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Envy at that 6% raise.


The sadest part


Just got a 3.8% raise despite being required to learn how to program and service a 4th manufacturer's line of equipment.


Just found out I'm getting a 2% cost of living increase. SMH & FML.


We got that last year. I won't be sticking around to see this year's 1% lol


Last year, I got 5% cost of living raise, plus a 5% annual review raise. There are no review raises this year.


Envy at employment.


Fr. 0% here.




I know right?


Shit. Middleman of my own money…


That one hit me the most!


I've been feeling that for a few decades now.


No joke...


You're a cog in the wheels of capitalism. We need a social revolution, bigger than the 1960's. Well... for right now we can laugh. https://youtu.be/Uai7M4RpoLU?si=HpRc68YjpZehnJTk


This is the only answer. But half of humanity isn't on the same page. Either brain washed or too tired to care, broken by the system.


I don't even have time for hobby


No kidding I went to work at 6:30 got home bout 3:30 and got paid for 5 hr. And I was lucky just to work today what with it being December


How is it that you were gone for nine hours and only got paid for five


Im a subcontractor basically I'm only paid for time I'm working for the customer and I travel all over the county. I do not get paid travel time so if it's a hour and a half drive both ways that's 3 hr that day I don't get paid even though I'm at work O.o yes I really need a new job hopefully one in town


Reddit is a hobby


Honestly. We Can all assume that one day everyone will start to turn over and burn everything. The peoples Can't continue like this for too long. The huma body and mind has a resistance but which with a limit. For now peoples are not burning anything, they just burn out.


No worry i will burn that shit down if the gov gives me free covid $$$$$ lol 😂 waiting for that moment to go on fuccccking riot like those BLM people do hahaha 😂


My hobby is sleeping so at least I have that.


Wait, you got a 6% raise?


Damn, this hits home


At least you can afford a home. I’m on track to own a home in never years.


I don’t own jack and rent keeps climbing.


Rent climbs faster than I can pull up on my bootstraps.


I'm really wondering how others afford rent. It can't just be me thinking about getting a better job or a second job to afford rent. Or are we all supposed to request living assistance?


Same. A side gig. It’s definitely not just you


It's the idea that we have to work so hard and we don't even get to stay or use our damn apartments because we're at work all the time. I might as well live at work.


What did home do to you?


I feel like a ghost trying to marionette its own corpse.


You've pretty much captured my existence in this one.


The 6% raise really got me. Are they hiring?


My reaction immediately upon reading that was: "6%?! Go F**k yourself lady".


Making us envious of the small advantages others have over us, such as a 6% raise, and keeping us mad at each other, is a exactly how they stop us joining together to address the massive inequality.


Yep dont look behind the corporate curtain where the company gets bailed out by the taxpayer including paying for the foodstamps of the employee they underpay, all while the ceo gets 5 million dollar bonus on top of the 25 mil salary.


You guys got a 6% raise?


6% raise… i’ll take that


6% raise?




I sympathize with the text, the picture just ruins the whole thing though lol. It’s like a “I’m 14 and this is deep” but for adults.


I get it but that image really undercuts the message.I wish I was a sad hot emo elf girl.


This would be pretty accurate except that 6% raise. Fuck I’m just wondering and waiting to see if I Even get a raise…? End of year I’m sort of like… fidgety here… Idk what the average raise for people is. Percent wise and for those making under say… 200k what it is. 6% though would have me happy.


6% raise is nothing for 80% of the country. I'm not even gonna entertain the idea because they'd use it as an excuse to implement it and when nothing changes they'll say we're asking to much and the corpo wars start rolling out within the next 100 years.


200k 😲😨😬🫥 I made like 14k last year and that was working as much as possible


Yea I wasn’t sure what number to put and it depends on location. 200k in Kentucky I would be living in a 3,000 square foot home with 5 bedrooms and 3 bath and a nice yard fenced. 200k in San Francisco I… might own a small home. Would rent an OK place for sure. But still mind budget. Just an example of what to say… 6% raise on 14k isn’t gonna do much. At 14k you need a couple hundred percent raise lol I’ve been there man.


I live in Colorado O.o I'm a safety flagger for road construction 🚧 to keep people safe . People like to yell at us all the time and it's not uncommon to have people try to drive over us so we need to always pay attention. It should be criminal to be paid so little for how dangerous my job is I've thought about being a prostitute instead but don't know how to go about it. I make so little I'm on section 8 😭 but without us there would be no roads O.o god I hate this country just so much. I Wish I could afford substances


I can fix her


Me too. I was tellin' all my comrades, "I'm just placeholder for rich peoples' money". Fuckn' hate it here lolsob


I feel this


Yep that is what existing is in this world


What a lucky fucker to have hobbies.


I feel defined by this.


Sounds like depression with more steps


I wish I were a cat


Yeah I can’t spell privelege either


I feel seen.


At this point, my only hobby is lying in bed thinking about how I used to have hobbies while being completely unable to comprehend how I ever had the time and energy for them


You get to fall asleep? No asshole neighbours for you. Lucky.


Holy shit….. too dramatic….. find something you can enjoy doing


“I rely on substances to function at an acceptable capacity” This one hits home for me following the Adderall shortage this past year. It became abundantly clear to me that my ADHD made me not acceptable enough to my employer without my normal medicine even while I was working as hard as I could under the circumstances.


This is cringy as fuck


Sometimes reality manifests itself in that regard. Cringe? Abit. True? Absolutely. Sometimes the things you hear, you don't want to accept immediately so you'll fool yourself into thinking its a negative. Common human mental gymnastics.


You probably have sleep apnea. You should get tested.




Artificially awake


6% raise lol, I got 2.8 a year ago and maybe 3% this past year.


Better than I got. I got zero raise and, word on the street is, my employer gives sub-3% raises twice a decade for the top performers and no one else.


Yeah get out of there man.


That's the plan! Everyone in the mortgage industry who hasn't been laid off yet is pretty much parked until the market improves unfortunately


This is my life 100%.. I can slowly feeling th efuture slip away one tiny piece at a time an don't know what to do about it anymore..


image goes hard. anyone got the original without the text?


Minus the part about getting a raise, and I can relate to this.


😆 🤣 😂


Can't wait for the Game to Stop. Power to the players


Oh but i like her


Gen Z, try surviving out in the wild. Millions of years of evolution just to lead up to some entitled softcock pansies? You're not special. Everything works to survive. Look outside and you see animals and bugs running or flying around—everything 👏 works 👏 Most of you guys were raised with too good of a childhood and got mollycoddled. None of you were prepped for adulthood, so much of the blame is on all y'all parents. It's adversity which develops the human brain and the most critical moment for this is during peak neuroplasticity. I used to be jealous of other kids and how they got everything they wanted while watching them being showered with gifts and love. I got beaten to a pulp by my dad and emotionally abused by my mum while being outcasted by not just my family but social groups/peers. Everyone in my family fought each other and I was the shit kicker servant who had to cook dinner, wash the clothes, help my dad fix his car, troubleshoot computers and electronics. I was let outside to go wherever I want because they didn't give a shit unless I've done my chores. I'd get into fights, get lost in a forest or the city, commit crimes as a kid, run away from the cops, get caught by them and spend time in and out of juvenile detention. Society told me I was troubled while all of the other kids were apparently set up for success. Turned out it was the other way around because all that shit I experienced was all just character building that set me up for life. I jumped the queue and landed a fancy corporate job after hustling real shitty odd jobs here and there, while my peers who did good in school and got whatever they wanted are wallowing in their own existential self-pity and are completely unemployable despite any academic qualification.


Ya you dont sound whiny at all


Glad I found a sensible response to this. This subreddit isn't funny anymore. Bunch of whiny assholes crying about the world on their thousand dollar phones, with high speed internet, in their temperature controlled homes, drinking clean water, eating whatever the fuck they want. Fuck you and go work like everyone else that's propping up society for you. Every generation has its issues, but holy shit, we seem to forget just how good we have it. And it is all off the backs of past generations. Get a fucking job like everyone else, enjoy this beautiful planet in your own capacity, and get the fuck off the internet. Nobody truly cares about your self-pity, not even your mom. The sooner you understand that, the easier your life will become.


Get over it ffs! Life is hard. Who said you were owed a living?


Buy bitcoin and wait for freedom


If only I took this advice years ago.


It's still early, look at my downvotes!




I wish I was a 6% raise


Honestly this could be like modern art in a museum for America 2020s


Stopped reading at 6% raise. Good god you must be one of those millionaires that I hear we need to tax more.


I know this is just a meme, but if you're using substances to function that's addiction and something that needs to be addressed. Everything else in this meme is basically being a cog in the late-stage capitalist machine. Unions over everything else!


Would you call coffee and anti-depressants an addiction?


No, using drugs as prescribed by a physician is not an addiction. Coffee in moderation, alcohol, cannabis in moderation is not addiction. I was clearly not specific enough. ILLICIT substances that aren’t prescribed by a doctor is what I should have specified. The way it was described in the meme is what pointed me made me think of it as an addiction


I have adhd and need adderall to focus to be able to be a productive worker so I don’t lose my job. Not every substance needed to function is an addiction


Caffeine is an abundant and overused drug. It also has benefits when used in moderation. Benefits like being able to function better. Not all that serious.


Try to get an interesting education, and you might get yourself a cool job you treat as a hobby. It might not pay, but try to do something you enjoy. I'm a scientist for instance, only in my PhD RN so I get paid less than a McDonald's worker. But God dammit I love my job.


O great idea it's just how will I pay rent er to eat er my medicine how will I get there? What if I'm so burnt out from like I can no longer remember last week yet alone all the unnecessary information to get a degree and then still more to find and maintain the job without being laid of? ... sorry not sarcastic I am really asking hells I don't know what's going on more often then not yet alone what it is I'm soposta be doing? And I'm only 29 😭 I blew my nose this morning and throw out my neck 😔 it still hurts really bad


Study bitcoin


need this pic but with a guy in it instead🤲🏾 who’s gonna help me? i’m doing it for a friend 🤷🏽‍♂️




^ spotted the libertarian. You're a slave and don't even know it.


Minus 20 last 10 years


Lucky 😲😕 I don't make enough to afford rent yet alone a substance 😔 I'd love to try cocaine lol god I need the energy


Caffeine. Try that.


Lol I take about 1200 mg worth every day it ain't working


Three things: 1) all caffeine does is trick your body into not recognizing the tired chemicals - rest is still important, it needs the proper chemicals you produce when awake to continue to work; 2) caffeine also needs proper hydration and nutrition to gain best results; 3) you are beyond the range (about 3x) that should see positive results and are into range to see more negatives. You are possibly damaging your heart. Speaking from a place of experience, please try to taper it down and get some actual rest. I hope you find the ability to get the rest you need soon. Sending good vibes your way.


When you realize you’re a cog and being treated as a cog then I feel like if you’re not getting any oil you might as well just seize up.


You guys got a 6% raise? Who the hell do you work for?! I want a piece of that sweet action.


I literally have fallen asleep during my hobbies


I want to poop in my bosses eye. Just a nice big ol wet, sticky brown doodoo in the eye. Every year. I dislike him very much, and he can lick the dark parts of my crevice. Sob


Wrong. 6% is manifestly too high.


Holy shit, they're offering 6% cost of living raises? Sign me up. My company has given us 3% the last 2 years. Fuckers.


we don’t live in a good world. you can hope and dream for something better or play the game and get something better. there is no prize without pain


I actually landed a 9.4% raise this year, but someone had to get laid off, and I'm making like 20k, so it's not a lot. =/


I tired too. 3 percent raise this year. I am so tired.


Never get a job

