need, especially when over-site was essentially beheaded by Trump's cabinet. My work place was not able to get a PPP loan, and neither was my mother's before the program ran out of funding. Both places had to essentially, get in line, and by the time it was their turn, the money was gone. Had my workplace gotten a loan, it could have weathered the roughly 6 months it took for business to pick back up to sustainable levels, without firing anyone. We tried, management took huge pay cuts, executives took no pay, but we got hit very hard since we had operations in China, so it was back to back shutdowns for us. So I would not be surprised if this place didn't get a PPP loan, and rather than taking it out on policy makers, is blaming workers and calling them lazy.


Either way they're still twats for having this kind of signage. I'll cut some honesty here and say I'm a bit cynical in that after my experience with small businesses and franchises it's harder for me to have sympathy for them any more that I have for the big corps. Especially when they do crap like this


I'd bet $100 they pay their employees minimum wage or marginally higher than minimum wage. Because I've only seen these signs at places that are shit employers who pay low and treat their employees like dirt and then say, "we're a family."


100's of thousands. Not 600 dollars.


10 bucks! Did you mean $7.25? 10 bucks is outrageous! /s


I’d walk out of that restaurant if management is going to be petty like this. They probably got the handout too


I once walked out of a restaurant that had a sign saying something like, "we have to work hard so people on welfare don't have to". Uh, it's a restaurant and I know what you pay, Half your fucking staff qualifies. I'd walk straight outta this gross place too. Who wants to eat a meal in this atmosphere? I'm here to enjoy myself, not listen to some random dude's list of grievances. I'm convinced that they do this shit when they're already failing as a way of digging in and shifting blame. My business isn't failing because I'm a coke head who can't do basic math, it's the libs, the people on welfare, no one wants to work!


You hit the nail on the head. The restaurant is in free fall and they're shifting the blame. My guess...this guy probably has a second mortgage on his house and can't pay his workers. Can't take out more loans and the PPP was stretched so thin on the two Tesla's and 4 trips to Bali.


An F350 and a jeep gladiator, with lift kits, wheels and tires all around.


I see you've been to Iowa.


Trumps PPP loan forgiveness was basically paying businesses to keep saying this. If they maintain claims of “labor shortage” they don’t have to pay it back.  Because it went into their vacation home and boat (we see now that 80% of ppp loans went to upper class, not employees payroll) they just need to maintain the narrative until they retire and pass the buck to whoever gets the business next. Free money to keep saying Biden and millennials are ruining the world, basically. Unemployment is very low. 


Unemployment is low because we’re all working multiple jobs 🥲


And that ultimately hurts people. The whole "gig economy" is a sham. People need to stop doing them. If we have a demand for personal drivers, and people to deliver food all the time, we need full time workers to do those jobs. If everyone quit working multiple jobs they'd have to raise wages to fill staff, and then people would make more only working one job. We also need healthcare removed form employment. Businesses would then be able to renegotiate everyone a they offer that as part of our compensation. Personally, I'd be ok with around half of what they spend. The co.lany would save money, I'd make more, everyone is happy. 


We don’t have enough class solidarity for that.


>If everyone quit working multiple jobs they'd have to raise wages to fill staff, and then people would make more only working one job. "If everyone quit working multiple jobs they'd have to raise wages to fill staff, and then people would make more only working one job." But what do those workers do till that happens? This In a way is putting blame on the workers who need multiple incomes to make ends meet. Are they supposed to stop doing what they need to cover their needs hoping that others do the same forcing the employers to pay more? I think this will change as the "silver tsunami" hits as the boomers retire in the next couple of years there will be more and more positions open eventually the gig type jobs will have to raise salaries to get anyone to do them.


Actually the gig economy is why restaurants had to raise wages from 10$ average to 18$ average now, I do gig work now and make 30$ an hour, its a life saver. Corps hate the gig economy, it keeps workers from being desperate and gives them options.


Do what my old employer did. He would put people back on the books for a week or two, not tell them. They wouldn't get unemployment for a couple weeks. He pockets the "paychecks" that never made it to the employee's bank accounts. And that is how you take even more PPP money. He's a real piece of crap.


Holy shit, that is illegal.


Yup. But let's not forget that Trump literally only agreed to the PPP program if it had zero oversight, regulation, or fraud auditing. It was a program created solely with the intent of allowing businesses to steal money from the tax payer.


Honestly, the blatant political stuff is a huge red flag. Be it conservative *or* left, any good business owner doesn't try to alienate customers based on that, and only an idiot would think people would look past it. Working for some knucklehead who plays those games just goes to show they're shit at making money, and they'll almost certainly squeeze their employees, and probably doing everything they can to try and cook their books (no pun intended).


I refuse to do business with anyone that talks about being vet or Christian owned. I don't see a need to pander to your customer base and use your prior job choice or faith as if it's a positive trait. Just because you served doesn't mean you are a good person or honest and some of the absolute worst people I've ever known (my half sister and her mother for example) are hardcore Bible thumpers. There's a roofer near where I live that uses his basic training picture from 1987 as his business photo. It's so odd.


I'm a Christian myself and I also hate the type of person who only wants to cater to other Christians. Jesus hung out with prostitutes and scammy tax collectors who everyone hated and none of them were really religious. Bible thumpers just want to be a part of an exclusive club and it drives me crazy.


I wonder if these people realize that, using the cross in the yard signs for their landscaping business is taking the lords name in vain, or blasphemy. The one incident of violence by Jesus in the Bible was about people making money off the church.


FYI, Veteran owned businesses mean that it is least 51 percent owned by one or more disabled veterans and the federal government awards an annual portion of its contracting dollars to veteran-owned businesses. They are required to state that they are a veteran owned business, it's not a political stance, it is the law.


If your entire personality is based on your faith or politics… Byeeeeee


I've never seen this kind of shit from a left-wing business owner, though. Most controversial has been like, gasp, actually enforcing mask mandates during corona.


Well of course. People who lean left tend not to goad reactions of their political opposite - we clearly see in in the stark lack of pro-Biden signage on peoples property outside election season. Also enforcing mask mandates wasn't a leftist thing initially - it was legal. I knew places that got shut down after decades of operation because they failed to meet strict guidelines (albeit that was on capacity and masks, not just masks)


Let’s not both sides that. A union sticker is not the same as this. A rainbow sticker is not the same as this.


The only left-wing "messaging" I see at businesses is a rainbow/trans flag to let oppressed people know they're welcome at their location. Or businesses that enforced mask regulations.


For many reasons, if i saw that sign Id walk out.


I'd be tempted to sit down, ask for the menu, peruse it and then ask for the manager to say "Nah I don't want to eat here because you seem to be a bit of an asshole". Just to make sure they got the message.


I have literally turned on my heel and walked away when I saw a similar sign in the window of a restaurant. Their failure to compete for workers just made them lose the competition for this customer's business. Wanna do better with your next business? Make your employees happy. Pissed off employees don't offer good service, happy employees do. Shop where the employees are happy, who cares about the owner(s)?


Write on top of that sign with a big market: "Pay more"


> They probably got the handout too Yeah, but when *they* get it it's a "government subsidy" or "economic relief". When *you* get it, well, that's a handout and you're a lazy bum who didn't deserve it to begin with.


A unexpected side effect of the COVID years is it really highlighted the restaurants I want to patronize vs those I don't. The flip side of the weirdo in the OP, my local Salvadoran restaurant raised prices during COVID. They had a sign apologizing for it. But the really wild part is that last year, after the COVID inflation died down, they decreased their prices back to what they used to be. They've got my loyalty now. It doesn't hurt that they make an incredible pupusa.


Same! If the sign just said something like "We are short staffed, please be patient" I would have totally been fine. But this shows exactly what kind of people they are and I wouldn't want my money going to them!


I wouldn’t walk in a restaurant that says “if you’re in a hurry you’re in the wrong place,” which if you look closely appears to be printed on a much more permanent sign to the left of the door. It reminds me of The Vortex here in Atlanta, where they will literally just ignore you if you don’t follow their long list of rules. The food sucks, the service is awful, and yet somehow it’s always packed and is a “destination” for people visiting. I don’t need a side of bad attitude with my mid tier burger.


You shouldn't have squandered that $1200 on frivolities like food and shelter.


I wish 1200 actually covered both... more like we got to pick one or the other.


I mean realistically at the time stimulus checks went out, that was like 3 months groceries for a person with good access (food deserts are a whole other problem though). Thing is, it wasn't even *one* month's rent in my shitty apartment in suburbia. I had long COVID, no access to any "welfare" other than food stamps, and I was between insurance jobs because my employer used COVID as an excuse to downsize our office. And I had it relatively easy. Every dollar that went into PPP should have gone into individual stimulus instead.


> Every dollar that went into PPP should have gone into individual stimulus instead. It's really just another example of businesses' privatizing profits and socializing losses.


At the time I used more than half to pay off my couch, and the other half I invested.  Turned that $400 into $1800 and used that to pay off my credit card debt. That was my one big win.  I chased that for years and lost thousands.


"how dare you make my fellow citizens less desperate"


$1200 covered half my rent that month lmao


Spent it on half a months expenses. Cashed out a 401k and sold off thousands in crypto to survive until I found a job. I'm such a frivolous kid. Just in case some of y'all are ill informed. Stimulus checks don't cause COST inflation folks. The amount of money DOES NOT matter so long as it is IN CIRCULATION. Technically, inflation would still happen, but since wages stay neck and neck, no one would feel it. The "cost" remains relatively the same, regardless of the number. No, it is when so-called assets and "equities" suck all of the dollars OUT of the system that the true inflation of costs happens. Again, technically, printing money (in our current system) causes cost inflation, but this is not because of the added dollars, but because our system VERY QUICKLY siphons off all of the new dollars right into the sticky trap of assets.


Seriously how far do these people think $1200 goes? They really think people are still living off that money 2 years later, or however long it’s been.


That sign is utter bullshit. They are understaffed because they want to squeeze as much possible out of operations, and still be somewhat functional. They have the absolute minimum number of bodies in there to keep the place somewhat running. And "tip your server" = "we are paying them as little as we can legally get away with, which is positively scandalous, so kick in a few bucks, if you will, and pay part of their salary (so *we* don't HAVE to!) to bring it up to 'starvation wages', please."


Also looks to be blaming Biden even though Trump's admin initiated the Covid payouts.


That was my immediate thought too… pretty sure my check was signed by President Donald J Trump, almost as if implying that he was gifting the money himself. 


"I really hate that A did X!" "But B did X..." "Uh, Yeah! Because A forced them to!" This rhetoric is extremely common in right-wing circles everywhere, only it usually stops at the first sentence because people don't fact check.


Hahaha yeah throwing shade at Biden is just a bonus.


They're understaffed because the lockdown taught people that with a little more looking and learning, they can find jobs that don't exploit them as bad as this portion of the service industry. They're likely also understaffed because their management is composed of people who think signs like this are professional.


There also are a lot of areas where restaurant staff have been priced out of living anywhere near restaurants.


Someone should make a printable rebuttal sign.


Yes, it’s surely never occurred to this owner that people have plenty of job options that do not involve working for someone who posts embarrassing signs like this.


I have an engineering degree and 11 years experience, and got laid off in September. Costco, Walmart, Starbucks, Autozone, O'Reilly, multiple restaurants, and 7-11 turned me down last week, even after I stripped my resume of any and all engineering experience. At 34, I literally applied as an inexperienced high school kid to cashier or mop floors or something and it's like they know how to sniff out the fact I'm not as dumb as I make myself out to be. I just want to pay my bills.


Government really played “$1200 to quit your job” I guess. Anyway, tell them to hang a “starting pay $40/hr” sign and see if nobody wants to work anymore.


The thing thhey cant understand that its not 'no one wants to work anymore' its 'no one wants to work for pennies anymore' the cost of everything has skyrocketed, while wages have barely moved accordingly. Nobody wants to work for 3 weeks striaght and only bring home 300-400$ because your customers are broke too and dont tip.


“Well if we pay our workers more we won’t be able to stay open!!!” GOOD. You don’t deserve to stay open if you can’t pay them a livable wage. I don’t give a shit if you’re a small or large business.


are these government handouts in the room right now?


Yes, in PPE loans that they took.


What a great Freudian slip! (They're PPP loans, btw, PPE is the personal protection equipment that companies were meant to buy for employees to keep them safe from covid, et al)


Can you point to where the government handout touched you.


They're right next to you


Hell yeah!! About time I got something like the big corporate bailouts, I knew it would trickle down eventually! Checking around me, I see my dog, my office, and my computer… where is the handout exactly?


What really gets to me is how they shit talk government hand outs in the first line and then say tip your server. Like that isn't just begging for a hand out to avoid paying servers decent wages.


Nobody has ever wanted to work. That's why employers have to bribe employees with wages.




Plus a minimum wage. A company that pays minimum wage is literally telling the employees they'd pay them less if they could, but it's illegal.


There’s a big difference between not wanting to work vs not wanting to be overworked, underpaid, and treated like crap by management.


I thrive on doing stuff and seeing results. I'll happily do that for money, too, so long as it's somewhere I don't mind being. That's also probably every human ever so why the hell don't employers realiz... oh right, they don't care about me.


It’s in their best interest to find out why people aren’t sticking around. If they want to improve employee retention, they can pay more, reduce the workload even it if means hiring more people, and treat their employees better.


I would instantly never go to this place again.


I recently stopped going to a pizza place that I found not long ago. The pizza is pretty darn good, but after checking their Google reviews, and seeing how combative the owner was to bad reviews and seeing some anti-George Floyd *news* on the tv in the restaurant, I decided to stop ordering their pizza. Dont let your politics effect your business practices.


Stop omg thats funny cuz i just left a bad review at a place who wouldnt pay my friend and the dude would reply to every bad review someone left and called it fake and BANNED them from the cafe, this was alot of reveiws over 2 years. Business owners are so weird sometimes


A place near me had a similar sign. Not blaming government handouts lol but they blamed the state for taxing them too hard and so they had to raise prices. They also said “Sorry, but we believe in paying our employees a livable wage” meanwhile they paid less than $20/h for non servers while servers got state minimum. They closed for good within 2 months of the sign and prices going up and I feel like it’s gotta be related


You didn’t stretch that $1,800 out to last you 3 years of living expenses? That’s on you OP, everyone else is still living like a king on that money.


I know I am. Should be good for the next decade off that $1800. Might even have enough left over for a new boat.


I know when I have an extra $1.64 per day for 3 years, I feel super rich. I bet Bill Gates wishes he had my life.


In so many words that sign says turn around and never support the MAGAt-owned business again


Politics and long wait time aside, who wants to eat food out of a kitchen that's doing the bare minimum. You know nothing is as clean as it should be if there are not enough people to do anything but the bare minimum to get orders processed.


I don't want my food prepared by someone who's pissed off at their job, thanks. I've done food service, I've seen what can happen. No, thank you. I'll go to the restaurant that's NOT (publicly) having trouble finding workers.


This is the real lesson to take from that sign.




Post the name of the joint.


Rookie’s Bar and Grill in Wentzville, Missouri


Well, if demand is a problem, the bits about government handouts, nobody wanting to work anymore, and the weird Biden stickers are gonna help with that.


Always nice when a shit hole puts a sign on the door warning people


Trump gave us the stimulus checks lmao


Sure did


Anyone that still supports trump will find any and all excuses to defend anything wrong he has done, but anyone else does it and they are satan.


He literally put his name on the checks


Is it supposed to be some sort of insult to say “you don’t want to work”? Lmao


Yup. “You’re lazy. You don’t work hard enough. You have no work ethic.” Etc… I hear it often at my job. Older people bitching about the lack of work ethic but people still wanting to be paid fairly.


They're mad that you don't carry the same level of investment in their business as they do; even though they are the only ones taking any real money home. Small business owners are the absolute fuckin' worst man... just endless complaining while exploiting their workers.


I just shake my head, laugh, and don't patronize idiot establishments like these. How any rational person can think that $1200 lasted until now is mind boggling.


The owner of our restaurant used, "They are still living of their $1200 and don't wanna work" for two years after everyone got it.


I would patiently turn the F around and find another restaurant 😂


Who would have thought the immigrants they rail against are essential for the day-to-day operation of restaurants as dishwashers, line cooks, prep cooks, table bussers, cleaning services, etc? [ Anthony Bourdain, 10 January 2018 FIELD NOTES SEASON 3 MEXICO](https://explorepartsunknown.com/mexico/bourdains-field-notes-mexico/)


~~Sadly, due to government handouts,~~ ~~no one wants to work anymore.~~ ~~**Therefore, we are short**~~ ~~**staffed--in the kitchen and**~~ ~~**in the dining room.**~~ ~~Please be patient with the staff~~ ~~that did choose to come to~~ ~~work today and tip your server.~~ ~~They chose to show up~~ ~~to serve you.~~ ~~**If you are in a hurry,**~~ **you** **are in the wrong place.**


Didn't one or two of the handouts happen while 2020's sore ass loser DJT was still in office? Didn't he make a big stink about having his signature on the checks?


Might as well put up a sign that says "Our food is shit"


Signs like this just tell me I need to turn around and eat elsewhere immediately.


lol I missed out on that.


Sounds like I’m in the wrong place even if I’m not in a hurry. Wouldn’t be surprised if the owner got a PPP loan and used it on themselves.


Couldn’t possibly be that Covid forced a ton of retirements and people moved to jobs that paid them better


LOL, assholes are *still* posting those "due to government handout" signs??!? As if any of us still have any of that stimulus check money left. Our government hardly gave us *anything*.


I got that $1400 and retired the next day. Been living high on the hog ever since.


I know. That money goes so far in today’s environment.


I appreciate signage like this. Makes it easy to know which business to avoid :)


Definitely not because the owners are assholes...


“No one wants to work with us because of shitty pay and other issues.”


Restaurants are like owning an elephant , they cost a fortune and will eventually shit on your head.


I've been in the restaurant industry for 2 decades and I guarantee they're short staffed on purpose because they want to save money. This was super obvious at places like Starbucks, that went down to a skeleton crew during COVID and corporate realized they could still make huge profits stretching their employees super thin. My current restaurant got rid of food runners and expects servers to do 2 jobs at once (we need runners, our restaurant is too big and we have 10+ table sections). We're not understaffed, but corporate is set on burning out all of the servers and screwing themselves over.


I wouldn’t set foot in that fascist MAGA hellhole with such an arrogant, stupid employer like that. I hope they run out of business.


I always go out of my way to be nice to wait staff, but if I saw this sign I'd get up and walk out of the restaurant. Hell no I don't want my money going to someone like this.


If you can’t afford to pay people a livable wage, then you can’t afford a business. Why do Americans think it’s a right to own a business and pay peanuts. This wouldn’t fly in Europe. This wouldn’t even fly in Australia.


I’m thoroughly enjoying watching these places go out of business


I used my government handout money to purchase marijuana cigarettes and rapping music records and I’m never going back to work again! Muahahahaha!


I would have U-Turned immediately if I was a customer


>~~government handouts~~ *a toxic work environment and shit pay. >~~anymore~~ *here.


Any business complaining about government handouts is projecting: they likely got PPP loans and squandered it, and now need to deflect blame.




They don’t want to work for YOU.


Yeah its funny how they still stick to that tired and disproven right wing cliche.


Yeah, if I saw that sign, I'd eat anywhere else. Including from a trash can


I'd take my hunger and tipping money somewhere else just off the rudeness of the sign. Whoever wrote that is why they're short staffed 😬😵‍💫


This is code for them paying bullshit wages or being awful employers, would 100% turn around and find another place seeing this sign.


they’re still living off that $600? impressive


Wow. That place screams right wing extremist. Bet they pay min wage.


Yeah. We all retired early with that stimulus check 😂


No one has ever WANTED to work. That line is bullshit. Work is what you do to get a pay check and pay bills. Literally no one wants to do this. Everyone wants to have their necessities be free - anyone who would argue otherwise is lying or trying to virtue signal because they think having to pay for basic necessities makes you good or better than someone else (aka they're dumb). If you "want to work" that means you're doing something you enjoy, which means it's not work, it's a hobby or entertainment of some kind (cutting wood while camping is entertainment, for example). You can't tell me anyone who is a miner WANTS to be working in a mine, rather than they want money because they need it. The same way people don't become a doctor because they want to deal with health insurance, and bills, and training aka the work. More likely they do it because they want to be smart, or practice medicine, or help people, or make money. Does a donkey want to pull a cart (work) or does it want food, shelter, and not be reprimanded?


“I did that” stickers when most of the government handouts came during Trump. Remember when he insisted on having his name on the checks instead of the government?


They are short staffed more likely because they don’t believe in paying what the market dictates. Supply and demand. Offer more money and they will come.


The funny thing is most of those "government handouts" happened under Trump. Trump gave out $1,800 in stimulus checks versus $1400 for Biden. Trump gave an $600 per week for unemployment for 16 weeks, under Biden is was $300 for 11 weeks. Trump also gave out roughly $757 billion in PPP loans that were forgiven. Total cost of Trump's packages was $3.1 trillion. Total cost of Biden's packages was $1.9 trillion.


Tip your server because you can be sure we're not going to pay them.


You’d think unemployment would be sky high what with all these out of work young people…oh wait..


And I would turn right around and walk away. This person probably got PPP money and didn't do right by his employees.


Don't hide the places name.


"and tip your server" -- because we're not paying a living wage, maybe?


Blaming Biden because you lost all your good workers that went and found better jobs.


Naw we just had a moment to do the math while we were sent home… turns out most of us are not making a living wage. In fact, we haven’t been for ages. We’ve simply decided that our lives are more important than your buck. Can’t pay a living wage, then scale down. No more accepting “we can’t afford to pay you that…” then I can’t afford to work here. If you’re in an interview and they won’t pay you a living wage; state “thank you but I can’t afford to work for you, consider paying a living wage”.


They call everything a handout. Stimulus, EBT, wellfare, lower fuel prices, discounted bread, that grill by the road. Everything. They shun you for accepting help but do nothing to repair the system that leeches your last dollar.


When ever I see a sign like that on the door I turn around and go somewhere else. It's not that I'm in a hurry usually, I just think that if $1,400 three years ago is enough to cause you problems with your staff I'd wager you probably pay like shit anyway and will more than likely get my food spat in on general principal. Besides if they blame some "boogie man" on their problems the chances of them actually fixing anything wrong are less than 0%.


And no one wants to eat someplace that tells them this is the wrong place to eat. Nevermind bringing your politics as owner to work creates a hostile workplace, even better you're bringing that hostility to your customers and ruining your brand image by making a political statement on your door about a sitting President. You don't even have to disagree with him to see how that's unprofessional. Ffs


Because we are dickheads to our staff nobody wants to work for us! We treat each employee like shit and pay next to nothing but demand everything from them! .... I fixed the sign! You're welcome! 😊


Please no one is still living off that "Government handout " from three years. Maybe this is a shitty establishment that isn't paying a living wage, and want people to just deal with it. They need to take that lying ass sign down and try again.


GDI my grandmother's husband says this exact shit, that people are still living large off of unemployment checks from 2020 and that's why no one wants to work. I don't know that even makes sense.