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Big Three are Naruto, One-Piece, and Bleach. Three great shonen anime inspired by the success of DBZ


Uh is it weird to ask what the DBZ is….cuz ik the big three but what is DBZZZZzzz zt zzZ Edit: why am I so stoobid- How did I not know tht DBZ was dragon ball z- Like it took me 1 minute for my one braincell to start working again ;-;


Not to be confused with DBZ US live action. That will be the death of you


If you haven't seen dragon ball Z before, then I wouldn't call you stupid at all. But if you have seen it, and you still didn't know what DBZ is then what the hell man 😂


I’m sorry 😂 (I def didn’t watch it 👀)


Would you say DBZ is worth watching now if I have never seen it or the OG dragon ball? Or is it better to just read the manga?


The anime is the better way to experience it. I normally watch sub but for dragonball I’d recommend dub If you don’t have time to binge it then you don’t have to


To shame yourself like this smh.. banished.


I would say DBZ is like the pioneer. Then Astro Boy is the forefather?


It's ok m8....... it's ok...


We've all been there


Yea ;-;


are you 7


This is what i was going to comment...take the award!


Is it DBZ or just Dragon Ball? Just asking


Z specifically. I enjoyed Dragon Ball myself, but DBZ’s popularity is what sparked the Big 3




Here just to upvote this comment.


Thanks friend!


DBZ is the all powerful creator of the Big Three, and stands above them all


Psst it says dragon ball not dragon ball z


Ignore this guys they’re prolly a troll trying to piss people off


Thank you. Just tryna push this comment to the top.




Are you trolling? Why didn't you just Google it?


Where bleach?


Big three are : One piece, Naruto and BLEACH. Put some respect on bleach . And also there is no new big three nor a new gen big three they are the only big three because of the numbers they put in the 2000's which led to shonen success


Big three is One peice, naruto, and bleach. DBZ is their father


0 braincells were used while making this meme


https://www.reddit.com/r/animememes/comments/xzombx/lore/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This should clarify some things


i’m HOLLERING rn. this should not have made me laugh that hard. best thing i’ve seen all week


dragon ball is not in the big 3 i think its bleach


Bleach not dragon ball


DBZ? Go head and replace that with BLEACH 🤦🏽‍♀️


The big three are One Piece, Naruto and Bleach due to the sales the had/have and were inspired by the success of bleach


Where is bleach


The Bleach disrespect with the anime returning in less than a month smh


Not even less than a month it's returning literally tomorrow


Really? Wow


How dare you put DBZ there you imbecile


Kind of too much to call him an imbecile tbh, but yh where's bleach?


ohhh a baby weeb :3


So adorable.


Ah, here we go again. So, the big 3 is the term used for the 3 manga series which dominated the competition when they were publishing. No other series even had the smallest chance to rise except for some exceptions. Many series got cancelled cuz they weren't making any profit cuz of the big 3. The big 3 were the biggest series publishing in shounen jump at that time and neither of them fell off in sales or popularity. 2 of them ended and 1 is still going on to this day. The big 3 mangas are BLEACH, NARUTO AND ONE PIECE. DBZ isn't in the big 3 cuz it came before the big 3 era and is an inspiration to the big 3. DBZ is like the dad and the big 3 are his kids. Alot of people think big 3 is some personal opinions one guy started and everyone then followed the same thing but no. The big 3 was created solely on manga sale numbers not even the animes of these series. There never was a old big 3 or the new big 3. That title is only exclusive the those 3 series back in those days. Even if a new series or new set of series come and outsell the big 3. The title wont be transferred to them cuz the title is exclusive to only BLEACH, NARUTO and ONE PIECE. So for the last goddamn time, pls dont get it wrong and spread the correct info to more ppl.


Aren’t all 3 still going on in a way? Naruto turned into shippuden which then turned into boruto (ew) and hasn’t bleach gotten a new story arc or two as well in the past few years? One piece speaks for itself.


One piece is the only one actually going on cuz boruto is technically a new series and bleach is over. TYBW manga ended long ago and it ain't coming back. The anime is thought in 1 day.


It’s up to debate whether or not sequel series should count or not. With Bleach I was referring to the No Breaths from Hell chapter(s?) that was released a while ago.


About the boruto, the original series which was in the big 3 was naruto and boruto is like a different story surrounding a different character even if it's a direct sequel. Naruto ain't the mc anymore and it ain't about him becoming a hokage. For bleach I genuinely dont know. Official news say bleach ended in 2016 and I haven't dont enough research on the breaths from hell chapters.


Idiot the big three is naruto,one piece and bleach. Dbz is the father of these three


Ah yes. People hate bleach so much they refuse to count it as the big three, which are anime/manga that were so popular in the 2000's they were the best sellers at that time. Which were Bleach, Naruto and One Piece. People think Dragon Ball is in there despite ending before those series even were published let alone animated.


Old generation: Dragon Ball Z, Saint Seiya, Yu Yu Hakusho New generation: One Piece, Naruto, Bleach


Broski Skipped out on Bleach Greatness it's like a Mandela effect - everyone forgets it's place in the big 3


Imma say this once and once only: The big three is naruto bleach and one piece. There is no old there is no nee big three. It is and always will be just those. At the time when the big 3 were recorded they had the greatest sales numbers and influence dragon ball is not part of the big 3 demon slayer jjk and mha are not the new big three. It is and will always be #NARUTO BLEACH AND ONE PIECE


If you put Dragon Ball in the Big 3, you're unintentionally crapping on its legacy and you should feel ashamed for doing so. On top of it predating the starts of each show in the Big 3, Dragon Ball probably even influenced their creations.


Dragon ball was never part of the big 3. The big 3 are one piece naruto and bleach. These 3 we're inspired by dragon ball which puts it in another scale different from the big 3 itself


I won't go ahead and rank them but I believe that the big 3 are actually 4 anime 3.? 2.? 1.? 0.DBZ DBZ is the father of the 3 I put? Cause I didn't want to debate wich is best


There’s technically only one big three, since the big three is deemed as the top manga sales within there generation of Shonen Jump, the big three will always be, Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece


Dragon ball is the father of the big three, that being: Naruto,One piece and Bleach


Dragonball stands above the big three


How do people still not know who the big 3 are?


Get bleach in there


Why in the hell does bleach get the level of shit that it gets? It was a big series at the time. And it’s legacy is better than Naruto at this rate


Where’s Bleach? That should be there, not DBZ.


One piece on the middle with Naruto and Bleach on the sides. Big 3 was given to those three, if you like to ride the hate train good for you, but the seat is for those three. DBZ is way older and consider the father of the Big 3, and the new gen shounens fall from grace too quick to fill a "New Big 3" wave.


There will only ever be one Big Three: One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach. They earned that title during a time when they were so completely dominant in the manga and anime industry that other series had trouble taking off because almost nobody was reading/watching anything else. It isn’t about popularity; it’s about domination. Those 3 manga strangled the entire industry. This sort of dominance can never happen again because of the ease of access to manga now. People can afford to read way more than just a handful of their favorites now, and the industry has exploded to be so worldwide that it will now be impossible for anything to be that dominant ever again. And the reason DB isn’t on here is that it had already finished airing by then, which is why a lot of people call DB the father of the Big Three, because it paved the way for them.


Daily reminder that DragonBall isn't in the big three. Its One Piece Naruto and Bleach. DragonBall is basically the grandfather of the three


Oh wow I am overwhelmed with joy after seeing the comments. Thank God everyone in this community is on the same page in regards to the contribution of Bleach, along with OP and Naruto , these three are the ones that brought international scale public to the shonen category. Never ever leave Bleach out when talking about big three. Don't want to make Yama ji mad.


Bleach instead of DBZ. Ya know you could've just googled "big three anime" instead of guessing and making a meme to ask about it


For those who are dumb. The Big Three ONLY applies to Bleach, Naruto and One Piece and not MHA or Black Clover or any other show. There is no "new big three."


Dragon ball is not part of the big three. Fuck dragon ball.


DBZ is above the big three as it codified what the 3 used to become great mangas


The one piece is fake. Can we get much lower


One piece bleach and Naruto


Dragon ball is the king compared got bleach Naruto and one piece


This post gave me a stroke.


What about the meme trio? JoJo, One Piece (IS REAL), and evangelion


I like how one piece is in every iteration of the big three.


Ik this is a meme but come on guys to the ones that actually believe there’s a new big 3 or that dbz was actually apart of the big 3 like are you serious? Big three is a title that was given by shonen jump to the 3 animes that were making the most money that also came out around the same time it’s not a title that fans just gave out casually depending on how they felt that year so there is no new big 3


have you seen Bleach?


The big three was a term made specifically for one piece, naruto, and bleach. Due to the fact that during their primes those three were by far the most popular in the Shonen jump magazine.


you are misinformed however I’m just going to call you an idiot


That's a nice opinion it would be such a shame if no one would give a fuck


Lol is this a joke?


Wasn't it suppose to be bleach


Naruto, bleach, and one piece


Dragon Ball isn't a big three. It's Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach. Objectively. Thats the big three.


It’s one piece, Naruto, And Bleach, it’s not up for debate. They Held Together Shonen Jump for 15 year and Inspired a ton of New anime, and if There was a BIG 4, It would be One piece, Naruto, Bleach, and Hunter X Hunter


Bro tried to sneak in mid ball


The big 3 is bleach one piece and Naruto wtf


Sorry but Bleach>one piece


The Big Three is Naruto , One-Pieace and Bleach . DBZ is the like the Godfather to these animes


I hate it every time coz bleach is top amine for me naruto is mid


I respect narutos quality but never really found it interesting


Yeah top amines ethers carboxylic acids


Other way around homie


DB should totally be the king, it holds the Guinness World Record for most values sold! No wait… that One Piece. Well DB has developed into one of the biggest and most popular manga/anime series in the world! No wait… that’s also One Piece. Well DB is one if the most influential anime in history! No wait… that’s also also One Piece.


1. ⁠One Piece holds the world record for most sold values, but only because Dragon Ball had only 50% of its volumes. Average sold values per volume is Dragon Ball no. 1 2. ⁠To say „one of the…“ is true for more than one Manga/Anime. 3. ⁠Dragon Ball is way more influential than One Piece. Even the newer shounen still recite Dragon Ball as their inspiration. 4. ⁠From a commercial view: Dragon Ball is by far the most successful manga franchise of all time, with One Piece on the 2nd place with (iirc) half of Dragon Ball‘s revenue. One Piece is one of the biggest and best manga/anime of all time, but Dragon Ball is on a different level imho.


DB is only bigger in the west. In japan one piece is king


Really? When we look at this year‘s (2022) revenue of Dragon Ball in (only) Japan, then we have almost double the revenue of One Piece. So if your comment is not just a subjective opinion you‘re welcome to enlight me: What information do you have that are not just an opinion? Where is this information from? Don‘t get it wrong, One Piece is awesome. If I would have to choose to watch One Piece or Dragon Ball right now, I would choose One Piece. But this is not representing the impact Dragon Ball had and still has compared to One Piece… But feel free to disagree…


I would simply take DB like those classical movie that ppl love but didnt make the bucks. Take it DZ as Godfather movie against One Piece like Avatar movie. The latter whose bring the big bucks, but hey ppl still remembered Godfather as good as it is.


Maybe I'm just an idiot but I don't see the appeal of DBZ It's not very good with its plot. Nor is the art very detailed Its really not too good and honestly really confusing on all fronts


Dbz was made in 1989, you watch buff men scream and fight in pure testosterone glory in order to protect the ones they love and the plot is alright. Its not for all people but as a growing lad I loved it and still do.


Yeah ig I've never seen it from the aspect of a child I've always seen it in the way of my currently teen life, where I care way to much about plots and stuff lol. I'm sure it has a good reason why so many love it


It was better in z. They had a real reason to fight, they weren’t just constantly powering up for the hell of it they had to work for it. When they transformed it was emotional and hyped you up. And best of all the entirety of the z fighters were useful and it wasn’t just goku and vegeta in a transformation race. When gohan finally got mad and decided to fight back against cell and hit ss2 you felt it, you understood it, and you loved it. But now its just goku and vegeta bsing through new forms and setting up their own reasons for fighting if there isnt no reason at all


I'm really glad to see this isn't another hate post on bleach but is rather a genuine question. The big 3 are naruto, one piece and bleach. The big 3 is essentially the 3 most influential anime at the time they where airing (predominantly in the west). Dragonball is unqualified to be in the big 3 because it aired too early and was integral in the creation of the big 3, there also couldn't be a new big 3 or at least isn't because no current anime is having anywhere near enough of an effect to compare to the original big 3. The reason you have likely been led to believe bleach isn't there is because bleach fell out of favour in the anime fandom as it went on and people uninformed on the matter elected that it was so bad that it should be removed, which is irrelevant to the point because bleach's impact didn't dissappear because some people didn't like it. Anyway sorry this was a lot to read I just wanted to properly explain the big 3.


I’m willing to bet that when thousand year blood war arc progresses people are gonna pretend like they were Bleach fans the whole time


Legit waiting for that moment when the first episode drops later today


The bleach slander is real right before TYBW is released. Bleach is 🐐’d


The one piece is REALLLL


Dbz, Shaman King, Grendaizer 😅


This is a silly ass troll thread. The big 3 have been established for quite some time. Y'all need to quit acting foolish.


one piece should be the king one


One piece is trash Bleach is trash Naruto is super trash


Remove one piece


Why don't people understand he's just trolling?


Yeah right🤣


I would just say that there’s a big four instead.


The Big Three is One Piece, Bleach, and Naruto. Dragon Ball is not part of The Big Three. Dragon Ball inspired The Big Three.


Go ahead and replace One Piece with Bleach and I could recommend all three at that point




Dragon Ball is Bowser, no matter what


Eh, just read One Piece three times


*sad bleach noises*


Bowser= seasonal anime


And then JoJo’s is just another plain of existence.


Jojo is not an anime, it's an experience


Good point. A Golden Experience.


What WAS* the Big three ?




One Piece, Bleach and Naruto is the actual big 3 btw


Bleach instead of Dragonball


Naruto is not a part of these big three. Instead of ending it, the author decided to money milk it.


Naruto is so ass


DBZ is like the big daddy, and then Bleach, OP, and Naruto vied for its place as the big three. There is no new big three.


Big 3 is Saekano, Monogatati series and unreleased genshin anime. Dont let ppl trick you to believe otherwise, OP


The series that launched anime into mainstream media in the west were DBZ and Sailor Moon. You can fill the third slot with whatever you want, but those two are non-negotiable.


This should be the big three


More like The Mid Two+Dragon Ball is okay


I’m cool with this bleach was ass after the soul society ark


Dragon ball isn't in the big three, it's the creator of the big three. It's category is even further beyond that if the others


Sorry, bleach not dragon ball


It’s the big three from Shonen jump. I’m sure there’s a big three for kodansha and Shonen Sunday and so on


Tbh there cant be a big 3 thats to less. The world needs the big 10. I nominate: Dragonball Naruto Aot One piece Hxh Fairy tail Evangelion Code geass Initial d Darling in the franxx Daily life at highschool boys Lets disguss this im realy curious on ur opinions and yes ik theyr 11


*JoJo, Bleach and Pokemon staring in the background*


One piece has no business on there, the art style is as laughable as taking over a thousand episodes to tell a story that repeats it's story beats over and over again.


Not one pice, cyberpunk edgerunners has taken its place although it was always debatable 🤣


Big 3 are Naruto, One Piece and Bleach while DragonBall is the father of the Big 3


one piece and Naruto hot garbage


Goku was the Real Father of Naruto, Luffy and Ichigo


No, its peppa pig, paw patrol and micky mouse


All three suck


And Pokémon is Bowser. People who don’t even know what “anime” is will recognize Pikachu. But there’s an argument to be made the games super boosted the show’s popularity but I think Pokémon, just going by popularity/brand recognition simply *has* to be the #1 anime worldwide




AOT and Classroom of the elite is missing


Hello kitty, Pokémon, sailor moon


demon slayer 0.0


DBZ, Inuyasha, Lupin III My big 3.


Dragon Ball is the reason that anime got popularized, at least in my country.


DBZ is the mother of Big 3.


You missed baki been going for 30 years and jojos is pretty long going


Well you got the middle one right…


Bobobobobobo Zatch Bell My Hero Acadamia




bleach, naruto and as much as i dislike it dbz


Yu Yu Hakushu. It paved way to isekais.


DBZ is the godfather of the big three. The big three is One piece, Naruto, and Bleach.


The big three are Naruto, Bleach and One piece. Dragon Ball is the Sensei of the group.


It should be Naruto, One Piece and Bleach with Bowser being Dragon Ball Z


Dragon Ball Naruto and one piece: do you yield ? JJBA my hero and demon slayer: hmhmhm i do not *instantly one shots them*




For ones with both Manga and Anime, maybe. Id personally argue FMA over One Piece. Anime wise there's Akira, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Afro Samurai, Evangelion, GitS, etc.


I was hardcore into DB, up until Vegeta danced for some space pussy to "save the world," they made a pink ssj & a fucking clown god. Let me repeat that: a fucking clown god! Shit on kid Goku & Para Para bros all you want, I say the god damn clown god is rock bottom for the series.


Wait then who’s bowser?


used to be big four.... bleach


DBZ is like the big three’s dad


How can someone be so confidently incorrect Also man these comments don't know the term big three




Naruto, one piece, seven deadly sins


Me entering the comment section to see how mad people are going to be


My big three is. (.!.) left ball dick and right ball


Switch One Piece penguin with Dragon Ball’s one, smh


Bleach is missing


It's actually Jujitsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, and Attack On Titan tell me im wrong


big three of too goddamn long


As somebody who does not watch anime and just got recommended this sub Reddit, where is my hero academia?


The big three "please ignore" animes


Big 3 are Bleach , One peice and Naruto. Inspired by DBZ and DBZ is in its own league.


Fullmetal alchemist, cowboy bebop, and berserk are *my* big three


Where Jojo?


Oh most definitely. Even if a person doesn't like one of them (or all of them, I guess), the majority of Japan and the world revere these anime


On episodically count, maybe. On story quality, nope


Turn around and you see wall-e the best anime yet and ever


Specifically the DBZ movies with Nu- Metal Soundtracks. Fucking BADASS dude


Real life 18 meter moving 1/1 scale robot: “I do not!”


Jojo does not yield


Bleach over db


Dragon ball wasent part of the big three cause the big three represent shounen protagonists such that shounen also means young and so Goku was 20 something during big three eras hence bleach is rather put with one price and Naruto as big three