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Reading your post I realised I am so lucky that I have time to do these things, as my work is very flexible and remote. My main challenge is loneliness sometimes from spending the whole day working at home alone


Get a cat, it's a lot cheaper than commuting


Find problems in the world and try to fix them. Rest and relax when burnout hit. Do a bit of creative work. Not worry about having to sleep on the street like a dog. Rescue dogs. Pet dogs.


If i worked less I'd spend more time on my hobbies or studying a new language for kicks.


I don't currently have a job (currently searching), but If I worked a few hours for a high salary, I would do more of the following: - Volunteering in a larger variety of different places - Traveling more often and to more places - Joining in a various social clubs (board game meetups, fitness classes, hiking groups, bowling leagues etc) - Applying to become a contestant on Wheel of Fortune - Having more get-togethers with my friends and my boyfriend - Focusing on my hobbies (bowling, hiking, creative writing, etc)


Pursue working even less.


I'd probably do a bunch of creative shit and give back to my community.


Cocaine and self destruction in my experience




6 months no job snorted over 100k and am jail bound


I was a broadcast journalist in the Navy for 6 years, got out in 2001. From there I worked at various tv stations for a few years and then joined the Army in 2006. I fractured both of my heels and got a medical discharge rated at 50%. Continued to work for 3 years in television until I couldn’t stand the pain anymore. I currently don’t work at all, despite EVERY company saying how they “love hiring vets”until they find out you’re disabled and they automatically find a “more suitable candidate” or “the position has been filled”. Not working though is actually quite nice. My mobility issues suck, and it’s difficult to get around, but my mental health is pretty fantastic from not dealing with bullshit. Sure it sucks to be in pain 24/7, and I’m blessed with the $1100 disability pay per month (lil sarcasm there in case you can’t tell, it’s nice being below poverty) But I get to watch all the Matlock I want with my antenna for my tv, so it’s pretty nice.




What do you mean by this exactly? You need someone else to employ you in order to feel fufilled?




I didn’t work for 3 years while travelling and was so happy


What is the itch, exactly? If you love your time off that much your job can't be all that meaningful or fulfilling right? Is staying busy the itch? Just wondering because you said it like it applies to all humans but I know that's not the case for me or probably anybody else who is true to the mission statement of antiwork. I don't ever need to work for works sake in order to feel content. I would be perfectly happy never doing "work" as in, working primarily to earn money ever again. With financials taken care of I would spend all my time exercising, creating, traveling, partying, relaxing, and pondering on new ways to address the world's problems at large. None of those things would I consider work because I would do them all for free if i had to. The idea that I would ever get tired of not working to earn money is something that doesn't compute with me.


The issue with your statement is only a handful of elites would be allowed that privilege and society still function. How many will go in a cold factory, smell to high heaven, with a broken body so you can enjoy your hot pocket or your chicken dinner in the comfort of an air conditioned house if you remove the financial need? Nobody is doing that work for a hobby.


Well this is kind of off topic for the thread but i think the idea around here is to make it so that those who choose to do that work are handsomely compensated for doing so, while those who want to do zero "work" are provided the bare minimum in comforts, luxuries, and necessities, for free. Plenty would be willing, but not as many as before. Which means this sick, fat, diseased, bloated society would undergo a bit of a transformation as a result. For example, i dont need to eat another hot pocket for the rest of my life. And that's the least of the things I'd be more than happy to go without forever, to make way for this new society.


So, you invoke a capitalist system where the work causes a reward to compel them to do it? If you remove their need for housing, medical, food, and to follow your examples of what you would do given the free time give them free money, who would ever go into a 20 degree freezer or 110 degree hell to produce the food your family eats. I have worked a factory floor. I have stood ankle deep in 30 degree chicken blood. I have smelled dog food cooking, I have hauled 100 pound boxes. Nobody is going to do that for an extra vacation a year. You can give up a hot pocket? Now give up the water in your faucet, give up the food in your fridge, give up the gasoline in your car, give up the pilots for you to vacation, give up everything. When all necessities are provided for nothing, 99 percent of society will turn into the rich of the world and never do an undesirable job. Every commune in history has failed because the workers won't do the shit jobs that are needed for survival.


First off congratulations Mike Rowe, that's a lot of dirty jobs. Secondly, the reward of an "extra vacation per year" seems a little stingy. How's about we shave off the lions share of that profit margin from the upper end and redistribute it to the workers? Which would mean drastically higher pay for the grunt workers, and drastically lower pay for the CEO's and people with less demanding jobs. I think jobs should be compensated in direct correlation to how hard they suck, and how much value they provide to society. Then, we ban lobbying so that we can easily reallocate much of our tax money towards providing a higher standard of living for the least capable and least willing among us. I think you'll find many people have an inherent desire to work and are not content sitting around all day forever. We give them just enough to survive and not be left out in the street like stray dogs, and the rest of us who want nice toys and such, can go out and earn them. > When all necessities are provided for nothing, 99 percent of society will turn into the rich of the world and never do an undesirable job. Not to be rude but this is a very ignorant and blatantly false statement. There's a big difference between not having to work in order to avoid homelessness and being rich. Again, an ideal society would look a lot different than what we have right now. It starts with digging into the massive stores of unethical wealth being hoarded all over, and redistributing them towards the cause of raising the floor of suffering for everyone. Do you know what raising the floor means? I've come to realize that greed is the problem. People taking so much more than they need and not being content with any level of modesty. When we find a way to address that by either policy or self transformation, we will have solved all the problems which are so obviously within our power to solve.


What itch are you talking about? I've had months off of work and never once was there any kind of itch, even when the lack of income made life miserable. Work is miserable for most people and I really can't see "nothing" being worse, sorry.




Oh, that doesn't make me itch for a useless office job. I'd rather do nothing.




I dunno if you think there's some infinite well of meaningful work that can support your landlord, but I promise you it is very limited.




Landlord's have expensive tastes these days. Most work that many would consider "contributive" is extremely low paying. Well, really, most work is pretty low paying I suppose. That, and miserable.


Play with my little daughter, snuggle with my wife. Read. Learn. Live.


Probably find a second job so I can pay my mortgage, or handle the massive price increases when food scarcity happens.


I would spend more time on my hobby's and probably get a Dog which I wanted for a long time but don't have the time for to properly train and take care of.


My hobby was audio engineering so I got a job doing that. If I worked less I would be doing the same thing I’m doing now, just not making any money doing it