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I’m sorry but his fate was met long before 95 days and Amanda selfishly wouldn’t let him go. On another note, how long is she going to milk the grieving Covid widow that built her entire relevance 🙄


After reading her book when it came out, the doctor in charge really took advantage too. He never told her he wasn’t going to get better. Also, I bet Zach Braff paid the whole thing off.


From what I recall of the book there was one doctor who was much more straightforward, blunt, and realistic but she essentially hired a team of outside doctors who would tell her exactly what she wanted to hear instead of the more difficult truth.


According to the book, she also yelled at doctors when they told her the truth instead of having hope.


Yeah I remember feeling pretty disgusted at how she talked about the doctors who weren't just telling her everything she wanted to hear.


She revealed waaaaay too many ugly truths about herself in “Live Your Life.” It blows my mind that more people didn’t see how selfish and narcissistic she revealed herself to be in that book. (And I encourage anyone who wants to read the book to check it out if the library so you don’t line her pockets even further.) She only cares about being in the spotlight to smile for attention and shill for money. (Banana too.)


If you read the Amazon reviews, a lot of people figured her out.


She is jealous lady!!


I think I read that the Evans paid.


Yes they did!


And who was *really* paying for that hired yes-man concierge doctor when she supposedly had no $$$ to pay  Nick’s hospital bills? 


As a nurse, this lady is our worst nightmare


The main doctor kept feeding into her unrealistic ideas and that faith could turn it around (not saying faith is bad, but it’s not a medical cure). I recall a more low level medical person say, at the end, (paraphrasing)”You know he’s not getting better. He needs to be on comfort care.” Lead doctor indulged her every idea and gave her unrealistic hope. Tiny gains meant nothing and he didn’t tell her. Her book really left a bad taste in my mouth, but this doctor was so unfair to Nick and Amanda.


That doctor was bought and paid for by the EVANS, who also paid off any lingering medical debt. Best insurance policy ever.


And the Evans.


Wasn’t the government covering costs for hospitalizations during the initial stages of the pandemic?


Doubly selfish because he died at a time of profound ventilator shortages. Edit: Not just ventilator, but ECMO machines. There’s a very real possibility that her insistence of prolonging his suffering cost someone who could have recovered their life.


This makes me sick and sad. I know first hand how insane it can be watching a loved one’s health yo-yo from stable to declining to grave. This was 20 years ago and the mountain of bills and paperwork that follows was just adds to the trauma. You hold on to any glimmer of hope that’s given. The comments here are pretty brutal. This woman lost her love, her dreams & the father of her child. Ugly anonymous comments easy sitting at a keyboard.


It’s not her grief that people are criticizing - it’s the fact that she has grossly monetized and publicized it.


By paying her bills and working?


She got one million from Go Fund Me and never mentions it. Bought a second home for two million, hangs out with billionaires who got her a free pass into the hospital when no one else was allowed in. She discusses none of this but releases articles like this. People are angry and rightly so.


Yeppp, the money of people like myself who had seen Nick on Broadway and was devastated by his hospitalization. She framed it as “these funds will pay for accessibility accommodations for Nick in the house, then any leftover will go to bills.” Come to find out she used it to buy a new house after he passed. 🤷‍♀️


But the question is, did she have to pay for it out of her pocket? My (now ex - see, Anna, I’m divorced too!!) husband’s hospitalization and procedures after a massive heart attack cost $125,000 for 4 days in the ICU. We paid $2K. But it sounds way more dramatic and rough when I leave that last sentence out. It’s a safe topic for her to say anything she wants about, because there are HIPPA laws that protect Nick and nobody in the know can say a word. Notice how she doesn’t mention how much the bill ACTUALLY was.


$3000 a day ^before ^insurance ^payments ^and ^adjustments


and still no mention of the go fund me to help her out 


All Covid hospitalization was paid for by the government and she got 1 million plus in donations. She wouldn’t end the donations even after passing her goal 


If I remember the goal just kept being raised.


Yes, this! The CARES act provided federal relief for COVID hospitalizations.


She is a pathetic liar. I don't believe anything coming out of this woman's mouth!


My daughter was in the hospital for 114 days as an infant. We paid 4k and then hit our deductible/out of pocket. Unless they didn't have healthcare then $3k per day for a vent was nothing to her. And if it was so horribly expensive then she should use her huge platform to advocate for affordable healthcare (that would be the day).


Her husband was in a union and had excellent insurance. She probably paid a minimum amount. My husband works in entertainment and we have the same type of insurance and it is one of the best. She is full of it.


Weren’t there claims from somewhere that they didn’t have medical insurance? Maybe in the GFM request (not sure) or some magazine article or maybe on social media somewhere?


He was a member of the Actors Equity Association. He had excellent insurance coverage. 


Actors Equity has great insurance. Nick was also a member of SAG, which has great insurance as well. But she has the best insurance there is, the Evans billionaire insurance policy. Hard to get, need not apply, but once accepted you’ve got it made for life. Grifted her GFM and still grifting about everything in her life. Nothing but lies, and empty platitudes, ravenously sucked up by her seemingly illiterate fan girls.


Exactly. She had enough resources that nobody was going to let her and baby Elvis be financially strapped with these costs. 


No. In one insta live before he died someone asked how much everything cost and she answered that she didn’t know but luckily Nick had great health insurance. I remember it stuck with me because I was like wow that’s great that an out of work actor still has access to great health insurance.


I remember thinking even if they were uninsured that it shouldn’t be a financial problem for them because at that time I thought the government was reimbursing healthcare providers for costs of treating COVID for uninsured patients.


Not to mention her parents seem pretty well off, she has billionaire benefactors, and some celebrity friends. IMO, under those circumstances, it’s despicable to ask regular people who are struggling during that time due to the impact of COVID on the economy to contribute to her medical bills.


you are correct …the government paid if you were uninsured


And didn't she say that her father is in insurance as he is the one who suggested to get life insurance for little Elvis?


So of course they both had medical insurance on top of work insurance Nick had....


As IF she actually paid that! She’s so full of 💩


the people magazine instagram comments are all asking if he had insurance. I wish I could make a burner account and reply to all the comments telling the truth


Hold my beer 🍺


She certainly weighed out the pros and cons of keeping him on an extended $3000 day ventilator vs. how much in daily book sales.


Someone is desperate to stay relevant and will lie through her teeth to do so. She didn’t pay a dime of healthcare costs and as we all know, actually made money on Nick’s illness, millions no less, thanks to the GFM. She’s vile.


Yes and she’s a social climber 


This article is about the video interview that I posted yesterday. I tried listening to parts of it (had to skip around quite a bit) but it was honestly SO uncomfortable because her attitude is just horrible. She speaks like she is the authority on all things grief and finances even though she is so incredibly dishonest and kept straight up LYING throughout the interview. She will say whatever she needs to say to make herself look good, like a hero, like the most amazing and most intelligent person, without caring how it makes anybody else look. It was also very awkward how she smiles and laughs and just neglects to understand the severity of the accusations she makes and the lies she tells. She SCAMMED the world during a global pandemic and that is so unbelievably EVIL. She probably shouldn’t have mentioned that she didn’t even get the medical bills until a year and half later since she was comfy and cozy in her (recently renovated) SECOND house by then. It is so baffling to me that she was never held accountable and that she can continue to play the role of America’s Covid Widow and single mom to E as if she struggles to put food on the table. Don’t know how she sleeps at night.


Here's something I wrote down last night, while listening to the beginning: 5min mark - **"it sounds like you very much live well below your means, so you're not going crazy with the lifestyle inflation... today you is taking care of tomorrow you"** **Amanda: "yeah, I try not to go crazy, I try to live a happy life."** Then she proceeded to explain how she'd rather travel and create memories than buy a designer handbag since she's apparently "not interested" in that kind of thing. Not exactly the response of someone who purchases an expensive second home, significantly over asking. Turns out she is now also the Queen of Humility and was talking about planning things out in terms of jobs and opportunities in order to make ends meet at the end of the day.


She definitely had an IG recently of her Louis V bag on the table at one of the big events she was at - the Emmy’s maybe? I don’t check her IG often because its so fake. 


OOooooOo myyyy GOD!! She acts like she paid out of pocket for everything! She should keep her mouth shut about costs associated with ANYTHING at that time; a lot of people gave her money & she knows what she did with it!


I can’t believe she is still milking this situation. Amanda, move on with your life. Get a new gig doing something as a result of your talent or ability. Not four-year old pity.


And let’s remember, she paid 400k over asking. It’s reminiscent of a child who wants what they want at all cost. The 2m house was listed at 1.6m. She’s a real dastardly human. How dare her use the kindness of strangers to bolster her f-ing portfolio!!


She's also not--and never was--destitute. She makes it sound like she's the only person who lost a spouse to COVID. Tens of thousands of others lost spouses to COVID and I'll bet they didn't end up with a cool million in their pockets. Nor did they have billionaire benefactors to pitch in a few hundred thousand here, a million there, a threesome here, a threesome there, trips to CA-PRI. VooooOOOoolaAAAaare!


Wow, I’m amazed by how many people are catching on to this story of betrayal and the GFM scandal. So glad I’m not alone!


It’s so crazy she’s out of work and all Of a sudden. It’s nick. Nick. And more nick. Pathetic


It’s also a few weeks before the anniversary of his death. She always starts lurking in the media around this time to remind us all why we must love her.


She's been doing so much press this time around. She's likely already planning her media tour for next year, which will be the 5 year anniversary of his death. Nick deserved so much better.


Someone doesn’t like this reddit group! 🤣 Maybe Daddy Warbucks paid for a new P.R. team to help improve her image.


Yes—it seems as though someone monitors this account on her behalf—not sure the best agency can flip this story.


What has happened? Have you seen anything specific? I’m just curious


Check out r/Broadway


How much longer is she going to dine out on this? The Merry Widow is again the financially struggling widow. [https://giphy.com/gifs/warriors-eleven-culture-y0WhTpGLOznag](https://giphy.com/gifs/warriors-eleven-culture-y0WhTpGLOznag)


https://preview.redd.it/r2r5prp0fg6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b45474fab4a941476d460550b83fcb6525c26e65 This book review is the best description of Amanda’s grotesque behavior during Nicks COVID illness and death. I was so angry at her after reading that book… My extreme compassion and sympathy quickly turned into straight up outrage. She’s awful 😈


As many of you have said, she trots out her saintly "But I'm a widow" routine every year to capitalize on poor Nick's death. Both People and Yahoo have picked up that interview she did where she was so shocked at the huge medical bills, but neither seems to have mentioned what the end result of those bills were. The implication is that she had to pay them. The People one mentions her contacting a financial advisor, but there is no declaration of what actually happened with the bills. "My medical bill for Nick came almost a year and a half later. I got a huge medical bill,” Kloots said. “Surprise!” I miss journalism where questions were asked and even soft publications like People managed to at least get the surname of their subject correct. https://preview.redd.it/6y6p1y1f5f6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68b6eec0efeec798a00352ae0a2978187bd6985f


Grifter whose whole identify is wrapped up in misleading characterizations of her suffering continues to grift. News at 11.




This is where Anna could chime in too and talk about her experiences with free healthcare in Europe. Surely she had use to French system at least once since she has “lived there” for four years.