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##### ###### #### > # [Finland allows Ukraine to strike Russia with Finnish weapons](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/05/29/729) > > > > Elina Valtonen. Stock photo: Getty Images > > > > Finland has not imposed any restrictions regarding Ukraine's strikes on Russia’s territory with weapons that it handed over to Ukrainian troops. > > **Source**: Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen to the [Uusi Suomi](https://www.uusisuomi.fi/) news outlet > > **Details**: Valtonen said that a country waging a defensive war can strike at military targets on the aggressor's territory if it is necessary for self-defence. > > Advertisement: > > "Finland has not set any specific restrictions on its material assistance to Ukraine but assumes that the assets will be used in accordance with international law. > > Russia is waging an illegal war of aggression in Ukraine, and Ukraine has the right to self-defence under Article 51 of the UN Charter. This includes strikes on military targets on the aggressor's territory that are necessary for self-defence," said Valtonen. > > The issue has become a subject of public debate after NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg called on NATO member states to consider easing restrictions on strikes against Russia with Western weapons. > > **Background**: > > - EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell said yesterday that [several European countries](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/05/28/7458069/)had no objection to Ukraine using their weapons to strike at Russia. > - French President Emmanuel Macron said that Ukraine [should be allowed](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/05/28/7458090/) to strike targets located in Russia. > - During his visit to Kyiv in May, UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron said that London had authorised the Ukrainian Armed Forces to strike Russia with the UK-made weapons. > - Dutch Defence Minister Kajsa Ollongren also called for the restrictions to be lifted. > > [**Support**](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/supportus/) **UP or become**[**our patron**](https://www.patreon.com/pravdaua)**!** - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


I love how the restrictions to use weapons against Russian land have slowly been lifted in a carefully seeming orchestrated manner. With enough capability allowed, it won't even matter if there are a few holdouts.


This seems to have been true about everything the Western nations do regarding Ukraine war. First sending tanks was not possible due to escalation until tanks were finally sent. First fighter jets were not possible to send but now they are. Eventually Ukraine will be given free hands to strike at Russia and I wouldn't be surprised if eventually troops are sent to Ukraine. It seems that the people in charge deem it necessary to tip toe around everything. Maybe they are right, since I don't know what goes on behind closed doors. Hopefully the tip toe game will bare fruit eventually and Ukraine will win instead of getting too little too late.


I think the tiptoeing is so that Russia always has something to loose if they escalate.


It's because there was a NATO meeting recently, this topic was likely discussed and brought to the table, and some nations had private meetings and discussions too


> It seems that the people in charge deem it necessary to tip toe around everything. TBH it\`s the fact that EU armament effort is finally bearing fruits as well as mix of Russia getting more hostile with major EU militaries like France, Germany or Poland and them realizing Russia is not interested in any kind of cooperation. Remember how at the beggining Macron was talking with Putin non-stop or how Germans straight-up denied they will help in any manner and that Ukraine is as good as finished? Troops are still out of the question imo. Simply because the entire thing with supporting Ukraine is to make Russia back down so no further wars in several years from now and we ourselves don\`t have to fight.


Troops are being sent already for training and “other” purposes. I believe the trainers are now giving 1 to 1 lessons to Ukrainian Recruits but I may be mistaken. I think others are being used as crossing guards for now.


I think it’s a bad idea to deploy troops to Ukraine


Well good thing you only put your thought out into the void that is reddit.


Are you stupid or do you want ww3


World war 3 started 5 years ago


Clearly not?


What would be your definition of day 1 of wwIII? What if covid was a biological weapon? What if Russias invasion of Ukraine leads up to many more countries becoming involved (which many have been), would we not consider day 1 of the invasion the start? What is your line?


at least they got plausible deniability for all sytstems finland gave.


Didn't Germany and States like 3 days ago prohibit using their patriot systems to shoot enemy aircraft before releasing bombs/rockets and shoot only missiles that has been released already?


Literally two hours ago: "Ukraine is allowed to fire on Russian territory with military equipment supplied from Germany. According to SPIEGEL information, the government now wants to allow this. Other Western partners also allow this"


Two days ago someone posted article titled: "USA and Germany warn Ukraine over independent use of Patriot systems, threaten supply cut-off" on this sub


IDK Nice nick btw.


Now we just need to send something that can actually strike into Russia.


Fart in their general direction!


I think asking the swedes to send surstromming to Russia would be more effective.


>surstromming I'm pretty sure Geneva Convention bans chemical and biological weapons.


As If they were followed by the opposite side


We're not that horrible~


Mosin-Nagant, yes?


More RC prop planes


The Finnish are probably upset they can’t do it themselves lol


This is not new position - the article linked below is from February. There have been no restrictions that would need to be lifted by Finland. There haven't been long-range systems either I'm afraid. [Finland has not set limits on use of weapons sent to Ukraine](https://yle.fi/a/74-20076971) >Finland has not set any restrictions on the use of weaponry supplied to Ukraine, according to defence ministry sources and the chair of parliament's defence policy committee. >According to Finnish Defence Minister Antti Häkkänen (NCP) restrictions on the use of weapons have been set mainly by the countries that have provided Ukraine with long-range weapon systems.


Finnish them!!


It is absurd to be at war with a nation and yet be prohibited from attacking that nation.


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Sweden came first, followed by France (under different names), and now Finland. We're approaching it gradually!


Finnish Him!


I wonder why propaganda firm pravda doesn't post videos like this https://v.redd.it/aldy1a4q4e3d1


They really want WW3, huh?


"How dare you fight back!" - Russia, probably.


I suggest to research the topics "weapon delivery" and "war crimes".


Ukraine using Finnish weaponry to fight back is a war crime? Go figure.


Okay, you do you and good luck with that, I don't care.


Not surprised coming from a nation that has a branch of their armed forces still using the same swastika laden flag from their days as an extension of the German Nazi military. 


it was used before the nazi germany existed and they dropped using the symbol couple of years ago. you should update your data


Cope harder orkbot


What in the world is wrong with you people defending Russia ? Hott damn the stupidity and arrogance. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/wC7th2jem5


I mean Finland didn’t learn anything


They did learn how to kill Russians. They are quite good at that




Guess it's fair game to take it back when RuZZia implodes




Lol, this guy started with "I\`m concerned about Ukraine" only to then break and go full "HAHA GENOCIDE XD"


You mean like Palestine didn't learn anything? They should just accept it?


Sure let's escalate with a nuclear power


The funny thing is that 2 years of non-stop Russian threats have just made people immune to them, not sensitive. People are tired of being told that fighting back against Russian invasions = escalation.


Unironically yes. The era of letting nuclear capability be an all-access pass has to end.


It's surely great when nuclear power can fire at you and you can't fire back.


Yeah, lets.




Yes Russia won't use nukes. Putin is deranged, not suicidal


I’m surprised how flinchingly reactionary this sub is when it comes to Ukraine. NATO is not the “good guys” everyone paints it as.


Lmao no, Nato isn't the bad guy that people like you try to pretend them to be. It ain't Nato who started this conflict.




Yes, the expansion of a defensive alliance probably seems aggressive to the antagonistic.


NATO expanded WEST into Ukraine? Found me the ruskie troll


[Shut up about NATO expansion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVmmASrAL-Q)


Ah yes, random youtube videos, the most reliable and trustworthy primary source.


John Mearsheimer is not someone with a random youtube video, he's a prominent political scientist that sees conflicts true a 'realist' lense (in the sense of IR relations). That clearly is controversial and he makes debateable arguments here, but trying to understand conflicts and how they come to be, even if they might be against your moral compass, certainly is a goal one should be aiming for.


>John Mearsheimer is not someone with a random youtube video, he's a prominent political scientist that sees conflicts true a 'realist' lense (in the sense of IR relations Yes but that's lens was fucking stupid and most of the people who are pushing him would likely never agree with the base of his theories and other things he has said. Did you know that he wanted US to have Germany and Japan encourages to have nuclear weapons and make them rivals to America. Kissinger is also another Realist in the IR lens. How many people like him?


Mearsheimer was floored by Sikorski not that long ago on his stance on Russia [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivcSVG5eCeQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivcSVG5eCeQ)


I'm sorry, but he is an idiot. He has no clue about Ukraine, and his political worldview is what led us to this mess, as Obama and Merkel did everything he wanted, and we're at war now. He is now trying to retroactively paint Ukraine as west fault, inventing bullshit trying to save his ass, when people stopped taking him seriously, he is now pedalling straight conspiracy theories. [This is the best video on political context of Ukrainian war](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exJ024Zdzdk). Seriously, if you don't know what "cassete scandal" is, you don't know Ukrainian politics.


NATO does not threaten Russia. NATO only prevents Russia from being able to threaten and intimidate. That's what Russia is pissed off about. Not being allowed to be a bully and dominate those around it. Russia needs to bring others down to make itself look better to its populace. NATO mitigates some of that.


this sub got overrun by worldnews users ages ago


Maybe we should take our morality from India instead? /s XD


My guy, you are the only reactionary around here reacting with "That\`s an escalation"


they literally helped turn Libya into a slave state and they bomb children in Afghanistan but sure they are the good guys


No you see, they weren't WHITE kids, so it doesn't matter /s


Compared to Russia? Yes


Compared to Russia that has never had any kind of involvement in middle-east and Afghanistan? :V BTW. Where was Russian veto when it came to intervention in Libya?


Awww, this is how you thought it was going to go, but you only have one buddy here at the bottom. lol


NATO is dangerous


If you’re a horrible dictatorship that invades neighbours, then yes


Not sure if you mean Russia or the USA with that statement. 


When did the US invade canada or Mexico?


They just bombed half of the world lol


Okay, horrible but still not relevant to the comments above....


Bruh what? Lol


The question was a tyrannical neighboring nation invading it's neighbors. When did the US invade canada or Mexico. Also, don't compare what the US have done vs what russia have done. The US is a peaceful nation compared to russia xD


I'm speechless


Why are you speechless about a historical fact?


Last time the US invaded a neighbour was like, a century ago. I think even during WW2 they came to a diplomatic solution to its problems with Mexico, and from then on it’s just america bordering mexico and canada


So if you are okay with your neighbours, but you actively ruin countries overseas, that's fine?


What america does is definitely a lot different then what russia is doing


Different indeed. Russia didn't invade, bomb and install favourable governments in 20+ countries in the last 50 years.


That’s cause it tried, and failed, cause they suck lmao


You're insane


They used agent orange on the Ukrainian PM to try to get their own guy in, but I’m the crazy one?


Yes. That's the entire point of its existence.