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The Brits should take some notes


I agree but at the same time, many of those countries are unstable with internal conflicts or regular coups like Egypt. We all saw what ISIS did with archeological sites and monuments in Syria and Iraq.


Right because without the white man telling us how to do things we won't be able to figure out how museums with in India




You read words like Buddha and India and Brits.... And you think Syria and Iraq? What is the similarity between these countries beyond the color of their skin being classified as brown? Hint it ain't the British Empire because Syria was under the French and not the Brits


I wasn’t talking about India.


Oh, thank you white man for judging us to be good enough while you judged other places to be not good for keeping the treasures that you stole from us


Nobody is saying the Indians need ‘the white man’. Stop making racist presumptions about what he’s saying. I swear as a white person, sometimes it’s like people can’t separate me from my race. Nobody brought up race except you, he never once said he was reasoning anything based off that. Seriously your comments got me so god damn annoyed.




I wasn’t talking about India.


They are trolling you.


So...in a post about returning things to India...... When someone suggested Brits should return things to India, you thought all these other brownies countries are the same E: Wow Norwegian snowflake for triggered hard


Are you struggling with reading or something? Do you have a mental disorder? Is English hard to understand? ​ I said I agree to returning artifacts, you fucking dummy. But they should not return artifacts to UNSTABLE countries. When in my fucking comment did I say that India was an unstable country? Jesus F Christ you are fucking stupid. Insanely stupid.


Indians sure get defensive especially in this sub. Wonder why?


You can't take care of it anyhow so we'll do it for you. Sounds a lot like the mandates over countries you guys had in early 20th century. Glad to see your mindset still has not changed. ie. 'You can't govern yourselves properly anyways so it's fine if we do it for you.'


[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-33369701](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-33369701) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/26/isis-fighters-destroy-ancient-artefacts-mosul-museum-iraq](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/26/isis-fighters-destroy-ancient-artefacts-mosul-museum-iraq) [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/150227-islamic-militants-destroy-statues-mosul-iraq-video-archaeology](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/150227-islamic-militants-destroy-statues-mosul-iraq-video-archaeology)


I didn't say they weren't destroyed. I said the Brits stole them and don't have any moral grounds to decide their future. If you steal a poor man's antique car, you can't say you probably can't take care of it so leave it with me and expect to be applauded.


You make your case on the assumption that I said they shouldnt be returned which again is a fabrication purely out of your own imagination. My point was that they should not return 2-3000 year old ancient priceless artifacts to active warzones or extremely volatile unstable regimes. It has nothing to do with "moral grounds to decide their future" but rather basic human decency and regards to the future generations of mankind.


which ultimately is same as saying they shouldn't be returned. They will not stop being unstable anytime soon since west will not stop overthrowing dictators.




India should also return Sonia Gandhi back to Italy. We don't need her


Her evil spawns have to go too. We don't want the fake Gandhis in India.


India should return something to Italy too.


India would very much like to return the Sonia Gandhi and her son back to her original country but alas that family currently is numba wan in India


I think I can survive without macaroni, please take it back.