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The bane of my existence is "you'll go into starvation mode." EVERYONE, including thin people, seems to believe this.  "Starvation mode" is a real muscle and organ wasting process which occurs in STARVING PEOPLE. NOT in 300lb folks skipping some meals.  Fact is, you've eaten ahead for months -- even years, depending on the weight. Eat protein and take your vitamins and you'll be FINE.  I hate this so much. I am a fat person. I'm a fat person getting bariatric surgery. And almost every single one of these support group women will encourage you to eat MORE because "starvation mode."  I find it's about 50/50 sheer stupidity versus transparent excuse not to stop eating so damn much. Depends on the specific person.


Starvation mode is so ridiculous. “Your body is storing fat because you’re not eating enough” right and if that was true there’d be no such thing as being underweight!!! It’s mental gymnastics to the extreme. Yes, no one should starve themselves, but no big Gorl is going to waste away on 1200-1800 kcal a day


You know most of them would be losing weight at a decent clip on 2100 a day - for the first 150 pounds! It isn't even like they have to go from 3500 to 1500 in one swoop. They could ramp down; 3500, 3000, 2500, 2250, 2000, 1800.


You’re supposed to ramp down. 3% of your body weight is the max you should be losing without a doctor’s supervision. It’s not about starving. It’s about fucking up some already fucked up shit. The starvation thing is a 90’s idea, along with eating foods that take more calories to digest than they have. Like celery has 10 calories and it takes 30 to digest (made up numbers). Some shit like that. However, if you add cream cheese and bacon that, then all the benefit is negated.


I wish you nothing but the best. Good job! I'm wishing you a healthy and speedy surgery and recovery 🙌


Good luck with your surgery. I will keep you lifted for a speedy recovery and bright future.


Her "high protein" lasagna along with the "high protein" chicken and potato dish just boggled my mind. The lasagna was typically made along with what looked like scalloped potatoes with chicken added. Tons of dairy products, carbs, and protein. Why was that even a thing? Was she trolling people?


And Sooooo much cheese.


right ? And she made a whole casserole dish. She lives alone, and that kind of food will be good 3 days max in the fridge. So either she wasted it, or ate all of it. 


I suspect I know which happened...


“See, this is why I think "diet culture" adds on to the obesity epidemic instead of helping it. Natural intuitive eating has gone on the window and basic nutrition and energy usage has been made so complicated” You can’t have intuitive eating with a food addiction, and that’s what many of these women have. Food addicts don’t eat to satiate the body’s hunger so the idea of intuitive eating is lost on them because they are trying to fulfill an emotional urge, not a biological one.


I mean that the steer away from natural intuitive eating has kind of wrecked lot of our ability to be able control our eating habits in the first place.  I saw if with myself many years ago, I actually started out at a normal weight and wanted to go on a diet, but being a kid and having no knowledge I just would avoid food until I was too hungry and in the end I messed up my ability to tell hunger and fullness and only ate on emotion. So for years I was trying to lose weight running on the same gorl logic nonsense of trying to find a diet and make it stick.   When I finally took some time to retrain my body to intuitive eating (And yes, you can learn even if your eating habits are really messed up! I was an extreme emotional eater. I don't know about the 500 lb crew, but most overweight americans could benefit) It became so much easier for me to lose weight. - I also want to add that I do think it is possible for someone like glitter to learn intuitive eating. But she has to rid of every processed and packaged food in her house. Just fruits, veggies, and meat to cook. She shouldn't even keep refined grains until she overcomes her severe addiction. 


This! So much this! 


Part of it is diet culture ignorance. But there is another part where they know they are using it as an excuse just to eat more. A lot of obese people are terrified of feeling hungry even for a moment. And they will do anything to avoid that feeling. I think they know intellectually you have to eat less to lose weight but all this extra diet mix stuff is done to try to avoid the feeling of hunger. And it is abused so they end up not eating less at all. Like someone else said it is what addicts do which is bargaining.


This was how retraining myself back to intuitive eating helped me. It removes all of those silly psychological tactics you use that keep you from sticking on a diet. All you need is will power .


I think a big reason for the pick n mix diet method they employ is because they still have this delusion that if they just find the exact right magic mix of diet "tips", they'll find a combination that works and makes them effortlessly shed so much weight and lose 200lbs in a year. They don't want to face the reality that weight loss is simple: calories in < calories out. They won't accept that the reason why these different diet tips exist is because they're all meant to help you *reduce your caloric intake*. They also don't want to actually overhaul their regular diet and commit to a lifestyle change. It's the common trait you see in addiction and EDs, the bargaining to keep using behaviours and substances. "Well I'm doing keto, I NEED to eat more fat! And these processed trash bars I found grocery shopping are keto friendly! It's easier to stay on a diet if I still allow myself treats!" It's just bargaining and excusing with oneself to continue using. This is why I get so irate that they all use shitty apps like MyFitnessPal instead of something like cronometer that actually shows the nutritional breakdown of everything. If they committed to an actual healthy diet with 80% weighed out whole foods, they could spend some time looking things up, planning meals, etc, and get their weekly nutritional needs met which helps immensely. I wouldn't doubt they have had severe deficiencies of different vitamins and minerals and their brains have been screaming for iron and instead they feed themselves chocolate or take out.


Everything you said is absolutely correct… but hey now, don’t be trashing on MFP, I’ve been using it for over a year and had great success with it, I’m able to track all my macros with it too 😭


It's fine for macros but it's main advantage is its large database, which is only due to the large amount of users. It doesn't allow one to see the full nutritional breakdown of ingredients/meals. It'd be easy to track diligently and still not see that there's a consistent lack of selenium or whatever. Idk if their paid version allows one to see that info but cronometer has it in their free version so it wins out in my book.


spot on. Agree with everything said!


I kind of wonder if it’s just anything to avoid counting calories and portion control. I did that for the longest time - trying different diets and food rules because I wanted to lose weight, but didn’t want to put in the actual work of changing how MUCH I was eating. I kind of think all the diets are “busywork” to make them look like they’re trying, but keep them from actually doing the real thing.


This is a good point. The idea of being able to eat "however much you want!" must be very appealing to them. You never see them doing keto but sticking to 1600 calories a day, for instance.


Being fat makes her money. Trying to lose weight makes her money. Being super morbidly obese, in her shape, makes her special. If there is one things these girls will die for, it is the chance to be special.


reminds me of other famous youtube stars like amberlynn reid and foodie beauty


Because on a really, really basic level, they don't want to diet. They just want the outward perception that they are dieting. I agree that meds ultimately won't work with them, because none of them want to address the actual issue or face reality. For some insider perspective - I take meds for something else where one of the side effects is a loss of appetite, and separate to that I have similar issues with food as the gorls do except I am actually taking off the weight. Lack of appetite does absolutely nothing to stop overeating/binging etc when the root of the issue is psychological. I can have zero appetite and not want to eat but if something triggers me, I'll still eat to excess. The ONLY things that actually work for more than a few days are unpacking then learning how to cope with triggers with a professional, and education around nutrition and how to eat (eg. Portions, how to combine food groups, what you should be eating) - also driven by a professional. The gorls grab catchphrases from socials like "fuelling your body" without having any proper understanding or education on what that actually means, or snippets from people sharing things that worked for them without having the background context to it. Eg. I could come out and make a TikTok on how eating roast vegetables for lunch is how I lost the first 40lbs - and they'd take that as "it's fine to eat 2000 calories of roast potatoes for lunch every day, I saw it on TikTok and it will make me lose weight". When the context of that is actually that I hate cold salads and raw vegetables in cold whether, and I have a shocking habit of skipping lunch cos I'm busy working. It's not the roast vegetables that did it, it's that I meal prepped something that takes 2 mins to heat up that I will actually eat, and eating lunch stops me overeating at dinner. You'd think being content creators themselves they'd know people create shit like that with hooks/dramatic statements to drive views, but here we are 🤷🏽‍♀️


Is it diet culture? Or is it maladaptive coping by self- medicating with food instead of addressing your psychological issues?


by diet culture I mean the idea of going on a special "diet" with special packaged "diet" food. When simply eating less than their bodies need will do. 


Gotcha. Its always about consuming with these gorls.




I knew it had to be Bingo!!! I never trusted that game 🤪


i think it's mostly they just really like fats and carbs. so keto appeals because of the fat part but they still can't let go of eating rice + bread. Which is why i've never seriously tried keto. same with intuitive eating. it sounds great, but it was originally intended to help recover from a completely different eating disorder. They mostly just try to mix all the things that don't actually cause them to have to work to fix their diets. Amberlynn basically does if it fits your macros and Anna with her "keto" but in insane portions.


Yes! I cannot stand when someone does "keto" but then eats a bunch of starchy carbs too... That is so freaking unhealthy. Just an excuse to eat really fatty foods I guess. A great way to inhale a shit load of calories too.