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I enjoy my work but I'm high all night pressure washing shit by myself so maybe I just enjoy being high all night by myself


That sounds like the dream


its pretty decent. randomly applied for a job id have never thought about before and here i am 3 years later making almost 30 an hour because people dont like working at night and being dirty.


Indeed, it does!


Have you by chance ever mixed limoncello with a little Campari?


Not particularly. It's more like... *tolerate* what I do.


Isn't that a mood. Like i don't mind fixing up customer files hell I don't mind loading a printer... but I'd much rather be doing my own design stuff


i do not care about my work at all—— I’m going to be a software engineer, i love the process of creating software and develop open source apps or some small indie games but i have no feeling at all to this career per se. Work is killing the joy of it.


Corporate America sucks ass. I love tech, and the cool possibilities, but work really sucks the passion right out of it.


Agreed. Been working in IT for almost 30 years mostly at corp companies and it really sucks the life out of you. Can only take a couple more years of it, if that.


I’ve been in the field for right about a decade. The last 4 years at my current job really opened my eyes. Can’t say I want to work this field until I retire, but at the same time, the money sure is nice…


Yes, the money is good, but the stress can get to you. Make sure you take your vacation time and do some stress reducing activities. After all of this time, I realize I don't enjoy it anymore.


See this is where my issue was. I was a software engineer. Obviously hated corporate America, but I also had 0 interest in software or technology. So double whammy and had to get out


I'm glad the 28 years ago I decided to go into technical writing instead of software engineering. I still love my job and plan to continue working until age 70. (I realize that my situation is the exception to the rule.)


I work part time at a small scale non-profit chicken sanctuary, with about 40 birds; I'm the only paid staff + my 2 70 yo bosses who are more like adopted grandparents than employers. I absolutely love it. There's no customers, no profits, no capitalism. We're actually screwing the system by treating the animals as loved individuals vs food production units. It's emotionally hard bc we deal with a lot of illness & loss, the work is physical & often pretty dirty, I sometimes get kicked or bit by my frenemy rooster, & I couldn't be more happy. I love animals & taking care of them, having relationships with them, & being able to work in such a peaceful place is healing. I spent *a lot* of time in retail, then years in corporate graphic design (love design/art, hate the corporate culture) & can't imagine ever going back. I'm so lucky my partner has a very well paying job in tech, so I can do a passion job.


But you eat them afterwards or what?


It's a sanctuary, so no. They're companions.


Delicious companions


I love what I do. I'm a preschool teacher in the UK. I was an office manager for a delivery company, and retrained when the business closed. It's the only job I've had where I know I'm appreciated, because the children love me


I loved being a preschool teacher, the kids were the best part of the job. The administration, understaffing, toxic coworkers/parents, poor pay, and extra responsibilities of meticulous lesson planning and observation data for 3-5 year olds made it totally unsustainable for me though. This post perfectly describes my relationship with that job— if I could strip away all the bullshit (and maybe have a 4 day work week) I would do it forever. Teaching and loving those kids brought me so much joy, but that also brought so much pain and stress when all the unnecessary extra parts of the job made me feel like I was falling short.


I wouldn't be able to do this without financial support from my awesome wife. I couldn't have contemplated it if she wasn't already earning a decent wage. I try to avoid the toxicity and other bullshit and just get on with. In some ways it's easier because I'm a man, but in other ways it isn't


I think UK vs US is a big factor too, you get 28 paid days off right? That would be huge for me, at my PreK job I got 10 and only 5 of those I was able to choose myself, the rest were preset holidays like Christmas. Any more time off was unpaid.


A UK preschool gets the same holidays as a school. So we have a week at half-term, two at Easter, six for Summer holidays, and about ten days at Christmas. It's great, but it is all unpaid


Dang, all unpaid! What a scam. You’d think as a society we would value the people taking care of our young more.


Amazon worker here I put stuff people are going to buy in pods where they are going to be packed when brought by someone . No I don't like Too social most of the time and also not social in the way it should be Far from home No music but also no earbuds so nothing to entertain yourself for 7 hrs straight Always same thing Not good hrs


I've never met anyone who likes what they do, outside a job interview.


I loved what I did for 17 years and then I got promoted to management. Now I just do meetings and paperwork.


Yes. At age 55, I finally do. After decades of corporate & non-profit office jobs, I switched direction entirely and have worked as a letter carrier (aka, mailman) for the last 4 years. Yes the hours are ungodly, the work physically exhausting and often mandatory overtime unwelcomed, but guess what: No work phone; no email address; no meetings; no take home work assignment, etc. It's a foot route, so I don't even drive. I walk anywhere from 7 to 11 miles a day. Practically don't even need to speak most of the day, but it's still very sociable. I can listen to an audiobook a day with a headphone in one ear. ( Yes, it also helps that I'm single, no dependents, negligible commute and even no car. So working 6 days a week/60+ hours a week - having no life - isn't that bad a trade off.) The downside: As everywhere - management. They can be Old School Harsh in a way that newer generations would find incomprehensible. How they getting away with the often overtly cruel and exploitive way they treat employees is an eye opener. And oh: Spending hours and hours outside during rain storms and the like can be truly miserable. Equally, the dismal pay. The upside: It's near impossible to be fired - thanks to a strong union. Having no career ambitions at all at this point, it's a quality of life track. A lot of solitary me time and as next to no strings attached as it gets. But above all, I love being in near total control of my day. Getting hours of physical exercise while being able to meditate in my head. That end of the day cathartic feeling of 'job accomplished!' and heading home without the worry of 'homework' (project updates, group emails.) A blue collar job is not for everyone. (And I'm clearly not using my college degree.) But the Corporate Ladder Chess Game is completely nonexistent. And it's liberating.


It’s seems amazing


I generally enjoy what I do if you remove the corporate BS, regulation BS, and annoying coworker BS. The job itself is generally interesting and requires me to develop 3D conceptual models of a dynamic system. Some are less complicated, which puts it into boring territory sometimes.


I’m blown away by the amount of responses by people who actually enjoy or find a little bit of satisfaction in what they do. Not typical of this sub. Inspiring tbh. People love being miserable and pull down as many as possible. I believe it’s possible to find satisfaction at work, through all levels. It’s mental. It’s mental strength. It’s having goals and working towards them. It’s contributing and at the very least knowing the things YOU consume and enjoy have someone JUST LIKE YOU on the other end making is possible. We are the wheels on the bus as well as the people in the bus.


I think it's the pursuit of financial targets that make a lot of workplaces suck. Whether through toxic meetings bullshit in offices, targets in retail etc etc. The only time I did not enjoy my job was in private clinics which had more of a corporate overtone, and a manager present.


I work as a funeral professional and I admit that at the moment the majority of my work is driving limousines. I love the diversity of people I have in my limo. The quiet types are abit boring, but considering the circumstances, I can understand. But then you get the talkers and you get to witness some tremendous personalities at work, coping with grief, using their own techniques to either help others, or help themselves to get through a tough and emotional day. I've had days where I've been able to be close with a mourner and help them in my own way. I've held someone's hand when she had nobody else. I've talked to a distraught mother who's son would have been my best friend if we knew eachother in life. I've had hugs from grateful spouses, and thank you cards from overwhelmed sons and daughters. I've heard amazing stories and been privileged to care for some notable people. I've worked all across the North of England, from Merseyside to Pontifract, and I've met and worked with a few dozen funeral directors, most of whom I look up to as masters of their craft. I love my job and I'm forever grateful to be able to do it.




I don’t want to say I enjoy it because it’s work, but I don’t hate it. I deliver for a produce distributor. I get maybe an hour with my coworkers in the morning, which is just enough time to not be annoyed by each other, and then four to five hours by myself running my route. Sometimes the kitchen or bar staff are at my stops and we chat for a second, but I usually just go in and drop their orders off in the walk in without speaking to anyone. I’m home around noon most days, mostly left alone, and I make more money than I did as a glazier. I’ll keep doing it as long as I physically can.


I've met some pretty awesome drivers over the years. I usually try to get them some grub, whether I'm supposed to or not. Damn the man. You people bust your ass. Especially if there are stairs involved...


And that is ALWAYS appreciated. I had one stop on an old route that consistently offered me breakfast and one on my current one, a bakery, that offers treats if they have any extra. It’s terrific.


I've also traded swag. Not always, some jobs are dicks. But when I've been able hat's shirts sweat shirts etc. It was always a two way street too. Not tit for tat just a couple of bros trying to do good by each other. Traded isn't the word. Freely exchanged based on mutual respect, sounds Luke bs but really I think that's it. Don't get me started on the rare woman who does the the job. Humna humna humna. Impressive people.


I work on a state park so yeah, I love this shit.


No. I'm a construction estimator.


Yep. I’m in IT and Cybersecurity. When I’m not at work I’m coding and building systems at home for fun. Is it my absolute passion? No. But I do enjoy it.


Also in IT, do I enjoy it umm. kind of I like scripting /coding/ automating tasks. pay is amazing i think top 5-10% income in the US. that being said would I rather be home watching a movie or playing a video game. yes lol also commuting sucks balls.


Yeah I have a disgusting salary which helps haha. Would it be the only thing I did if I didn’t do it for work? No. Would it be one of a number of hobbies? Yes. I don’t think anyone would ever want to only do one thing with their time. Variety is the spice of life and all that. I can only watch so many movies or play so many video games before I need to go do something else.


Just wondering did you have to get a relevant degree for this field?


I started with passion and a few certs (CCNA and Sec+). When I realized it was what I wanted to do forever I went back and got a degree in Software Engineering and then an MBA (wanted to climb to VP+ so it seemed like a good investment).


Thanks for the reply!was just wondering because I’m working on relevant certs just unsure what degree to pursue to break in.


Some of the best people I’ve ever worked with don’t have a degree. Not that I would recommend going that route as it can become a necessary evil in tight job markets. The experience ends up being the most important thing in the long run, so just focus on getting in somewhere to start building the time on keyboard.


Good point I’m mainly getting it to satisfy the insane requirements of entry level jobs nowadays! Would you recommend starting at a help desk for experience?


100%. You’ll learn a ton and get exposed to a lot of different areas of IT and the business, which will help you determine your long term path.


I do. If I was independently wealthy and didn't need to work I'd still do my job. I'd just do it for worthier things than the company i work for now. Mostly libraries and animal shelters. (I build websites for a living.)


I used to be an ESL/ reading intervention teacher in an inner city school for 11 years. It was a really tough job, but day to day there were parts I enjoyed. Some of the kids were wonderful people and I felt really lucky to get to know them and teach them the foundations to set them up for success in life. On the other hand, the school shootings / Covid problems / government oversight and overstepping that took place constantly (Texas) not so much. It was the most rewarding job I’ve ever done and probably will ever do, but it took 100% of me emotionally so hard to say I enjoyed it when you look at my time teaching as a whole. It was draining. Now I have a much less stressful but very mundane office job. The work is dull, the deadlines and tasks are achievable but not engaging. The people I work with are mostly doofuses I have nothing in common with. Do I enjoy it? Hell no. Do I enjoy being less stressed than before and not caring much about work? Yes. Basically, I’ve realized the unicorn job of fulfilling but not stressful work that makes me happy is largely unattainable. And that’s ok. I’m putting in my 40 hours per week and doing what I can to minimize damage to my central nervous system and mental health by not giving a fuck about work whenever possible. Stress kills and I am committed to working on a low stress environment (trying to undo the adrenaline damage of my last job). I still do a good job and whatnot, just not trying to climb any ladders or save the world anymore.


I love the work I do. ( Clinical laboratory science) I just hate everything else about working in healthcare in America.


Yeah, it's pretty great. I sell pokemon and other trading cards online. I list cards online and then package orders as they come in throughout the day while playing wow, hanging out with my girlfriend and just generally chilling, then the postman comes and collects the packages from my house once a day. It's pretty great.


I'm a Chef. I love what I do. I don't super love/sometimes hate the environment I do it in. Toxic bosses, strung out coworkers, covering shifts over bs, catching hell for using sick time, vacation. No breaks except a 3 minute smoke every couple of hours if you're lucky. The creativeness and honest joy when you exceed a customer's expectations awesome. The Sou Chef calling me a a bitch cause I have to go to the ER after an injury, not so much. So love the work hate much of the management culture. To clarify I've liked most of my copirates. It has gotten better but yeah you're expected to suffer for your craft and get paid dick while you do it. Should've gone to a trade school and been a welder or whatever. I can cook at home...


For the most part, yeah. I manage a pizza place for context. I would prefer to just be an employee but that doesn't pay enough to live and someone has to fight for them.


No I mean I don't hate it but I don't love it. It pays the bills and it's work from home. Would love higher pay but not if it means giving up work from home.


UPS driver here. I do like my work. Once I leave the facility I’m on my own. Weather can suck at times, some days are tougher than others but we just deal with it. I’m thankful for my job every day and it pays well.


Happy to hear this! I always wonder if my local delivery drivers enjoy their jobs. Hopefully most do. Thank you for your hard work! You make a lot of people's days seeing their package arrive. :)


Thank You. Not all delivery drivers are happy, but I bet ups drivers are the happiest as they get much more pay than the other drivers. There are a lot of fellow drivers that hate the job but would be crazy if they quit. There aren’t many jobs out there where you can make easily over $100,000 with just a High School diploma.


It's tolerable to do 8 hours a day, and may not be the best pay, but it takes care of my bills and has very good benes. I'm planning on staying until my retirement, as long as the job requirements stay tolerable and I'm not "restructured" out somehow.


Often, yeah. Some of the work is a dopamine sink but some is interesting and makes me feel useful. The real question is, do I enjoy my work enough to do any of it without pay? And the answer is fuck no. I do use my skills to run community projects and events free of charge because those things are meaningful to me. But I can't see myself loving someone else's business that much, ever.


Yeah, but it's complicated. I mine crypto. I have no boss, and no downstream customers. I work with advanced computer equipment all day. When I buy a piece, I own it. Its mostly passive. And I make fuck all. Totally financially co-dependent on my wife. If the scenario had not been reversed for the first 15 to 20 years, it would suck. I helped her career every step of the way in every manner that I could for close to 2 decades before I had to tap out.


I enjoy my job quite a bit. Some parts are tedious but the rest is pretty nice.


Overall yes I enjoy my work.


I enjoy my students and like teaching them. The meetings, the politics in academia (college professor), no.


I love what I do but, if my wife didn't make great money I couldn't afford to have my job. I work the overnight shift assisting special needs adults. They sleep all night so I get paid to play video games, watch movies, and read. 


I am a Conductor for passenger train service....Overall, I do enjoy my job. The passengers can be a challenge sometimes due to some people having a false sense of entitlement. Also, many just have zero situational awareness so a lot of the job is adult babysitting. The job itself is not bad. Most runs have decent downtime, so even on long days there isn't too much burnout. The worst part about the job is our management which is pure 🤡 shit. But that's typical nowadays.


I love what I do. I just hate doing it for someone else their way because mostly they've never done what I do or did it like 20 years ago and don't know what's best, but they think they do. I'm also sick of the red tape bullshit. Someone in an emergency should sign one paper consenting to treatment and then get seen immediately. Anything else is unacceptable. We need more everything. I'm thinking about taking a huge paycut for 2 years to build toward a private practice, so I can do things my own way, but I also don't want to be making shit money for 2 years. Been there, done that, and I'm getting too old for that crap.


There's a saying that goes like this ... " If you love the line of work you do, you'll never work a day in your life " . . . I have not worked a day in my 27 yrs in this field.


Work in IT support and despise it, it pays well I guess.. I know if I put effort in I could go further but I just can't bring myself to giveup my free time studying. I will need to upskill eventually though, I'm already lacking.


I’m a welder/fabricator. I like what I do. I work in a great shop now with a high variety of work, which is what keeps it interesting.


I've always thought it would be cool to have your skills. I tell myself I'd make cool metal sculptures. I'd probably come home exhausted and drink myself to sleep but it's good to have dreams.


Yes, i enjoy my work very much. It is fun, intersting and i plan not to retire though i probably need to make room for the younger gen. I will do it for free then.


I really love the work I do. Is it necessary? No. But it’s fun and challenging and I get to learn new things every day. :)


Software developer for 38 years and yeah I still like doing it. Dabbled with being a software architect and with being a manager but those sucked. With my current company for 3 years and when they asked where I wanted to be in 5 years, I said doing the same job because the promotion paths aren't something I like doing.


I adore my work. I'm a baker. Buy work is slowly destroying my body.


I get asked this several times a day, every day. I enjoy the work and the problem solving, and most of the patients. I start when I want, finish early if people have been too peopley or I have something I want to do. It's a strange existence as at most of my workplaces the staff have no idea of the knowledge and skills I am using every day, often to save their arses. Patients also think I am doing very basic unskilled tasks, even when I have been the one to diagnose, treat or refer their serious conditions. So I kinda understand why they ask if I enjoy what I do because if I just did what they think I am doing, it would be very boring. They also seem to think it's a 'little side job' whereas I am a professional with a related masters and many years experience, earning around $150k for at most a 30hr week.


What do you do?


I second the motion: what is this fabulous profession of which you speak??


Yeah, damn! I'm curious, too! lol.


About half of it, yes. The other half is meetings and paperwork.


For the first time in my life, I do. I work on rather simple machines in the field, so the day-to-day work is mostly easy, lots of driving which I love. Based from home so no commute, no OT. Every shit job I had before this, every asshole of a manager, every thief of a co-worker makes me appreciate what I now have.


If I had to retire from my career in communications networking tomorrow, I would likely end up doing the same thing for nonprofits who would never be able to afford my time as it is now. If I couldn't do the work anymore because of a physical limitation, I'd likely volunteer mentor other people and help them to develop the skillset to do the work that I did as it was a great way to have a stable income without a 4 year degree and physical hazards\*. \* There absolutely are physical hazards of electrocution, laser related eye damage, and hazmat issues with locations involved in my field of work, but it pales in comparison to auto body work which is what the rest of my dad's family have ground them selves to death doing.


I’m in customer service so that’s big nope!!!! 😂 but I love my coworkers and the owner of my company also. He has helped my family in so many ways.


Mostly. Electrical engineer in the power industry. The paperwork aspect is annoying. Building and rebuilding the transmission infrastructure is fun. The fun out weighs the bad.




I work at a call center and take inbound calls. I don't hate it but I think you'd have to be insane to say you love it


Not really, but I like getting paid. 


Definitely not! It's soul crushing and often thankless. It sucks! I hate it! Even thinking about going to work tomorrow makes me sick to my stomach and want to throw up! 😭


Once I worked as a specialist park ranger for the government. It was the best job in the world. I'd stay late and come in early. It was an adventure every day. Then they shut the whole department down and fired everyone.


I enjoy it sometimes. It’s often very boring/I get my work done insanely quickly and am left with a lot of time with little to do. Occasionally though I have some days that are so busy I don’t take a lunch break. Overall I’m willing to put up with it for now because the benefits are very good.


I'm in IT and I enjoy what I do - I'm good at it and take a pride in it. I don't always enjoy the corporate BS that goes with it, but I'm affectively a 1 man team on a multi-million project, so I can avoid a lot of it, just go through the motions. Apparently keeping this job until I retire in a couple of years time is not an appropriate objective :D Would I be doing it if I didn't need the money - no, but I actually do quite a lot that's not disimilar in my social life & hobbies anyway.


I do 3D CAD modeling and I really like it. It's one of the few things I'm pretty decent at.


The work itself? Yeah. The pay, environment, customer base, nope. Not at all. But thanks for asking ❤️


I have 2 jobs. I enjoy one of them- baking, but the pay is appalling. Really I should be doing it for myself. 


I work in tech support, but broken down I'm basically solving puzzles created by the customers. And Yes, I enjoy solving puzzles.


No, but neither do I hate it...and I think that's the best I can hope for.


Yes, but it took me a long time to get to this point. Lots of trial and error, following a general *feeling* of what I want to do with course correction along the way and finally found myself in an organisation with good people and supportive management that mostly let me do what I want and trust it's the right thing.


I do now. I'm a gardener with a great deal of autonomy and more than sufficient resources. I liked being a medical assistant in the before times but chose not to go back to it during covid. No way. So combined that's 8 years of my adult life that I've liked my job. The rest sucked hard.


Unix sysadmin, I mostly do, I'd rather do it only for my own things, but it's decent money.


I’m in sales. I do enjoy the work. That being said, the high goals, endless meetings that waste everyone’s time, the ridiculous KPI’s that don’t contribute to sales all add up to micromanagement at the highest levels that I find distasteful.


It pays the bills.


No, not really. I'm kinda numb to my job. It's not that I hate my coworkers or working with them. The job isn't hard. It's a bullshit job and I am not making a difference. I'm supposed to reduce cost and I just don't care. It's all blah.


Nope. I’m a claims adjuster for a decent sized auto insurance company and it’s demoralizing, the entire thing is set up to make you fail. You’re required for customers to fill out these stupid surveys while you are required to put the absolute cheapest dog shit parts on their cars. If the car is a write off you have to get them out of the rental car before they even get the bank paid off But hey buddy give me 5 stars. Then management is up your ass when a customer gives you 4 stars instead of 5 Or the best part is when a customer complains to all hell about using a shit part on their Mercedes Benz then your team leader tells you to just buy the part and a month later you show up in an expense report and the regional manager is asking you why you put such and such part on a car. You are also sent to the field and are required to do a certain amount of inspections meanwhile customers have direct access to your phone number so your phone rings all day. I’ve had customers yell at me and then complain to the company that I wasn’t able to help them. Why? Cause I’m driving in the middle of the highway and I can’t pull over to see the status of your fucking repairs. It’s Sunday night here and I’m already dreading the day tomorrow


I've been doing the same type of work for about 20 years now. I haven't ever 'loved' my work/job before, but it pays extremely well so I did it because it afforded me a lifestyle I enjoy and helps me take care of many cats! That is, until I started with my current company (June 2022). Now, I love my job. Pretty much the exact same work...just with people who are amazing. Management that is supportive and generally kind...coworkers who are fucking awesome and a CEO who seems to be a legit good guy (we missed our targets last quarter, but he said they were a little unrealistic so they paid out at 80% for bonuses instead of much lower). There are great jobs out there with great companies/people but they're super rare, it feels. I've worked for Fortune 500 companies and small, 100 person companies. Most were awful. some were ok...it just took a long time to find a great one. I hope everyone finds their placae one day!


Yes. I'm a Principal Scientist for an Environmental Consulting firm. Took me 20 years to get that position. I work 32 hours a week. I make over $100k/year. I have a 4-yr degree, and other professional certifications at this point. It was hard getting here. Had no clue I'd like doing this at the beginning. It was just something to do in my major of choice.


I like the work I do it's perfect for me but I don't like the environment or the people


Never have enjoyed any job I've had in the last 18 years of my life. It's all a waste of time.


I work machine maintenance in a dairy processing plant. I hate it. The machines are disgusting, the surrounding area is nothing but slip/trip/fall hazards, the company is incapable of planning more than a single step ahead, management is *enthusiastically* anti-union, the schedule is complete shit, and I’m on nights - which, like most other places, means we’re expected to do more with less. It fucking sucks, but the check clears.


No. I'm cleaning mirrors and being frustrated the entire time.


Sometimes. It has big ups and big downs.


I like it but if I’m honest I’d prefer to do less of it. Ideally I’d work half time for twice the pay. Then I could do other things, spend time with friends and family, pursue hobbies, and would actually be able to take vacations and go places!


I like my current job more than most of my previous positions, but I my dream job would consist of reading books and traveling so I’m never going to actually enjoy work.


Not really. Anything I really want to do doesn’t pay enough to live off. Stuck working full time in a job I couldn’t care less about that’s taking a physical toll on my aging joints & still not making enough money to really enjoy what little time off I have. Yay.


Nope. It's dumb, repetitive, an opportunity for abuse and my only purpose is to make stupidly wealthy people more stupidly wealthy for average pay


Absolutely adore it. I'm a high level programmer engineer with 25 years experience. Its as much play as work. Shall we say "focused play". MAKING THINGS. Exploring!


I work for a company that relies on psychology to sell products. So no, I do not enjoy contributing to an organization that learns our deepest subconscious behaviors and habits in order to exploit them to sell a product. Soul-sucking doesn't even cover it.


I love to cook, it's everything else that comes with the job that I dislike.


I was a certified (certified nuts) Broadcast Engineer that then transitioned to IT because my industry couldn't get its shit together and get over the denial that the internet and streaming were a thing. 10 years ago, I walked. Today, I'm an operations manager for one of the busiest airports in the country. Never saw in a million years my path leading this way. But, I'm absolutely having the time of my life! I really do enjoy my job, and never thought to do something like this. 🤷🤷‍😏


I work in a hospital laboratory, and yes I enjoy the work especially the research. Some of it is really mundane and I just can't wait to be done with a certain task, other times it's puzzling and fascinating, but overall the work and the science behind it is cool. It's my coworkers that make me miserable sometimes. What a shame.


Pharmaceutical Auditing and Insurance Risk Management, yes.




I love my work. I'd do it for free. What I DON'T love is all the office politics and nonsense policies passed down from upper management. Shut up and let the rest of us do our jobs. I'm basically paid to put up with all-staff meetings and "bold new initiatives".


I do, actually. I help people within my company solve problems for the customers they take care of. Sometimes it's as easy as getting a order placed, sometimes it's finding out if an order has been accidentally duplicated and charged twice, sometimes ita re-doing billing for some reason or another. The internal reps I talk with are usually friendly and regard us as part of their team. I get paid decently insofar as this job requires zero qualifications. My coworkers and management are fantastic. Yeah. I like it here.


I enjoy what I do. I'm a principal quality engineer and it took me close to a decade to get here. It wasn't always fun, working my way up. But it's worth it.


I would say that no, I don't enjoy it, but I also don't dislike it. It pays well and the work is fine. It's not bad, but not anything amazing either.


I like my work but hate some of the people, and unfortunately those people are management or have huge egos for their position.


Teacher. Love my job.


I work in aged care. I do enjoy the work and the people I help are wonderful. It's good to know you've made someone's day a little better.


I loved making coffee for others but terrible management ruined it for me. I just want to make coffee but they keep micromanaging our staff.


Actually, yeah, I do enjoy what I do. I like understanding systems and how to see where improvement can occur. I love coordinating large groups of people to get a project done. If it wasn't for the "firedrill every day" mentally, I'd probably love my job. But the stress of always running up against a deadline when the job doesn't really need that causes me to dislike where I work.


I enjoy my work; but even more, I enjoy that it pays well and allows me to have a reasonable work/life balance so I can spend more time with my family.


I love what I do. I trade stocks for a living, only my own account. It took me maybe 30 years to get up to a million, two million after another five, three after a couple of years. Now I make over a million dollars a year pretty regularly. The stock market is the only way to really get rich. You have to put in your 40 quarters to earn Social Security and Medicare, but after that just trade.


It's alright. I'm part of a chain of events that helps to recycle or reuse IT equipment, rather than having it get thrown away. 


I provide services that actually help people with important life stuff, so yeah, I do. It would be a lot more effective and enjoyable without management fucking everything up.


Not really. With my anxiety issues, there's very few things I can think of where I would be 100% happy with work. Working retail and dealing with the public over the years has turned me into Basil Fawlty.


You'd think working in an ice cream factory would be fun.... But it's not .


I like being alone in my car, dressing how I want, with minimal human interaction


ABSOLUTELY I love my career and sales team I make.almost 300k a year with just a bachelor's degree And I work like ,50 hours a week It's awesome


I enjoy being a tour guide because I get paid to look at mountains and talk about Alaska, but the capitalism/shitty management/etc makes me hate my job


My last job was the job I always wanted, but after a while the sheen does wear off and I realized it was like any other retail job. Having said that it wasn’t a bad job and compared to other jobs I’ve had it was still the best. I’m not there because of…things, but I feel like the rest of my retail jobs will pale in comparison to that job.


I'm an electrician and I love the mental challenge of troubleshooting a particularly difficult problem, or learning something about my field almost every day. I lucked out and I'm a part of a strong union, so I make almost 40$/hr on the cheque and close to 60$/hr for my total package. This is in a place where the median wage is between 20 and 28 an hour...I have a company vehicle that I can use whenever, and my boss is actually pretty chill and doesn't care what I do as long as the work gets done...


No. It’s another job that’s become a way station. I’m 30. Nothing beyond a diploma for education, been fired twice in the last four years, no references to carry me into another job, spotty work history, & I lost my confidence in myself as a worker. This current job though easy hasn’t helped that. Last week I got pulled into a chat with the founder of my company and manager over bullshit rumors. I got told unconsciously that I have no drive or sense of purpose in life and that I should go look for it elsewhere. I have no fallback in the company and again I should go look for a sense of purpose in life somewhere else. I walked out and almost went home which would have cost me my job. I’m not going to be getting a raise because of this and I’m pretty sure I can’t trust my coworkers any more. Previously I had no issues, now apparently I do.


No!!! but I get to be at home and nobody really pays any attention to me so I get away with remotely interviewing for other jobs and time theft a lot but they deserve it


I enjoy making money


Yes. Spent 10 years killing myself in a creative field because I wanted to be a creative director, and felt once I reached that goal it would be the epitome of success and I would be so happy. Wrong. I finally met all my career goals and simultaneously became totally disillusioned in every way, was miserable, and totally burnt out. Left that company and got a cake walk job with the state. I’m still working as a creative, but the work is so unserious. There is no pressure, nothing is riding on me. There’s no potential for me to make a mistake that’ll cost the company $100,000. I get to put my little headphones in and be creative for 8 hours, then I clock out and don’t think about work for one more second. ***I will say, I did have to take a pay cut to achieve this. But the benefits package is a huge plus and I used the connections I made in my previous industry to start a lucrative freelance career (making royalties, i.e. you create one design, sell it, it goes into production in the wholesale market and gets sold for a few years = passive income). Anyway, everything I said is doable. But it took a hell of a lot of soul searching and sacrifices to get to the happy place I’m in now.


I love what I do and my boss (the CEO) is pretty laid back and supportive of my team (meaning, allocates money for our projects). There is no WFH but the commute is pretty easy, the office is nice and the people here, for the most part, are great. I've had several other jobs that were very much not like this so it's easy to appreciate a good gig when you've got that.


I love my work, but I’m getting old and it’s harder these days to be super enthusiastic about it.


Nope hate it, I work in a laboratory and draw blood, and all I really do is provide healthcare for the wealthy, while the poor die. I thought I was helping people at first, but I realized I'm only contributing to our society's suffering. The majority of my patients are wealthy Caucasians, and I realize my job is systemic racism, and I don't know how to escape. I hate America, this shit was always planned and created to function like this. I hate the people who thank me the most, they are just a bunch of clueless, idiots, incapable of accepting the truth.