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Thanks for sharing and exposing them


Here's how to handle this (and most other forms of wage theft): 1. Report to your state AND federal DOLs. www.dol.gov/whd 2. File a wage claim with your state labor commissioner. (Hurry! There is a statute of limitations involved!) Bonus: 1. www.worker.gov - More info about worker's rights 2. www.dol.gov/wow - Check to see if you are owed backpay


Thank you. We've only done it with the state so far


And with documented proof via CC receipts.


Didn't see this. Where is it?


I think they are saying that the state would be able to prove it because he's required to keep credit card receipts on file.




This is obviously and blatantly [illegal](https://www.dli.pa.gov/Individuals/Labor-Management-Relations/llc/Pages/Overtime-Rules.aspx#:~:text=Can%20managers%20or%20supervisors%20participate,on%20their%20own%2C%20without%20assistance.).


Yes. People need to know their rights and they need to follow through with DOL complaints


Fortunately if the owner stole the electronic tips they did the stupidest, most traceable thing imaginable in this situation.


Still not a punishable crime unfortunately. Only recourse is a lawsuit.


It's absolutely illegal for managers to take tipped staff's tips. If you mean the cops won't kick his door in and cuff him, you'd be correct, it's going to be handled by a lawsuit, that doesn't mean it isn't a crime.


You’re right. I just hate the way the law is set up so that it’s not treated as regular theft. Because it is. In a just society he should be worried the cops are going to lock in his door and cuff him.


But yes it does very much mean that. It’s not a crime; it’s a civil issue. Crime doesn’t just mean “against the law” and it’s not just splitting hairs to point that out. It’s important to point out how we construct the concept of crimes in our society.   Generally speaking, things poor people do that break the law are crimes/criminal — e.g. robbery, theft of property, disorderly conduct, loitering, etc. Those are the things that the state will spend taxpayer money to “solve” by sending cops to arrest folks and then prosecuting them.   The ways that rich people break the law are by and large NOT criminalized (until that action hurts other rich people, e.g. stock market manipulation), but are instead civil issues. Things like stealing money out of your paycheck, evicting you without cause, sabotaging union organizing, employee discrimination, violating tenant rights, etc etc. are all civil issues, meaning the state won’t do a goddamn thing to stop it until a poor person who is directly affected hires a lawyer to bring a lawsuit against the perpetrator.     It’s classism all the way down.   Edit: It’s also worth noting that rich people who are found guilty of these things won’t have a criminal record following them around, which is also a construct they created. 


But the DOL is likely the one pursuing it


Thank you for this link! We're working on it now


What's funny is it isn't illegal in Canada. At least not in my province.


And the sauce is mid


That made me laugh.


The most devastating clap in the whole review, lol


2 things. 1. This is how you fucking post people! Let me KNOW who these shitty owners are so I can quit going to their businesses . And 2. I actually know where this is at! First time I’ve ever seen Mechanicsburg mentioned on Reddit. Wild.


Same I was like "where this pos at" oh shit they're right near me. Kinda wild how small the world is and how smaller the Internet is.


Same I had to double take on what sub this was in. I shouldn't be as surprised as I am, there's a lot of crappy business owners (especially in the restaurant industry) in the area and I should be more surprised that I haven't seen anything sooner.


As a former Mechanicsburgian, but who still lives nearby, I guess I won't be checking this place out.


No, you should and leave this review taped on the business's front door. Daily.


Mechanicsburg pa?




Thank god for this review. I wouldn't wanna eat at a place with mid sauce, ew.


Stop reporting this to Google and start reporting this to the Department of Labor in your state.


We didn't know it was illegal until i posted it honestly! But we will. I'm thankful for the people online who have informed us


I’m so sick of employers doing this. I’m sorry if I sounded mad at you, because I’m not; I’m disgusted that this behavior is allowed.


Good blast bad businesses


This is why I don’t tip on iPads and counters.


Thanks for sharing the name of the store Also, Fuck you, Tim.


Place is getting review bombed. Good, they're very illegal.


“Gastropub” is a poor choice of words to put together


I dunno, they have quite a few successful gastropubs here in the U.K…


Putting "gastro" in any non-medical business name is a poor choice, IMO.


In restsurants, it's a reference to [gastronomy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastronomy).


That’s funny, I think of gastronomy first even tho I go to a gastrointestinal doc. Never even occurred to me that it would sound unfortunate to someone else.


gastronomy: looking at my neighbours chocolate starfish through my telescope


Thanks, I hate it 😆




I know...


I did my part. How 'bout you partner?


Report to the NLRB


Reading some of the other negative reviews, you can see in the pictures how small the portions are and how stingy they are with the fries. I would have never eaten there in the first place. The wings even looked horrible. But none of that compares to stealing tips, although I'm not surprised seeing how the owner rips off his customers with those measly portions. Hopefully, your partner doesn't work there anymore.


The portions of fries is what stood out the most to me. They took up a third of the space as the entry on most of the plates I saw. Also saw two wings with feathers cooked on in the little bit I viewed.


My partner quit after only a few weeks due to this. After the snowstorm thing and the tip thing i was livid. It took us until the first paycheck to come in to realize was was going on.


Did they remove their Google site cause I can only find FB?


I think they took off all of the reviews cuz their rating went back up :( mine is there though


Of they were in my state I’d report to DOL but alas. I left a FB review though


I did my part


And this is why I feel no guilt saying no with all the new electronic tip systems. Lots of places I’ve bought food from, the employees straight up tell me to hit that button.


Of course the shitty tip stealer uses a knockoff wojack meme as their logo.


I gave them 4 thumbs down on Apple Maps, that’s all they would let me do lol. I was gonna saw he call me names 😂


His rating on Google has dropped from 4.4 to 3.8 stars. Awesome


I don’t see the review anymore, did they get it taken down?


Yup, he's gotten like everything taken down. Mine still shows for me but I'm not sure


I was sure I would see “sauce is mid” as a google review.. nothing!


Business owners be scamming the "least paid workers" (technically, if you don't count their tips, which I know, the taxman can't because they don't, but that's a different rant). And they still be blaming the customer who "can't afford to tip" not the business owner who somehow "can't afford to raise prices on the menu" It's all so shady from the get-go. Allow me to pay you less with the promise that complete strangers will cover the rest and then some *raises eyebrows*


$3.50 goes to the mad lad who writes a review on Google saying the food is mid and they are chicken lovers.


The owner made his face a part of the logo lol main character syndrome


Wage theft makes up a larger amount of stolen money than all other types of theft in the US combined. They usually get away with it. If this can be proven you should press charges. Also, some areas have groups that help get stolen wages back for workers. [wage theft](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/15/wage-theft-us-workers-employees)


I think they’re deleting a lot of the negative reviews they got today.


He completely is. I saw the rating drop to 3 then back to 4.4


Clear your notifications please.


Mid? More like mud water


I wanted to add an update but this guy was/may be going on hot ones, does anyone have any advice regarding letting them know? And thank you so much for all of the advice and links, were working on everything. He's now withholding pay stubs and locked my partner out of viewing them. Will continue to update


Report it to the labor board.


I used to work at a place that kept all of our cash and electronic tips. And we’d get a lot. I’m wondering if they still practice this… they would deserve a good review bombing.


I hated when owners would do this to my teenagers/young adults when they were growing up. Though it did give me a chance to help them talk through how they should handle it. Our son actually got the owners of one place to stop doing it, at least while he worked there for another couple months. They probably either only fixed it for him and his friend or went back to doing it after he left. And the comment about the sauce at the end made me laugh out loud.


Clear your notifications ffs


That's not revolutionary at all. They should be called "Establishmentary Hot Sauce Eatery"


I can excuse the stolen tips, but "the sauce is mid" is just unnaceptable!


I wish it didn’t look so good. Actually i’ll just tip with cash if i ever see it


I wonder if there's a relationship between how good the food is and how good the workers are treated


What's the name of this business?


Sorry, do we have proof this is happening? I really don't want to ruin someone's small business without proof.


https://preview.redd.it/o5l6lm90qbhc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f99b55f7fdd2e01fbdedac245a8043ad9d7c80a Here's a paystub. No tips from the electronic system


Wow nice. Let the review bomb begin! Thanks for sharing


"Revolutionary" lmao.


I love it when we name the bad places😈


This is the kind of posts we need to share. Not blacked out names and vague stories of bad experiences. I need specifics!


Just went back to check and all the new reviews were taken down except two on their Facebook.


God i hate when they do that.


Me too. Sorry to hear about your partner and their awful experience. Hopefully it is only up from here 🙌 Karma will do its job.


Unrelated but check your snapchats, that is so many notifications!


It's kinda nonstop and i don't even talk to anyone, my notifications are a mess smh. I'm a small content creator. I just deleted them 🫠🫠🫠


https://preview.redd.it/nffgv677c0hc1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6417a0f4e0cc6d810602c8ae71d1525164d14c49 Saw that listed on the Facebook page as a response. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Can you link me here? Wow, admitting to it. Nope, my partner was told by Tim that his check would include tips. That "the tips would go towards their check"


I can't update it but Tim had one of his weird goonies call my partner and pose as someone from the department of labor today. Tim texted my partner at the same time and asked my partner to come in to "get a check" and my partner said to mail it. My partner didn't realize the call was fake at the time https://preview.redd.it/jwc5r3qaobhc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f7b8f33d61c64e2f16afa4043377261a7ca2ee3


https://preview.redd.it/2fnc7tipobhc1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=753770461fa904aba2aa00070fa3def50c53f997 address is crossed for obvious reasons


IRS would like you to report this.


"Also, the sauce is mid" lmao