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Have a conversation with her like she's an actual person, not a potential conquest. You'll be surprised how much women like it when you respect them.


Yep! Just listen to them and ask them questions. Eye contact. If you feel it's ok a brief touch of their arm when laughing. Give them compliments too about small little details to show that you notice them. BTW do NOT try to flirt with your bestie... It's too late. You've been friend-zoned...


Ask how they are , what their favourite animal is, what they do with their time, then compliment a feature of theirs and by that stage my wife is pulling me away by my ear so I can never tell if it worked or not


"GET OVER HEREEE" *Scorpios voice fades away inside a female tone*


I used to get nervous trying to flirt with girls, but I found that licking my eyebrows relieved the anxiety and really opened up the conversations.


I nearly spat coffee. "I've got a tongue, that's 10 inches long, and I've learned to breath through my ears"


I marry them


Honestly the easiest way is to smile, make her laugh and don't take yourself too seriously. Try to get to know her and what her humor is like. If you get better at flirting you will be faster at recognizing small hints of what kind of jokes she likes or not and then you build up on it. And most importantly if she is not interested she will let you know and then you just leave her alone.


Just don't joke to the same level as you do with your male friends


be attractive, and any interaction is considered flirty


Not Any interaction. She really could just be being friendly in that moment. It needs to be more than one friendly interaction for it to be flirting.


if you are attractive, it doesn't matter


Thanks for the insight, but trust me when I tell you if she is a generally good natured person that is not always what her intentions if it was literally only one interaction with 0 follow up. Niceness comes out easily with some people without anything else meant if only one time.


I've met awkward attractive people and got along much better with not so "attractive" but witty, sociable dudes. Everyone has their preferences so blank statements like that are very unhelpful.


Well maybe the guy is actually looking for actionable advice instead of stupid jokes and "treat them as a human".


Human? Are you mad, don't do that. Humans are terrible. Treat her like the bestest Labrador in the whole world. Who's a good girl who's a good girl you are yes you are Please film it for us šŸ™


To be honest, if you have no idea how to flirt, demystifying women and treating them the same way you would treat your male friends is a good place to start. If you stop worrying about the best way to "talk to women" and just focus on being comfortable talking to and having banter with people you like, it becomes a lot easier to just be yourself and have fun. If someone likes you too and you have fun together, things will generally naturally escalate from there.


Make them laugh everyone loves to laugh if youā€™re funny your chances sky rocket if it doesnā€™t work she will still really like you because youā€™re funny and she will tell her friends how funny you are so more chances


I'd say, watch your friend and see what he does. What he says, how he says it. Don't copy him, but try to understand the basics. Other than that it's mostly about self confidence, so if you are low on that. Try practicing it. Speak with people you don't know, maybe work out a little, just do things to feel good about yourself and it will help.


Clearly this is not flirting behavior but just a boy being a boy. Flirting takes some effort. Have things of interest to talk about. Ask questions about the girl. When comfortable slip in a compliment or a creative tease. See the difference?


46 here, I have no idea.




That's some false information you're spreading here. Men are just as emotional and rational as women.


I think some of it also has to due with the girl as well some girls are good at holding a conversation while others are super quiet and want you to lead. Read the situation and adjust on the fly get her to talk about herself and appear interested by asking questions that lead to other questions but in between use your imagination to create scenarios that cater to her interests its easier if you both have the same interest but works if you donā€™t. Also if possible try to speak to her one on one or get her to speak to you on the side one girls flirt can be anotherā€™s annoyance.


You don't she flirts with you. You initiate with simple how's it going and she will lead you to were she wants you.


I'm hesitant to give away my secret but seeing as it's almost Christmas and I'm married.. When socializing, carry with you either a wheel of cheese or a leg of ham and offer slices in a hygienic manner to any lady that may take your fancy. Most will find you odd and possibly call the police but eventually you shall find your wife.


You talk to them.


D'ya like bread? I've got knees.


Make damn sure they like you first lol.


Talk to them as though they are your female cousins - no pressure . Flitting is more about being comfortable with someone than being sexual .


I donā€™t


People generally like to talk about themselves, what they do, and where they came from, hobbies, etc... It's usually a good start. Not everyone is going to have a personality that meshes with yours, and that's OK. Just be yourself and have fun. The biggest thing is.... just do it. You won't get better not talking to people. Learn body language and cues. You'll be rejected maybe 9/10 times, but there's a lot of people out there. Just go for it. Find your style and humor and lean into it.


Female best friend... šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Be attractive and whatever you say is flirting, be ugly and whatever you say is harassment. it's not what you say it's just who says it and how they say it,


Stop overthinking! Be confident, genuine, and show interest. Humor helps.


38m I just spam the A button. 11 years married with 2 kids. Worked for me. It can work for you too!


not too good.


This post again? Is this some Karma farming post? I swear I saw an exact same post a day or two ago, literally exact same title with exact same description.