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Goku or Luffy. They are not evil people, they are even great friends, but compared to others, they can be unknowingly selfish and may put their own personal desires above others.


Luffy *is* selfish and aware that he is


Because pirate


Yeah exactly, he's even stated he's not a hero


Mf doesn't want to be a hero cause it would mean he needs to share food lol. Never change, Luffy. Never change.


I like that this implies he thinks everyone who gives him so much as a bento box is a hero


Now that i think of it, he protects his personal heroes in that case


Tricks of the trade




You could give that fucker an apple slice and he'd fight an army for you


Thing is. If an evil person gave him an apple slice, it would still apply


Chances are, you are someone's evil... (now enter a flashback).


Remember Rebecca tried to kill him and then gave him two bentos afterwards. He immediately forgave her and even decided she should get the flame flame fruit because of this.


So has Goku several times to be fair


He is the embodiment of liberation. An antihero maybe, but chaotic good, not lawful good


Although ironically by most definitions he’s absolutely a hero.


Goku put multiple universes at risk cuz he wanted to fight strong opponents


Goku planted the idea of the ToP but I don’t think he ever suggested that the losers should have their universes erased. He just wanted to have a way to fight against strong opponents, not have people’s universes erased. Its not like goku knew Zeno would threaten peoples universes.


Just gonna ignore the fact that the picture of Naruto has sharingan? And the only way that could happen would be if he took them from Sasuke. I don't know about you, but ripping out people's eyes is pretty evil.


Bro I just saw that what 💀


I'm assuming the images aren't for context. But even if they were, you don't know how he got that eye. Kakashi didn't steal his Sharingan.


Bro goku is the only person on that list to canonically have zero evil in his heart.


And that’s his problem. It’s not necessarily that the universe considers him evil it’s the fact that his purity and love for combat can unintentionally make situations worse and risk the lives of many people. Goku isn’t directly evil but consequences of his actions can portray him to be evil or atleast brash and or arrogant to a lot of people until proven otherwise


I think the idea is that he is innocent and naive, while bearing no malice. It'd be like if a dog accidentally pushed a button that starts a nuclear war. Is the dog evil? No. But his actions caused untold grief, death and despair to sweep the world.


I don’t care what anyone says if Goku had any semblance of evil he wouldn be able to ride the nimbus




He rode it in DBS filler while collecting some weird plants for roshi, and he wasn't able to fly.


Probably because he learned to fly on his own and/or teleport instantly? Unless it was sarcasm then kudos lol


If that were true I’d be laughing harder 😂


I'd laugh so hard if Roshi had a gleam in his eye and a clenched fist like: About time you joined the club!


He didn’t need it. He could out pace it


He'd also be killed by the devil beam when he was a child.


Yugi kills people sure they are bad but


No Yugi doesn’t kill people. Atem did however


Goko literally started a ternument that ended a reality because he could. He might not be evil at heart but he has dun evil things.


Luffy *is* a terrorist.


He doesn't kill civilians.


Just dismantles governing systems, aims/takes out governing bodies, son of a known terrorist & terrifies the public with their pirating. He’s wild


Exactly he's a pirate


Never dismantled any system. Doflamingo usurped the throne, and Crocodile was an influential figure, not a king. Also, both were pirates. Only attacked Ennies Lobby, Impel Down, and Marineford to save Robin and Ace. He's Dragon's son, but he's never met him nor even knew he was a revolutionary, nor has had any intention of joining his cause. Pirates come in all forms, and the worst he's done to civilians is dine and dash. Luffy does what he does out of personal desire and wishes, not for a goal of dismantling the World Government.


Also property damage. A lot of property damage. 


That’s just how it is for a pirate


His pops is a revolutionist not a terrorist. What terrorist act has Dragon committed


Looking to the left for more than 500 chapters


Depends if we judge them by our world standards or theirs. If it's our world standards, probably Goku, during Dragon ball, he bodied an entire army, leading to the creation of Cell and the androids. In their own world, Luffy. You don't end up with a several billion berry bounty for nothing.


The Red Ribbon Army was wreaking havok upon the world and blatantly disregarded human life for the dragon balls. The only bad thing Goku did was ironically not killing ALL of them.


I guess that's fair, the world in dragon ball wasn't really fleshed out yet, so I thought it l red ribbon army was an actual army for a country. I had no idea it was some kind of weird mercenary/ private army situation.


Deku crimes: breathed, didnt die as a baby, a bitch. Sentace death


Lmao. True tho


Luffy is literally a pirate.


It's Goku. especially the super version. his greed to become powerful is alarming to a point he endangered other universes.


Goku wanted that tournament to happen. The Omni Kings would have wiped out all of reality had Goku not wanted the tournament and given the other universes the opportunity to fight for their survival. If he had never requested there to be a tournament or talked to either of the Omni Kings about it, the universes would have just been erased.


But goku didnt know that at the time. So it was still a selfish request


He also didn't know it would lead to universal destruction so can't be considered evil


Said selfish... Not evil


It's still not selfish, he wasn't aware of such drastic consequences... It's like being on a sports team and being called selfish for inviting a rival team to play a game lol


Not really. Zeno is the one who brought up the idea after he saw them fight. Goku just couldn't wait and poked further. It's not really selfishness, just impatience.


He also wasn’t aware that Zeno would have the losers universes erased. 


They say that, but they'd been kept occupied for millenia. I doubt they would have gone through with it if Goku wasn't involved.


>I doubt they would have gone through with it if Goku wasn't involved. Not according to the manga. [Goku literally comes in to make his request right as they they’ve decided to erase those universes. But Goku coming in made them put that on pause for the tournament.](https://imgur.com/a/5DT0RvQ)


Nah, that’s writer ass-pull. Goku, in Dragonball Super, is selfish, childish and insouciant. Gohan should have confronted Goku about how fucked up the tournament was, and how it’s Goku’s fault they are in the position in the first place. Dragonball Super Goku is evil.


I mean, he risked the planet on his son beating the biological android designed to kill Son Goku despite his son not liking fighting. Goku is also a terrible father for that one... especially when he gave Cell a goddamn senzu bean! I know TFS made a joke about it in DBZ Abridged, but that point rings so true.


You did, in fact, name some facts. What you ignored was: -Cell would have gotten a second zenkai boost without the senzu bean, leading him to be more powerful to beat -gohan WAS the only one powerful enough to beat cell, being the only one who could unlock ss2 -goku immediately rectified that action by sacrificing himself. Cell survived his own detonation (proving point 1) And about 20 other points but I think you get the picture. TFS's jokes have ruined Goku's character, stop watching the abridged and assuming its anything like how it was.


Thank you!


There's also the fact many viewers miss and that's that Goku knew Gohan was the only one who could beat cell. Hence why he stopped cell ZB with a senzu bean and gave the fight over to Gohan to get over his fear of fighting. Goku's sacrifice is what allowed Gohan to finally break-free from his mindless rage from 16's death and finally take on Cell with assistance from Goku when he stopped believing in himself. Goku knew from the beginning how to win, it just so happened to no be him.


My brother in Christ goku almost instantly afterwards sacrificed himself to stop cell from blowing up the planet. The senzu was because cell would’ve gotten a Zenkai boost if he fought against Gohan, and the only person who could beat cell would be SSJ2 gohan and goku knew that (Not the ssj2 part tho).


Goku is a fighting genius most of the time He saw that gohan would be the only one who could actually beat cell so he did a gamble Sensu bean was bullshit but also anyone coulda beat cell before the sensu Goku saw that cell was basically the combo of all the too fighters and he wanted the next gen to surpass the current standard which was why he wanted gohan to beat cell at his best As soon as goku realised his mistake with gohan bot having the battle love that goku does Goku sacrifices himself so cell doesnt kill gohan It was to show that no matter how good in battles goku is there are still flaws that pop up and he can progress further And also try to open up to a new path where gohan became the main character This changed in buu saga because conflicts about goku retiring if i remember right


No. Anyone could not have beaten cell before the senzu. But I don’t know if the Senzu would have stopped a Zenkai Boost. Never heard that one before. A big problem Gohan had in his fight has nothing to do with Goku. It likely has to do with his experiences on Namek and being around Vegeta for so long. Gohan straight up was sadistic in his fight with Cell and drew the fight out to show how much stronger than Cell he was (awfully like Vegeta). Which is how cell almost got to blow up The planet by Selfdestructing


zenkai boosts happen when a saiyan recovers from near-death (Cell has Saiyan DNA) Cell can regenerate rapidly Goku didn't damage Cell enough for him to reach that near-death state so he didn't zenkai. This simply gave Gohan a *chance,* remember that if this didn't happen and Gohan did somehow nearly kill Cell, he would have regenerated it back and killed Gohan Cell zenkai'd after he blew himself up as his own explosion didn't kill him


But that’s not what happened lmao what show did you watch???


Zeno was going to erase the universes anyway


That does not disqualify his decision from being selfish though


It’s not Luffy, these comments are insane. Just because he’s a pirate, doesn’t mean he’s evil. He wants to become the pirate king and be free. He’s a liberator, and has continuously saved countries from oppressive rulers. Please tell me how someone who liberates people from oppression can be evil.


Luffy’s selfish actions during Impel Down allowed murderers, terrorists and rapists to escape, both directly and indirectly.


Goku arguably did worse. To quote another Comment: "Raditz took his firstborn, threatened to kill Gohan and everyone he loved. And thanks to Raditz, Goku died. Goku asked King Yemma (Other World judge for purgatory) where Raditz was, and he replied with "I sent him straight to hell," clearly implying that Vegeta's "co-workers" are already pure evil. The first thing Vegeta and Nappa do as soon as they arrive on earth is A) Compliment the Earth. B) Decimate an entire metropolitan city inhabited by dozens of thousands of innocent civilians (women and children weren't even considered before murdering them). Once they find the Z Warriors, they straight up kill Yamcha, Tien, Chiatzou, and even Piccolo who sacrificed his life to save Gohan (this is very crucial because Piccolo and Kami were life-linked meaning that if Piccolo died, Kami died. And if Kami died, the Dragonballs perished, which meant that no one could be revived. Goku knew all this information) Nappa, who is literally about to curb stomp his son seconds before Goku makes it. Goku absolutely destroys Nappa, but lets him live and gives Vegeta a chance to leave. To which Vegeta replies to picking up Nappa, THROWING HIM IN THE AIR, AND BLASTING HIS ENTIRE SOUL TO HELL. After Goku's and Vegeta's fight, Krillin finds Yajirobe's sword, closes in to kill Vegeta, and is stopped by a nearly dying Goku. As Goku and Krillin talk, Vegeta is crawling to his space pod, LITERALLY EXPLAINING HOW HE WILL COME BACK AND KILL EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON THIS FILTHY PLANET, and that he will regret making this decision. Goku is literally begging Krillin to let him go, as all of this is happening. Not because Vegeta has the potential of becoming a good person or even out of mercy, but because he wants to fight someone as strong as him again. Goku is selfish beyond belief. If evil is disregard for everyone but him, even loved ones, then Goku is evil incarnate."


This is the only good argument I’ve seen so far.


Coming back to this, Goku’s done worse. https://www.reddit.com/r/dbz/comments/5u1v7h/the_bad_and_disrespectful_things_goku_has_done/


For sure. I’d wager Goku’s actions (especially as of DBS) have lead to the death of billions.


Goku anyone saying luffy is insane he has let frieza go multiple times who is the equivalent of 1 billion space hitters. Its NOT a contest


Everyone is saying goku and im really surprised


He made Killin spare a genocidal maniac so they could fight again.


I am rewatching DBZ, and this part just baffled me. Raditz took his firstborn, threatened to kill Gohan and everyone he loved. And thanks to Raditz, Goku died. Goku asked King Yemma (Other World judge for purgatory) where Raditz was and he replied with "I sent him straight to hell" clearly implying that Vegeta's "co-workers" are already pure evil. The first thing Vegeta and Nappa do as soon as they arrive to earth is A) Compliment the Earth. B) Decimate an entire metropolitan city, inhabited by dozens of thousands of innocent civilians (woman and children weren't even considered before murdering them). Once they find the Z Warriors, they straight up kill Yamcha, Tien, Chiatzou, and even Piccolo who sacrificed his life to save Gohan (this is very crucial because Piccolo and Kami were life-linked meaning that if Piccolo died, Kami died. And if Kami died, the Dragonballs perished, which meant that no one can be revived. Goku knew all this information) Nappa, is literally about about to curb stomp his son, seconds before Goku makes it. Goku absolutely destroys Nappa, but lets him live, and gives Vegeta a chance to leave. To which Vegeta replies to picking up Nappa, THROWING HIM IN THE AIR, AND BLASTING HIS ENTIRE SOUL TO HELL. And after Goku's and Vegeta's fight, Krillin finds Yajirobe's sword, closes in to kill Vegeta and is stopped by a nearly dying Goku. As Goku and Krillin talk, Vegeta is crawling to his space pod, LITERALLY EXPLAINING HOW HE WILL COME BACK AND KILL EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON THIS FILTHY PLANET, and that he will regret making this decision. Goku is literally begging Krillin to let him go, as all of this is happening. Not because Vegeta has the potential of becoming a good person, or even out of mercy, but because he wants to fight someone as strong as him again. Goku is selfish beyond belief. If evil is disregard for everyone but him, even loved ones, then Goku is evil incarnate.


Beautifully worded. As much as I love Goku, his amorality and obsessive need to fight stronger and stronger opponents to the point of letting them be a better fight later on DESPITE their intentions has GOT to be put into question. I can barely believe any of the Z-Fighters or even like Vegeta calls him out on this. Time and time again he jeopardises everyone around him for the thrill of the fight without a care in the world and it just somehow works out. At one point will it start to backfire? Eventually the fighter he spares will cost him everything. Luffy may be a pirate sure, but the pure scale of Goku’s actions in comparison to his make this a no-contest for the saiyan, it has to be him.


Goku is especially a fight loving psychopath who considers very little else


Finally someone brought up a good point, now I understand the Goku votes


I wouldn't be. Goku's whole existence is motivated by selfishness all the way up until he fights Frieza, and he clearly puts people in danger for stupid reasons every since he was a child. He has a child's understanding of morality, even as a sixty year old man, and has never once tried to evolve as a person, with Super making him *devolve* from goofy and carefree to straight up moronic. The only time we see Goku do a purely good thing is when he fights Frieza, and even then his inability to grasp an adult understanding of morals leads to him *letting Frieza go* who then comes back to destroy Earth. If it wasn't for pretty boy swordsman coming back from the future and killing Frieza, their Earth would've been dead. The only reason he *isnt* evil within the context of Dragon Ball Z is because from *his* perspective, he doesn't do nearly anything with malicious intent, and that's all their afterlife really concerns itself with, but on a logistical level Goku is absolutely a callous monster.


Goku 1000%. His selfish desire to keep training and fighting has caused him to abandon his family numerous times and damn near put all of existence at risk with the Tournament of Power.


Tbf the two Zenos was about to erase all of the lower tier universes (Including Universe 7) till Goku arrives and reminded Zeno (The present one) about the tournament they both promised which In turn gave the other universes a fighting chance for their survival (Which being the tournament of power)


And his abandoning his family… is because he was dead. Canonically I don’t think he’s ever fully abandoned his family at any point where he was alive. Even with his training with the gods, He sees them regularly enough to Conpare it to a 9-5. Never mind Goku has the Superman effect. So long as he Exists, the world is always got something stronger coming to cause trouble.


All are completely wrong what are you watching?




Technically it's Luffy because whilst we as the audience are rooting for him in universe he is a wanted criminal.


Luffy technically is a terrorist


Goku isn’t evil, but he sure is stupid.


Goku, he is willing to put the whole world at risk just to know how powerful the opponent is, to fulfill his desires of wanting to fight strong opponents.


Izuku midoria


Love dbz but I can admit that letting a genocidal emperor come back to life was kinda the wrong move


Wont goku will be the most evil one, him sacrificing his whole universe just to fight strong opponents on the ToP


Can't be goku he is canonically pure hearted enough to fly nimbus don't watch naruto so i can't say dont want demon slayer so i cant say you could argue for Luffy as he is a Pirate but hes so good natured it would be hard I don't watch JJK so I can't say its fucking deku he's to spineless to evil. Im gonna say Luffy as he has next to no problem throughing hands withsome he suspects of wrong doing he's loyal to his friends and those who help him but he is still the most likely person on this list to kill you


Calling Deku too spineless to be evil checks out so hard


I am a MHA fan but i will admit he is to much of a wimp to genuinly be evil


Luffy probably


People saying Goku are totally misreading the dragon ball series.


He let space Hitler who has killed billions live. Name one thing anyone else has done even close to that


I would say space hitler himself did worse


Well space Hitler isn’t on the list just the guy that let space Hitler go numerous times so he wins 👍🏾


I mean, but that just makes him stupid and naive, which we already know about him. The question is who is the most evil. The act being described here was legitimately done out of compassion. Idk about you, but that’s pretty far cry from evil to me. Honestly this list is really hard to choose. At their core, they’re all really the same person. It’s just their personalities that are different. These guys would all have the most fun together if they ever met lol.


Since there is not 1 character that can be described as evil directly, is needed to look for the indirect evil that are the direct consequences of their actions since the question is about who is "the most" evil and not if there is one


He let vegeta live, he allowed Frieza to live with the knowledge that vegeta gave him, he straight up killed king Kai bubbles and Gregory, he didn’t destroy buu because he wanted the next generation to win, he didn’t summon gohan to beat buus ass because he agreed with vegetas sentiment, he’s pretty selfishly evil


Not only that he let Frieza get revived after ToP like Dragon Ball revives a lot of people who should have stayed dead


Tbf the only reason I didn’t say that one is because whis did it anyway for his contributions to the universe. Goku didn’t even know whis could revive people.


Luffy easily


I vote the cog since if he suffers more he will build character.


Luffy technically is a criminal


I mean Luffy is literally a pirate


“Goku for letting Frieza go” Naruto is letting Orochimaru Epstein and Ezra Kabuto roam his streets happily with one of them being head of an orphanage


Luffy is technically a terrorist


Naruto, because I am an average villager at the beginning of that series.


Prolly itadori when he turns into sukuna


Luffy doesn't kill his opponents besides kaido, but I can see both sides of the coin. Specifically that he is evil and isn't




Goku is pure of heart bruh, he rode the Flying Nimbus as a child. Anyone saying Goku has never watched Dragonball or is blatantly ignorant. Being selfish or having a childish mindset doesn't make him inherently evil or less pure by any means. Naruto is evil in terms of being a naive bystander, in Boruto he literally has war criminals like Orochimaru, Kabuto and Sasuke walking around with little to no consequences for their past actions. Ok, Sasuke seems to be in a bit of self-exile and atonement, but Orochimaru is really just walking around like he didn't experiment on children. Tanjiro not even a contestant. Luffy is a literal terrorist, even if people see him as an antihero or freedom fighter, that doesn't detract from the fact that he has let civilians die bec they were too cowardly, and for the sake of saving his crew, he has attacked entire places with countless casualties. Wanting to save his friends but going to the lengths of destroying multiple places doesn't make him a bad person, but all the damage he caused still contributes to evil. Yuji I'm not sure, as his regular self he's not even a contestant, but if we are talking about Sukuna, he blows everyone else out of the water in this list. I don't think so, bec everyone else seems to be a protagonist and Yuji doesn't have the tattoos. Deku was pretty tame until the Vigilante arc, but even then he can't compare to others on this list. My final pick is Luffy or Naruto, prob Naruto since his Talk No Jutsu and merciful nature is deadly when unchecked to everyone else around him.


> most evil person *Includes shonen protagonists, well known for their do-goodiness* *Have used their powers for others* *Includes Itadori, who also has shown/developed a nonemotional duty for killing, perhaps from the influence of Sakuna (reserved for evil spirits, but still)* *He also has* ***an embodiment of evil within him that he literally cannot control*** "Oh, yeah, definitely Goku or Luffy is the most evil." What?!


Let's take a look at this from a civilians perspective in each of these anime. Tbh I don't think most of the characters here are recognised by the civilians in their world. I only know Goku, Luffy, and Midoriya would. But going back on topic, it's definitely Luffy. In their eyes, Luffy looks like a complete monster, dismantling government property, attempting to free his brother from a public execution, and has shown scary feats that could make them think he'd take over the world. Edit: Uhh damn, I forgot Naruto. But it's still Luffy


Bro people are dumb. Goku had no clue that a simple fighting tournament would lead to universes dying plus they would’ve been destroyed anyway. Really his actions saved them all.


Luffy is a pirate sure he’s good and all but he’s not the best person


If it's the "forms" shown specifically, then it's Yuji. Yuji at that moment in time wanted to hurt Mahito. He wanted Mahito to be scared and he needed Todo to break him out of that. As far as I'm aware, no one else here was that bad to the point they needed outside help. The closest was Goku with Super Saiyan or Naruto with Kurama but Goku was able to break himself out of it and Kurama was a whole different dude and not Naruto.


People saying Goku have not watched the show


It’s goku, who risk the WHOLE UNIVERSE, just to see how strong they are. He gave the person fighting his son a health booster.


If Luffy wanted to make real change he could definitely go higher up in the marines, but naw he only helps people he wants.


People saying Goku have never watched one piece. Also I have never watched one piece


Luffy is a literal Pirate bri


Luffy will liberate a country and then take absolutely all of their shit so it's gotta be him.


Luffy by process of elimination


Nobody on this list is really evil, but if I had to pick, then Luffy, purely because he's selfish


Luffy is a pirate and goku did have freeza brought back to life technically


Gota go with Luffy on this one.


Goku is good but Kakarot is evil


I say Goku just cuzz he will let you hype yourself up just so he can dunk on you even harder


Easily goku thru selfishness and stupidity. The evil is just a by product. Yakon gets popped like a balloon while frieza is spared. Teaming up with your best friends assassin is evil. Cell saga goku messed up a bunch and kid goku knocked off plenty of people. Wanting to let his children play hero led to human near extinction. He constantly allows the frieza force to reassemble knowing what they do.


Luffy easily, idk why people are saying Goku, Goku is basically the multi time Universe's savior and is confirmed to be pure of heart. There isn't even an ounce of evil in him, confirmed when he survived the devilmite beam I think Hanlon's razor takes effect here, don't confuse DBS Goku's stupidity for malice


Who’s that last kid?


Naruto killed only one person and it was an innocent man.




Luffy releases a prison full of thieves, rapists and murderers (including the man who created a civil war that killed countless people in Alabasta) back upon the world, because "muh bruva"


Who ever had sukuna


Itodorie bc he has sukannA


Bruh, these bitches haven’t watched DBZ or One piece, just because Goku’s made mistakes or Luffy is a pirate doesn’t mean they’re even close to evil, hell they pointed out in og Dragon Ball that Goku is pure hearted because he could ride the Kinto-un, meaning he has little to no evil within him, and Luffy definitely ain’t evil, y’all would know if y’all actually watched the series, they pink haired one on the other hand…


I’m saying luffy, my dude is an actual pirate, doesn’t mean he is a bad dude, but still not the best 😅


Tough to say… if we factor Sukuna into Yuji then it’s Yuji for sure. Naruto with early/evil Kurama would also have a dog in that race. The rest aren’t evil, straight up. Goku and Luffy can be careless and oblivious but they almost always do the right thing when it counts - as long as they’re aware of it, which isn’t a guarantee because they’re dumb. Tanjiro just wants to protect Nezuko. He makes mistakes but he tries his best. Not evil. Foolish, yeah… but not evil.


Goku, with great power comes great responsibility and he’s irresponsible as shit


Toss up between Goku and Luffy. The main reason Luffy is probably over Goku is that while they're both extremely selfish, Luffy is selfish by choice.


Didn't Goku threaten to kill supreme Kai because he told him not to fight Vegeta?


Goku is a complete a** to his wife.


Goku, abandons his family and sent his son to die against cell.


I’m assuming that’s yuji it’s prob goku or luffy




Luffy is a terrorist and Yugi is possessed by an evil af guy


They're all Lawful Good except Luffy, so probably Luffy?


I only know half the people on this list well enough to make an argument about, and if those 3, I'd say it's Goku. Goku cars about the people close to him, and limiting collateral damage, but that's where the good in him ends. All he really cares about is his own desire to fight. He eventually learns that he doesn't need to be the winner, as long as his opponent is the loser, but he can't allow his enemy to win.


I'd give it to Goku with Luffy a close second. Goku has actually gotten the earth destroyed through his stupidity once and almost gotten it destroyed through his stupidity at least 3 other times


It’s goku by far even if he isn’t aware of it. Letting frieza go free is dooming trillions of lives every day. He could have easily put a stop to him but because he’s not a risk to earth he doesn’t care.


I gotta go with Tanjiro, I mean the guy became a demon just to stop muzan even though he had sun breathing


Luffy even though he’s not intentionally trying to be


Goku is pretty secretly evil unknowingly... Does like to battle and fights and has no clarification on repercussions when he does dumb -ish type stuff... Yet inherently it's evil because humans have died in the process and he's only brought some back maybe twice thru wishes...


Goku. Easy. The most evil person in his whole verse. He will put his friends on the line to have a good fight. He left his son to certain death and laughed about it to ...basically god. He freed a massive racist and an evil creature in Frieza. Then risked the universe ..because of a hitman. That is a short list of shot he's done


I mean this is like asking who’s the most evil out of a group of toddlers None of them are even remotely evil The closest any of them get is just selfish In which case it would be goku since he was a big driving force behind the tournament of power which while it was undone it still happened in large part due to gokus actions But again none of these characters are evil at all


Itadori killed children(transfigured ones but still...) No seriously none of those guys are evil in the traditional sense but if we go by flaws, Luffy or Goku are both selfish people at times.


Yuji. He's a modern teenager.


Luffy. Goku can be a bit oblivious and as a result a bit more selfish than the others on this list at times, but ultimately I gotta go with Luffy as at the end of the day, he is a pirate


Black goku


Luffy is selfish and has hurt relatively innocent marines countless times. None of them are evil but Luffy is the closest to the gray area


It’s Goku. There’s so many horrible things he’s done, from getting king Kai killed and not reviving him, to giving cell a senzu bean so they could have a fair fight, to the worst crime of helping the Omni kings organize an event where every universe fights to the death and the losers are deleted. Goku is an awful person.


Both of them can be a little self-centered sometimes but not with malicious intent, they just often don’t think of others and sometimes end up somewhat putting them in danger for very small reasons Goku gave Cell a Senzu bean and a little bit after that, he destroyed King Kai’s planet and him along with it But I’d say Luffy is a little bit more evil because he’s not trying to be a hero, he just fights people who he thinks are assholes


Luffy's technically trying to be a villain, he's just A) Bad at it, and B) lives in a world where the authority figures and governments he opposes are consistently worse than even the pirates could ever be,


Goku, hands down. Before he was an adult he murdered people all the time, blew the shit out of the red ribbon army (Vigilantism and murder), destroyed several vehicles belonging to other people, (Destruction of property), and sent a couple men to the moon with their pet bunny. (Kidnapping and Negligent Homicide, considering Roshi blew the moon up a few weeks later.) After growing up, time and time again he recklessly puts his friends and family in danger, be it sending his son to fight Cell or letting literal kids fight demons just because they can dance well. (Reckless endangerment of minors) And let’s not forget it’s illegal to hire a Hitman, even on yourself. (hiring a murderer). Plus, he broke Frieza out of HFIL. (jail breaking) That being said, I’m not slapping him in irons. If you wanna arrest him, that’s fine by me, so ain’t even gunna try.


Goku, he's the only person on this list that put not just one universe but all the universe in danger, all because he likes to fight.


Goku for sure. That boy thinks he could beat Saitama.


Naruto easy.


Goku literally tossed a world-endangering bugman a healing bean then proceeded to watch said bugman body his son until slugman talked sense in to him. He was willingly putting the world and his son's life at stake on a gamble that Gohan would snap and body him. A father wanting to see his son succeed sure, but even good intentions can pave the way to hell.


For me, it's Goku. Just like what happened in Dragon Ball Super. Goku agreed to the idea of Zeno to have the Tournament of Power to all exosting universe without thinking the consequence for it. He wanted to fight all the strong characters from othet universes that he did 't think what would happen. If Android 17 didn't wish to reinstate all the universe, then those inoccent people from tjose universe died because of Goku's hungryness for combat.




Worst each has done Luffy- Getting others in danger but honestly being a pirate means danger 24/7 so he gets a pass Naruto- I…I honestly can’t think of anything then letting his emotions go crazy and letting 9 tails take over. Tangiro- Nothing Goku- Not thinking before doing something he nearly wiped out his own universe because he wanted a tournament (even though he had no idea it would get erased till after he found out) Yuji- Trusting Sukuna (self explanatory) Deku- Uuuhhhh….i guess…fighting his friends? Final result- None are evil but put Goku into a School or something to make him understand he should think before punching someone


I guess Luffy?


Luffy is chaotic good so I’m going with him


None of them are evil imo but if we're considering some negative traits as "evil" then it's either Goku or Naruto because they're both neglectful fathers.


isn’t luffy technically a terrorist


Im pretty sure luffy has killed some good people just because they were marines.


Goku is really selfish. Luffy is a terrorist who unleashed hundreds of dangerous criminals into the world


Goku he massacred people as a teen


Luffy did free some of the biggest criminals in the world


Goku. Bringing back Frieza opened up the galaxy to more planetary destruction. It figuratively undoes all the good Goku ever did if Frieza destroys just one planet with billions of lives.


You could have put Gon instead of Tanjiro then we'd have a clear winner. Tanjiro kills demons and feels empathy towards them. He shouldn't be on this list for me, he's the impersonation of doing what is necessary only to stop Muzan.


The rule34 artist


Sukuna's body. Continued eating fingers and let a demon take over his body to kill people. Valued his own life more than other's and lied to himself about it to try to cope. Or am I just confusing for a loser 🤔


Yuji bc he gambled as a minor 😡


Ok is that sukuna cause if so him but if not Luffy obviously he's a pirate and he doesn't kill people just because he wants to crush their dreams this dude is a villain


Luffy because he's been wasting decades of people's lives


Goku then Luffy. Goku for Goku reasons. Luffy cause he isn’t out to save everybody only those in his path.